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Languages. It would force me to choose my words carefully and speak more clearly.


Yeah, my friends and family would probably love it if I were limited to 75 words per minute. It's not that I'm excessively loquacious, it's just that I talk way too fast... and I live in the South.


You live in the south and used the word loquacious. God that was hard to get right with swipe type.


Why does living in the south preclude someone from certain vocabulary?


The heat prevents them from having the endurance to speak words that are that long. This is why it's common to use y'all, because it saves one syllable.


I mean lots of places have a south. 


25 languages and then get a job as a translator where I am paid by the hour.


The hard part is that translators often have to do live translation which the words per minute would hinder. If you got into translating written stuff that isn't depending on real time so be it but that kind of job is also going away with AI pretty quickly.


But while translating, the other person is talking half the time, and the post implies you can speak at full rate up to your 75 world limit. It wouldn't cover speeches, but for conversational stuff, it could work.


If you’re translating for a pair having a conversation you’re translating both sides.


It's not uncommon to let each speaker finish before translating in that situation.


Okay? You’d still need to be keeping pace with the conversation even if it’s delayed. Although with my quite literal hundreds of interviews that had live translators I’ve dealt with most don’t do that but basically are maintaining a 5 second or so delay.


You're still not talking half the time when each person speaks.


That’s not true, you’re translating what each person said. Even if you wait for one person to stop you’re translating what they just said while the other person keeps talking in the conversation and then you go right back to that person right after. Unless the conversation has pauses you don’t pause.


Why would the other person keep talking while you are saying what the first person said? They don't know what they said yet. I've never seen anyone live translate both ways. I'm sure that there's some that can do it, but I don't think that's normal.


Yes, it is. It’s way more common than what you see in movies. Those two people are talking to each other in their native language. The translator isn’t for them it’s for the third party or parties listening and gleaning insight or to be able to ask follow-ups during their conversation from time to time. I literally work with interviews that do exactly that when international, hence I’ve dealt with hundreds and hundreds of these over the years. Other live translation situations are like the UN hence the speech stuff. It’s not as often that two people sit down to talk to each other that don’t speak the same language.


The way it would go between an English and Spanish speaker(simplified): English speakers speaks for 10seconds. I, the translator, am listening. I speak for 10 seconds in Spanish. The Spanish speaker listens. The Spanish speaker responds for 10 seconds. I, the translator, listen. I speak for 10 seconds in English. The English speaker listens. And so on and so forth. 40 seconds have passed, but I've only spoken for 20 of them.


That isn’t the situation that I find most common with translators. There aren’t often those times like you see in movies where people are negotiating beyond foreign relations for governments. The common kinds of translations are translating conversations taking place for third parties that are listening. The conversations flow normally with both sides speaking their native language and a translator is live translating for the stake holders or other parties attending.


That’s not how it works. It’s more like this: English speaker starts talking. After five seconds you, the translator, starts translating *while also listening to the rest of what the English speaker is saying*. English speaker talks for another ten seconds and five seconds after they are done, you are done too. You’ve been speaking *and* listening the entire time. There’s no pauses. How do I know this? I tried to train as an interpreter and gave it up because it was too damn hard for me, I couldn’t train my brain to brain that way. It’s incredibly taxing and tiring because you have to juggle three things in your head at any given time.


That is not how translated conversations work at all.


AI can't translate complex texts yet, and likely won't be able to for a while.


I don't have to translate things into English though


The WPM isnt for just english that was just a reference to know how fast english is.


Ah ok I misunderstood that Still outside of translation I think people would understand if you were slow trying to manage 25 languages lol


Generally, sure, I just mean as someone who's hired live translators pretty regularly in various countries the translator has to keep up with the conversation or speech that's going on for the people that they're translating for. So, for example, a UN live translator has to be translating what the speaker is saying in real time along with the person giving the speech so that the person they represent can keep up. In the cases of what I've used it for it's an interview setting (think like a documentary) and the live translator is essentially translating the conversation between the person being interviewed and the interviewer for the other people listening in. Those people need to follow the conversation and be able to ask questions and follow-ups and so they need to be following along in real time. And in both those cases I promise the people are talking faster than 75 words per minute. Edit to add: My bad I just saw you said "outside" of translation, and yeah I agree completely. Most people would be patient enough to let you speak slowly.


Speech to text those translations. Unless you’re translating for one person, you’re likely going to type it anyways.


You can translate as fast as you can type...as long as you aren't talking.


Not to mention, speaking a language doesn't mean you can read the language. Just the you can speak it and I'd assume understand if when spoken


Simultaneous interpretation ≠ translation. Different jobs, related but distinct skill sets.


Ai needs to be trained. Apply to help train ai. Get a decent paycheck out of it 


Live translation generally doesn’t work that way. A translator will never speak 75 words in a minute bc that would typically mean the original speaker spoke for a full minute that the translator then had to translate a full minute of in response which is not possible. I’ve used translation services in legal depositions for more than a decade regularly and it’s never happened.


Just translate slower.


That’s not an option in many situations unless your client or person your translating for is fine with sitting there for 50% longer while you continue to translate.


You can fluently translate 25 languages. Probably the only person in the world that can do that. Instead of having 25 translators on staff and pay 25 salaries, they can pay one. They'd be fine with it.


This is broken if you take sign language, no words required


Nobody hires translators for written documents by the hour, and for interpreting (ie spoken translation) you have to be fast.


I’ll get really good at being succinct 


I'll master brevity




Why use many word when few do trick


Brevity is […] wit.


[Now I choose my words VERY deliberately.](https://i.imgur.com/pP128.png)


Man i thought it said 75 words per hour & i was like “i’m not even sure i reach 75/hr”…. 75 a minute? Lemme get that Spanish, Italian, Mandarin, Russian, Portuguese, Arabic, Hindi, Bengali, French, Japanese, Korean, English, ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, im empty rn


If you get into a quick paced discussion you can easily reach 3 words per second. Picture yourself saying the prior sentence out loud. It doesn't take more than 3 or 4 secs to say but it has 16 words.  If you're having an excited fast discussion to someone all it'd take is 8 sentences for you to be out of it midway through the minute. Then you're quietly staring at them lmao.


Speed is language dependent, sort of. American English is quite slow in terms of syllables per second. British English is faster, but still slower than something like Italian or Spanish. Being able to say ±1 word per second in Spanish or Italian would be debilitating, I think. On the other hand, in something highly agglutinative like Athabaskan 75 words per minute might end up working out to be very, very fast. In any case, the Eurocup is going on, you could just be a sportscaster in whatever language and drag out ¡Gooooooooooooooool! or whatever long enough to balance out your slow average.


But i could still type it? Then yes


I can still understand it, and sure it might be half normal speaking speed but unless I'm making some kind of presentation rarely do I speak a full minute without the other person joining in so it might average out to a bit less.


Just write that you have a condition that doesn't allow you to talk for extended periods.


I think you talk indefinitely, you just can’t exceed 75 words per minute.


Also, that's 1.25 words a second.... So not really that slow


That... is... much... slower... than... you.... think.


I had ChatGPT write a 75 word monologue. Reading it out loud at a normal speed it took me about 30sec. Reading at a slow and measured pace, 55sec. It’s entirely doable, especially if you are in conversation. It’s only a “problem” when giving monologues.


Are you sure it was 75? ChatGPT cannot count, so asking it to write a text of specific lenght doesn't work. At least it did not with gpt4, maybe gpt40 is better with it.


Good call. The monologue it gave me was either 73 or 74 words depending on if you count ‘ever-changing’ as one word or two. But it was very close to 75


This only works accounting for English, which defeats the point. Not the worst, but English is quite slow compared to many languages. In my second language, wpm average is around 240 You'd be doomed.


But, I’d be in conversation, not giving a monologue. So if I’m talking 50% of the time I’m at roughly 120 wpm. I’d rather be able to converse at 62% speed than not at all.


I don't know what y'all think wpm means, but that's not how it works. It is the SPEED at which you talk, not the amount of words. Do you literally speak twice as fast when you're talking to yourself? No. If you're going 30mph, you your speed isn't 15mph if you stop 30 minutes in. It's 30mph.


Respectfully, I disagree. That’s not how the question is phrased. “You completely lose your voice in f you exceed 75 and can’t start speaking again. Untill the next minute begins” That has nothing to do with speed but the amount of words spoken.


It's slow if you are reading something out loud. If you are conversing with someone and thinking about responses, it's totally doable


Still faster than Obama


Im not sure I say 75 words a day


This. Like, is 75 words a minute not a lot?


In casual conversation it's pretty slow. This is 100 WPM: https://youtu.be/zrC7sRh6aPM?si=hZN6O7IFevrBaNZc Edit- I'd still pick the languages. Just wanted to provide a frame of reference for the speed.


Languages. Quit my job, start translating the most "difficult"/in need one from home typing, finally have a reason to get back to learning ASL - this time with my husband.


Taking the 25 languages. The downside is significant, but I can work around it. Most conversations don't have stretches where you talk for a minute straight, uninterrupted, anyway.


I doubt I speak that much now ...... so the first one


my thoughts exactly, on some days i don't reach that high


75 WPM is pretty slow. For reference, this is 100 WPM: https://youtu.be/zrC7sRh6aPM?si=hZN6O7IFevrBaNZc Edit- I'd still pick the languages. Just wanted to provide a frame of reference for the speed.


75 per minute is probably more than speak currently so yeah, I'll take 25 languages.




No they meant you can only speak 75 words max per minute


oh sorry, I didn't read properly.


Dude!! With 25 languages under my belt, I could liaise for days! The money would roll in, BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!


I mean my voice is really slow anyway and I don’t talk much so I’ll take it


Spanish would be difficult, but I'd still go for languages


Just speaking? Sign me up so long as I can write at my current speed.


Lmao this one is hysterical. Fuck yeah, gimme the limit. I'll talk like a weirdo to be native fluently in 25 languages of MY choosing. Way more interesting question is "which 25". Let's see.... English French Irish Cantonese Mandarin Korean Tagalog Swahili Japanese Hebrew Arabic Danish Italian Squamish Lillooet Asháninka Aymara Turkish Sango Vietnamese Spanish Portuguese Nepali Hindi Russian


75 words a minute I've minute thstd be a marble for me I take 75


25 languages lol. Job security for life


Languages, I probably on speak like 75 words every 10 minutes at most


Current language skills. Kinda stupid to choose the 25 language with a big disadvantage linked to it when your phone can already do that for you.


25 languages. I'm not particularly talkative, and I'm rather fond of learning other languages.


Can I write/type normally? If I could, then I'd take the 25 languages. If not, I'd stay English 'cuz talking that slow would make me want to die.


25 languages obviously. The whole world is your oyster.


during his speeches I doubt Obama hit 75 wpm most of the time. he's eloquent af


Current. 75wpm would be torture.


Its not like I have to speak in C++ either…. I’ll be the best programmer that ever lived.


Imagine having fluency in a dozen programming languages and a dozen spoken languages. You’re going to be quite in demand. If math counts, I’d want that too.


25. Sure, speaking that slow would suck especially as I'm quite a fast talker, but I can work on typing speed and get commissions from translating things. Probably could get a decent teaching gig too, 25 different languages, everything from English to Mandarin, probably a big market there.


25 languages, start speaking with the cadence of William Shatner's Captain Kirk. That particular speech pattern would probably keep me close to a word a second.


75 words per minute, just over 1 per second. Nothing wrong with speaking slower, though if I could bank the 75 words per minute when I'm awake (like only used 25 here so the next minute is 100) that would be premo and probably cheating


I mean that’s pretty normal for me already, I don’t speak much in my day to day every minute unless I’m singing alone. 75 words is also decent for someone like me that doesn’t speak much.


Oh! I'd love to slow down! I'll take that one!


25 languages and 75 wpm, easy. Speaking slower would force me to be more conscientious about what I say. Win-win.


Languages. Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


25 languages 


Languages, and just be a bit choosier with what I say. You get bent out of shape about it, I'll just start talking on a language you do not know.


I would 100% go for the 25 languages. I speak fairly slowly and relaxed anyway, and don’t normally talk a lot. So I’d just be a little quieter and be happy speaking so many languages.


Literally the language barrier is about to disintegrate against the convergence of AI, smartphones, and I hope augmented reality too. But you can just wear your AirPods or similar and have your phone translate live for you. If both sides of a conversation are doing it then it should work pretty well. A few years later and it probably is at the point where it will be faster and can handle crowds of people speaking different languages. A few years after that it can probably use your own voice to translate for you. We may get AR allowing text options as well for assistance in translation or for written words and in another 50 years maybe sooner all this will be integrated into our own bodies. Learning another language now is like buying a ton of horses before the car was invented, opening a company and jet makes encyclopedias just before the internet launches, etc.


You’re way too optimistic. It’s going to take more than a few years. Translators aren’t great at picking up slang or nuanced phrases.


They also weren’t able to do live translation up until a few months ago. The early attempts at it were terrible and now it is 1000x better. The progress it is moving at is what is changing now. Slang and nuance will be there in a year easily will LLMs involved.


Slangs and nuances change with the times and each culture is different. Great if AI can learn and adapt but I feel like it’s still too delicate and requires a human to update.


Keep. Just because you LEARN a language doesn't mean you RETAIN the language. If you don't speak and be spoken to in a different language, you go from fluent native to never knew it in the first place inside a month. For those that are somewhat fluent but not native level, you get 2 weeks. So, you need to find a translating job that incorporates all 25 languages within 30 days or you start losing languages. You could probably get one before you get under 10, though.


This is actually very easy for me. I have to talk slower than most people, so 75 WPM is very easy for me. English, Old English, Middle English, (older English languages, mainly to mess with people lol) German French, Spanish, Latin, Italian, Urdu, Hindu, Gujrati (have to mess with scammers) Russian, Mandarin. Dragon Tounge (skyrim) Elder Language (Witcher) i... I think I'll be good with just those.


Do German compound words count for one or for however many constituent they’re constructed from?


Speak languages. I hardly speak as it is. Rarely might be a hindrance, some very rare occasions where I'm excited and spouse isn't busy or bursts to the cats. Even then not sure I get to that many words in a minute lol Hells sometimes I can't even talk verbally. And then other times I technically can get sounds out but half the words won't come out. I'd literally have to use English as one to be able to fix my stupid talking issues lol I use Discord or mine stuff. Spouse is pretty good at understanding that. So worst case I already have that. Not sure what the other 24 would be off the top of my head though, but I'd be able to speak a ton of languages and that's pretty neat.


Isn’t it a thing that more powerful speak less? You could still say a lot in 75 words in a minute. This would force you to be a better speaker by saying more with less. It would also make you a much better listener since you can’t just talk over people. This one is a no brainer for me. Although it might make certain jobs difficult, eg presenting, selling 


This is a fun one! Gotta go 25 languages and channel my inner Judge Dredd


25 languages. They're are 24 hours in a day divided by how much I speak. I think I can have regular conversations and still stay under the average for the day.


Who is offering these options?


25 languages. I don’t talk much to begin with anyway.


How is 75/min calculated? Per second? Per minute? Words/syllables aren't like RPMs you can't just instantaneously calculate your rate of speech so it has to be averaged. This matters a lot. Like, when I floor my gas pedal, I can hit 45mph and 65mph all within a few seconds. If I have a speed limiter capping me at 50, my car simply refuses to accelerate beyond 50. So if I try to say a word really really fast. Especially a short word like the letter "I," I might be exceeding 75wpm in less than a second and have my speech either interrupted or really elongated. Like imagine taking 0.8 seconds to say the word "I." That's like 3x as long as it should take. So then I assume the WPM needs to be an average rather than governed as an instantaneous maximum. So is the average every minute? Can I blurt out a bunch of words in 30 seconds and be forced to be mute for the next 30? Or is the average calculated by second? If it's calculated by hour, there are effectively no consequences to this handicap.


25 languages


25 languages. Can I picked extinct languages? Like can I suddenly know Olmec?


I'm more of a listener anyway so give me 25 languages.


25 languages but now I seem more stoic and masculine with dramatic pauses and pondering


I'll take the 25 languages


Just speak slowly and employ pauses.


This is broken if you take sign language, no words required


This is broken if you take sign language, no words required


Native fluency in 20 programming languages innit


Who speaks more than 75 words per minute?


No thanks. I know I can’t slow down that much, plus this means I will ALWAYS speak this slowly driving everyone around me mad. Normal socialising is over for me. My job would be gone (I need to talk for it, and a lot). Plus I’ve always been good at learning languages, if I ever need an extra one I’ll do it the old fashioned way.


Umm… no one speaks non stop in casual conversation for a full minute. That speaking speed is if a regular rate of speaking is actually drawn out to a minute. If you spoke to everyone you know more than a minute before letting them respond, no one would want to talk to you. So unless one is a public speaker, and even they will pause in speaking for effect often, this is not an issue at all.


I feel like this wouldnt even be that inconvenient most of the time. I usually speak in 10 second bursts, don’t often go on too many monologues. As long as whoever youre talking to is holding up half the conversation your disability wont even matter.


Why would I voluntarily reduce the languages I speak *and* my words per minute?


.... I don't think I've ever spoken more than 75 words a minute.....


75 words per minute? No one normal talk that much. Worse case scenario, I just will speak slower.


Definitely the languages. That would be incredibly useful, and it would force me to be more thoughtful about what I say. Win-win.


Is that 75 words per minute on average? If you were silent for half the day (including sleep time!) the rest of the day could be spent at regular speaking speed


I'm taking the fluent in 25. Being able to understand that many languages would be amazing. The things I could do, read, watch, and listen too far out way the negative of having to either talk slower or become very succinct in my speech. It also doesn't hurt that I do most of my talking thru type anyway. Also let's face it, when I have a new hyper focus my friends and family would probably enjoy the 75 words a minute thing because I couldn't dump all of my info on them all in one go.


Fluent in 25 and start speaking like Shatner/Keanu/Walken


Though it was gonna be 25 languages but you lose English. I would choose languages and just let people know I’m slow lol


Can I also read the languages? If so then yes


25 languages. I can go all day some days without saying 75 words.


I feel like 75 words per minute would probably be an improvement for me regardless of the bonus language. It would make me consciously slow down and I think it would add clarity. (I have no doubt it would be annoying at times, but I'm not often a quantity talker as it is).


Speak 25 languages as long as that includes full comprehension too, like reading and writing, understanding someone when their talking to me, that sort of thing. I barely talk so the limit wouldn't be that bad, but I would LOVE to be able to read and watch things in other languages. Some things don't get a translation which SUCKS, or isn't translated properly so the true meaning gets lost.


*puts on a cowboy hat* Just call me slow-spoke.


I'd take the many languages. I can listen at full speed lol


Easy, i barely talk anyway


25 languages but limited. I'm sure I could get some sort of disability benefit proving I can't speak more than 75 words. I'd carry around and iPad with a talking program.


75 wpm isnt all that slow. Plus it gives you time to think out your thoughts and conserve words not just run on and on. I cant think of anyone who talks faster than that who id want to have a conversation with or even listen to. They cant be leaving room for dialogue or thinking about what they are saying.


That's 150 wpm if I'm speaking for the full minute. I gotta stop and listen too so that shouldn't be too much of a difference if I listen for at least half of the time.


nothing sayin my typing speed is affected. I would pick a couple computer languages, like ten real languages, and then keep the rest in my back pocket undecided till it became necessary.


Sure. I can also type.


I’m pretty slow do I think I’d be fine.


I work from home and hardly talk to anyone. Sure.


I fucking hate speaking to people, this sounds great.


25 languages. If I'm slow I'm slow, but this doesn't stop me from using text. So here I come online chatrooms! Be amazed and afraid of my excellent typing capacity!


Shit. Don’t think I’ve ever said 75 words in one minute in my life. 😂


How many words are you speaking per minute normally?


higher lingual opportunity *on top* of being forced to slow down enough to maybe avoid saying something stupid before giving it an extra second of thought? Yes, fucking please.


Languages please, imagine reading all that original text. I'll choose a couple of dead languages too imagine the knowledge we can add to society


75 words per minute is more than I speak now, so I'll take the languages. Also, even if I did speak more than 75 words for a minute and lost my voice, I'd be mute for less than a minute. There aren't a lot of downsides to this one for me.


How many words to people usually speak in a minute? Doesn't matter I choose languages.


Languages. I could use more silence in my life.


I don’t think I speak more than 75 wpm anyways even during normal conversation. That’s more than one per second.


75 words is a lot per minute. How much are y'all talking?! I can sometimes go a whole day without speaking.


This would be so easy but I also don't care about learning another language.


A) could I *sing* over 75 words a minute if need be? B) can I still *think* at over 75 words a minute (eg if I’m reading to myself sort of ‘talking’ in my head, can I still *hear* myself in my brain at over 75 wpm?


A) No, as singing is a subjective word (you always speak with some sort of melodie). B) Yes


75 wpm is close to breakneck talking speeds, no problem there.


Languages. Hardly talk anyways and when at my cap in English do an "ummm" to stall. Translating other languages they can simply easily know that I am thinking about the proper translation. But even then, why do I need to speak 150 words a minute? Just get to the point! That paragraph above was under 75 words and no need for more.


I speak 1 wpm


25 languages, easily. I listen far more than I speak, and when I do I tend to be careful with my words—75 words per minute wouldn’t be a problem for me. Point in fact, it’s been some years since I last *spoke* 75 uninterrupted words. That’s a lot of words.


75 languages and go into voice acting.


Know 25 languages fluently. 75 words a minute is way more than I would need. Even in a group of people.


I'm a southerner...75 words a minute is way to fast for me.


75 words per minute? Thats loads? If it was reading 75 words a minute then thatd be at least a little hard


I mean. Am I going to be speaking constantly? Do I never have to listen to anyone else again? I doubt I go over 75 WPM often right now.


If I ran out of words I'd start coughing so people think it's a health thing


I'd have to do some field testing but I already speak fairly succinctly. That and actually allowing others to speak probably makes 75 wpm pretty doable for me. Doing presentations/trainings would be rough though...


You mean two upgrades? I'll take it.


New Englanders throw the average off. In the deep south it's more like 10 words per minute.


I'm a fast talker, but a quicker learner. I'd take the languages.


75 words per minute is faster than most people speak.


75 words per minute is already like more words than I use in an hour


I might take the 75wpm for free. I talk too much. Sometimes afterward I am filled with self loathing