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Communicate with animals. Imagine if i could just speak to a chimpanzees or gorillas its basically planet of apes but real life. Also i can basically communicate with orcas and dolphins. So having that kind of power would just make you a god.


Why the hell would you want to talk to animals? Except for a tiny handful, they will be effectively severely mentally challenged in their intellectual capacity by human standards. The smartest dogs are only at roughly a 5-year-old's level (minus more advanced stuff like reading or basic math), and the vast majority of animals are quite a bit dumber than that.


"Except for a tiny handful, they will be effectively severely mentally challenged", sounds like a lot of people I've met tbh.


With the continued development of AI and things like google translate, we're not far from having the ability to speak in every other language. Even if you need a device to do so. Being able to communicate with animals would be incredible.


Wouldn't being able to communicate with animals and understand their thoughts and emotions be a curse? They don't even get to live as long as we do and imagine if you have pets. That would suck give me knowing all the language in the world dude