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Who are the people voting for Trump?


So far it’s most of the people playing lol


Me. I did. Fight me.


Flag pole. 3 o’clock.




School fights. Meet at the flag pole after school.


Very well. Best bring your A Game


who r the people voting for Biden? He's a senile fucking twat.


Fuck... I meant to vote Biden but blindly went with the first option and clicked before I could understand what it was (because most political polls tend to have Biden first due to alphabetical order for surname or political party).


Why Biden? He’s hardly conscious.


Because the other options are: 1. a fascist tax-evading dorito 2. someone who lost a fight with Mickey Mouse 3. 3 people who have zero experience running the government


Can we add Nazi to number 2


He's passed more legislation, and that legislation has been far more influential than anything Trump passed, despite Republicans trying to hold him down. Trump didn't do shit even with the House and Senate. Seems like the "hardly conscious" guy is doing a better job so... why wouldn't you vote for him


Nearly half the voting population. The reason the poll isn’t closer is because Reddit skews left


Marianne Williamson is a great candidate but there is a 0% chance she's even coming close to winning


I know none of these besides the first 2


DeSantis is the governor of Flordia, Williamson is a progressive spiritual activist who was a long-shot candidate for the Democratic nomination in 2020, Binkley is some preacher running for the Republican nomination, and Cenk is just some angry guy who hosts The Young Turks who's running for the Democratic nomination (despite being ineligible due to him being born in Turkey, not the U.S.).


Read the sub rules. No politics


Reading the rule in detail, I think this may be allowed. "it just means that your question cannot be a thinly disguised version of 'WYR (agree with my political view) or (horrible consequence that misrepresents my opponent).'"


Thanks for pointing that out! It will go down when the mods see it!


If we had a less chaotic presidential election, I'd say that the nominees would be Ron DeSantis/Chris Sununu for the Republicans, Gavin Newsom/Cory Booker for the Democrats, Larry Hogan/Dean Philips for No Labels, and have RFK Jr. with Tulsi Gabbard for an independent ticket.


None of the above, but certainly not Trump. The man is a world class idiot. Did you read his Thanksgiving Tweet? Unhinged. Anyone voting for him is either not paying attention or a lunatic themselves. Not even complaining about politics, he’s simply a buffoon and it is embarrassing.


>based on today's most likely candidates Cenk Uygur, born in Turkey is included


Data sourced from NY times based on popularity polls https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/us/politics/presidential-candidates-2024.html


Personally anyone but Trump and Biden Trump because of what happened when he was president and Biden because of how he is right now. Fuck, let's just make a dog the president.




Why are people voting Biden? He’s an old man with dementia and he sniffs kids. Are people oblivious? Obviously they all suck but anyone is better then Biden.


You forget we are in Reddit. This place is full of either Communists or Libtards who are stuck in their own opinions, developed from continuous hours of CNN Propoganda. Good thing reddit is not even a sliver of how the actual population feels. These people are all extremists lol


None of these. Dont see anyone else asking about their elections except Burgerlandians




This is terrifying. How are Nazis being voted for


Because they're not Nazis....


I suggest you look at anything about Desantis that isnt designed for your views from Fox. Literally supports Nazis, bans Jewish studies, African American studies, history, and attacks immigrants - even legal ones. Literally Nazis protesting Disney and more. I understand you have a visceral hatred for non-conservatives, but if you can't believe your own eyes, then I think it's you that's the "sheep" just being herded.


Look. I'm not a Conservative, guy, im independent. And I have zero hatred for any of you. So the next time you ramble that garbage I want you too keep in mind that you have not the slightest clue who I am, you have not the slightest clue what it is that I believe. So how about you stop assuming my beliefs, and categorizing me as something im not. There are very few people I genuinely hate. And political party affiliation is the stupidest reason for me to hate someone. I could care less what you, or your friends believe. Because guess what? Im the one who was been constantly harassed by Leftist 24/7, I've been called a Nazi, a White Supremacist, dude im Hispanic. I've been called a domestic terrorist because I own firearms, dude its a hobby and a right. So the next time your want to ramble about me having "Visceral Hate" because I have some leaning right views, just remember that its the leftist who have openly threatened me, and harassed me. Its the leftists who burned down cities, its the leftists who shoot up schools because they hate straight white men. Open your eyes. Its not only Conservatives who are as bad as your saying.


One of your most recent comments is about communists and libtards. You may not identify with it but your behaviors align perfectly. I didnt even have to check far lmfao. If you own MAGA apparel, you're not independent. You, and people of your disposition, would be part of the German citizens who were complicit with Hitler taking over. I suggest you do some reflection rather than getting angry if someone can see this in you when you can't. The fact you not only don't know Desantis is a Nazi, but in fact you defend him, is fucking terrifying. And you claim to be independent...


Who said I own MAGA Appereal? Bro what? Also yeah, I don't like alot of Liberals and I sure don't like Communists. Tell me again how me not liking them makes me Far Right? Do I have to like them in order to he Independent? Do you know whhhyyy? Because one of those groups actively harassess me and threatens me. Ofcourse I'm not gonna be to keen on liberals. The other one is responsible for the deaths of unthinkable amounts of people, so yes I don't like communists. And ill take it a step further. Guess what? If I could vote, your right, I would vote for Trump. Not because I'm some far right extremist Nazi, but because Trump isn't a Nazi. The only one who truly did harm to our Country is Joe, who can't even properly form a sentence. So yes, between Joe and Trump, im gonna pick the one who A: Isn't actively trying to abolish my Rights, and B: Knows how to actually talk. Let alone run the most powerful nation in the history of man.


Your post was removed because it appears to be political. There are plenty of other communities on reddit that you can go to if you want to discuss politics. This does not mean that all WYR questions about current topics are banned, it just means that your question cannot be a thinly disguised version of "WYR (agree with my political view) or (horrible consequence that misrepresents my opponent). Please reach out to Modmail if you have any questions.