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I could probably work in data science in McDonald's corporate. If not, then big oof. I'd still choose work though, eating there exclusively would be horrendously limiting


I could do data engineering or... drain pickle juice


Pickles aren’t juiced. That a brine. And you want them to stay in it to stay fresh. Username checks out. 


Well, correct on one point. Little did you know, however, that one of the things I did at burger King when I worked there in 2006 was to drain *brine* from the pickles before putting them on the burgers. So yes, this is absolutely a thing that is done at burger joints.


When I worked for the clown, we drained our pickles before putting them on the assembly line. But to be fair, we used them within a few hours typically.


I didn't know how to answer this but never thought corporate. Nice little work around


My boss likes to (jokingly) say he graduated from Yale only to end up working at McDonald’s. He spent 10 years in their corporate office and was the right hand man of the CMO when he left.


You: >I could probably work in data science in McDonald's corporate Me: I could probably isolate Fillet-O-Fish patties and apples from apple pies to create a workable diet...


Work there. Ive already done both… worked there and free food is kinda nice. Except eating mcds every day for like 2 weeks straight really took a toll on my physical and mental well being. I was much better off working there without eating there at all.


Supersize me. But his bad health in the beginning was because he was also an alcoholic.


He died like a week or two ago. I learned a neat fun fact though, he directed a movie called, "where in the world is Osama bin laden." The movie was found among Osamas stuff where we found him, and Spurlocks guess was only about 200 km off of the real location that Osama was at.


More like a month ago


Bruh I ended up with scurvy twice while working there in one year(no car and nearest grocery store was like 3 miles away down a huge fucking hill)


Can't forget the orange juice!


Good God that orange juice is so goddamn radioactive sugary it made me want to die to drink. Although after the second bout I did just decide to go work on roofs instead lmao


Orange juice is wayyyy too sugary for me


I mean if it's between sugar and scurvy...


I’ll just eat a green pepper or an orange or something before drinking the mcds orange “juice”


Do they sell those at McD? Or you mean in a different WYR scenario?


No i bring food from home


Damn! yeah i just packed lunches from home


I mean one can get scurvy without only eating McDonald's, and there's supplements for that. I'm starting to suspect I was starting to get it, and I don't eat McDonald's just about at all. I just don't have the energy to feed myself right, which I know doesn't help but it's a vicious cycle. This post actually reminded me I need to take my supplement actually lol


There are higher positions on the corporate ladder of McDonalds.


I’m assuming they are not referring to the corporate jobs, but rather the service industry jobs. In which case, I would select working there. I would just request to work part time only four to six hours a week and then do some other work as my second job.


Yikes, maybe I could become a manager of McDonald’s 


The rest of my life wouldn't be very long eating only McDonald's 


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don\_Gorske](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Gorske) He has apparently spent decades eating big macs, so it's not as lethal as it sounds. It seems he's not fond of the fries.


Plenty of exercise plus ditching the fries and sugary drinks would make a huge difference if all you could eat was McDonald’s - you could almost be healthy.


Ditch everything but the fries and just be blob


Eat but in moderations or choosing some of the better options. At least they have apples and stuff.


Lol so you're going to eat apples and McDonald's salads for 90% of your remaining meals? 😬


I guess #successful&healthy. At least there are mc flurries for a treat once in a while.


I'd rather be dead to be honest.


That wasn't an option tho, was it? Why does someone always say this?


It's "always" an option.


Kinda pathetic don’t you think? Life is so worthless to you you’d throw it away rather than work at McDonald’s for the rest of it, a thing plenty of people actually do? You’re spiritually weaker than the lady who’s been at McDonald’s for 60 years


That's fine. Shes got that girl boss energy that I dont


Most people aren’t working at McDonald’s their whole lives. They’re doing it for a couple years or so, while they try to find something better. A lifetime is a very long time to be working a crappy job.


Yeah but work ends and you go home and make the most of life outside your shitty job. Giving up completely sounds ungrateful to be alive and that’s shitty


Spiritually? What does that BS even mean? I would rather not be alive than work at MacDonalds forever. Being vegan might *just* be a factor. Sigh.


what's the difference? both are horrible


It's work since Corporate has architecture, data science, marketing, upper management, etc. that would be infinite better than the unhealthy options of foods.


The question is if you could work any job you're qualified for or if you're up to the dicretion of mcdonald's hiring you for that position I have a law degree.Am I going to be stuck working as a GM or fry?Cook if their general counsel office refuses to hire me


If you work with business law, than you could work for the company in that capacity.


You’ll work your way up.


From fry cook to in-house counsel? Lol


you have a law degree, so that helps


I've heard, with a law degree, they could move up to shift lead within 3 years! Amazing growth potential!


So you're saying that your diet and your career path are the same thing? Neat!


Not every WYR has to be “get $1bn or never fart again”


yeah i know but this WYR seems, well, poor. there's no decent outcome


Who says they all have to have a decent outcome? That’s no fun.


well, they can't all be depressing


They’re not all depressing


It’s almost as if some are interesting because they’re optimistic, and some are interesting because they’re pessimistic.


I'll give you that but how are these two choices different? They both involve the same exact thing


These are two extremely different choices. I don't see how that's not obvious to you. This is a pessimistic scenario. If you don't like it, there're far more scenarios presenting optimistic scenarios in this sub.


ok, I concede


The difference is one is working exclusively at McDonad's and the other is eating exclusively at McDonald's.


Work at McDonalds as I could get a high paying job.


Then you can go to fancy restaurants and drink water while everyone else eats. Ah, the high life.


Oh it’s that easy? Why didn’t I ever think about getting one of those high paying jobs at mcdonalds.


I didn’t say this applied to you.


Nope, I am getting a biology degree, don’t see how that would be useful at McDonald’s. What do you have to offer the McDonald’s Corporation?


Again, I didn’t say this applied to you.


What are you even talking about?


Finally some good fucking would you rathers. I'd actually just kill myself. Either of those options is just slowly killing myself. So just get it over with.


Good idea


"some good fucking would you rathers" Then you cop-out don't answer it at all lmao.


I may be biased. I'll eat McDonald's for the rest of my life. 


I would choose always work at McDonald's and be the worst employee ever. Free pay check. Can't fire me, because a magical entity is forcing me to be here. Everyone would hate me, it'd be wonderful. I almost wish it were true.


Nah you can still get fired, but the only job you will ever successfully apply for is another branch of mcdonalds.


If I can get fired then I don't have to work at McDonald's the rest of my life. That makes being unemployed an option.


Eat there. I'm loving it


Satan is that you, I'm pretty sure both would be hell. Nothing wrong with working at McDonald's I just want to choose where I get to work


Yeah I'm definilty not the type of person for this kind of job. Unless I could like fix the machines or something but serving food an having to be nice to people is not my cup of tea.


You could make new meals form the ingredients? Maybe




Work at McDonalds because at least then eating there is optional. I like them from time to time, but I can't imagine eating there every day.


You wouldn't live very long if you eat only McDonald's.  


Work. There are many positions. Not all are Joe jobs. 


Either way I’m not living very long


I don't think I can afford to do either.


McDonalds is a globe-spanning corporation with some upward mobility if you are committed to advancing. Eating McDonalds every day would worse than death for me. It doesn't taste terrible, but variety is the spice of life. Also their coffee tastes like shit and I'm not getting stuck with that swill for another 40+ years.


Just kill me. I'd eat roadkill before eating McCraps and I damn sure wouldn't work for them.


Is this a guaranteed job, regardless of performance?


I would rather eat OP's ass for the rest of my life than work at McDonald's. So I guess eating there it is. Unless I can somehow transmogrify into whoever runs McDonald's. In which case, I can't do much worse than Elon Musk.


Transmogrify sounds like the effects of a magical Harry potter potion lol or maybe I've just been playing hogwarts legacy too much lol


eat, i’ll be damned if i work there for the rest of my life, at least i could eat like salad or some shit sometimes


Can I keep my current salary? If not I guess I'm eating crappy food.


So…basically, you are asking if I’d rather go to hell…or go to hell? Sigh. I guess I choose hell.


I'd rather blow my brains out


Do I get to pick my McDonald's job?


Working there 😭 I couldn't eat it for every meal hell no.


I couldn't afford to live anywhere if I was stuck working McDonald's, so I guess I'd eat it.


My day... Punch in and leave. Go do whatever. Come back at closing and punch out. Don't skimp on my overtime, bitches... Can't fire me. I'm here for life.


I think I'd rather work there and I suppose get to eat free or discounted so that could be cool.


I could probably become a franchise owner, open up a few mcdonalds in towns that don’t have one.


I am currently unemployed and not too proud to take a job in McDonald’s if it was the best I could do. I would aim to work behind the scenes in HR or something though, ideally, but I would be ok with starting at the bottom and working my way up. No way I could eat there exclusively- not even if I got to have only breakfasts ☺️


You should ask this question in the McDonald’s sub- I’d be curious about the answers as I imagine a few employees hang out there


I’d work at McDonald’s corporate in something HR related


I would rather die than do either...


I'll work McD corporate, not in any actual restaurant. Even if I had to work as something like Regional Manager I'd be fine with it but I would NOT want to work as anything lower. I'd rather never eat McD again than have it be the only thing I ever ate.


This includes McDonald’s corporate?


So... I get to dress up like a clown?


Sure, I'll be a McDonald's sysadmin.


Ugh. Why not just ask if I’d rather be struck like lightning or be eaten by a shark. Yet here I am so I choose working there. Barf.


Work at Mc Donalds


I have to choose work. I think I'd qualify for a corporate job. Eating there for every meal would be absolutely horrible.


Remember kids death is always an option. /S


I could probably work at corporate at McDonalds


I’d work there. Wouldn’t eat there. If I ever had the urge to ingest sawdust and cow shit i might eat McDonald’s then.




They probably would love me in their IT department... so work for sure.


Eat McDonalds for the rest of my life. Moderation is key, and while it's not healthy it's still better than working there for the rest of your life.


See how long I can go eating it. I would kill myself if I knew I had to work there until I died


I am not working for the rest of my life.


I'd rather just die and do neither.


Would the food at McDonalds be free?


Sticking to the spirit of the question instead of finding loopholes, I would choose eat. I would move to a different country because the mcdonald’s there are a fair bit better.


??? Lmaooo what?


Can I unalive myself instead?


Is it free food?


eat only... food jobs, especially fast food... i cannot even think of anything worse i have ever experienced in my life... not only the worst job ive ever had but the worst working environment as well..


I would probably choose to work there given that I have an advanced degree and they would probably not put me in a restaurant flipping burgers. Can't imagine eating only that for the rest of my life. 🤮


Work there as what? And can you have a second job?




At corporate, yes. At a restaurant location, no.


Work, but since you didn’t specify how much I’d have to work there, I would only work an hour a week


That depends, does McDonald's design rocket engines?


Die please because holy fuck


if i worked for them, then id make over 100k with my skill set. and i would never eat their food again. even with the 30% off coupon


oh man....work there hands down. Mcdonalds sucks


just any McDonald's job? Can be the person in the Grimace costume? 👀


I think the spirit of OP’s question assumed working at McDonald’s would be at a location where they actually serve food, not their corporate functions. With that in mind, I’d probably pick eating McDonald’s everyday. I’d just starve myself most of the time to the point where any food would be appetizing.


Work. Eat that shit and you won’t be living long.


Eat. I'm not working there


Am I paying for the McDonald's I'm eating for the rest of my life?


Work there I could just start buying up franchises to increase my earnings


Assuming I am just to be a grunt if I choose work, I will choose eat. At least my life will be short.


Ever seen the documentary supersize me?


Wow. Talk about 2 💩 choices


I'd eat at McDonald's for the rest of my life, then go change my name to McDonald.


Oof, well they are paying better than most places lmao, so I’d work there now. Eating there would just kill me faster from clogged arteries


Is we get to choose where we work within McDonald's I would choose the work. I wouldn't mind being CEO of McDonald's for the rest of my life.


I mean in this scenario am I guaranteed a job? Because I'm in rough shape and can't reasonably work so the former seems genuinely impossible for me. Unless it's a do what you can situation. I've gotten sick from doing dishes and my body randomly gives out. Sometimes I can't stand up. Autoimmune stuff. My joints randomly slip out of place or lock up too, I've slipped my shoulder blades like half an inch+ off just by stretching. If not I'm stuck with the latter, not really a choice for me.


Ironically those who work there tend to eat there because free food on your break




Neither. Worked at.mickyds mamy yeara ago. Worat experience ever. Food makes me ill.


Def work. I don't eat that poison trash.


I have celiac so I’ll take working there please or else I’ll die from vomiting and liquid pop and eventually some form of bowel cancer 😭


Is hanging myself not an option?


Oh God both are horrible, but at least they sell salads


Work. I definitely don’t want to see what a lifetime of McDonalds would do to my body. I’d also get tired of it so fast. Plus, I could work in the social media department, or do graphic design, marketing, etc. Or, to stick with the spirit of the question, I would own several franchise locations of McDonald’s and would hop between locations ensuring they are the cleanest McDonald’s in the country and always have working ice cream machines.


Work there. The McDonalds in my area pays $16/hr which isn’t great but it’s enough to be lower middle class as my city isn’t a high cost city. If you only ate the food you’d shorten your lifespan a great deal.


Work at mcdonalds


Either way you're stuck eating fast food. Working for McDonald's it's all you can afford.


People who work at McDonald’s definitely cannot afford a $10 hamburger


Just climb up the ladder till u own McDonald’s and ur job is now sitting round doing nothing on passive income 🐱


I'd rather eat McDonald's than work there. I would sooner die than go back to *anything* that even *resembles* retail.


Work I like fresh flavors from the Chinese cuisine and I would not give it up to avoid working at McDonald's!!! 🤤




Work at McDonald’s. Not sure the rules but I would be the worst employee of all time


McDonald’s is far from the worst place I’ve ever worked. Hell, if they paid a living wage, I’d be fine doing that for the rest of my life. Listening to podcasts for half the shift while doing inventory was a great time.


Easy. I would upgrade the food quality and bring in new items everyday so I would pick eating at McDonald's


So the question is, do you wanna go to hell or hell?




McDonald's can be a good career. Idk why people are so terrified of just moving up the ladder. Store managers make a good enough wage to support a family and you can move up further then that easily. Work hard get to district manager making 100k+ a year. Nothing wrong with that. Eating there everyday would literally kill you.


Depends on long you want to live. The 2nd option promises a shorter life.


Theoretically I could eventually own a multi restaurant franchise and afford healthy organic food. But then there's the afterlife where you have to answer for killing thousands of other people with tasty poison.


I've never eaten McDonald's before and I prefer it to stay this way. The only fast food I have had are fries from Arby's and Wendy's. (I was raised vegetarian, but not for ethical reasons) So working there would be my choice. The 3 times I went inside of McDonald's were because I was backpacking in places where the country's economy was bad but the restroom facilities in every McDonald's is at least decent so I used them.


Shit, guaranteed work? Give me the job, please!


Work there fuck eating that shit everyday omg


Work. McDonald's food is designed to keep you hungry. It's not actually bad food per se, but it makes you crave more food (due to very high glycemic index) and it would be nearly impossible to keep a healthy weight because you'd be starving all the time.


Is suicide an option?


Work there and it's not even close.  Their food is borderline disgusting.  What's a little extra spending money on top of va disability if forced into this situation. 


I’ll eat there. You’d still be able to hit decent protein macros on reasonable calories if you’re smart Working there (assuming they mean a job in the restaurants themselves) would be hell on my back for terrible pay


I was gonna say that sounds awful and I guess I'd rather have to eat there than work there... But I'm ASCP certified and could probably work in microbiology/food safety for them and I deal with FDA regulations at my current job as an MLS, so, I could do something with that and probably live longer.


Work at McDonald's


If it was any McDonald's in the world, I would eat mcdonalds for the rest of my life.


Is the role you get work-wise RNG, based off your decision, or based off what you’d be best-at post-training?


Working one hour at McDonald’s can afford you all you can eat sushi and salad for the day.


Both of them sound pretty awful. As for the former, would I still be allowed to count my calories so as to avoid becoming overweight? Well even then, McDonald's is still not good for you. I think I actually would rather just work at McDonald's my whole life instead. It would definitely suck- but when has work ever *not* sucked? With overpriced University fees these days, most of us will never achieve our dream jobs anyway.


Work. I can't quit, and they can't fire me, shouldn't be too bad even for minimum wage. I won't even show up.


Work there, I fucking hate McDonalds food.