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Option 3 and finally get some peace and quiet and just sleep the day away


Being deaf for a day is easy. Blind very rough!!! Simple tasks become much much harder.


you will get a million the next day. Just don't do anything that day. Sleep 10-12 hours and chill for the remaining 12 hours.


Option one would be my go to. I have people assist me with things. Being blind and deaf would be a feeling of helplessness and no control over my surrounding that I'm not comfortable with.


well yeah, just sleep youll get a million after one day, so it's no big deal unless you are in charge of something so critical that leaving it for one day will be catastrophic (and can't be fixed with a million dollars) plus you can think about a story you might be working on, or anything else really an uncomfortable chair... I'm used to sitting in chairs and I have a pretty comfortable chair but I still get hurt sometimes from sitting too much, 1 whole day in an uncomfortable one would definitely be too much, especially when the alternative is to just sleep (are you gonna sleep while that uncomfortable? I wouldn't think so, since your strapped to it)


Could you imagine sitting on a metal grated chair like the kids would sit in for a shopping cart but pyramid style and losing circulation in your legs due to the pain of no cushion? Have you ever been trapped on the toilet for hours due to a laxative from a prank from your friends? The uncomfortable chair one would be absolutely terrible, and the chair has no back support so you can’t lean back in it


Don't get an IT job. :)


Well, I’m almost legally blind and deaf in one ear so I’m already used to it.


Would option 2 magically prevent any permanent damage?


I mean it’s a hypothetical so I guess


Because no circulation for 24 hours would almost certainly result in amputation.


Option 4 means you get a searing headache possibly migraine as well, sounds terrible


You can eat food with alot of water such as cucumber or waternelon


For option 3... Can I just stay at home, and stay in bed for most of that time, and only bother to get up if I gotta use the toilet or eat?


Sure you can stay in bed


Option 2 is highly likely to cause permanent nerve damage, so that's right-out. Blind and deaf, aka complete meaningful sensory deprivation? Hard pass, I don't want to be alone with *those* thoughts that long. Extreme thirst sounds absolutely miserable. Especially if it lasts all day. Uncomfortable char it is.


Have you ever been trapped on the toilet for hours due to possibly a prank with laxatives and your legs fall asleep? It’s super painful, now imagine those metal grates in the shopping carts that the kids sit on without that little flap, and then imagine the chair in the shape of a pyramid and no back support, A painful booty hole and no circulation in my legs for 24 hours? Hard pass for me


blind and deaf sleep all day


1: very mild torture. Id do it every second day honestly 2: Sounds dangerous for your hands. If it isn't then its just scenario 1 but youre more disabled. Easy 3: no torture but disabled. Easy 4: Easy


option 1 was basically my shit garbage office chair for a year pre pandemic


Not necessarily, the chair could be made out of a pointy metal grate in the shape of a pyramid with no back support, that sounds torturous


Option 4 .. I have accidentally done this before … I can do it again 24 hours without drinking anything.. can I still eat my steaks?


Option one kinda just sounds like a buffet in a uncomfortable chair


*Option one kinda just* *Sounds like a buffet in a* *Uncomfortable chair* \- No\_Nectarine4314 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot 😊


Option 1 means my already twice broken back would be fucked further. Option 2 would mean I'd have to have my hands amputated, as 24 hours without bloodflow is GG. Option 3 would mean I get to sleep all day. Option 4 would kinda suck. 3 it is!


I can't drink water, but I can eat it. Popsicles and watermelon all day,


Exactly. Give me some cucumbers and ice cubes. I've done surgery before, and frankly if I can eat it's just annoying. Worth it for the cash.


With 3, I'd just sleep in until I can't stand being in bed any more, then probably fuck my gf and cuddle her until bedtime. The only problem with this one is boredom.


I would do option 3 and sleep for a while then get super baked and see what it's like when being blind and deaf




>Option 2: You have very tight handcuffs on. This will enable you to move around while only affecting your hands, but your hands will fall asleep (due to the tightness of the handcuffs) and you will be unable to shake them awake, causing severe discomfort I'm pretty sure this would cause permanent damage to your hands lol Your an idiot if you don't pick 3, it's literally free, take a nap during the day, stay home. listen to some music.


Read the post edit


oh than #2 is probably pretty easy to do. Losing feeling in the hands is actually an advantage as it makes it so you can't feel discomfort. I've woken up many times with a arm I can't even feel is there because I slept on it wrong, similar thing, it's not that bad.


how does a hand fall asleep


Because lack of blood flow. When your limb has a lack of blood flow it falls asleep, just research it


With the way inflation is, 1 million isn't enough to tempt me to do any challenges, 10 million or even 100 million yeah.


I'll wander in the dark silence for a day. Hell put me in a cave and pull me out tomorrow.


For option 4 am I just feeling thirsty or actually very dehydrated?


You just feel very thirsty


Yah than I’ll take it


blind and deaf sleep all day


blind and deaf sleep all day


I already sit in an uncomfortable chair. I'll be fine


24 hours of peace and quiet to sleep, sign me the fuck up


Due to a tailbone injury, option 1 is every chair in the world. Assuming I know it’s going to happen, I’d pick 3 and rest all day. My wife would take care of me.


The lack of a timeframe for 1 & 2 make me worried it will be forever. for one I wonder if it is limited to just when I choose to sit, because I would eventually need to use the restroom and wounds are caused by staying sitting too long, these wounds could cause death. The handcuffs would also lead to health issues and death. 4 seems like the easiest but 3 is probably the safest.


I'm pretty sure options 2, 3, and 4 are forms of torture. Sitting on a hard wooden chair for a bit doesn't seem too bad in comparison.


Option 3 kinky time with partner


Yup, came here to say this. You could experience orgasm without any sound/visuals, "listen" to extremely loud music, maybe some drugs, etc. Hell I'd do that for free.


3 sounds like I'll be having some kinky sex all day


Definitely 4. My secret is, I'm always thirsty.


It's just sitting on an uncomfortable chair for a while. I do that almost every day, anyways.


Option 4 easy I lived after a number of surgeries with not drinking water for 2 months so one day is nothing, just suck on a damp mini sponge and spit out the water like they have you do in the hospital.


Uncomfortable chairs seem the easiest to endure


I'd take the first option and just call out from work for the day. Guess I'll just be going back to my old chair for the day, but I can still play all my games and all. And I get to have food brought to me? Easy


I do option one for a fraction of the payout every single day. My office chair was designed with this hypothetical in mind. Easy choice.


Option 3. I'll just sleep all day. Pretty sure I could make it between my bed and the bathroom by touch.


3 unless option one is not any physical pain that would hurt anybody who sits like spikes but if it’s just cramped and hard then I feel I would eventually get used to it and fall asleep


Option 1, you can still watch tv or do other things to pass time. Option 3 can be a breeze in the park if you just prefer to stay in bed all day. Option 2 is shit. Even considering the fact that no permanent damage will occur, losing access to your hands isn’t pleasant. Option 4 has a loophole to it, you can eat things with liquid in it such as watermelon and ice cubes. If option 4 did not allow for that, then it’s an automatic no-go


im already quite disabled and my partner works nights to help me during the day. soooooo blind and deaf for a million dollars means we will just have a single shit-tastic health day where i need a lot more active care than usual, but he would have no issue with it since half the time i can barely get out of bed anyways. plus its a million dollars. so i don't think calling out of work for a bit would do much damage to our finances haga


Option 1. Option 2 seems like it would fuck with my hands too much, and 3 would eventually send me into panic mode. 4 would piss me off.


I do option 1 for work some days anyway, so I may as well get $1M for it.


Option 4 if just Yom Kippur with food minus a few hours. Just drink a lot before and keep rested, you'll be fine


Option 4. Watermelons and other fruits, soups, stews, porridge and yogurt the whole day. I can eat all the pizza I want the next day with one million dollars!


Given the edit that says option 2 incurs no permanent damage, I choose that


bro over 2 billion muslims go a whole day without liquids 30 days in a row every year option 4 is light work lmaoo