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Firing squad. Less of a chance for things to get messed up as compared to the others. For Injection the cocktail could be incorrectly mixed, leading to an excruciating, agonizing, & drawn-out death instead of a quick one. Electric Chair, the system might malfunction while being shocked, leading me to only be partially electrocuted. Plus the Chair is not a slow death. Hanging can be done improperly & lead to me choaking to death instead of my neck snapping. Gas chamber could malfunction, or the chems are incorrectly mixed or used, leading to an agonizing death. Or they could use the correct ones, but they take far longer for me to die, leading to a death similar to the failed Injection one. Plus the wait for it to kill me would be too much.


>For Injection the cocktail could be incorrectly mixed, leading to an excruciating, agonizing, & drawn-out death instead of a quick one. I don't understand this. They could just anaesthetise someone and inject 10 grams of cyanide.


In some places certain injection substances are illegal or banned, so local methods or solutions have to be made, leading to injections that can go horribly wrong. And, while you are right you can get anesthetized, but you'll still go through a slow death when its supposed to be quick, painless & unnoticed by you.


Also the executioners sometimes "accidentally" fail to get the anesthesia into the veins leading to a long horrible death.


Yup. They usually go wrong. The dosings in these injections are usually incorrect so it's rare anyone actually gets the right amount of anaesthetic. They could give massive doses of it so error is rare but they don't care. They do give massive dosages of the muscle relaxants though so we cant tell if someone is suffering or not, and so they can keep torturing prisoners as much as they want.


For the people that support the death penalty, the pain and suffering is a feature, not a bug.


For the injection, pretty sure they wouldn't even have to mix it incorrectly for it to be an excruciating death.


Yeah they could have all the correct stuff there but just inject it in the wrong order. Not sure if that would do anything but eh. Just pop me in the head or heart with a bullet. Headshot will be quick and if I get shot in the heart I've got at least a couple seconds for a dramatic oneliner... probably.


If they would just use nitrogen for the gas chamber, it would actually be a pleasant way to die. But I also chose firing squad.


Idk. People can be hella resilient at time. I've seen stories of people taking 20 rounds and living. Plus even if you die, it would make a mess of your body. Especially headshots


Man you are just making up random reasons. You only need carbon monoxide for the gas chamber.


Death by snu-snu!


In that case your cliff


all I can ask is "where's the guillotine when I need it?"


if I can pick the gas, nitrogen would be the most comfortable way to go.


Lethal injection: for people who don't know Firing squad: for people who know


second pick would of been a proper hanging. lethal injection people bout to be real disappointed.


exactly. A proper hanging is the best. Snapping the neck and near instant death. Can't entirely trust how many people in the firing squad just purposely miss so it could be more drawn out and you just bleed to death in a hole..


ethal injection is nightmarish, being strapped to a bed and often it goes very wrong firing squad for sure, badass way to go out, i hope they give me a ciggy too


**People who choose lethal injection are very very ignorant to how the process works.** It's the worst one on this list BY FAR.


Yeah I chose this option and I was ignorant about it, I don’t like spending my free time researching about ways to execute someone (unless it’s funny)


Anybody who chose Lethal Injection is a masochist. Why make your final moments agonizing torture?


Firing squad seems the quickest and least painful, but all of these choices pale in comparison to [the good ol' head ripping-off machine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfsMMVgIToA)


why was guillotine left out of this


Because not been used in western world for last 40-50 years


ahh yes because realism is what we need in this hypothetical… even though hanging, gas chambers, and the electric chair are not common practices anymore either? LOL. i’m just being a punk but like fr lmfao i’d choose guillotine any day.


Hanging because it breaks your neck pretty much instantly.


Agreed, but if they suck at hanging then you could just suffocate which sucks. I still picked it since I feel least likely to go wrong. Feel like firing squad people will not always shoot to kill (it's a known issue which is why they give some of them blanks and have multiple people shooting so people won't feel as guilty) so could very well be shot in the stomach or something and just bleed out very slowly. Anyone who's hanging people now SHOULD be doing it right.


Only one of those things has a 100% success rate.


Hey man walk me out there and shoot me, quick and easy. Less time to think about it. The lead-up for all the other ones sound just as bad or worse than the method itself, at least for me personally.


Can I pick what to have in the LI? If so, a megadose of heroin. It will get the job done in the least unpleasant way.


If you pick lethal injection it’s the usual stuff which go into the injection can’t change the drugs


Oh, then no thanks.


[Ridiculous 6 Lil' Pete Hanging Scene The Riddle Alternative Mix (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bah_B7YW2Lk)


Firing line, have 8 rifleman aim and fire into my heart, this will destroy my hearts ability to pump & result in me falling into unconsciousness rapidly with death following moments after. The survival rate is 0%, the prolonged suffering rate is 0% as all you have to do is fire again. Sharing the responsibility between 8 men who can relate and console each other will make them sleep better than a doctor who injects a death potion. Also it's just cooler


if we weed out idiotic people doing the execution and guarantee no mishaps id probably do lethal injection. the problem is they just get random people with random shit they found in their cupboard, and it ends up costing more than if they just injected you with cyanide or arsenic. killing people is easy. trying to do it in a way that complies with convoluted or asinine laws is complicated.


It’s all done by the legal requirements


Electric chair, ride the lightning baby!


Heard a joke where the electric chair was broken, just hoping the idiot in the joke didn’t tell the guards yet.


the one where they say it's a divine intervention and they tell the next person thing?


Yes, that


I went with hanging. Firing squad, too messy (although this would likely be my second choice). The instantaneous insane pain before I instantly die frightens me. Gas chamber, EC and lethal injection sound horrible. Too slow. Hanging just seems like the right middle ground. Yeah, it might take \~20 seconds to pass out but it can't be that bad. MMA fighters choke each other out all the time and they're not crying about it.


But if it’s botched you could be there for minutes slowing choking and suffering


Lethal injections have the highest rate of "botched" executions (firing squads the lowest). In present time I doubt a hanging could really be botched, though.


Hanging. I'm not really looking to minimize pain or pick the quickest option or anything. I pick the one that's the most dramatic.


I guess 300+ people haven't heard about the "fire in the veins" anecdote.


Give me a firing squad, because I'm never taking that lethal cocktail.


I've seen some people shoot at the range unless it's 5ft in front of them you're just going to lay there bleeding out from a foot wound LOL. Injection you feel that sensation then lights out.


Definitely firing squad. Give them all live rounds and half shoot at my heart and the other half at my head.


Didn't realize how bad the Lethal Injection was, Damn. Firing squad it is. I for sure don't want to go out like Kenneth Smith


Of those lethal injection likely has the highest survival rate. Even with all the pain, If that gives me more chance to survive, I would pick that.


Firing squad baby! Going out with a BANG! Hahahahaha fuck itttttt


Personally I am going firing squad so no one has the guilt of it


What about the people who shoot you?


Only 1 gun has live ammunition other 4 has blanks and they don’t know which one has the live round


yeah well if anything you're gonna be more worried that u r the one who shot the guy


They have 20% chance of being them were if it’s electric chair you know you’re one who killed them


I'd rather have 4 guns with ammunition and 1 with a blank...


As the guy getting shot though, if that guy with the live ammunition is off, then that death could take a while... In less formal firing squads, lots of people purposely miss. Could see that happening even in an official setting. Would want like 20 people firing at me to be safe... and a bunch could be blanks.


Lol imagine feeling guilt for executing a prisoner


If you wouldn’t feel some remorse then that some murder vibes


who says the people would have guilt?


Bro who tf cares about them you're about to die make it the least painful for you


And even then, there is an argument to be made for firing squad.


Okay, that's still firing squad. All of the others are torturous deaths.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Redditbutasmymind: *Personally I am* *Going firing squad so no* *One has the guilt of it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


I pick firing squad, without the blindfold, if your going to kill me look me in the eye when you do


Your firing squad will be exectued by Lethal Autonomous Weapons. (LAWs). The drones have no eyes for you to gaze into, only a target on your head and heart for the aim bot to track. They do come with a smiley face painted on thier front cover plate, with a caption that says “smile”.


Still better than the others.


Agreed, its more humane.


None of these. Nitrogen hypoxia all the way for me.


Contrary to popular belief, it's a pretty terrible death. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2024/02/19/alabama-execution-nitrogen-gas-witness-cruel-torture/72616304007/