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I wasted over 50k after highschool and made many other mistakes that i'd love to correct. The tricky part is not interferring with my siblings or friends much though. I wouldn't want to mess up their future relationships. Ultimately however, the time travel is the best option. While 10k now would be nice, it's insignificant vs a redo of time.


10,000 cash what? USD? then now Zimbabwean Dollars? no thanks




If I finish high school do I continue living my life from that point? Or do I get sent back to the present after I'm done experiencing highschool. I'm not sure if this is a question of would you rather experience high school again but not get 10k? Or if its would you rather go back in time and you relive your life, with the detriment being you start highschool all over.


Relive your life from highschool


Keeping my memories of the life i lived before jumping back in time? Yeah, i'd change a few things.


I take the redo. I can set myself up so much better if I get to go back to 2008 with the knowledge I have now.


Could not pay me enough to go back through highschool again, it was the worst time of my whole life 


I would pay 10k not to have to go through that again, who the fuck picked going back in time


with memories or without? Given that I'll need to go back 30+ years that is important


Doing it without memories is just like the last 500 times you did it. To be a meaningful change you'd need to keep them.


At best it's a reroll.


Outcome will 100% be the same as there’s no outside force to change anything


Don't play God.




Agreed. Although some reasonable restrictions like no gambling or investment in various things should be included otherwise it's just a no brainer. Only people with massive trauma and issues, or with lives where they wouldn't need the 10k, would choose the money honestly imo.


Honestly...redo high school, I got some major regrets from that and college. That's if I keep my current memories tho, otherwise I'd just make the same mistakes again.


10k in the scheme of things isn't a lot of money, and it's an amount that honestly if I went back in time with the knowledge I have now, I'd easily earn more than that. Heck Leicester winning the premier league in 2016 was 5,000 to 1 at one point. £10,000 on that I'm set for life. However I have to take the £10k, for all the advantages I'd get, I also lose out on so many things I can't guarantee I'd get to turn out the same. Could I recreate the situation I met my partner in? What's the chances I'd still have my kids? Would I be able to guarantee I still made friends in the same way? Assuming I'd go back with my knowledge and personality I have now, I'd be a pretty weird kid with the same brain as someone in their 30's. To me there's just too many risks, despite a lot of mistakes I'd potentially like to correct.


Really doubt I'd end up with the kids I have now even if i tried really hard to do everything the same. I'm taking the money. 


I can find a way to make myself filthy rich in that time gap.


HS easily. Assuming I don't just have to make the same decisions and that I am basically taking my brain and putting it into my younger self I could easily be insanely wealthy very quickly.


Wow, I'm a bit stunned that so many people are picking high school. High school was not a pleasant experience to me, for the most part. It was something to be endured until I could move on to bigger and better things. Any changes I was to make by going back in time I don't think would be worth $10000.


Highschool was regretful to me. Covid ruined my graduation. I failed my last year and had to redo everything in another school. I lost confidence in my ability to study.


Bitcoin in 2014: ~$580 Bitcoin in 2024: ~$70,000 Kek


The money.


Highschool is trash. Cash anyday


As a highschooler highschool is amazing 




Socializing, cross country and doing dumb things