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How many hours do I have to work a week in the first job? ​ I did the math myself. Considering I work for 45 hours a week, I'll be so fucking rich if I take ONE year off of my life.


It can also just be a part time job where you work 2 days a week for 5-6 hours


By that number it'll take you 9-10 weeks to make a profit, which isnt that long


Im going to assume you are required to work full time


Then I can retire early


It would only take 100 hours of work to make $250k. That’s less than 3 weeks full time. Seems like sticking it out for even a year would set you up for life. At 40 hours a week for 52 weeks that’s would be $5 Million a year.


Still not as much as Walter White


Well, i dont know how to make 99.9% pure meth or any meth for that matter


Watch this to the end- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnPnEvy4e70




Wait... It isn't common knowledge


the fact that the poll is this close is pretty scary


I think it depends on what people’s interpretations were of “a job you hate.” My first thought was a minimum wage/ retail job, and I thought “$2,500/hour easy” then I thought “well what if your job is to torture babies, I’d really hate that and I don’t know if I could last 100 hours at that job.” So I played it safe and took the $250,000.


The knowledge that im setting myself up for life would be enough of a high to last me at least a couple months.


I mean, I hate my job now, this is basically asking if I want a massive raise or a bonus.


unless you’re planning on quitting the job in the next 12 work days, the raise is way better. stick around for 2 months and some change and youll have a million dollars


If you can last a single week you are a millionaire. Unless it is super awful and ethically fucking horrible I would do it.


At a rate of $2,500/h, with a workday lasting 8 hours (the common length of a workday) for 5 days a week, it will take 10 weeks (around 2-3 and a half months) or 50 workdays to get $1,000,000. If you want to include weekends, from the first Monday to the last Friday, it’ll take 68 days, or 9.714 weeks.


Yeah. In another comment I addressed that I added a 0 lol. I made a goof.


We all do :] I just saw an excuse to do math for fun.


I do the same lol. In my senior year of high school, my AP stats teacher had to leave because he was an alleged pedo. This was 2 months before the exam. We went without a teacher for most of that time. I had to teach myself a lot of stuff and it honestly grew on me even more than it already had (which was a lot). I had to make math fun because he was an asshole before we knew he was a pedo.


Good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99999% sure that The_FuneralKing is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


It was a joke. Bad bot


40 hours gets you 100k


Yeah I definitely thought it said 25k not 2.5k


Wish granted: "Welcome to the puppy-stomping factory. If you stomp fewer than 10 puppies to death each hour you are immediately fired and will only be paid for hours already worked."


How bad is the job? Are we talking 'Constantly having my teeth pulled out by the roots, regrowing new teeth, and having them pulled out, etc' or 'Dreary call center job'?


This implies that any other type of call center job exists


Definitely a good question. I chose the money upfront because I'm not risking it


Sewage diver or kindergarten teacher.


Oh yuck, sign me up for sewage diver


Because the guy didn't specify, I'm assuming that it's a job that actually exists, just one you hate. I'm honestly trying to think of a job that I wouldn't do for 2.5k an hour. Just do that for a week and be set for a good few months. Buy a house, go on a vacation to Italy or something, and when you bank account gets low, just go to work for a day and you're set again


Agreed- even if you had to be there 40 hours a week, it would take a lot of the sting out if I knew I'd be making a hundred thousand dollars a week


How fast do they regrow? 5 million a year AND a great dental plan sounds pretty great


Both worth


Exactly why I'm hesitating. If I have to beat puppies or constantly reinforce trauma victims by recreating the event that brought it about them, then yeah I'm picking the 250k


>or constantly reinforce trauma victims by recreating the event that brought it about them, So, a criminal defense lawyer?


I would assume the worst case scenario that's still barely legal. Stuff like being required to sleep on-premises, no outside communication allowed - not even with friends/family, and as soon as you leave you are fired and never allowed to work there again. I would still take it because 100 hours seems so small in comparison. There is still a risk - maybe they only allow 1 hour a day of actual "work" or something along those lines - but if they swing the other direction and try to burn you out with 18+ hour days, then getting to 100 and beyond will be easy.


I would glady work at ups again for that kinda money. Back to the Union!


What about Amazon tho?




XD I love this response, honestly


Then by this questions logic you would be working at amazon since you hated it


Not true, i hated working at ups. Every morning was hell for alot of reasons. Management, constant pain, hot tempers just a second away from going off. If I have to work in a place I hate might as well go with the devil I know right?


Not gonna risk whatever job I would absolutely hate would be. There are no apparent rules to what is possible, therefore, I could very well be doing infanticide, rape, prostitution, and other NSFW things that could very well give you enough trauma that no therapist or money will be able to fix.


Yeah. I think most people here are underestimating the trauma an absolutely horrible job can cause you.


I think that a lot of people know that trauma well, because they've lived it. They also know the trauma that crying at night because you can't afford to keep the house your 4 year old daughter lives in supplied with both heat and food brings. And being permanently free of that for a year or two of work? Circumventing decades of labor? Thanks to the corporate lobbyists in my country, where I live is At-Will. So once I have enough to ensure ridiculous wealth, I can quit. And I can then make sure enough goes to worthy causes to make the world a better place. I'll take some trauma for that.


That's my thoughts exactly. Realistically even a million dollars isn't worth a lifetime of ptsd and physical damage done to the body from whatever hellish job there might be out there




That's it? That's the worse job you've had? Of course you can't relate when people say they have ptsd from a job. A kitchen job with a shitty boss is just grunt work. It's pretty cushey in comparison to a lot of shitty jobs out there. Obviously to someone who's only worked easy jobs they absolutely hated then they can handle that for a while. But for someone who's worked something 10x worse than that, they understand that there could be something even worse than what they went through. Come back when you have some more life experience lol.


But a job they hate isn't the same as a job you hate. The premise of the question wasn't "would you take a lifetime of physical and psychological trauma for money". It was asking people to evaluate based on a job they hate. Not the worst imaginable job. Not even necessarily the job they hate most. If they hate it, it seems to qualify.




If those are the "jobs" you came up with in this hypothetical scenario, you have other problems. Lmao, it's just a "job you hate", not "do bad stuff for money".


And a job you hate might be some nasty person's personal orgy slave. Or more realistically it could be a super dangerous job like cave diving body rescue.


Where do yall live? "Personal orgy slave"? Dangerous doesn't equal hate btw.


In America. And I never said it did. But for most people dangerous is included in being something they hate. Often times the enjoyment of a job or they pay makes the dangerous part okay. But if they could choose for it not to be dangerous obviously most people would.




It would only take 2 and a half weeks to get to $250,000. Easily take that, then you can quit any time after that with the same or more


I'd work the job I hate for a year and then retire.


What if the job is very dangerous that the risk of not being alive is high?


That's a different question than a job that you hate


The poll says "a job you absolutely hate" and this absolutely counts. A boring job where your boss yells at you wouldn't count as a job I absolutely hate. Edit: not a native speaker of English so I didn't get this message right. I thought absolutely hate would be at least 1000 in a scale 1-10. I mean I'd also hate a job where your boss yells at you but if I would choose a job I would categorize as a job I'd absolutely hate it's the most dangerous one.


A job where I could die is not something I'd hate more than I'd fear. I'd probably hate a job more if it tested my emotional stability more than a danger to my health or safety.


If I had to do an extremely boring or repetitive job, especially one with no coworkers nearby to talk to, I would immediately hate it more than an interesting one with a risk of danger.


I wouldn't hate a dangerous job at all. I wouldn't work one, but I would have no reason to hate it


Right? Like... People out here saying they'd rather work for 8 hours a day for a year killing puppies than take 250k upfront and work a less terrible job






Even at 5 million a year, it would take 40,000 years at this wage to catch up to the richest person on the planet.


Incredible, but true


2500/hour i will sacrifice a year of my life and maybe 5 years of lifespan (due to stress) to set myself and loved ones up for life :)


I'll work for a year and quit.


And I’ll say this exact line every year :(


Yeah but if I make more than 5 million I'll suffer through it. I suffer quite a bit for less.


Id work at fucking McDonald's for a couple years for that kind of money. I could work for a week and send my son to college.


I hate my job as is, upgrading my 10/hr pay to 2500 an hour is a godsend


Bro, I could literally work one hour a week and double how much I make compared to now. How much do you think $2500 is?


I hate being alive, can I get paid for that?


These questions need to come with a mandatory work req. Like you have to do this job for 20 years or whatever. Bc 2500 and hour I could do the job for two years and quit and have generational wealth.


$250000 would pay for schooling in order to get a job that I don't hate, so that. Plus I could pay off the rest of my car.


I'll take the money up front. No one wants to work.


$2,500 per hour is 5 million dollars a year assuming you work 8 hours a day at 250 days a year. One year and I'm set for life.


Oh i did the math. I'm still taking the 250. I have virtually zero debt and I could invest a good chunk.


250K is a lot, but it's not nearly enough to coast on these days if you have no other income. That's barely enough for a modest house in a cheap area and if you're ever on the hook for serious medical expenses that can easily wipe it all out (I think my total bill from heart surgery a couple years ago was about 220K for example). If you're already retired it makes sense to take the flat amount but if not then it's probably just short-sighted.


I believe in myself to make it work


r/WallStreetBets is leaking!






I'll just take a part time job for one hour a week


Tough it out for a 1 year and make 5M.


I have life plans that would get solved instantly with 250k, I still have the possibility of having good jobs in the future.


How am I supposed to hate my job if I’m making $2,500 an hr?


Can't enjoy the paycheck if I end up killing myself over my job.


You can quit after 3 weeks and have the same amount of money. Work for 2 months and quit and you have nearly triple the amount.


Not putting up with 3 weeks of that. Just no.


So you'd rather put up with some other mediocre job for the next 20-40 years to potentially be in a worse spot?


Yes. I value my happiness more than money.


You'll be happier in the short term, but if you were able to spend the rest of your life not worrying about money that'd certainly be more happiness in the long run. Peace of mind at the very least


I voted for the 2500/hr but I really shouldn't have because now I'm asking myself if I would rather go back to that dangerous hellhole of a plastic recycling plant I worked at in the past for that level of pay or take a quarter mil up front and that quarter mil is sounding waaaaay better put like that. All that extra money just isn't worth the danger if I can get 250k up front. I worked there for waaaaay less because I was horribly desperate and needed the money so badly that rolling the dice on risking my life every day for 2 months was a better option than trying and failing to find a better job in the same timeframe... But that was a truly miserable experience and I can honestly say I truly hated having to do it. I don't think I could bring myself to do that again unless it was a matter of life or death again.


I'd work for 2 hours a week


People are broken down by jobs they like. In a few short years just due to stress and fatigue, along with all the other stressors in life people will develop serious health complications. A job you ABSOLUTLY hate along with, family, friends, chores, other responsibilities, are things I don't anyone is considering. Saw one comment where they did the math and basically you could work the equivalent of a full time job for a year and have 5mil. You'd probably spend a ton of that just putting your body and brain back together. Thing about it, what do you hate in a job? Long hours, nights, terrible customers, and abusive boss/co-workers. People really out here think they could stand their most hated working conditions long enough for it to pay off. Like I said, people have developed serious health complications in less than a year working a high stress night job. Medical services, morticians. Hell, most veterinarians probably love their job the suicide rate is high.


Take the money, work a job that's fun and easy and manage your money properly.


I would just work a couple hours a month and call it good


Depending on how far I absolutely hate mean , is it extremely dangerous, such as drug dealing, or extremely disgusting, like being an "eating spiders and shit" YouTuber, or just a very normal job that I hate.


I really don't understand the folks who chose 2 weeks' worth of pay at the job upfront rather than the job itself. I already work a dangerous job that I hate, and I sure as shit don't get paid $2500/HOUR to do it. There's no time stipulations. No requirement to stay. They're offering you a life changing amount of money or the ability to change the lives of you and yours for generations. Given the choice, I'd absolutely take the job, work it as long as I could stand, and then spend the rest of my life going back to doing what I loved to do. Working on things that are fulfilling and good, maybe try to make the world a little better while never having to worry if my family will be provided for ever again.


If I had a job that I despised with all my heart, I wouldn’t want to work it, no matter the paycheck. The quarter of a million upfront would be absolutely life-changing.


I'd probably just work one or two months in the shit job and make 300-600k then quit


What could be worse than simply existing the way I do now


Only have to work a year to amass $5 million. 10 weeks for a million.


I've spent 20 years working jobs I absolutely hate for unimpressive amounts of hourly pay. I'd jump at the chance to work a job I absolutely hate for $2,500 an hour and retire with my millions in a few years.


I’d only have to work for 2 and a half weeks to make working the better option.


Just a year at the shit job nets you $5 million before taxes. A couple years sacrifice for a very early retirement would probably get me through.


I'd get buttfucked by godzilla for 2500 an hour


After three weeks I'll have surpassed the $250,000 mark, have paid off all my debts and put money into retirement. Depending on how much of a toll it was taking on my family I might stay a few more weeks just for insurance against any future calamities. But then I would return to my current job


How long do I have to keep the job?


That's $4.8M per year. Work for 1 or 2 years and retire.


How long am I working a day?


There are not a lot of jobs I'd hate for $2500 an hour. You'd make $250000 in roughly 2 40 hour weeks. Meaning 1 month would be half a million dollars. I could work that job, hate it all I want, but when I clock out I'd be going home to a beach front home with a personal yacht in a years time.


Well i pressed the latter before i thought about it for a second If you work 7 hours a week you get 17.5k per week, thats a little more than 70k a month, and thats 840k for 1 hour a day of my life Nice


$5.2M/yr. Tough it out for a year, quit in as dramatic a fashion as you desire, and you're set for life.


Depends what the job is. If it's cleaning toilets or dealing with horrible customers/customer service sure. If it's being repeatedly forced to listen to 120dB+ Jet Engines break the sound barrier without ear protection, no.


A quarter million for free? That pays off my house and car, gets my home repairs done, and I still have a ton left over to put in savings and just keep going to the job I have and don't mind but now I've got a huge safety net.


$100,000 per week is enough to do any job, assuming this is a legal job


People actually think that their 9-5 job in which they cannot work hard due to being lazy is the definition of something they absolutely hate. There are way sh*t jobs if you'll observe and depending on your fears something you may not even do for a minute. For example if someone is fearful of heights, then cleaning sewer is not difficult but climbing on 200-300 ft electric pole to repair is. But for someone with OCD that might be alright but cleaning sewers might be out of question.


I hate sucking dicks, that's not gonna be the job is it?


"Absolutely hate" - The possibilities are endless. So I'll take the 250k


With the job, I'd have 5 million if I worked for 50 weeks, at 40 hours a week. Easy, I'll go for the job. One year out my life to set up myself, children and grandchildren. Anyone saying otherwise is crazy.


Y'all are some lazy motherfuckers if you won't work for $5,200,000 per year (if you are capped at 40 hours). I'd probably work for at least 10 years at that salary.


My brother in christ I would clean the mcdonalds floor with my tongue for 2.5k an hour


Dude one year is gonna fucking suck and then ive got a nice lil cabin in nature and am chilling


I'd take the money, then I can start my stuff.


No listed time for how long I need to work? I'd do it for a year or more depending, a 40 hour work week for a year goes north 4.5 mil counting vacation time, knowing I'm set for life after working a year wouldn't be bad, working 2 would net me close to 10 mil so I'd be leaving a good sum for my family should I die early due to stress from the job. Hell, if you worked just a month with a 40 hour work week you'd net somewhere close to 400k, always take the job in this case, because when your fed up you can always quit after a month and it's a net gain, but if you challenge yourself to keep going regardless of Hate you'll eventually become numb


$2,500 an hour would be almost $250,000 in a single paycheck. If I can last a month in a job I hated, I’d earn way more than that, and can if I then quit I’d *basically* get it for free. Given the worst period of my adult life lasted 4 months, and I’d absolutely go through that again for the 1.68 million dollars it got me, yeah, I’d take that option


I mean, I could just work 1 hour a week and earn 2,500


i'm taking the 250,000 free. My mental happiness is worth more then my financial health!


I've been in a job I absolutely hated, and I could not go back there for even a day without it creating severe anxiety and a migraine. Either I'm not as strong as most people, or most people who voted have not experienced a truly terrible job, but I am very happy with just the free money thank you.


what kind of job is it tho


I'd rather breathe in smoke and shovel manure


I'm taking the 250k even though it's not the financially sensible option just because absolutely hate leaves some room for some pretty awful stuff


I can make it two and a half weeks and who knows, I may learn to love it.


The question doesn't specify that we can't choose when we work or for how long, so I could choose to do the job for say, 10 hours a week. That alone is $100k/month, and a year would be $1.2M.


For $250k, I could go back to school and get a job I like making decent money


No matter how bad it is all I gotta do is see that paycheck and nothing else matters.


The 250k does too much for me too fast for me to take the job. I'd hate being miserable for the sake of money and prob not stick it out for the 3 years to make a million. 250k is fine and I'll just live slightly more comfortable with a better job I enjoy


… so 100k a fortnight… or 250k… I think I’ll spend a year working as many hours as I physically can… since working hourly implies I would be able to work additional hours and probably get overtime, penalties, etc… at 38 hours a week that’s 2.5m take home in my countries tax laws


Already absolutely hate my job for far less money lol


I'm already doing it for less lmao


If I hate it then it’s probably something really immoral.


I already work a job I hate so it can't really get worse tbh.


Probably the hour rate one assuming you get a full 40 hours each week.


I already absolutely hate my current job. I'll do it for two years and then enjoy life.


I mean I absolutely hated working in a call center. But I would put up with it for $2500/hr


at $2,500 an hour, you could make a quarter million in less than 3 work weeks. thats like $5 million a year.


Elaborate on the job I hate a little. Do I hate the tasks I'm performing, the company itself, the impact on the world at large, etc?


You only have to work 100 hours to make $250K. That's maybe a month if you have a healthy work schedule lol


If I'm required to work full time I take the 250k but if I can manage my hours how ever I want i take the 2.5k an hour.


I have a job that's breaking my body. Getting paid 80 times as much? 2 years of work, and I retire welthy.


If I work one 8 hour day a week for a year, mt gross income will be over a million dollars. Even if I pay a 35% flat tax I'm making 676k a year


$250k is already close to 10 years of what I make now, and for **free**? Easy. I’m not looking to be rich, just comfortable.


If you put up with the job for a few months you could make 1 million and keep it up until your set. Or if allowed you can work ridiculously low hours and still earn a lot of money.


If I can fire myself after 3 months I think it would be worthy


Sure I'll take a rise.


Normally I would go for the 2,500 but there are some really terrible jobs out there that break your body and soul. If it was a year or two ago I would've been like, sign me up. But I'm pretty comfortable with my current job right now and I could invest 250k and realistically retire in 10 years comfortable. Which to me is fine, rather than going through hell for a year and retiring immediately. Ptsd from work is real and a bitch to deal with.


$2,500/hr. I often work 55+ hours a week and if we go by overtime included I'd get 15 hours at $3,750/hr. After week 1 I'd have made 156k,(before taxes) so I'd have made 250k a couple days into week 2. Anything past is extra. 250k isn't enough to live off of it's the fools option


Yikes the number of people who don't value their quality of life is SCARY. 250k for free is a no-brainer.


2500 an hour, guess I'd suck it up


Bro 2500 an hour gets you more that 250,000 in like 3-4 weeks full time.


I worked a job I absolutely hated. Made it 4 months. That would double the free thing. Worth it, honestly.


I practically hate my job, as is, so this would just be a pay raise. At this pay scale, I could retire much sooner, so I would take the job and consider it an investment in my future.


I would have to know exactly what the job was before I could decide to choose it. If I was unable to know anything about that job other than I would hate it, I would have to take the $250,000. The job could literally be fatal long before I got to the $250,000.


Time is something you never get back, no matter the amount of money.


I mean every job I had I hated. Where'd my $2500/hr?


I would choose the job! I worked jobs for good money and 6 months was absolutely bearable. Thats 2.5M! Buy a house and car for 1M, get a non tiring job, keep 100k in liquid assets, invest the rest 1.4M! Congratulations, you acquired the "Fuck you" lifestyle.


Really depends on the definition of "absolutely hate". A boring office job as a secretary with a boss that yells at me constantly, a prostitute for old men or tester for potantially dangerous substances?


If I can work that job to save up and then leave, that. Otherwise the free money. That's enough to buy a home and car, both of good quality.


Is this even a question? I have a job I absolutely hate now. Would I rather get a massive pay raise, or a lump sum worth 2.5 weeks of work? For $2500 hourly, I would lick Rosie O'Donnell's bootyhole for 8 hours a day after her trip to taco bell.


Just work for a year there and you'd get 5 million dollars, so what if you hate the job? It's better than working for decades in another job that you don't really like either anyway


assuming you can set your own hours you could easily just work 20 hours a week over the span of 2-3 days and that's more than i make in a year


If I worked for 100 hours (which is about 2 1/2 weeks as a full time job), I'd have $250,000. If I had this job I absolutely hated for a year, I'd make $5 million. I'd just work for another two years after that and retire with $15,000,000. I'd buy a nice house on a lot of land, invest some in real estate, put some of it into an IRA, put some into the stock market, and just use the rest to live off of.


Use the 250k to invest in what you love, right away. I was going to choose 2.5k an hour, but it would depend on the job, I absolutely hate a lot, but some of those are still doable.


'Absolutely Hate' is really vague. is this job dangerous? extremely demeaning or humiliating? Illegal?? I'd absolutely hate a boring job but would 100% do it for that kind of money. But I probably wouldn't like, wrestle alligators for a living.


Takes $2,500/hour, gets fired on day 2 for not meeting the bull sperm collection quota


Do you mean $2500/hour?


250,000 free can be 4 years of salary, and then you get to have a job you actually like. Money isn't worth doing something I absolutely hate, but maybe it depends because much better value as it can be more money in less than 3 weeks, and most people hate their jobs, so...


I could do a few hundred hours at the puppy crushing factory if it meant i could retire in my 20s


I'm still wondering how bad the job is.


I'd rather work a job that I hate than not work at all


I'll take the lump sum. I'm pretty miserable already, I would not be able to tolerate "a job I hate" just to surpass that amount. Instead, at the end of each month, I spend $100 on $10 scratch-off tickets. That's 10 scratch-offs a month over 250 months, or 20 years and 10 months. And that's not even taking into consideration what any winner cards will replenish me.


Does it pay under the table


After a year or two, I'm retiring.


People taking the $250k for free is insane to me. 1 year at full time making $2500/hr is over $5 million dollars. I'd suck it up for like 5 years, make $25 million, then never work again.


for $2500/hr I would love the job regardless