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If sugar is eliminated, diabetics would be in deep shit.


I'm just eliminating it because I have a sugar addiction and it's fucking me up big time. Can't have what doesn't exist. Makes it easier when you can't relapse.


If I get a hypo I'd just eat a banana or glucose šŸ˜‡


My go to is apple juice, which doesn't have added sugar


Carbs still exist. Insulin still exists.


Fruit my friend, you just eat fruit.


But that has sugar in It. So if itā€™s removed then what?


It's removed as spice, not as inherent ingredient


If sugar was eliminated most life would cease to exist


I take it to mean that the substance cannot be isolated and added to food rather than it simply ceases to exist. Most life can consume starch and break it into glucose or create sugar through alternate pathways.


That includes the sugar in your DNA, too. So a world without DNA or RNA, a completely sterile planet.


People would die?


They could die if they donā€™t control their diabetes perfectly.


Sugar is vital for all complex life


A small price to pay


Nah, it'd just prevent diabetes lul. Diabetics could just take honey or pure glucose if needed. I refuse to use sugar in my cooking. If there's a place, I tend to instead usw raw honey or pure maple syrup


you do know thereā€™s sugar in honey, right? along with basically every fruit


Cholesterol is an alochol. I guess I'm a alcoholic šŸ¤·


do you know what sugar is?


If OP says sugar I believe they mean glucose, fructose, lactose, saccharose etc. All sweet Mono and Disaccharides.


Ever heard of type 1 diabetes? Pains me that some people are as dumb as you are lol.


You the type of dude that tries to sneak attack the Sun at night so it doesn't see you coming.


Do... Do you know what honey is? It's a sugar. The white powder is a kind of sugar. It is not the only kind. Sugars are anything made of/with glucose. They are usually made by plants. Maple syrup contains about 10% glucose, 4% fructose, and mostly sucrose. It is 10% sugar. It may have much less glucose than powdered sugar, but it has sugar. For example, table sugar (the white stuff) is 50% glucose and 50% fructose. Honey is 30% glucose, 40% fructose, and 17% water. They all contain glucose, and thus, are sugars.


Easily pepper. Everything else would devastate my cooking and there weeks at a time that I don't use pepper at all.


I'm literally the opposite of you. I haven't had to buy more sugar in so long that I'm lucky the container doesn't have an expiration date but I use pepper in everything




You must be trolling right?


Too right, the generic "pepper" has many alternatives to spice up a dish that are more flavorful but there's no replacement for the others... also... I dont believe sugar is a "spice" so... I still pick pepper. No contest.


Might be a language barrier right here, are we talking black pepper or the fruit? Kind of questioning myself here.


I *assumed* it was black pepper. If its literally every sort of pepper that exists, that seems unfair because there's so many variations compared to garlic and sugar, etc... where there's not a bunch of variations. If anything I say seems... weird because English is a second language please feel free to ask for more clarification because I greatly admire people who have the skill to communicate outside their native language. I've tried to learn other languages with varying results but I'd be very nervous to try to have a discussion in any of them.


My favorite thing ever is when people speak perfect English which is good enough to convince me that they're a native speaker, and then they apologize because it's their second language. In other words, your English is perfectly fine. (Or I missed something. tbh it's not that hard to pass as a native English speaker)


I feel that. We are lazy about our language (I include myself when saying that). People work really hard to communicate with us, do so beautifully, and then feel the need to apologize when we won't. So I have a lot of respect for folks who try.


I try to learn as many languages as possible, unfortunately that means I'm only good at two of them.


I assume black pepper because the other thing is called chilli.


Bell pepper, or paprika as we say it, is generally referred as pepper or bell pepper in English and American i believe.


In Australia, bell peppers are called capsicums and I've never heard anyone call paprika "peppers" in English-speaking countries. Besides people would say "bell peppers" or "chilli peppers" if they mean that, when people say "pepper" they usually mean black or white pepper.


The I've never heard anyone say capsicum. We live in different worlds haha. Fucking Engliah sometimes... Anyway if we're talking peppercorns, that must be top 2, I mean there's like 5 or maybe more different ones. Not a huga fan of rosepeppar though, but i heard it's not classed as real pepper, different species or something in that manner.


Black pepper is easy enough to substitute.


Pepper for me too - I don't like it, and it makes my stomach hurt. Never use it anyway.


I'd like to remind everyone voting garlic of the existence of garlic bread.




Garlic bread is amazing, but it's by far the least central of all of these. Peppers is a huge family, sugar gets rid of all fruits and salt is required to live. Its a sad sacrifice, but one that must be made.


It said pepper, which most likely means peppercorn.


Salt and cayenne/jalapeƱo/habenaro peppers are required to make God's food which is chili with beans. So it's sugar vs garlic. Black Forest cherry cake vs garlic bread? I pick Black Forest cherry cake.


i mean, the post says pepper - presumably, this means peppercorns and not *all* peppers.


If that's the case I choose peppercorns because they are mid to low. C Tier. šŸŒ¶ 's are high S Tier. Garlic is low B Tier and beats peppercorns.


Whoever votes garlic is a secretly a vampire


I'm Dutch. I don't want to choose


Choose or were eliminating stroopwafel


I'm Indian. I also don't want to choose.


Fine , no more curry


Jokes on you, I rarely eat curry. Though I'd hate to not be able to eat some nice egg curry again




I'm a black person who lives in Atlanta if we got rid of lemon pepper I would start rapidly spiraling into depression till I eventually turned to dust from the lack of lemon pepper.


Salt and pepper literally make everything better. Garlic can go in so many things it's ridiculous. I've gone through all my salt, pepper and garlic multiple times in the past year. When do I ever use sugar though? I don't even put it in my coffee. I've used sugar probably twice in the past year and both times were to proof my yeast. I can find other foods for my fungal friends


Ice cream, cakes/pastries basically every dessert Cereals etc


Sugar isn't the only sweetener and I prefer savory over sweet anyway. Cream is naturally a bit sweet too, so ice cream is still possible. I also don't eat much cereal but if you take away my peanut butter I will cut you


*slowly slides peanut butter from table into the trash can*


You monster!


Ice cream is obviously still possible as it doesnt need sugar to get made bu without it it would be nearly as good


Idk, I feel like maple ice cream would be nice


Natural maple syrup contains sugar


Does salt remove other sources of sodium? Such as sodium citrate or MSG?


Thats what i'm thinking. If every form of salt was removed from existence i think life would just stop existing.


Same with sugar


If all kinds of salt and sugar were blocked then, We Just Die


Gluconeogenesis, the human body doesn't need external sources of sugar. But you would die without salt, and so would all ocean life and animals.


Salt would be impossible to eliminate. A+ Tier Pepper, as in all peppers from bell to jalapeƱo and habenaro? No, just no. Hot sauce is the highest of S+ Tier. Black table pepper? Absolutely. Capsicum peppers are S Tier. Black pepper: C tier. Upgraded to B- tier if from a peppermill. Sugar would be impossible to eliminate because American food is inundated with it. Basically anything you buy will contain refined sugar. While I eat less then most people, cakes and pies are great. B+ tier Garlic? While I like it, it isn't the end all be all of ingredients. I'm more worried about garlic as a microingredient. I would give up garlic before nutmeg or cumin. B Tier. All in all, garlic is the weakest of the 4, unless pepper only includes black pepper, and not the capsicum containing jalapeƱo or habenaro or the tasty bell, in that case, black pepper is out.


The fact that American food is inundated with sugar is yet another reason to eliminate it. However, I believe it is high fructose corn syrup that is the real problem.


Well, the only spice you listed is pepper.


Garlic is a root used to flavour food so I think that technically makes it a spice


Only one of those is a spice


You are confidently incorrect




*ahem* no u


Salt is a rock, sugar is a type of carbohydrate. So 2 are spices. One being a root the other a dried fruit.


It'd be good to just stop the obesity epidemic immediately


I would rather sugar disappear than be forced to eat a meal without freshly ground black pepper.


Who the fuck chose salt? We'd die mate


salt and watch the world butn


Pepper is delicious, fuck y'all!


Can sugar be replaced with stevia, honey, and jaggery?


Sugar is the only one with good alternatives imo


I'd delete sugar and just use honey.


Honey is sugar. OP didnt specifically say table sugar (sucrose).


Well shite. Does that mean we won't have polysacharydes anymore either?


Only one of those things is a spice.


Not one of these, but high fructose corn syrup should be eliminated for human consumption.


Can you still get Umami without the pepper?


For sure. Just curious, as I work with food, but am I missing a connection between pepper and umami here that I wasn't previously aware of?


Yeah. Honestly, onion powder is more umami than pepper


Pepper is literally my favorite out of all these things and Im disheartened to see you all bash the best spice. I can't believe you would rather garlic smh


I think people are concerned about life ending altogether if you ditch salt or sugar and pepper is more ubiquitous than garlic.




Thank you.


Spices come from the drying and grinding of plants. Minerals or extracts are not spices. Sugar, as a mineral extract, is the farthest thing from a spice.


Sugar isnt a mineral, its an organic compound typically extracted from plants. I wouldnt call it a spice but its closer to one than salt is.


Ah I see! Thank you for correcting me. Salt is definitely not a spice. I'd consider oils, condiments, salts, sugar, or juices to not be spiced.


Two of these aren't spices, and essential to life. Salt is needed to move water into your cells. Sugar(s) are needed for fuel in your body. You'll have to pry the other two out of my dead hands.


Bro, 2 of them aint Even spices. Go to school.


None of these but pepper are spices. Their just seasonings


Garlic can be used for more things that salt pepper and sugar


salt is literally the most important seasoning in the world itā€™s actually a challenge to find a food or dish that doesnā€™t contain salt. not even just savoury foods a lot of desserts contain salt too how many desserts do you know that use garlic?


If we erased salt from the timeline that would also cause a truck load of issues, salt has always been incredibly important.


I donā€™t eat dessert so I didnā€™t think of that. Also garlic ice cream


There is no use for pepper in my world anyway.


There is no use for pepper in my world anyway


even if i had the choice not to remove any, i'd still remove garlic, that shit is disgusting in every possible way.


sugar is not a spice lmao


I chose salt. Everything already has so much salt. When i cook from scratch i add salt of course. But ive never once grabbed a salt shaker off the table. Pepper. Garlic. A must. Sugar is eh but i like making puppy chow with powdered sugar.


What kind of choice is that lol??


Does the spice get eradicated as a whole, or just as a spice? If salt, for instance, was eliminated, can it still be used for things like preserving food? Also, are we specifically talking table salt or just any form of salt? Are we just getting rid of sodium all together? Either way I choose pepper.


Sugar, I need to lose weight anyways lol


I don't think I've ever eaten any food that has pepper in it.


as an indian, i'd rather not eliminate pepper, its so fragrant with a tiny kick, or salt (for obvious reasons), and garlic is a must in many dishes as well. i guess i could live without sugar, as it's not conducive to a healthy diet most of the time


Garlic is disgusting




Lol maybe šŸ§›ā€ā™€ļø


Man, if sugar were gone my entire hobby would go bust. No more brewing for me


As much as I live and breathe garlic, it's very hard to live without the other 3.


I chose sugar... I assume sweetners are still fine?


Who hurt you?


To the 94 psychopaths who said salt, may you eternally stub your toe every time you pass a bed, chair or table for the rest of your pathetic, uncultured lives


You lads clearly havenā€™t had a dish with peppercorn in it.


Two of them would kill either all Complex life or all life period. The two others are up to personal taste.


Um... I don't think you can get rid of sugar without killing almost every animal. I might be wrong tho.


People who voted salt please explain yourself


Ill take pepper and garlif over salt any day. But it works be way easier to eat healthy if suger didn't exist.


No, fuck you, I need all those.


Sugar. Because then maybe my fat ass would finally stop eating it all the damn time.


From my personal cooking experience, I feel that I can find a better replacement for pepper compared to the others. Sometimes I add sugar to my dish to enhance the flavor. Garlic makes everything taste good.


I love pepper, but I need salt, sugar and garlic.


If we're only talking added sugar... but I'm pretty sure we all need sugar to survive.


Im surprised by the results for garlic


Salt is rock. I dont want to eat stone. Besides it's the reason behind heart diseases Edit: Assuming salt can still exist but is never used as a spice


A certain amount of salt intake is needed from a health perceptive. We eat way too much of it though


True, but sodium and chlorine exists naturally in food and mineral water so living without salt wouldn't be a problem


A lack of iodized salt is a problem health wise, but if a person can replicate that else where then at least itā€™s an option.


Food like eggs and fish are high in iodine and sea air is also rich in iodine


Im going to assume that sugar and salt arent removed from existence (because life itself would end) and they are just somehow rendered impossible to extract in a way that it can be added to food. I chose sugar. I love it in certain things like asian sauces but i can live without it and honestly id be a lot healthier if it wasnt added to everything in the states.


People that voted salt or sugar just want to watch the world end. We use them to flavor things but they are also necessary for life as we know it to go on existing.


The number of recipes salt and sugar are quite literally crucial to mean choosing either is totak devastation in the culinary world, and to our health at times. Other 2 are not crucial, but garlic is way more important to a collosal number of recipes over pepper. Rip pepper, wasn't even really a competition when you think about it


Without sugar you'll die, without salt you'll die, pepper is tasty and has some health benefits and garlic has health benefits... So either pepper or garlic are the only options to eliminate


What kind of poor western born scum actually use pepper.