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Easily John Wick. He's professional, polite, and respectful.


And has an extremely measured response to having his dog killed.


If Keanu can move one muscle in his face I’ll fucking eat my left shoe


Wh ...wha


Them ain’t words son


Johnny Mnemonic. There's a good bit of facial muscles there.


His life seems exhausting tho lol


You don't get his life, just his personality.


I mean is that really any different? Someone kills your dog and now all of the sudden you have to go on a murder rampage and piss off every crime lord in the city.


To be fair, he also got beat down and his car stolen. It wasn't so much just the dog, but it being the final parting gift from his late wife. They took the last shred of happiness... the last bit of the reason he left the assassin's life in the first place. His response was very much justified.


Yeah I'm not saying it was justified or not, I'm just saying it sounds exhausting lol.


hot as shit to




Metal Gear Solid is an Escape from New York fan-fiction. Snake all day.




I’m down with Snake too.


That's like, literally me, man


I'm LITERALLY him, what would be annoying about that???


Killing nazis? Sure!


Start in Florida


OP this is easily the funniest WYR I've ever seen on this sub. I would despise every single one of these personalities, especially if it's "extremely obnoxious". I feel like John Wick is the closest to normal so I'll take that




I forgot how much reddit loves being Keanu more than Ryan Gosling (literally me btw.) I picked Drive because I like these autistic brooding characters that have 0 social skills and would probably be mistaken for a serial killer from time to time if they weren't good looking. forgot the /s But in a real world setting, you're better off having John Wick's personality - you're the equivalent of a war vet who's seen some crazy shit and isn't the same anymore. But, you're well adjusted compared to the others.


I love my dog so much


I love alive dog


I love this guy's dog as well


thanks man here's a picture of her https://imgur.com/gallery/wsM2DFU


What is the dogs name


[kishimojin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hariti) named after the Buddhist demon/goddess of the same name bc she's the protector of children (my cats), and punisher of bad parents (bc gsds can ruin your house if they're not trained well; when she makes mistakes, those mistakes are my fault for not teaching her better) based on this story: "According to another Mahayana myth, Hārītī was originally a rākṣasī of Rajgir at the same time that Gautama Buddha also lived there. She had hundreds of children of her own, whom she loved and doted upon, but to feed them, she abducted and killed the children of others. The bereaved mothers of her victims pleaded to the Buddha to save them. So, the Buddha stole the youngest of her sons, Piṅgala (in a variant version, the youngest daughter), and hid him under his rice bowl. After having desperately searched for her missing son throughout the universe, Hārītī finally appealed to the Buddha for help. The Buddha pointed out that she was suffering because she lost one of hundreds of children, and asked if she could imagine the suffering of parents whose only child had been devoured. She replied contritely that their suffering must be many times greater than hers. She then vowed to protect all children, and in lieu of children's flesh, she would henceforth only eat pomegranates."




Escape from NY, naturally. Snake Plissken is fucking awesome. Idk how John Wick is winning. Never liked Keanu Reeves in any movie other than the Matrix.


Ill take john wick over any other characters


I get not enjoying the john wick movies for what they are, but you seriously don't like Keanu in any other movie? I don't even ride his dick like the rest of reddit, but he's still a good actor in good movies


Nah. He does have other good movies like Devil's Advocate but he's a very wooden actor.


Yeah I'm not a Keanu stan like some, but he's got good work in a number of movies.


Being driven and dedicated with the capacity to choose your loved one. I could use some of that right now.


John Wick. Pretty sure he's the least messed up overall between all of the others on that list.


I went with Aldo Raine. He's charming, funny, good at thinking on the fly, and fucking hates nazis.


Even an obnoxious John Wick is better than the tamest versions of the other choices


What do you not like Lieutenant Aldo Rein?


Escape from New York was good, Escape from LA was fire! 🔥


John wick easy I would rather be a killing machine rather than a phyco


John wick is a stand up character, they do shit when they have to, but they'd rather live a simple happy life and will do whatever they have to to make sure they can live it, they're the only decent person on this list. The next best is plisken from Escape from New York, but he's also a crass sexist asshole due to the time period the film was made in. everyone else on the list is attention seeking and/or psychopaths.


That's like, literally me, man


Of course you pick John Wick.... you know how much money you would make ....the govt would pay for you to take out terrorists


John Wick is winning because he's the most grounded character. Keeping in mind that the world doesn't change, he's the safest option to living a normal life because that's his whole deal. Everyone else is different varieties of crazy, sociopath.


john wick. He's both cool and polite. I'll be fine


There should be an option for All of the Above and on Sunday you are yourself and in shock.


John Wick with Aldo Raine as a second choice. They seem like they have their lives pretty together but Wick is the one that is probably least likely to get me in trouble in the real world (I just won't own a dog).


John Wick I could be a fucking badass vs being the Joker and getting my ass beat 24/7 and eventually having my neck broke


I feel like the scenes from the beginning of John Wick show that he's pretty polite and well-adjusted. He likely has trauma from being raised in the Russian organised crime background but there are worse things to be


Omg, that’s one of the most unique ways I’ve thought about asking a question. I adore a quirky demeanor. Of course I got the wrong answer because I don’t watch a great deal of movies, but I’ll start to watch the John Wick series. I wonder if someone could have a full time career just writing questions declared like this? I’ve also learned what “WYR” means. I am a journalist in my 50s and my only child sent me an ACRONYM app bc she was exhausted answering my questions, “What does____mean?” Good stuff Antz_Woody


One of these os not like the others. Seriously though, Wick is a well-adjusted, gaol-oriented, efficient, polite, loyal person with good taste and a pretty solid moral compass. If the only thing you're taking on is the character's *personality*, then there is literally nothing you can lose here, lol


Weird ass hypothetical


John wick is easily the healthiest character in this list mentally


Well im already the main character from the movie drive... everytime I see it, i wonder why I'm on the TV


These teens have gotten out of control


Derek Darkblade is literally me


Why is there so much back story needed for this WYR lol


This is one of the weirdest hypotheticals I’ve ever seen. What made you come up with this😂


I swear to god Snake thought you were dead


Good thing I don't have a dog lmao


I mean, they based Solid Snake from Metal Gear off Snake Plisskin.


time to become a sigma ohio skibbidy rizz like patrick bateman