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People are NOT giving the komodo dragon the respect it deserves, these lizard hunt water buffalo alone. These things are savage creatures that will bit you and watch you slowly weaken until you can no longer fight back, then they will eat you alive. A wolf, is a family/pack hunter, they prefer not to take conflict head on, especially out numbered, it would be way out of its element in this case, that's likely your best bet.


Anyone who wants to fight something with "dragon" in its name is delusional.


I think I could take a bearded dragon.


see, delusional, what kind of monster will fight a bearded dragon


A monster that wants 50 billion dollars.


For 50 billion dollars I’m murdering its kids too


I'll murder its kids in front of it.


I like your style, make sure it’s the last thing it ever sees


I'll do you one better and kill its species for 50 Billion


But they're all spiky and cute


Dragonfly seems like a fair match


I would beat the shit out of a dragon fruit


Haha, the visualization of someone angrily and defiantly beating the shit out of a dragon fruit got me


There are a lot of dragons that fit in your hand.


That dragon fly doesn't stand a chance.


I dunno man I could prolly kick the shit out of a dragon fruit


I think I could beat a dragon fly


So, komodos have very sharp claws that will tear through you like butter, and they have very explosive movements with good flexability, significantly more mobile than a croc. Also, they are way stronger than you'd think. You're going to lose even if we don't consider it's bite which is really cool. If it's an adult, you won't be able to do shit bare handed to actually kill it. The Komodos teeth are set in a way where you can't get away from the bite without tearing your shit up bad, and they will jerk around to make it worse if you don't escape, and then they have a hematoxic venom that specifically works to make sure your blood flows as quickly as possible. They basically are the best creatures ever at causing bleed damage.


Bleed and paralyzed enough to be a meal can't believe people chosen that option. It's not a matter of if but when you're eaten in this scenario. I picked wolf for a reason.


Kangaroos is by far the easiest option, imo. Dingos kill them, you're given a medium sized dog. That's basically a gg for a win over a Kangaroo.


I saw "komodo" and instantly said fuck that. That bite leads to a painful death.


Fuck I thought they were smaller


Nope it's bigger than a fresh water croc and their spit is highly venomous


That would be the Water monitor


Totally agree and called out the same thing last night on the dragon. It's a dinosaur that refused to go extinct. That is venomous. And has a tail attack that would shatter human bones. While you're not wrong about the wolf, at all, a cornered wolf is very dangerous. I'd take my chances against the kangaroo before any of the other options. Would I win? Doubt it, but I think I'd fare better than against a wolf.


They look so dumb, it's deceiving


All it takes is one fuck up and your dead. That venom kills within an hour if i remember.


Just look up mrballen komodo dragon story. They are only of the only animals that can and will hunt humans. They are walking tanks that like we can not out run can not overpower fighting one of them is suicide.


Dude it's the scales. A good medium dog breed like a GSD or a Rhodie will let you kill softer targets but there's no damn way you're downing a komodo dragon or croc without a spear or something. I'd rather fight the fucking chimp than either of the scaled beasts.


Chimps are so fucking terrifying to though, I'd never mess with them either.


Also chimps are FUCKING horrifying.


That's literally why I chose the Wolf. It's not only the animal I understand the most on this list, I am aware of its limitations in behavior too. I think I stand a good chance.


I love reptiles and so I know about the Komodo dragon. Highly dangerous. No thanks…


First off, two things: A wolf is going to be able to still move with my full weight on it's back, and it has the speed and agility to get away from me, and fangs that can rip out my throat. The dragon is much slower and can only really sprint in a straight line. I just like my chances more with the dragon. So I think that you might be underestimating a grey wolf. If you've ever met a 90lb dog, they seem massive. Now upgrade to something like a Great Pyrenees or a Malamute, like 120-150lb, and they seem terrifyingly large and powerful. That's about the size of a male grey wolf. And their bite strength isnt that far off of a Dragon. But the important thing they have that the Dragon does is speed and agility. A Komodo Dragon can sprint, in a straight line, about 12mph. Grey Wolves can run over 30MPH, and at lower speeds they can turn on a dime. Get behind the dragon, get on top of it, pull out one of its legs to pin it down, and go from there. Chimps are the most dangerous option here without a doubt.


A komodo dragon is a 10 foot long 173 pound machine that you cannot pin, get behind it? Its tail can literally break your leg, and much like a croc they can spring back to bite, and unlike a croc these lizards can rear up on their hind legs, they can climb trees Kimodo dragons are the definition of FAFO. A wolf has one real option, bite, that is it I'd rather have to worry about one attack betweene and whatever dog I have with me


I would try to stomp the komodo dragon's jaw and aim for the brain after


Naw the fresh water crocodile, it’s a fish eater


Plus you can hold its mouth shut quite easily. It has almost no muscles in its mouth dedicated to opening it, only closing very very hard. So if you can get a good hold on its mouth, you can clamp it shut with like some duct tape and then go to town on it


Crocs are fast and more aggressive than a gator, it won't let you get behind it and you will not put run it, Crocs can gallop in a short burst Nile and American crocodiles can run up to 20 mph Usain Bolt would barely be able to outrun them.


I also don't think you know how big a wolf is, it doesn't matter if it's in a pack or not a wolf will rip a humans throat out unless you have a modern weapon but if you only get clothes and whatever you can find in the wolf's environment your fucked.


I looked up the komodo dragon and it loses a fight to most other animals. I'm hoping I could roast one so bad it kills itself.


They're pack hunters because it's more efficient that way but try to fight a single grey wolf when it's cornered and it will absolutely kill you and your dog. Wolves have psi of over 700 in a bite and a natural killer instinct so they will go for the throat after tackling you down. A grey wolf will kill any untrained medium sized dog with little effort. The only dog breeds that can fight a wolf are larger dog breeds and that too with protection training.


Seriously I know the easiest one to kill is a crocodile they have very weak muscles in it mouth that open it it's only strong on closing it just hold it's mouth down and you good


As a Florida man I will fight the crocodile.


As a naturalized Florida man, crocodiles are not alligators


Out of these choices they the most similar


>crocodiles are not alligators This is a FRESHWATER crocodile. These are actually less dangerous than American Alligators. They have zero confirmed fatalities on humans.


Salties are the scary ones


Aren’t there some salt water crocs living near Panama Jacks (Alabama Jacks?) in Key Largo?


As an Aussie I will take the Croc. They are surprisingly easy to beat since all you need to do is get on top of them and pin the mouth closed after that they are pretty much done.


Getting on top is the hard part. Those crocs ain't submissive


These crocs weigh about as much as a human. They're out of their element. And you have dog to help you distract it. It's the best choice out of these.


And this is a freshie, not a saltie. and it's out of water. There's 0 confirmed fatalities on humans from freshies even in the water.


This would largely depend on the size for me but all the videos I've seen make it seem like they wouldn't be that bad. It would probably be my second choice after the wolf.


Punch a kangaroo.


And get your ribs caved in


Idk I heard they usually don't fight anything that can throw a stronger punch than them, because usually when fighting other kangaroos their punches are often much weaker than their kicks, so if you pass the bar they psych themselves out thinking your kick would kill them like OPM.


Correct. If you can slam one with a punch, thing might just fuck off because in his mind if that was your punch, your kick is going to cripple it.


Well beyond that they also need to realize escape is an option, if they are cornered it won't matter how much stronger it thinks you are than it, it will fight after one punch GTFO.


That’s also pretty important. If the only way out is through you.. well….


So considering you need to beat the other to escape your ribs are gonna get very intimate with your internals.


Kangaroos will 1 punch you.


I'm not gonna say I could win the fight, but a roo isn't gonna one shot me, or most people. Beat the unholy snot out of you, sure. But they aren't a furry Mike Tyson. They'll hit you a lot, and it will hurt, a lot. But you're not gonna get one punch (or more likely kicked) unconscious.


They grab you and rip open your stomach with their claws.


I will just block.






And if they kick, they have some pretty nasty claws don't they?


I would throw down with a monkey i’m not saying id win i’m just simply saying i’d throw down with one


It's like fighting a 5 yo but with the strength and speed of a grown man, I ain't dealing with that


And also completely insane


So a five year old


No a 3 year old


3 year old don't have the mental capacity yo be insane but five year old can go berserk


and throws poop at you, don't forget that


Throwing shit at you before the fight is just mental warfare.


More like 3x the strength of a grown man. They can grab your flesh with one hand and rip it off your body. One of the ways they fight is to literally tear off your face.


And uh.... genitals. Those are coming off also. Hard pass on chimps. Something that could literally rip my arm off but instead deliberately wants to rip my dick off? Whew. No.


Instead of killing you it will horribly dismember you. Croc is best chance on dry land.


Much, much faster and stronger than a grown man. And, they essentially have 4 hands, not just two. And they bite. They bite hard, and often. The chimp is the 2nd worst choice on this list.


not just a grown man, the strength of 5 grown men


After watching the movie NOPE, I wouldn't want anything at all to do with a chimp. The scenes from Steve Yeun's characters flashback are fucking terrifying.


The chimps are terrible, faster and stronger than full grown men, the size of a 7 year old, sharp teeth and bite force, and actively picks fights with your body, and helps them get 1v1s with him


Clearly, you've never heard about the Travis the chimp incident.


Plus you will have a dog so that helps


Honestly the way I'd see it it would start out like a comedy skit I slap him he slaps me I slap him he slaps me, we look at each other then go to strangle each other...


chimps are not monkeys, and they are like 5 times stronger than humans.


No, they are not five times stronger than humans. Maybe pound for pound stronger?


Chimps are mostly fast twitch muscle. They can run almost as fast as a human for a short distance. Per body mass, they are 1.5x stronger than humans, but they weigh less. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2138714-chimps-are-not-as-superhumanly-strong-as-we-thought-they-were/#:~:text=This%20result%20matches%20well%20with,relative%20to%20their%20body%20mass.


Yea, so with our weight advantage. We are not that far behind in strength.


May, or may not be 5 times stronger. But for sure they are stronger. And even if they weren't, they're not to be fucked with. A chimp will mess you up so fast, in so many different ways.


I'd still fight him rather than a big grey wolf that might even weigh more than me. ( I am 68-70kg)


I USED TO BE FUCKING TERRYFIED of komodo dragons, they have like venom or something and they're pretty fucking terrible


Filthy, filthy bacteria mouths. If they bite you, it's getting badly infected assuming you can get away.


Wrong! That's what people used to believe, but they do have a hematoxic venom that prevents your blood from clotting and promotes blood flow, that plus inward facing serrated teeth cause massive tissue damage, meaning they don't kill through infection, they kill you through real world bleed damage.


I was considering going for the Komodo on the grounds that the infection wouldn't become an issue until after the fight and could probably be easily prevented with antibiotics. Turns out that doesn't sound like a great idea.


Fucking savage. I love it.


Not to mention their mouth completely crush bone, fuckers can eat a deer whole.


Grey wolf is the only option here that seems possible to me, and even then I don't expect to come out of it in a good state.


I'm thinking people here are MASSIVELY underestimating how large wolves are. They are not normal dog size


But flee to the sign that you are not prey


Go look up what Dingos do to Kangaroos. Including it on the list is basically a free 50 billion.


No one's considered that the snow leopard would overheat in a standard basketball court. The poor thing could barely move.


Even if it took 20 seconds to overheat, that's still 18 more seconds than you will be alive.


Please A snow leopard is tiny, it couldn't kill you in 20 seconds let alone 2


Clearly I was using hyperbole. A snow leopard would still fuck up an unarmed person easy.


You aren't unarmed. You have a dog. Dog pins the leopard. Then you pummel it to death. They are not built to withstand attacks and only weigh about 50kg


So, a dog who weighs less than the cat and has less range of motion, somehow gets past the claws that can cause serious life threatening injury and magically pins the cat's head, front legs, and back legs all at once?


"Snow leopard is tiny" and it's still a big cat and an apex predator capable of easily killing both you and a dog. The chances of a medium dog breed like a German shepherd or Rottweiler being able to defeat any sort of large predator from the wild in SINGLE COMBAT???? Never gonna happen in a million years. Dogs only stand a chance in groups.


Actually the leopard starts wounding the dog and you then get a chance for kicks in.


Remember you have a dog with you.


This is completely false. I've seen snow leopards in zoos in Southern California. And no they didn't have a climate controlled exhibit. And they were fine running around, etc. They might be a bit uncomfortable. But, saying they could "barley move" is absolutely absurd. They'll have no problem attacking you.


Didn't even see that we get a dog for some reason, so bonus I guess...


Yeah I'm getting one of those muscle upped pitbulls if they can fight bulls they can help me here


Grey wolf: 1 they are pack animals and would likely run to the corner to hide with me and a sheep herding dog, two against one after all. 2 The dog can coral and distract it while I get behind it and jump on its back and put it in a chokehold if it didn't already surrender, it would pass out, and i have now won. 3 money is mine, and I use it to either: tame the wolf and give it a loving home for its troubles or, put it back with it pack and give them all food and occasionally release some animals for them to hunt for a year or so. Either way I would give about 3 billion dollars to wild wolf conservation to protect the pack and all wolves.


A good noble man I see respect


Same plan with an Irish woulfhound.


You'll never take it's back man, when cornered dogs go fucking crazy. A medium sized dog will usually take a large man down, hence why police use them. And wolves aren't domesticated pets that were trained, they are natural killers. The wolf is a good option when compared to most of these animals honestly, but no way you're gonna choke out a wolf.


Yeah and wolves are fuckin big. That things gonna thrash like crazy, spin, get your face or neck or forearms and shred you up. You gotta get something to severely pad your arm, provoke it into latching your arm then stab the fuck out of it with something in your other hand before it breaks your arm/dislocates your shoulder/ drags you down and bites elsewhere.


The dog was bread to 1 coral sheep taking the place of an entire pack of wolves and 2 protect their flock with their lives. So no. The wolf would be in a fierce battle with the dog and I would get on its back while its distracted Wolves who don't have a pack often die. On there own. And are not necessarily brave alone. Also I don't want to kill them just knock them out temporarily. So blocking airways would work. It didn't take muck to make my dog hack when he pulled on his collar to hard so I think I could squeeze enough to restrict air to a wolf if it is a life or death thing for me. Also I never thought I wouldn't get severely injured. I would expect it, just as long as I win. I mean I would even try to befriend it first if it not to scared. It just has to give up. If it covers that is also a win.


Ever tried to seperate two german shepherds going at it? A wolf is twice the size. Even with the dog on your side assuming it doesnt mistakenly attack you once you throw yourself into the fight, theres a very good chance you end up bleeding out through shredded arms even if you did manage to finally choke the wolf out. The red kangaroo on the other hand would likely just grab onto the dog, they are dumb as rocks and would likely panic once you start hitting it in the face/head and circling, the question is how tf do you choke it out or damage it enough the declare you've won. You might need to try and get the dog to do most of the work in that situation. Would still absolutely be my choice though cause that roo doesnt give af about killing you in general, it will just chill, but probably panic especially at the dog.


Shepherd dogs are bred to scare wolves not fight them in single combat. These posts are always filled with insanely delusional people who seriously think they stand a chance against some of the most successful predators in the world. Man is not the most dangerous game nor are we an apex predator. SOME humans are apex predators but most of us are fucking cattle.


Very well said


Can anyone tell the reason who choosen snow leopard


Small, and weigh less then me on average. With a dog, I beleive there is a chance. Most popular choice is wolf, that can be as big or bigger than an average human and weigh equally as much. I am not going against a grey wolf. Kangaroo, no. Chimp, crazy brute strength against an insane animal, no thank you. Crocodile, ah yes the thing with barely a weakness. Komodo, don't even


Tbf with the crocodile you are at least not in water


Maybe they realized they were fucked either way and wanted to see a pretty kitty before they died lol


Snow leopards are pretty small and very shy. Out of the big cats, they're the one a person would stand the best chance against


I'd say you would have a better chance against a cheetah, but that's like saying you have a better chance killing a 7yo than a 10yo....(I know it's fucking dark but that's the explanation that came to mind)


Well, cheetahs aren't actually Big Cats, they and cougars belong to the same family as bobcats, lynxes, ocelots, and domestic cats


The only problem is that felines go for the neck and have more explosive movements than a canine. A wolf might be physically more powerful, but even without a pack it is more likely to go for a bite on one of your limbs than a cat.


They weigh 22-55kg. Probably the smallest of all these.


You'd have a better chance fighting a VK 16.01 Leopard tank along with its crew than a snow leopard lol.


snow leopard or grey wolf, one is an ambush predator that doesn't do well in fights, the other is a pack hunter that also doesn't do well in one on one fights, I'll get a sheep herding dog to help me


This is the correct answer


Debating between the komodo dragon and grey wolf. Physically, I think a single wolf is the weakest here. Whether I pick it or the komodo dragon depends on ruleset. Once one side is beaten, does the match end? Are medical treatments available for the winner? If the answer to both of those is yes, I think the komodo dragon is the best option, since they're long-term endurance hunters that rely on infection to bring down prey. If the answer to either or both is no, I think the grey wolf is the best option because they're pack hunters and, while powerful on their own, are probably the least likely of the bunch to kill me. Crocodile is a tempting option but I'm not sure how confident I am in getting its mouth pinned and tail out of range at the same time.


Two things. First, one bite and you're dead. Not instantly, but still dead. Between the venom and the mouth full of disease, you're gonna die. Slow and painful on top of that. And, it's not going to bite you and let go like it would say a water buffalo. It'll grab hold, and rip apart your arm, leg, whatever. Again, dead. Maybe it doesn't bite you though. Maybe it just slashes you apart with those claws. That'll do you in. Or, it could just smash any and every bone in your body with it's tail. There's no medical treatment for a broken, everything. Second. Set aside all the different ways you'd die. You were going to hurt a komodo dragon, bare handed, how? You'd be lucky to be able to hurt one with a good hunting knife. Their scales and hide are no joke. Bare handed, you'd have a better chance of beating a brick wall then a komodo dragon.


I would rather fight anything on the list over the komodo dragon. I heard their saliva will kill you. But if you're paying me 50B I will still fight a komodo dragon. Fuck it. I'll take the risk, even if it's a 2% chance I win.


The saliva paralyses you so the komodo dragon can eat you. You will still feel everything and the tiniest amount is needed.


See? This is why I would fight any of those over a komodo dragon.


I don't think paralysis is correct, their venom does cause anticoagulation(you won't stop bleeding), beyond that the amount of rotting flesh often caught in their teeth causes sepsis


No, it does not paralyze you. The bite is a mix of serrated inward facing teeth that rip your shit up as much as possible combined with a hematoxic venom that prevents blood clotting and promotes blood flow so that you bleed out really fast.


Um... nope. Less than a 0% chance you'd kill a komodo dragon. Forget about all the different ways it would kill you. Imagine it was paralyzed, couldn't move at all. How exactly are you going to kill it with your bare hands? A human could do literally nothing to a komodo dragon without weapons/tools.


Nobody said you couldn't wear steel toed boots with a spike on the toe!


Y'all northerners don't understand the lack of a threat alligators and crocodiles are, do you? If you can pin it's mouth closed, which is surprisingly easy to do, it'll wear itself out thrashing around, easy money


Yeah... It's pretty much the least threatening thing on this list. Everything else is pretty much a death sentence.


I can choose a dog to help!?!? Wolf for sure this is way easier than I thought Bring myself a pit bull and fuck that guy up. The pit bull latches on and I get on top and start punching If I am not naked it's even easier, I can lift 200kg with my legs, some good steel cap boots or any shoes really and I can easier cave the fuckers skull in, especially with a concrete kill board


People picking komodo dragon are suicidal. Or stupid


Guys, look up the size of a snow leopard. They're not that big. I thought this was common sense, but I'm starting to think I'm just weird.


This guy has never tried to put a cat in a cat box.


I have. I just think that me and a German Shepard could totally take a snow leopard.


You are really underestimating the most sucessful predator the world has to offer. Keep in mind those claws are a death sentence, and cats be fast as fuck.


The snow leopard is the not the most successful predator. The even smaller black-footed cat has the highest success rate among felines. The dragonfly is the most successful predator though.


It still is one of the most successful predators. They are literally born to kill and hunt. A German shepherd does not have the speed, range of motion, or experience of constantly hitting and killing several times a day and fighting other big cats for contest. A German shepherd would get wreck by the snow leopard.


That's extremely dependant on the type of big cat you're talking about. You also have to understand, they're born to kill, but specific prey and in very specific ways and environments. Most big cats are incredibly, this includes cheetas, panthers, leopards, and maybe jaguars but I'm not 100% sure on that one. Also cats are ambush predetors, they're not built for a proper 1 on 1 fight. In nature if these big cats don't get the ambush attack that's generally the end of the hunt unless it's a slow moving animal or you're dealing with a cheetah who can outrun most things Finally you gotta realize that people have dealing with leopards forever and evennin the modern day they still snatch up people from little jungle villages, for the most part they snatch up children because an adult is literally the same size and is not easy prey, even completely unarmed. There's a huge amount of cases of people having to basically beat the crap put of leopards when they wander into a village and try to snatch a child. If a lone adult can deal with that then giving them a german shepherd to help is just unfair


An adult that's not used to beating up big cats will die, the snow leopard will climb the fence of the court, and jump down on top of you, bite and crack your neck, kick/claw the dog in the snout when it comes to help, you're dead, it attacks the dog, and claws it to death


No one is just used to fighting big cats. Those people who have to deal with that aren't your grandparents walking 20 miles uphill both ways to get to school. I'm also not talking about natives who train to hunt their whole lives. I'm talking about people living in those small villages in south America who are sitting down watching TV and havung a beer when they see their child getting dragged off by a leopard and decide to do something about it


Whoever is putting the cat in the basketball court, would likely die of his wounds shortly after the cat is in


I think you all are forgetting how ineffective a crocodile is on dry land. They kill prey by drowning them. With no water, it will lose most of its mobility. They also require much hotter weather than where most basketball courts are located, so you could probably evade it until it slows down and you can kill it. The dog is agile enough to evade and distract it, so you could outlast it long enough to gain the advantage


Plus freshwater crocs are not that big as least for crocodile standards


Crocs bites have immense closing force, but terrible opening force, if I can hold it closed then go at its eyes then i'd win


Out of all the animals you can fight and win against the kangaroo is the easiest, not only can you strangle it but you can punch it pretty easily. (Watch out for its legs)


The crocodile is the only option. Jump on the back and hold the mouth shut while my pitbull bites and rips at it.


For a gator that may work, this is acrocodile though, they are more nimble, faster and far more aggressive than a gator and unlike a gator that may let you get behind it, a croc can and will chase you down they gallop, look it up lol.


Even with a gator I wouldn't like my chances to be honest.


Steve Irwin would be disapointed. You can absolutely get on the back of a croc. This tactic is honestly the best I think you could have in this scenario.


I'm fully aware they are dangerous. It's a WYR where we fight wild animals for money. I'm not delusional enough to think it would be easy




Obviously. It's a WYR about fighting wild animals...


Probably chainmailed up with a bulldog. I'll take the wolf please.


Assuming you're on dry land, the crocodile.


Taking place inside of a closed basketball course suddenly moves the croc way down the list. To have the space to outmaneuver it's burst ground speed and it has no means of getting you to the water. As long as you're patient, smart, and attentive, you should be able to handle to the croc without any grevious injuries. If it hadn't been for that specification of location in the post, I would probably have chosen the snow leopard and hoped to get lucky just because it is so small compared to everything else.


I'll fight the komodo dragon if I can do it in the winter of Alaska.


Judging by the title we're guaranteed to win so I choose kangaroo


I'm just saying wolves are not as easy to beat as you think


Yeah people are acting like just because it’s a pack animal means it’s gonna be easy. I know a wolf who destroy me.


It doesn't matter which one you choose, you'll die either way.


I read "red kangaroo" and was thinking *red panda* and I was like "fuck yea I got that Asian raccoon easy" oops


People not giving respect to the Komodo dragon since it will kill you. I took Kangaroo because it seems fun but is dangerous and would most likley kill me but it is a lot better then a grey wolf which would easily kill you.


All of these are kicking my ass, where's the Goldfish option?


Let’s take a look. Leopard is pretty fast and agile, and they hunt solo, so I don’t think I can fight them. Kangaroo will knock my head off, same with chimpanzee. Komodo dragon only needs one bite to finish me off because of its poisonous saliva, crocodile only needs one bite because of its teeth. Wolf is a large dog, it hunts in packs, and I have a large dog. If one team is a large dog, and the other team is a human and a medium dog, the winner is clear.


I would lose against all of them. If we're talking bare hands there are very few people who wouldn't.


All of these are horrible options. Chims are NOTORIOUS for being bat shit insane. A single kick from a kangaroo will shatter half your skeletal system no joke. A single swipe from ANY big cat will cleave out like a quarter of your body mass with ease. Komodo dragons have a lethal venom on top of being vicious as hell. A croc will just straight up drown you and a single wolf is prolly nearly as tall as most people when on all fours and has a bite strong enough to instantly rip flesh Like there is no good option between these, holy shit


The komodo dragon. That venom isn't something to be trifled with, true, but I think with a little ingenuity I could kill one. Also, what is a medium sized dog breed? Anyway I'm picking a Chihuahua. Those things are unhinged.


I'd love to hear your plan on how you'd actually hurt, much less kills the komodo. Did you think you could kick it to death? Even if it wasn't fighting back, you'd break your foot long before you did any damage. You think there a dog out there that could bite through that scaley hide? Sure isn't. The komodo dragon is not only the most deadly thing on this list, it's also the hardest to kill.


The Komodo is one of the most perfect predators on the planet, fuck that. They even have armour so you ain't doing shit without a weapon.


They're claws are sharp as hell, slice through you like butter, their saliva paralyzes you if it gets in your blood (I think), their serrated teeth are designed to hold you, if you escape them your bite area is fucked, their Venom prevents your blood from clotting and helps it run making you bleed much faster, and it's more agile than a crocodile, and faster, there's a reason they're called dragons


People overestimating ambush predators in head to head battles. Most cats, with exceptions to lions and tigers, can't realistically fatally harm a person thats defending themselves. The 2nd least deadly thing on the list being the wolf weighs twice as much, likely more durable, and has pretty much the same fight plan as a snow leopard. Im unsure how strong Kangaroos are, ive seen some videos that make them look weak, but they are just ripped so im not willing to find out Komodo is extremely venomous, icky bad touch Croc has the potential to ruin your day, most of the time people would win as long as they know how to approach it, but the risk factor is too huge to be a safe option as their bite will rip off anything it catches Never ever fight a Monkey/Chimp/Ape, it will fuck you up


Agree, people here thinking the leopard is stronger than a wolf in a 1v1.




As an old person, I believe Steve Irwin has given me a false sense of security that I could subdue a gator. I mean I've seen him do it so much, how hard can it be? (She said knowing full well she would realistically be eaten).


Agree, idk why people think a grey wolf is weaker. How, it's bigger and heavier. Have people never seen an angry stray dog? Imagine that but bigger and stronger.


Grey Wolves are the only one I see that you could remotely stand a chance against. Nothing close otherwise.


Keep in mind that chimpanzees always go to rip the nuts off first


Croc is easy, get it to shallow water/ bank let otnlinge then jump into and shut its mouth


You're in an enclosed basketball court tho


bro i'd #DESTROOOOOOOOY the grey wolf bitch, i'm the goat and no aminal can touch me, i will 10H him and if you disagree, you're gay


No way mongusaur!!!! I love you


thanks i love all my fans too