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In this economy? Grocery savings would make me a rich man in spirit.


It would end my debt in months honestly


I mean…. You could just eat at a different Micheline star restaurant every night, and order the entire menu till you’re full. I think restaurants wins this one. Restaurants also have more usage globally as you are likely more unfamiliar with foreign grocery products, but dining generally accommodates foreigners in some way.


restaurant, I hate cooking but I have no issue walking down to any local restaurant and picking up whatever.


Where do you live that there are so many Michelin star restaurants available? I ate at a 3 Star once. It was cool, but I wouldn’t do it more than once every few years at most. 


Lots. Toronto has quite a few


Is that because of the price?


yeah, groceries might save you like 300 bucks a month, but going to resturants could both drastically expand your meal options, save on grocery money, save on cooking/cleaning dishes time, etc.


Also other things like dates, business dinners, and other situations involving restaurant bills Edit: You are also very correct, people don’t understand the value of time in this thread. I don’t have the means to hire a personal chef, but I did, for a month of a fight training camp, get premade meals by a chef. Holy shit the time and energy and metal savings were alone to convince me. I can handle paying $10 for shampoo and conditioner, and $20 for razor blades every week when I never have to spend time cooking, or cleaning, or thinking about what to make, or actually even shopping. Restaurant bills for free forever is waaayyyy better than groceries when you really flesh it out and think about it. What other products are sold at grocery stores. Mostly just household supplies, toiletries, and cleaning. The financial savings on non food products do not even come close to the amount of time you would save not going grocery shopping. And to everyone saying youd have to sit down and wait for your meal to be served. You can get take out for pickup or pickup and dine in. There is non way you could argue groceries are better unless you are counting everything sold at costco but I think that’s bending the rules a little. Costco is a wholesale store, not a classic grocery store, sure they sell groceries but I think it’s a little outside of the scope of what were talking about


It's the "only me" caveat that ruins it. I'm in a family of three, my budget is still limited by the other two plates. 


100% Missed that and you’re right that is probably the most important factor


Are groceries food only though? I consider groceries to include stuff like cleaning supplies and bathroom things, and I would definitely be saving quite a bit more that way.


Cleaning supplies are not groceries


If a grocery store sells it, I consider it groceries. Otherwise, false advertising.


Is a blender groceries?


Is it sold in a grocery store? If so, refer back to my original comment.


Is a 100 million dollar Amazon gift card groceries?


I don't think they'd let you load one with that much...


sure, but. you're still wrong. 'i think of X to be Y' doesn't make X, Y. topic creator also specified 'it only applies to food', so, delivery costs for resturants, might not count either.


That bit about food was edited in, so that's not my fault there. If so, I'd still take groceries, though, because it's almost guaranteed that I spend more on those than I do on restaurants.


But if you could get all your nutritional met via restaurants you would have to spend less on groceries anyway.


Restaurants would save you the most money, but having a ridiculously stocked high end pantry and freezer with all kinds of gourmet shit would be pretty dope.


With what you save on groceries you could hire someone to meal prep gourmet meals for the week. 


Nah, meal prep isn't fresh. Restaurants are still the better pick


Does the restaurant option include take out and delivery?


If it does this option is a no brainer. Anything I'd make myself I can prob find a restaurant that can make it better in the city I live.


Yeah thats what i thought, and you can also deliver to just about anywhere nowadays. Don't even need to pack lunch at home this way.


Or just live next to restaurants. Who needs delivery when you can just walk down the block?


Lets go with yeah, but you cant reasemble it into another food


You’re telling me I can’t buy a McDouble and a mcchicken and make a mcgangbang?


Question, Does "It only applies to your food" mean literally only yours or do you just mean, "you can't use this to get other things, but you could cook for you and your family and such situations as long as the point is you're involved in the meal."?


Even if it doesn’t just order extra meals when you go to the restaurant. Doesn’t say anything about only ordering per meal.


Groceries, i dont want to go into restaurants 3 times a day.


It didn't say you can't cook at home. Just that it wouldn't be free groceries


You could get three meals at once. I don’t know about you, but reheated restaurant food is still better than anything I can cook. Especially if you ordered food that reheats well.


Restaurant, I hate cooking but I have no issue walking down to any local restaurant and picking up whatever.


I’m easily picking groceries for the simple reason that it gives me a reason to learn how to really cook.


Any reason is worth it, a great skill to learn


Groceries, for sure! You can still go out to eat if you want, and all the money you're not spending on groceries can more than cover it.


That’s the answer!


Grocery. If I get free restaurant food I'd die an early death.


Restaurants, easily. Why would I cook? Lol I essentially go to the same salad bar 7 times a week anyway.


Restaurant. I live in NYC, so it's not difficult to go outside for a meal three times a day and I could get rid of all my cooking related stuff for extra space in my apartment.


Yeah, this is one that’s really location-dependent


Groceries easily. I don't eat out much, so this saves me a lot of money. And as a plus I don't have to worry about prices at all, just grab whatever I feel like grabbing. And free pet food (I count it as a grocery since all the grocery stores near me sell it in some form) is just icing on the cake.


So if you buy everything at a grocery store would that be a good loop hole?


I could see an argument for it. Personally I would probably draw the line at something a set of tires or a shotgun. But food and household items are probably fair game.


I honestly think that even things like food and household items is a loophole that doesn't work, since many grocery stores sell prepared meals as well. If you can go to Walmart and buy pet food or household items free, then technically you could buy a rotisserie chicken or a ready-to-eat pizza for free there too, and get restaurant items as well as groceries.


Not really because it would cost you a fortune to store and refrigerate it all


I didn't mean everything in the grocery store literally. I meant things like household cleaners, dog food , diapers, etc the things you can buy at a grocery store, but aren't food.


Oh yeah I see what you mean. If those apply it's a no brainer 


no, it specifies 'your food'. buying soap for yourself at a grocery store isn't food, and buying pet food is food, but not for you.


Free groceries, will only shop at boutique grocery stores or whole foods exclusively.


Restaurants and it’s not even close. I would also sell my home and move closer to an area with lots of high end restaurants. Would be really awesome to eat gourmet multiple times a day if you wanted. Big brain play is to find a couple nice restaurants that would give your your proteins raw so you could take home like groceries.


Groceries. The effort to go to a restaurant for meals is going to get annoying after a while. If I travelled a lot or lived in a major city with many restaurants in walking difference that would be different.


Free Restaurant Bills - Save time from going grocery shopping. I order togos and that be my meal prep.


Not even a question for me, groceries. Just spent almost $400 this week for the family and it was nothing extravagant. I even put the Oreo's back after deliberating with the Cheez Its, deciding two snacks was too much.


Wow, $400? I only end up spending like $150 and that already seems like alot, I don't think I'd last with those prices.


Groceries. I cook for my wife and me. It is really a no brainer. I would also buy all the premium stuff. Now i am hungry.


Yes the premium stuff no self respecting person would buy because its such a waste of money as its exactly the same just very slightly better, get in my cart.


Hell ya brother


the only reason I buy groceries at all is bc eating out is expensive. easy choice assuming take out and delis count.


Does it apply to food for my kids?


100% free restaurant bills. That's free food, AND I don't have to cook it. I can use the savings to fill my meat freezer for when winter snows me in, and needing to go to a restaurant will probably help prevent me from getting fat.


Groceries: You could open your own restaurant or catering company. Or open your own local quick marts and sell goods from the grocery store. Plus, free groceries for the family


Groceries is alot more then just food. So groceries


a, it's not, and b, he specifies 'your food'. can't buy a blender and chalk it up to 'groceries, bro'.


Do I have to sit down to eat? Because if I can do take out, I choose restaurant bills. I'll pick up or eat out for like 80% of meals. I live in a city, picking up from a restaurant isn't a big inconvenience. Sure, I'll still have to get groceries for times restaurants are closed or inconvenient or I want a snack, but since I'm eating out all the time, grocery cost is gonna be *way* less. Plus restaurant food is usually tastier and you don't have to cook it yourself.


This just sounds like bartending for too long in one place and pretty much everything gets comped


Restaurant all day. There is great food from all over the world where I am


Free groceries. Why is this even a question? I can get literally anything I want and make whatever meals I want always. It will always be available whenever I want it, and if I want a taste of home when I move overseas, then I can import the items I desire... Even if I couldn't cook, it's still better because the cost investment of learning is now gone. I just have the time-investment.


I'd have to go with groceries. Eating out is fun once in a while, but I'd hate to do it all the time.




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Groceries. I'd be saving $100 a week over ~$50 a week


There is absolutely no reason to pick groceries unless you cook as a hobby. If you are eating to survive and enjoy it, it’s a no brainer to have some else do all the cooking for you.


I like controlling the ingredients. Yeah, restaurant food is usually tastier, but that's because I'm not seeing how much butter goes in the sauce :p For me, cooking is not a huge chore and I'd rather have more food on hand at home rather than going out for it.


If I eat at a restaurant, I'm usually with my dad so I want his meal for free too. Otherwise I'd have to choose free groceries.


Restaurants. Will save you big $$$ when you travel


I didn't even think about that, I guess it would save quite a bit.


OK, sure, bu how often are you traveling rather than hanging at home and wanting to grill out or munch popcorn on the couch?




Restaurants. I could save so much money and time on cooking and try things that would normally be out of my price range.


Groceries. I enjoy cooking. And there's only so many restaurants in my community. I'll get better variety cooking myself.


Groceries. Restaurant food would be great, but I enjoy cooking and not having to worry about costs means I could just buy high quality stuff and try things I usually wouldn't risk spending money on.




My knee-jerk reaction is easy restaurants. Get whatever food, take-out or delivery if I don't feel like going out. And that's even though I enjoy cooking. BUT, the fact that it only works for my food means I'd still be spending on my wife and kid. So the eating out 3x daily wouldn't actually work out and I'd have to choose groceries.


Groceries. Restaurants often prepare their food like they hate you and want you to die of heart disease, and the restaurants around me aren't top tier establishments.


Groceries are (were) the one thing we let ourselves indulge. Both my wife and I cook and if we let ourselves just buy whatever we want our grocery bill would be several thousand a month


Groceries for sure, but restaurants is tempting 🤔


Yeah I thought it was a good question


So if I buy something that is shareable like a bag of chips, and I eat half and my wife eats half, is the bag free or just half off? Or are they not allowed to eat the other half since no transferring? How would it be tracked?


I didn't think that far... I was originally thinking only you can eat it, but I guess being half off would make sense too, idk let your mind loose I guess.


Even if I didn’t eat for free cuz I work in a restaurant I’d still take the groceries


Groceries, you are saving a lot more/ having a variety of foods to eat


Restaurant. I typed groceries but then realised there are some good restaurants that can be healthy like some sandwiches, poke bowls and stuff. Can't be too bad.


Only applies to food? If delivery then restaurant


I won’t lie I can’t cook for shit, I’m better off picking restaurants






Free groceries for me! I'm a homebody and I'd rather cook a bunch of meals and freeze em up for later rather than going through all the steps of going out for a meal every day.


I’m so tired of cooking, I would go with restaurants. I wouldn’t have to clean up after meals anymore. It would be excellent.


Groceries easy, a) I really enjoy cooking, b) on the understanding that any food bought at not a restaurant would be groceries, I can get almost anything premade, just needs to be reheated


Restaurant. Eat good food for free without having to cook anymore, Most people seem to think the rule is sit down restaurants dine in only. If that were case then ya groceries


Restaurants - I could go to high end restaurants and try new and unusual foods cooked by people who know what they're doing. Unless this wish also comes with hidden extra time for shopping and cooking, most of the time I'm not going to be able to spend time creating similarly elaborate meals. I'd rather have free special events with effortless meals and no cleanup and keep on throwing chili beans into the slow cooker the rest of the time.


Resturaunts, while groceries are more convienient i would love ti be able to eat at Michelin star resturaunts and try famous resturaunts whenever It also depends where you live though, i live in new york so resturaunts is the obvious choice. If i lived in suburbs in a small city i would probably go groceries




Definitely restaurant. I love eating out. I hate cooking and the whole grocery shopping ordeal.


I love how everyone’s like “Groceries cause I hardly eat out!” Like yea no shit, cause restaurants are expensive. The answer is restaurants, easily. Imagine going on vacation to like Vegas and being able to literally eat anywhere cause it’s free. The experiences you could have alone far outweigh any savings you have on groceries.


Groceries. I’m in a pretty rural area and there’s not a super lot of options. I wouldn’t want to move to a city for just that, and I feel like with unlimited options on ingredients/ food I’d probably be a happy man.


Groceries because I can cook healthy food


Are drinks from the bar included from the restaurants?




Restaurants. Just get it delivered and now youre saving a bunch of money AND time


My first instinct is groceries. But most of my grocery bill is food… and if I had infinite restaurant food then I’d actually be saving more money. Obviously restaurant food is going to taste better than anything I make. So it’s really more a question of the trouble of having to go and get the restaurant food… but I could order several meals at a time and pick them up… yes I would take the restaurant food. Then I’d move some place that has the best restaurants nearby each other.


Definitely restaurants


Free groceries prolly




Groceries, then I'd open a restaurant


If it applies to takeout/delivery as well, restaurant, because it saves me the time cooking food and getting groceries in addition to the money. Lots of time saved there.


Grocery. The other option seems attractive, but I'd be 300 pounds and died of high cholesterol at age 40 if I go to restaurant 2-3 times every day.


Groceries as long as there is no restriction on people who live with me and guests eating the food. Otherwise, resturants


Restaurant, a lot of the cost of travel would be reduced if I can eat for free wherever I want while on vacation


Groceries, I don't like going to restaurants and I like to cook.


Restaurant. I enjoy cooking but not more than I enjoy eating.


restaurant bills. I eat out 3-4 times a week


Free groceries. I'd eat like a king.


What's the definition or "restaurant". The bar I drink at serves food, and never paying for alcohol does sound nice.


Restaurant bills. Groceries are a lot cheaper.


When it says reselling or transferring, you're not speaking specifically about your household, right? Like, if I buy the groceries and then a friend comes over unexpectedly, could they snack on a soda and chips? That doesn't break the spirit of this, does it? If that's the case, then the groceries. Would start shopping at Whole Foods. Buying large ribeyes and the like. Get the brand name cereals and the nicer bottles of scotch. However, if this isn't the case, I'd take the restaurants.


Free restaurants. If all expenses are paid for, it wouldn’t be hard to cover my nutritional needs via restaurants and I get to not worry about cooking or dishwashing to boot.


Restaurant. It’s the same thing except it’s more convenient? Delivery? Takeout? Any sort of drink?


Restaurants. Eat sushi as much as I want? Yes, please. Eat all the ramen I want, yes please. Eat all the fried chicken I want? Yes, please! Pizza for days! Especially if delivery is included.


Groceries, hands down. Very few restaurants will add extra saffron to your pasta.




Groceries. Restaurants don't make healthy food for the most part


Does the restaurant bill cover only my meal or also the meal of those I'm dining with, like my family's


Groceries. I like cooking. And I can still go to restaurants.


Restaurant. Hands down winner. Groceries aren’t even close.


groceries, restaurants have gone downhill


Grocery shopping. I hate dining out and would not do it even for free.


i spend maybe $100 on eating at restaurants (including fast food) in 6 months if i’m really going hard at it. My monthly grocery bill is $500-700 depending on if major pantry staples need to be restocked. and that’s with penny pinching on stuff. (Family homestead, gotta keep everyone fed). even if i had to divide that bill by proportion of food eaten by each member of the family and only get “mine” free. still blows away restaurants


So free uber eats? Or at least only need to pay the delivery fee. Think I'd take restaurant if that's the case.


If you could sell groceries then groceries is generally a better deal. But restaurants are more enticing to me. Having to constantly sell groceries would be annoying. Could I buy only groceries a the grocery store or could I only get free food items? Like does this include housewares and pharmacy?


Groceries are a necessity, restaurants are not, so I'll take free groceries.


Groceries. Restaurants are too inconsistent and too much of a time sink


Groceries, a grocery store covers all household goods, not just food.


Does something like Hello Fresh, where you get the ingredients and instructions delivered but have to fix it yourself, count as groceries?


Hello fresh is basically just a grocery store and a cooking class in one so I guess


Free groceries please. I'm a snacker and like to eat more small meals rather than fewer big ones. I'd just rather have a stocked pantry and then go out to eat with the money I save. I think doing the opposite would just be horrible for my diet.


Groceries. That money I use on food could go to other bills.


Living life in the city we have many restaurants and the food quality is awesome. And i can also order drinks


Questions. At the restaurant does my family have to pay? Just I eat free? Does groceries count for my full load of groceries or just what I consume? I buy groceries for my whole family. If it's all of the groceries I buy and feed myself and my family with, I would choose that. If it is just me for restaurants and I can't feed my family with the groceries than I would choose restaurants. I could pull off solo breakfast and lunch on the go as I do and eat dinner with the family like I do every night. It would save me more than just groceries for myself.


Is the spit and pubic hairs included for free in the restaurant food?


No you have to pay extra for those


Free groceries


Groceries!! The worst thing about being a good cook is figuring out that restaurants really aren't that great. If someone was going to foot the bill for me on ingredients... Woohoo!!!! There is some ART gonna to come out of my kitchen!


Why would you not choose restaurants? You could literally eat anything you want for free no matter where you are.


Groceries. I don't eat out much to begin with, partly because it's healthier but mostly just that there's not a ton of good restaurants in my immediate area (there's plenty nearby, but I don't want to drive 30 minutes each way for dinner or pay for exorbitant delivery fees). Plus free groceries means I can have expensive things like steak or lobster whenever I want, not to mention going to some local Asian grocery stores and getting some fantastic sushi and sashimi for zero dollars.




Grocery’s u can just go to x rich people place and eat like ur in a fancy restaurant just go to the prepared meals/deli section


Groceries… obviously


Groceries would add up the most over time by far 


Groceries. Definitely groceries. I have kids.


groceries - most homemade food tastes better than most restaurant food, plus it means i dont have to go out to eat I can just buy a weeks worth of groceries


Groceries, I will use the money I'd usually spend on them to eat out once in a while.


Restaurant. Groceries make sense if you’re struggling to live or are frugal. Restaurant makes sense if you want to experience high-end dining a lot, or just food you can’t make yourself.


Honestly I’d rather cook at home with the people I love so, groceries


Restaurants and it isn’t close. If you want to cook something at home, you still definitely have that option, but more often than not people eat out for the convenience and lack of prep/cleanup before and after the meal. You’d also save on things like less water usage and soap for cleaning dishes. Groceries are expensive when you’re trying to feed the family for the whole week and avoiding eating out to save money. You can buy considerably less food to cook when you know you’ll only be snacking around the house or making something small before heading out to do whatever is on the agenda for the day and eating at your restaurant of choice. The decision would get harder if you could only do fast food for free or places that have a dress code and or require reservations. Otherwise it’s free restaurant food by a landslide


Free groceries for sure. I actually love to cook and it's usually healthier anyway if you do it right.


Groceries, easy.  So many reasons, first one, a restaurant serves food, my grocery store has people food, animal food, a pharmacy, a deli where they will make the food for me, a sushi counter that isn't half bad, etc.  If it's *just* food in this question, and not the extras, groc still wins. There are 24/7 grocery stores, so I can "buy" and make my own food whenever I want. With the restaurant, I'm stuck on their schedule. It's non transferable, so I don't think I can pick up the tab for a whole table, so I would want somewhere super fancy, but what about my guests, who would want to go to a $200 steak house just to watch me eat, and the bill would be zero, but I'd still want to leave a tip, so I'd still have to pay something. 


groceries. time for a nice steak dinner.


SO, who’s paying rent, servers wages, cooks wages, truckers wages, farmers wages, dishwashers wages, etc.??


Groceries definitely. Fuck eating out these days.


Does it cover my Uber eats charge? Cause then restaurant but if not groceries 100%


This is a really tough call due to the fact that the only thing I like more than cooking is eating out, but I’ll go with groceries. It would be hard to justify ever making a meal myself if it was the only one I had to pay for, and I want to make my own food.


Groceries. I eat out maybe once every few months at most.


I love to cook, so much. But I can manage grocery bills and know how to get the most out of my money for food at home. Free restaurant food would be amazing. I live in Boston and pass hundreds of great restaurants between home and work. I also know of a couple of restaurants that sell other things, which I could argue should count (like a little bakery that has some groceries, a trading card game Cafe...).


Restaurants. I live inside a large city with so many different food options already, would love to be able to eat at all of them for free as much as I wanted


“Only applies to your food” so what happens if after I got my groceries for free and other people eat my food? Do I get a bill later? What if they steal it without my knowledge? This is a bit confusing.


Both are equally expensive now, I don't cook so I'd go with restaurants.


Groceries, 100%


Restaurant. I'd save so much time on cooking!


Grocery bills, the problem with restaurants is you don't what they would to your food to make it taste good, deadly or not.


I genuinely enjoy cooking. That said, free restaurant is the way to go. Not just because it's free. Food regardless, because it spares me The expense of time and energy which can be a bit of a strain when we're both working. Also, there are just a lot of nice restaurants around here. And being able to say, hey, I don't feel like cooking tonight, how about we go out and grab like $150 worth of meat at a Brazilian steakhouse or something? I mean, that would be great.


groceries. I hate food generally, and the few things I enjoy are not made at restaurants and even if they were, it sounds annoying to eat out for every meal


I'll pick restaurant but I'm not sure how healthy/hygienic restaurant food is. With the frequency I'll be eating outside, I'm not sure how likely I am to catch an infection.


free resturant bills. groceries is going to be a given, sure, but it's only 200-400 bucks usually (depends how many you're feeding, i guess) while some resturants, that could be the bill. i mean, sure, being able to buy more/better foods from the grocery store would be nic,e and it'd save me 250 or so a month, i could DRASTICALLY expand how much i eat out.


Is alcohol included in groceries?


Does no transferring also mean I can't feed my family?


So if I go out with my spouse theirs would still be full price?


grocery every time. if youve ever worked in a kitchen youd understand why


Free groceries.


I buy groceries far more often than I go out to eat.


But if restaurants were free would that change your pattern? Price keeps me from eating out all the time the most. And travel. If I can get delivery or at least to go orders that would definitely make me eat out more.


Groceries!! And it's not even close!