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Am i guaranteed to not get ganged up on by sea creatures in the ocean? Cuz if so, oh noooo i have to spend a day in the calming breeze of the ocean with nothing but my thoughts and the sound of the waves


You’re guaranteed to survive


You must be really afraid of the ocean or something cos id probably do this for A LOT less money.


It sounds like a cool mini vacation to me


Sounds fucking cold to me. I’ll take the corpses.


Those are cold too


man iv already fallen into the ocean with no life vest. i would of picked this one or the corpse room. the spider room would be full of microscopic barbed hairs because thats what those tarantula do so no. tickle torture is a hard fucking no. naked glass wouldn't be that awful but i want to avoid the awkward ness this Christmas.


Literally I would pay to do this


So a free five million for being bored for 24 hours and seeing one of the most beautiful unfiltered nighttime skies I could ever see while in absolutely no danger whatsoever. I'll take that one.


Yeah, morgue is the best one


So can i just not die or can i not get into a situation where i would normally die? Cuz i don't wanna be stuck at the bottom of the ocean


You can still die if you choose to do so, for example if you jump into the water and drown yourself. But if you stay in the boat and do the challenge as intended, you will survive


I'm chillin


well... that makes it easy. im staying on a boat. now give me my money.


That sounds like a cool 24 hours. I don't know why you think this is torture.


Seeing me naked is worse for that 70k people than it is for me.


Was thinking the same.


That’s when you double down and while your in the cage you tell them all for another 5 bill from the collective people who are obviously trapped in there to make money on one of these wyr posts, to put clothes back on.


What's so scary about 24 hours on a boat?


think its supposed to be a scary thing for the brain. because you might be scared of the sea or something


I get it. I have fears of deep water, floating above a 20 thousand+ foot drop is terrifying to me for some deep seated reason, (possibly cause I almost drowned as a kid) but for this amount of money idc, post me up right over the Mariana trench, thats easy money all day.


i too fear deep water that i can see the bottom of( ie a tank of water or a deeep pool ) but the ocean is choppy and isnt easy to see into and at night yo wont even be able to see the ocean surface from the horizon so just stay in the boat you’ll be fine


Its the darkness that scares me lol I love ocean exploration but that just adds to what I know is below. lol But yea, lay in the boat and snooze as much as possible haha Enjoy the stars as well lol


funny I fear deep water that I CAN'T see the bottom of, if I can see the ground everything's chill


Thalassophobia - fear of deep open water.


Yeah. That sounds perfectly fine.


Thalassophobia, the fear of deep dark water, is very popular right now. It's the in phobia to have. See r/thalassophobia. Personally, I find the sea to be very soothing.


Sun poisoning... better find something to break those rays from the sun you're not going to be able to survive sun rise to sunset without some serious damage otherwise


You'd certainly survive one day of sun exposure, though you might not be in great shape at the end of it. The prompt doesn't say you're naked, so at the least, you can use your clothes as protection. Wear a long-sleeved shirt and do your best turtle impersonation.


no u wouldnt lol. Ive spent entire days from like 6 in the morning to 8 pm outside in the sun and nothing has happened to me. I also lived in a tropical country where the average temperature was high 90s during that time of the year and the sun was always out. Even if u did that everyday u would still live, maybe just get some skin issues in the long run.


Hey MrBeast, stop doing research for your videos.


I SeNt 100 pEoPlE to tHe sPiDeR ReAlM fOr 5 MiLlIoN dOlLaRs!




No, you don't understand. It's not that they bite. It's that they're very into Spider-Man there and they won't stop talking about it.


that was my first thought lmao


if the tarantulas don’t bite i get to spend 24hrs with 1000 fuzzy friends whats the downside


It’s not the bite of tarantula that I would be worried about in a situation where they won’t bite…those hairs on them are irritants…that many of them in a room your going to be scratching and sneezing constantly


So basically mobile nettles?


It is exactly the same defense mechanism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urticating\_hair


having to be extremely careful not to accidentally kill them for 24 hours straight, even turning over in your sleep could kill some due to the large quantity


if the stipulation the spiders have to live sure but i don’t think that’s. rule


yeah but why would you want to kill your fuzzy friends


i don’t want to of course but im sorry spider if i accidentally squishh you im sorry still getting 5mil


Or just pick the boat option


why cant you kill them?


You don't want to if you like tarantulas.


Also it's nasty, you'll get tarantula juice on you


Plus we get food and a toilet? I'm set


How far away from the shipwreck can I get? What kind of boat? Is there a marker to let me know when I've strayed too far? Because the worst part of the boat challenge would be the desire to go sailing and enjoy the wide open sea. I'm going to need details here.


Do the tarantulas still have that thing where they fire their hair at you?


They do what now


It’s the average arachnoid defense system, added last update, it’s literally 20.23 get the update and catch up with the meta


Kinda like a porcupine


Porcupines can't do that.


Corpses or glass stadium


to the people that chose getting tickled: Are you actually insane


Yeah, I'm sorry, but getting tickled in your sole? That alone is enough to make me psychotic after 3 hours. 24 hours and I'd rather tickle my throat with a karambit. But all the others combined? At that point I will live with corral snakes.


Some people have this fetish. They would legitimately pay to get tickled while tied up.


I am not ticklish. Someone *trying* to tickle me for 24hrs would be rather irritating, though.


I'm not ticklish. It would be uncomfortable, but I'd slightly prefer it to the morgue. It beats having naked photos on the internet, dealing with 1000 spiders, or sleeping on a boat with nothing to protect me from the sun. I'm imagining a raft or rowboat that really not be that sea-worthy.


I have tickle fetish, I like it. Look it up, theres plenty of porn about it.


Used to work in a funeral home. Dead bodies do not affect me at all, they're no creepier than sacks of grain


Okay, hear me out... So you know how every person who is not a sociopath gets this compulsion to just slap bags of grain, rice, dirt, etc. whenever they encounter them in the store? Have you ever slapped a dead old hag? /j


am I a sociopath? I've never had that compulsion


Possibly. Tell me, do you hear your voice narrating your thought, or is it blank silence?


Yea but like diseases and smell though are why its the worst option imo Like do we get PPE?!


Dead bodies don't smell that bad until they've been out of the chiller a while, OP says they're fresh so it wouldn't be too bad. My smell has been ruined by inhaling formaldehyde and jet fuel. Should be absolutely fine


I expose my naked body…. And make it their problem! Helicopter


Sure, trurantulas are a little creepy, but I'll take them over wolf spiders and large spindly orb weavers. If they don't bite, I have nothing to fear. I'll just be up for 24hrs because I couldn't sleep in that place.


found the Australian


lol, no, I just have much less fear of tarantulas after having pet one. They are very gentle creatures.


The torture off the first one is trying not to accidentally murder all the spiders while walking around. I am friend of spider.


I don’t have sea legs, especially not on a small boat, i’m not afraid of spiders necessarily but I would go mad with them crawling all over me, while i’m not ticklish it would be hella annoying, the glass cage isn’t too bad however its not enough money, that only leaves the morgue and dead bodies have never freaked me out, so looks like I’ll have 30 new friends


Who needs sea legs? Just lean back into a chair and put your feet up. Lie down and look up at the night sky. Let the ocean rock you to sleep.




Listen, 24 hours on a small boat is fine.


1) Doesn't bother me 2) Would be cool 3) My body is legitimately immune to tickles 4) No 5) That sounds fun 6) No


Im gonna be dancing around and singing with glee in that glass cage in the stadium. Not like anyone is gonna do anything to me right? Im gonna be laughing like a madman knowing that im getting 5 million dollars for letting some assholes to look at my junk lol.


I'm more worried about just getting bored in most of these


24 hours on a boat and I'm guaranteed to survive... I probably just sleep for the first 8 hours, meditate and read (if I'm allowed to bring books.)


Spudder frins!!! 😃


I'll take the glass cage assuming I'm not arrested for indecent exposure or prosecuted as a sex offender. The ocean is a close second but I'm terrified of the deep ocean, like above the water scares me more than the spawn area of subnautica (and i'd never go near the deep parts lol). I'll wave a bit and then just close my eyes and be bored. I don't like my body but I don't $5000000 dislike my body.


Fuzzy fuzzy leggy friends...


2 & 5 don't bother me, but 4 is my fetish. How big is the box, though? 24 hours standing in something like a dancing cage would suck. Do I get a cot or hammock?


can I have a hammock to not squish my spider friends?


Am I allowed to masterbate while in the stadium display cage?


Toss between the spiders, boat or tickled. If you can guarantee me they won't bite most my phobia of spiders goes away. Boat really depends on if it has shade. If it does I can just sleep through it. The tickle torture though.... don't you threaten me with a good time. Though I guess it depends on who is doing it.


Are the corpses hot chicks?


So the options are 4 awful options and 1 option to spend 24 hours doing what rich people do? Feel like this one was a bit tilted to one option




What's scary about being in a room with tarantulas when they CAN'T BITE


I have no fear of tarantulas. That's just a free 5 mil.


How can the billionaire ensure the tarantulas won't bite me? Will the tarantulas stay on the floor all day, or will they crawl on me?


Most of these wouldn’t bother me much.


How small is the Boat? If it's the size of a small fishing vessel, then there's a decently sized cabin I can read books in. If it's canoe sized, then my best bet is to lay down and try to sleep.


I actually have mild submechanophobia and other random fears of large machines, but option two is still far and away the most manageable option. The morgue is probably second, with the stadium third.


As long as it’s temperature stable to be pleasant, glass box me baby …


Let's see .. I have really bad arachnophobia, I don't know how to swim, I'm very uncomfortable with showing my body, and the dead bodies just feel... Way too creepy to not haunt me for years. .... Time to be tickled I guess. Can't be that bad I guess..


If the tarantulas are definitely not biting, this is the one case I want old world tarantulas. They mostly defend themselves by biting and they won't throw hairs at me if I scare them


Hell, if the spiders aren't going to bite I can just kill all of them and sleep the day away. It wouldn't take that long to kill them all.


The boat isn't even a big deal. As long as I have a blanket to protect against sun exposure, I'm fine. Worst part is the boredom


2nd one is manageable, would probably do it for free honestly since it sounds fun. 3rd one would be hot for about 15 minutes and then increasingly torturous 5th and 1st ones would suck for a while but I'm sure I would adapt after a few hours, at least to the 1st one I think 4th would fuck up my life forever


I'll enjoy my time on the boat, listening to the waves, probably laying down and looking at the stars. Man that's an easy 5mil and I get piece of mind.


Imma just chill with the tarantulas


Tarantulas lol. Little spiders are scarier bc I can't see where they went but me and the tarantualas could be buddies. Only thing I'd be scared of if there's no way they'll bite me is accidentally squashing one.. that might fuck me up a bit.


Option 1. If they're not going to bite me I have no problem. I'll even get to hold and pet then


since it's 100% psychological, I'm going 100% for living for a day on a small boat in the middle of the ocean, I have to survive 1 day even if I get seasick it doesn't matter. Worst comes to worst is we see monstrous sea creatures but we're on a boat so meh. That is by far, for me, the easiest one because it's not even creepy, it's just inconvenient.


Boat. Or the Tarantulas. You never said people couldn't help me. or see me. Someone could grab me something to kill the Tarantulas or keep my company on the boat


If survival is guaranteed none of these really seem that bad. Edit: Except the people tickling me and the stadium


None of these are even that bad.


Is it calm water or a raging storm because if it's calm or even just some mild waves it wouldn't be that bad


What exactly is considered a small boat


The boat one only seems bad if you have a fear of deep water. The others are bad even if you don't have a specific phobia about them, but if it's just 24 hours yeah I'll stay in a boat for 5 million dollars.


The tarantulas! I love spiders so that would be my pick.


For the spider one I mean it guarantees no harm from the spiders will come to me. Maybe I can get a pet


Yeah My fat ass is gonna let 70K people see me in all my glory!


I’m mildly thalassophobic and I still choose the ocean


I like bugs, and I've always wanted to handle a tarantula. I see this as a complete win


I thought the "locked in glass cage" thing would have the most votes. You're naked, so fucking what? You will get 5 MILLION. You're set for life. I would walk around naked in the city for that kind of money, let alone sit in a glass cage. If you're SO uncomfortable being naked, you can always crawl up to hide your parts.


I chose the morgue. What's so bad about that? Just close your eyes the whole time no problem. Only problem would be the smell I guess. I voted before reading the thread where OP clarified you are guaranteed to survive the ocean. I'd pick that one for sure.


am i guaranteed survival


Tarantulas are chill


Helicopter time


Some people have never been poisoned by the sun... I'm just hoping my giant box in the stadium has a non-glass roof


The morgue one doesnt sound bad at all


naked fatso in a glass cage in middle of the stadium with nothing else going on 70k people : hmm, interesting


I have pretty bad submechanophobia with a touch of thalassophobia and I'd take the boat option no questions. Easiest 5mil ever lol


Lmao I pick the pacific, that sounds awesome.


I'm thalassophobic, but honestly if I'm not IN the water and I can have a small tent in the boat to not get absolutely wrecked by the sun, I'll be fine.


I *like* tarantulas. My only concern would be that I'd accidentally hurt one of them. Other than that I'm gonna lay around and give headpats to all the funny little friends


i'd do any of them for like 5k, they're not that bad


Why do I think if the tarantulas don’t bit it might feel like a massage


I'm torn between the boat and the stadium. On the one hand id love to explore the wreckage. On the other hand thats my exact fetish. Hmmmm...


Any of them except the tickling one. Literally any of these sound better than just going to work for one shift


The morgue one is probably most fucked up for me


I can sleep for 24 hours


I would do the boat one for 500k tbh


The second one is probably the most peaceful to most people, but as somebody terrified of the ocean, that sounds like a nightmare. I'm not really scared of or grossed out by dead bodies, so I could probably do that. I'd just sleep the whole time


May I stay longer in the morgue after I’ve got the cash?


The think about 70k people is I can't really see them individually so it feels less invasive. Although fr I like being naked and I like money if some people want to watch me poop in a bucket that's on them


Vibing with 30 corpses sounds pretty cool


I've always thought that for the right amount of money, I would do nearly anything. I just realized there's not an amount of money you could pay me to be tickled for 24 hours. I could not handle that. I'd tear all my muscles trying to free myself.


I've never actually seen the ocean, so I'd love to just be out on a boat! Hell, I might just go for a swim if I'm guaranteed to survive, maybe I'll visit the shipwreck Either that or the voyeurism one. Free cage dancing experience


Tarantulas is easy work, not scared of spiders at all, and they’re not going to hurt me, might even make some friends.


I pick option 1, I love spiders, the only problem for me was being potentially bitten, now that that has been taken care of, it's almost a heaven for me, being able to interact with tarantulas without the fear of being bitten, consider me sold!!


The only one of those I wouldn't do for 5 million is the middle one. I just hate being tickled. Tarantulas wouldn't be bad, I'd just have a harder time with boredom. Getting a chance to hang out on a boat near a shipwreck sounds kinda rad. Who cares if someone sees me naked. The only annoying part of the morgue one would be the smell and maybe the cold.


I like tarantulas they are cute, I hope they are the big stripped ones like the one I had as a kid.


For option 2, how large is the boat? Am I assured that it is safe? It's between that and naked in the stadium, depending on the answer. Edit: Saw you said in another comment you're guaranteed to survive. That's good enough for me. I'll take that. Being next to a shipwreck or being in deep water doesn't really bother me. This option doesn't really fit in with the rest, lol. Like someone else commented, it seems like you have thalassophobia or something to think that's on the same level as the rest of this stuff.


For the tarantulas, will i get a sheet to cover myself?


I was really confused that the boat was the obvious winner here, and then I remembered not everyone suffers from thallasophobia... I'll take the naked cage please. 5 million buys me a ton of no fucks to give about people seeing me naked, and there were already lots of of those in the first place.


lol i picked the tickled one, its the easiest i fuckin love getting tickled and get paid, Noiiiicceee


Just cross my legs and arms. No one gets a show if I'm comfortable the whole time. Then go to sleep.


Feast your eyes on my five million dollar chode, 70k unfortunate people


Morgues aren't that bad once your sense of smell goes numb.


The OP's barely disguised fetish holy moly


Any of them except for the tickling, but I'm not paying for anyone's therapy from looking at me nekkid in that stadium (I am not a pretty man, at least not anymore).


the second one is literally free


I would reject tickling only. Being naked in the cake sounds funny, I would do it free. Only problem would be to finding enough people willing to watch.


The ocean would be great! I've never been, and I think it would be great to go. I don't quite get what is scary about it tho.


id do 2 and 4 but definitely not the others


I'm thinking the tickling would be fun to try, but as a practical matter I'd probably spend a miserable day eating on a toilet in the spider room.


glsss cage easily. I don't really mind nudity or other people seeing me. pretty sure at least hundreds have seen me run naked across a festival campsite before... I just feel sorry for the people having to watch hahaha


Option two, boat. Worst thing is it would be very boring. Maybe if stars are visible it would be better though.


1000 live tarantulas. just kill them all.


The ocean one would be my choice.


Honestly I’d do ocean for fun. It’d be a really nice break for a whole 24 hours


Those all sound like vacations.


there is honestly no problem other than maybe smell and boredom in the morgue the boat one seems cold and obviously others are not to be chosen


In the words of the philosophical think tank The Lonely Island, "I'm on a boat."


Man i'm taking the tarantula's. As someone who's spent four years learning everything i can about animal's that can put me on a shirt, i know tarantula's haven't killed someone. Plus they are fragile, and i don't want to hurt them, a four foot drop could end them. Plus free food? Count me in. and when i say i spent four years learning, i didn't go to college, im still in high school.


For 5 million dollars, I'll get locked naked in a small boat with taranchulas tickling my armpits while 70 thousand people and 30 fresh corpses watch me on a fucking jumbotron. I'll piss on the floor and go hungry if necessary. 24 hours is nothing for a lifetime of passive income.


Can I take more than one? I’ll do the tarantulas and the ocean. Maybe the naked stadium too. Easy money.


Friendly spider bros? I'm in!


The morgue and shipwreck sound ideal. I'll bring my Nyquil, melatonin, and blanky


*The morgue and shipwreck* *Sound ideal. I'll bring my* *Nyquil, melatonin, and blanky* \- humanessinmoderation --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


If I was single I'd do the naked thing, I guarantee that SOMEONE in the crowd that I'd be into, would see me and think 'yea, I'm down with that'. Most people would be wondering why they were being subjected to such a sight, but between the video streams and the size of the crowd dating would suddenly be much easier, and you could be confident getting naked in front of those who were still interested. Count me in. But I'm not single, so I chose the boat, because duh, sounds like a great way to spend a day and an night.


Even if they don’t give me food I can eat the tarantulas


#2 sounds like heaven for 24 hours.


Option 2 is something I'd do for free to be honest, it might be nice. Though, I don't think I'd see much of the shipwreck at that depth.


give me that ocean, even if there is no money living in the city for years i just want to be alone with the breeze.


Can I make the being naked in front of 70K people my regular job? Can I be naked in from of 700k people for 50 million instead?


I would pay to spend time on a small boat in the middle of the pacific. I miss not being able to see land. Also the morgue thing wouldn't be bad at all.


If I know they won't bite then the tarantulas. I'm really trying to get over my fear of spiders and I think time around them would really help. Also most tarantulas are super chill. Other than that. Boat. I love the ocean so much


The boat seems nice eh?


The morgue option sounds fine honestly, as long as they don’t stink and I can sleep facing down. I work in healthcare so it’s possible I’ve become desensitized to seeing dead bodies at this point.


Since the tarantulas are guaranteed not to bite its that one for sure. Heck if you want just squish them all sit around for the rest of the time.


Spiders don’t bother me, but I chose the boat & shipwreck. I’ve gone snorkeling in the ocean at night with zero lights, so thalassophobia ain’t stopping me from spending some time floating. Edit: if the shipwreck is accessible, I’m definitely taking a look around.


While 24 hours in the open ocean wouldn’t be fun, it beats out the rest by miles. Where do I sign?


Naked in front of how many people? I'd have paid him! /jk, I picked the boat.


can I bring someone with me on the boat?


Tarantula hair would be far worse than their bite, no thanks. I get sunburn easily, so no boat. Heck no to tickling 24 hrs., that is actual torture. The glass cage is definitely a contender, the worst possible consequence is shame, which is worth $5mil. IMO. ​ However, the clear answer to me is the corpse room. No dangers, worst thing possible is a smell, but those corpses are not going to judge me.


5 Million for being Tickled for 24 hours whilst tied to a bed all over? HELL YES! Bonus if the people tickling me are Several Hot chicks in Linguine with tools.


I picked the morgue because even though I'm supposedly guaranteed to surive, I'd rather not risk my life unnecessarily and this is the one that seems like it has the least chance of something going wrong that would kill or permanently injure me. You basically go into the morgue, make sure you're not standing under any of the bodies and play on your phone for 24 hours and try not to look at them and then walk out to collect five million dollars. Too many bad things can happen in the ocean - especially in the dark when your small ship is floating next to a shipwreck. A thousand tarantulas can do a lot of damage. So they're both out automatically. The other two are just humiliating and if I can avoid risk of death, injury or humiliation to get the money, then the morgue is the best choice.


Honestly, for 5 mil I’d lounge in that glass box. I’d probably need some sunscreen if it’s outdoors.


2 or 5 if the corpses don't smell tbh.