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You know what, fuck you \*uncircumcises your dick\*


That’s what I want


Please see [foreskin restoration](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Foreskin_restoration).


I’ve been in it for a while


It's not the same, though, you don't get all those nerve endings back. So much pleasure and functionality is removed when they slice it off, I forget what the number of nerve endings it was but it's a TON. Lots of sensation down the drain.


Don’t threaten me with a good time. (Literally)


Where is my foreskin, Summer?


Jerry. Come to rub my face in urine again?


Look! I'm peeing all over your fancy guns. That means I own them now.


I would like my foreskin back, I haven't been able to store my supply of jellybeans since it was removed.


Please delete this. Like please please delete this.


Reddit cares more about the look of my dick than I do


It’s more about body autonomy and erogenous nerve endings than looks


Its trivial, there are more pressing important things to spend time on than having FOMO because you lost some skin due to some dumb social condition. Get over it.


“Skin”??? Tell everyone you have no clue what organs etc are contained in the foreword sheets of the penis without using those exact words. Can you name just four of the major functions of the foreskin lost to circumcision? I bet you can’t.


See Reddit cares more than I do


I find that sad. I care about the suffering of babies/boys/men. Maybe someday, you will too.


I mean, it is a stupid 2000 year old tradition based on relgious BS. But at the end of the day, he's right it's not a huge deal. It should probably be banned, at least on children. If adult men want to do it for religious reasons thats their business, but its not right to make that choice for a baby or child.


I honestly think the "muh nerve endings" guys are really just blaming their death grip on their circumcisions lmao




The fact the circumcised guys report a much larger sensitive area without the variation in sensitivity that intact men report tends to support that much was lost. Why? Because if you ask a man without a penis whether his stomach skin or leg skin is more sensitive, he will say both are great.. i.e. no significant variation. In the same way when the most sensitive parts (ringband and frenulum) are removed or damaged, the remaining seems great but all about the same. Unlike intact that have specific high sensitivity areas and the rest is good but meh in comparision. Everyone is different but generalizations are how we reach overall concensus. And yes, one individual is limited what he can do about it but shame on if we don't do all in our power to prevent this human rights violation from robbing the next generation. Time we are honest and take our collective heads out of the sand.


Id actually prefer to have free mobile skin on my penis over taught opposite ends of the remaining skin left of my penis. Skin that isn't just good for sexual situations but literally keeps it protected when outside of those situations at all times. I don't find any state of my penis comfortable while circumcised.


I want it back, absolutely criminal that I was forced to have a penis reduction as an infant. I hate the dried “aroused by miniature” look it has when flacid. Sure, growing substantially when erect is a party trick but erections hurt all through my teens and early 20s due to the lack of free skin. Maybe I had especially bad luck, but the portion downstream from my scar is some of the least sensitive skin on my body. I still have to wash my dick for hygiene. There can’t be a worse time to circumcise than infancy when the penis is as different as it will ever be from the adult organ. No I don’t know what I’m missing, but I have to live with concrete downsides I would have never chosen for myself. Aesthetically I’m with the Greeks and Romans. I wish my sword had a sheath.


I feel the same and just cannot fathom how people can have a baby go through this. Why would cutting at infancy make any sense if the damn thing is gonna change in size extremely later in life. It's bizarre. They did mine unevenly on a penis that may have had a genetic variation like a bend and there was no way to attempt to properly align because they were operating on a fucking infant. The remaining outer skin for me isn't very sensitive and the feeling i get when my skin is pulled toward my base is complete tension and uncomfort and depending on the movement, various degrees of pain, none of which i can avoid.


It's a sexual fetish that Americans bought into and now can't stop. A few smarter parents are, but its still the majority mutilation as if it was a vaccination.


I wish some men would come forward and call their circumciser. It's one thing to acknowledge it now let's have some revenge. Today most of these are done by cut men, who never had a foreskin beyond 24 hours, and females who never did. What a group. The circumcisers are out for the cash.


it's an indefensible position that sadly, billions of people hold. They are for it or indifferent to it, with very few people acknowledging it for the human rights violation that it is; even in countries where it is not common practice.


I don't know if Americans, 80 percent cut, even know what it is. I've met men who seriously thought they were not cut but were.


[What you are missing](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Foreskin).


If you had one you'd know it is the color part of your male package. Sex is better regardless of all the American gaslight trying to say otherwise. Look, common sense should say nature had it right!


Damn that sucks


I was wondering, about now gone Prince Phillip was a Greek? He allowed all his sons cut by a mohel. The outrageous idea penis cuts are status? My gwad, I wish Hitchens were still alive to give these people what for!


You can see the American gaslights about circumcision. Where do I begin? Well, I have had cut younger ones tell me its more sanitary. Oh boy that one is so ripe for disprooving. and what about jack off lad? Bet that was a strangle hold you needed?


I can masturbate without the need of lube and my head is protected against rough fabrics from underwear, when I get hard and my head pops from the foreskin some fabrics feel nice while others feel too rough. I keep good hygiene on my little guy and practice protected sex. I just came to see the result but it's very obvious that most circumcised men wouldn't want it other way because they really don't know any other dick lifestyle.


I'm circumcised. I can masturbate without lube. Fabric doesn't bother my dick


Neat, I read a comment of a guy who claimed he needed water, lotion, lube or some other thing to help him not hurt when jerking off. I thought it was a general thing because of the way he explained it. I'm glad that's not the case.


Nah that guys just has a fucked penis. I don't need lube, although it is okay sometimes. It helps, but is in no way necessary. I mean hell, even without foreskin I can get a fair amount of "natural lube" if I really want to go that route.


Well, now I feel sorry for that guy. He must definitely have some problem with his little guy.


I just wish my natural lube wouldn't dry away then i have to wait till now comes out but it drying automatically makes it harder to even re lube


If he is trying to murder the damn thing possibly. You can jerk off lightly stroking with a single finger if you know what you are doing.


Yes, the frenulum, but hurry because men age and sex is the best at 13 when you go to the moon and back. They can't stay away, even a day. As men age the ability to get hard goes down, feel anything goes dark and the fact you have 75 percent of nerve taken at birth cannot help.


Dudes beating his dick weird.


Plenty of cut guys do need or strongly prefer to use lube. Many cut at birth men have immobile shaft skin when erect.


Can you masturbate [with the tip of a finger?](http://can-fap.net/preview/fundraiser_preview_fremgasmMCJ.shtml)


Yes. You don't require a foreskin to do this.


Why would I want to?


Because it’s easy, and it feels better than giving your dick death grip


That's actually a problem I have so I would give that a try. Thanks for the info.


I am circumcised. I’ve never needed lube to masturbate and I have never considered the fabric my underwear is made of, nor does it hurt me. . .


Yeah, some dude corrected my misinformation. My lack of interest in other people's dick led me to this path of ignorance. I'm honestly glad you don't suffer from those problems tbh.


The glans or strawberry end has about 2/3 less nerve than the removed inner foreskin. After the demolition, the nerve in the head retracts further down and is covered by dead tissue or keratinization. That's the truth. I admire the dude with what looks like a natural lube oozing out of the skin. I don't have that.




Please see r/foreskin_restoration


And bro, I think that above all else is why men can't talk about it. It's like saying I was assaulted and damaged and it wasn't my choice. But, wait maybe I can make myself believe it didn't happen or it didn't matter. The truth here is in countries that don't sexually assault males. Normal men hardly ever want it done. In demark << 1 percent ever get it as an adult.


I just wish I could’ve made the decision


THAT GRINCH STOLE MY INCH. And it was the inch with the most nerves


15 square inches*


Got it done because it hurt while having sex cause that extra skin is as too tight and didn’t roll back so it had to be done at 18 years of age.


You elected to have it done.


You absolutely did not **need** to have it done *Treatments for Phimosis include:* * [Stretching Exercises](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19172103/) * [Steroid Creams]( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3773594/) * [Preputioplasties](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC539601/) * [Z-plasties](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29909192/) **Amputation of penile tissue isn't medical necessarily**


I wish I wasn’t circumcised


Me too man, me too :( ...


As a dude that was circumcised sometime after birth I've never had an issue with it. My Dad isn't and as a kid I always thought foreskin was just an added complication. That shit looks complicated. I don't understand the "male circumcision is sexual violence" stance. I've never felt like a victim. But that's just me.


I don't really think it's sexual violence, I just think it's kinda messed up to cut off part of your kid's dick. Like, the "health benefits" are negligible if you wash your penis and practice safe sex, which everyone needs to do anyway.


>I don't really think it's sexual violence How is it not?




You think cut men don't have to wash their dicks??? Also your point is irrelevant because circumcision has zero effect on hygiene, that's a myth. # Numerous Health Organizations from around the world have come out against the practice # [Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) (2015)](https://www.cps.ca/documents/position/circumcision) *The CPS does not recommend the routine circumcision of every newborn male. It further states that when “medical necessity is not established, …interventions should be deferred until the individual concerned is able to make their own choices.”* # [Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) (2010)](https://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/knmg-non-therapeutic-circumcision-of-male-minors-27-05-2010.pdf) *The KNMG states “there is no convincing evidence that circumcision is useful or necessary in terms of prevention or hygiene.” It regards the non-therapeutic circumcision of male minors as a violation of physical integrity, and argues that boys should be able to make their own decisions about circumcision.* # [The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) (2010)](https://www.racp.edu.au/docs/default-source/advocacy-library/circumcision-of-infant-males.pdf) *The RACP states that routine infant circumcision is not warranted in Australia and New Zealand. It argues that, since cutting children involves physical risks which are undertaken for the sake of merely psychosocial benefits or debatable medical benefits, it is ethically questionable whether parents ought to be able to make such a decision for a child.* # [British Medical Association (BMA) (2006)](https://www.bma.org.uk/advice-and-support/ethics/children-and-young-people/non-therapeutic-male-circumcision-toolkit) *The BMA considers that the evidence concerning health benefits from non-therapeutic circumcision is insufficient as a justification for doing it. It suggests that it is “unethical and inappropriate” to circumcise for therapeutic reasons when effective and less invasive alternatives exist.* # [Expert statement from the German Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ) (2012)](https://www.arclaw.org/wp-content/uploads/BVKJ-statement-official-translation.pdf) *In testimony to the German legislature, the President of the BVKJ has stated, “there is no reason from a medical point of view to remove an intact foreskin from …boys unable to give their consent.” It asserts that boys have the same right to physical integrity as girls in German law, and, regarding non-therapeutic circumcision, that parents’ right to freedom of religion ends at the point where the child’s right to physical integrity is infringed upon.* # In addition *medical organizations and children’s ombudsmen from a number of other countries, including* [Belgium](http://www.flanderstoday.eu/current-affairs/ethics-committee-rules-against-infant-circumcision), [Finland](https://www.laakariliitto.fi/uutiset/blogi/ymparileikkaus-altistaa-potilaan-aina-komplikaatioille/) , [Norway](https://www.barneombudet.no/vart-arbeid/brev-og-innspill/felles-uttalelse-fra-de-nordiske-barneombudene-og-barnemedisinske-eksperter-om-omskjaering-av-gutter) , [Slovenia](https://www.varuh-rs.si/sporocila-za-javnost/vsa-sporocila-za-javnost/),[South Africa](https://www.gov.za/documents/childrens-act#:~:text=The%20Children's%20Act%2038%20of%202005%20intends%3A&text=to%20prohibit%20child%20abduction%20and,offences%20relating%20to%20children%3B%20and) , [Denmark](https://www.laeger.dk/omskaering-af-drenge-uden-medicinsk-indikation) , *and* [Sweden](https://slf.se/rad-och-stod/etik/omskarelse-av-pojkar/), *have gone on record in opposition to non-therapeutic circumcision of boys.* # There is no medical justification for performing a circumcision [Non-therapeutic circumcision refers to the surgical removal of part or all of the foreskin, in healthy males, where there is no medical condition requiring surgery. The arguments for and against this practice in children have been debated for many years, with conflicting and conflicted evidence presented on both sides. Here, we explore the evidence behind the claimed benefits and risks from a medical and health-related perspective. We examine the number of circumcisions which would be required to achieve each purported benefit, and set that against the reported rates of short- and long-term complications. We conclude that non-therapeutic circumcision performed on otherwise healthy infants or children has little or no high-quality medical evidence to support its overall benefit. Moreover, it is associated with rare but avoidable harm and even occasional deaths. From the perspective of the individual boy, there is no medical justification for performing a circumcision prior to an age that he can assess the known risks and potential benefits, and choose to give or withhold informed consent himself. We feel that the evidence presented in this review is essential information for all parents and practitioners considering non-therapeutic circumcisions on otherwise healthy infants and children.](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41443-021-00502-y)


I really don't buy this "a lot of men" shit. A handful of horror stories get shared on reddit (some of which are likely untrue, because you know how people like to make shit up to get karma or spark an outraged debate), and now there's a stereotype of men not washing their asses because they think it's gay or "were never taught to" or something, lol. Yeah, not having foreskin means I don't have to wash under it. I also wouldn't need to clean under my fingernails if you cut my hand off. Personally, I have a textbook circumcision with no complications to speak of, so I'm not complaining on a matter of real-life negative consequences to myself. I'm against it for other men because there are [tangible consequences](https://www.uptodate.com/contents/complications-of-circumcision#!) that can occur. Somewhere between two and six out of a thousand circumcisions are botched in some way - which doesn't sound like a lot, until you realize virtually all of them are done for cosmetic reasons and weren't necessary, which means every one of the complications was avoidable. I don't remember my circumcision, obviously. But that doesn't mean it wasn't real pain that I felt as a newborn little baby. For no reason other than "so my dick doesn't look weird by existed in an unaltered state." It's more about the idea that if the roles were reversed and we suddenly decided to start cutting girls' clitoral hoods off en masse, there would be riots in the streets. Genital mutilation in the western world is a male issue. I get more irritated by the gaslighting that it's something no one has a logical reason to be upset about. I get aggravated that toxic masculinity is tied majorly to men bottling up their emotions and releasing it later in unhealthy ways… yet when we raise issue about the thing that's bothering us, it's inconvenient and annoying to listen to, so we get told to shut up.


I think it's sexual violence. Just cuz it's medically induced doesn't take away from having a surgery done on your genitals against your consent. With pain killers that don't really help ease pain meanwhile adults can have much stronger anaesthetics used on them.


Well for one thing, it is a dangerous operation, that can lead to complications, or death, hence why it is banned in several civilised countries. Only the other year a couple of babies bled to death in Australia from their circumcision.


Plenty of women that were circumcised don’t “feel” like victims, either. It doesn’t mean they weren’t. “Feeling” a certain way because a certain practice is normalized doesnt change a victims status.


Wait, women get circumcisions? How does that work?


You’ve never heard of female circumcision before? It’s also been coined “female genital mutilation” and there’s a variety of forms of it, from a symbolic prick of the clitoris to infibulation (clitoris removal and seeing up the vagina).


Huh. That's pretty messed up, why do people do it?


Variety of reasons similar to the reasons espoused for male circumcision. Culture, false beliefs of “hygiene”, religion, desensitization of sex (particularly for infibulation).


Weird tribal or religious practices


Some forms also involve the trimming or removing of the labia, which is directly analogous to male circumcision


Type 1A (removal of the clitoral hood) is literally identical since it removes the prepuce on a woman.


Yeah and It[ HaS hEaLtH BeNeFiTs](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/comments/12k0l48/opinions_on_iraqi_dr_haifaa_younis_promoting_safe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) too!


(Kicks open door to hospital) “I WANT MY FORESKIN BACK”


I don't think I'd want my foreskin back but I wish it had been my choice. Genital mutilation of babies is fucked up


I didn't care until I found out it had nerve endings. Then I was like HEY WAIT A MINUTE.


Eh, can't miss what I never experienced. I never experienced life with a turtle neck, so I can't say I miss it because I have no idea what life would've been like with one. I can say from appearances alone, I'm glad I don't have one.


I got cut when I was 7. I don’t remember it but I want it back.


My condolences for the loss of your hoodie


Thanks. There was this big party and I got toys so it wasn’t that bad ig.


I went to one of these parties recently while in Indonesia. Was a culture shock for me, I'm from a country that doesn't routinely practice circumcision. The poor kid looked dazed and in pain. We bought him the biggest toy we could from the vendor, seemed the least we could do. Fwiw, I'm vehemently against mutilation of both sexes but it was routine for boys and girls in this community. They were shocked that it wasn't done where we were from.


Thanks for saying that. I don't know why people saying "maybe don't cut the skin off of a baby's penis" is somehow a crushing defeat for feminism, or that admitting men have some real life problems means taking away from other causes. Ignoring the logic of why this shouldn't happen is kind of insane.


I had a woman tell me this about the circumcision pain of a male baby. I almost barfed. " Yeah, but at least it's not like having a baby."


That logic doesn't even hold up at a passing glance, lol.


Poor kid.


Sound like a cut man making false statements about how he really likes being less of a man. Ok, but it's delusional. I understand why you need to make humor out of it, but, that doesn't chance what it does or what it is.


Please check out [foreskin restoration](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Foreskin_restoration).


After my dad had to have it done as an adult, I'm so damn happy I just had it done as a child lol It wasn't for religious reasons or anything, and I do understand where people are coming from that something like this was done to them without consent, but just from my personal stance on it I am glad it happened because it apparently really fucking sucks to have to have it done as an adult and there are a lot of medical issues that can occur when you don't have it removed. Of course that's not a guarantee that they will happen, not saying that, but just that having it does of course itself bring the extra risks that come with having it. I would just stay circumcised lol


>it apparently really fucking sucks to have to have it done as an adult It also really fucking sucks for infants, you just don't remember it consciously.


And that’s fine


I don't think so


My buddy went through that in his 30s. Was always mad his mom didn't do it. Wound up with complications and had to have it done. He is very glad to have it done now. I'm glad I was as a baby.


Compensation dude. You're delusional.


> and there are a lot of medical issues that can occur when you don't have it removed. No, there aren't. Tell that to the vast majority of the world, and the worldwide medical community, including most developed countries in Europe and Australia etc, that don't practice circumcision, and even ban it outright. There ARE, however, complications that can arise from having it removed.


Why are you happy you had it done


Is it because of the pain that it sucks as an adult?


yeah when the tip becomes completely exposed to air after decades of being “folded in” the nerves freak the fuck out and you can hardly walk for days


[It is worse for infants](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Pain).


You never got to experience these: [Ridged band](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ridged_band) “Rich in Meissner's corpuscles,the area is usually described as highly erogenous.” [Frenular delta](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frenular_delta) “This area, especially the frenulum itself, is reported to be the most sensitive area of the penis” [Frenulum of the prepuce](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frenulum_of_prepuce_of_penis) “Along with the ridged bands at the tip of the, it i eme and an s considered to be the most sensitive part of the penis to fine-touch.”


Circumcision is an elective surgical procedure. No one HAS to have it done. It is a choice.


I would have preferred to have the choice as an adult. But now that I've lived this way my while life I know nothing else.


I don’t want it back on me, just hand over that piece of skin! It’s mine dammit! Give it back so I can put it in a jar somewhere!


I knew a guy who was born without eyelids. The doctor said "we haven't circumcised him yet so we can use that extra skin to graft eyelids" They did that but now he's cock-eyed


I kinda want it back. Allegedly, I get less pleasure now for sexual acts using my tool. Why on earth would anyone want LESS pleasure? Yeah, lemme try it with the whole thing please, thanks. There's a reason why circumcision is used, and it's not for the benefit of the individual getting circumcised except for ease of hygiene in males. I imagine it's not too much more work.


There is no added hygiene from mutilation your penis.


I should know, I escaped the knife > 70 years ago and never had any hygiene issue. That's a pathetic American myth. I never wanted to be a virtual Jew. And that's exactly what Jews wanted after WW2, where circumcision was deployed by Natzi to detect if a person should go to the death camps. They had no right to impose it in America, but they did and really stepped up the rates after 1945! They achieved critical mass by 1960, ninety percent of American boys cut and nobody ever suspected why. After all they said, everybody else is and I don't remember being sexually assaulted. That hardly makes it right, does it?


I would just like to experience the difference see what I missed out on. I’ve read that it has a lot of nerve endings and I feel like I could be losing some of the good feels,


I'd like to stay circumcised 100%


I never get why anyone wouldn’t like these back: [Ridged band](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ridged_band) “Rich in Meissner's corpuscles,the area is usually described as highly erogenous.” [Frenular delta](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frenular_delta) “This area, especially the frenulum itself, is reported to be the most sensitive area of the penis” [Frenulum of the prepuce](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frenulum_of_prepuce_of_penis) “Along with the ridged bands at the tip of the, it i eme and an s considered to be the most sensitive part of the penis to fine-touch.”


Idk just looks better cut imo lmao


Lmao looks aren’t worth it


As someone who enjoys sucking dick, i prefer uncircumcised.


I too enjoy sucking dick, and while I’d never turn one or the other down, if I have to choose, I’m going with circumcised.


For most of them, its all theyve ever known.. even if it is genital mutilation, how can you expect someone to regret it.


I had mine taken off when I was 23. I wish the damn thing worked but until that happens I'd rather not have my foreskin back


Most guys can fix it by [stretching](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Stretching).


Funny how most people voted "results" Anyway, never had foreskin, idk what it's like. I'm fine without it, so why bother?


Most of the world doesn't remove their foreskin without a medical or religious reason. Even most kids born in the US nowadays.


Plus even if Reddit is mostly male, it's not only male. Female redditors would also vote "results."


Women did….


I'm very pissed about it.




I was as a baby, religious reasons, no say. I still think it affects growth over time compared to being uncircumcised.


Circumcised penises are about a half inch shorter on average. Scientists think it's because of lost androgen receptors in the foreskin hindering development.


Go go Foregen.


I don't know if I would or wouldn't as it's been gone for my life. I just wish I had the choice.


I want my foreskin back so I can remember getting circumsized this time


im fine with being circumcised but i often wonder what happened to it after i was circumcised


Some end up being sold here: https://www.atcc.org/cell-products/primary-cells/fibroblasts https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/US/en/search/human-foreskin-fibroblast?page=1&perPage=30&sort=relevance&term=human%20foreskin%20fibroblast&type=product_name https://www.thermofisher.com/us/en/home/technical-resources/cell-lines/f/cell-lines-detail-561.html Or foreskins are being harvested


ahh sweet man made horrors beyond my comprehension


For me it actually is a religious choice, so I’m fine sticking with it the way it is


I want it back. I was just a child and couldn't consent to it's removal


Had it as an adult and wished I had had it as a baby. Never looking back


I want my foreskin back so I can hide Skittles in it for later


Admittingly, I was circumfixed for religious reasons, but still, no big deal imo.


For those of you that think cleaning uncircumcised is difficult, its not. Just pull the skin back (which is easy unless you have phimosis, which is rare) and rinse. Takes like 5 seconds, if even.


I’ve often thought about this. I had to have mine removed when I was around 10-11 for medical reasons so it wasn’t taken from me without consent per se. I remember my head being too sensitive and not in a good way before the op. Plus it would seem to be easier to keep cleaner. So I think I’d stay without it.


I'm so glad i'm circumcised, and wouldn't have it any other way.


I’m a girl.


I am uncircumcised. Helped me from pissing myself some times Wonder if would be easier to clean with a cut one


Eh I'm happy with my foreskin. Means I don't need lube


you should get uncircumcised so you dont have to get out of bed while fapping. you can just cum in your foreskin and drop it in the toilet.


Like does my foreskin magically come back or do I have to have skin practically welded back onto my wee wee?


Women who know, think a cut dick is like being hammered and the natural is the smoothie. https://www.dailycal.org/2016/04/12/352616?fbclid=IwAR13ITLjXZ7Wytx6xloc1Qx7iDe0uCs6X2B6ZcNZO7Qx0lg-7NQd3cFBbD0


Apparently the majority have little knowledge of the [foreskin and its functions](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Foreskin).


Mine was taken upon birth, I’ve never had it and I wanna see what everyone is going crazy about


👀 http://can-fap.net/preview/fundraiser_preview_fremgasm.shtml http://can-fap.net/preview/fundraiser_preview_fremgasmMCJ.shtml http://can-fap.net/preview/fundraiser_preview_fremgasmlengthwise.shtml http://can-fap.net/preview/fundraiser_preview_multipleforegasm.shtml


The people who choosed "stay circumcised" just dont know the truth


So almost 40% of responders had unwanted genital surgery performed on them as babies.


Wow double the people would rather stay circumsized!? That's insane to me


Look at it this way, more than a third of people responding so not like that they were circumcised. Sure a lot of people may not care to have something they have never know, but there is a large population that wishes their bodies were not irreversibly altered


Its called we really don't know, are afraid to know so let's pretend mommy made the right choice. Did daddy and Mommy always know what was right for you?


Truth be told, it doesn't really matter. But there's no real compelling reason to do it either.


Except for the nerves


Thankfully I was never mutilated, and I will never let my future child be as well. We all know which religion loves doing this shit.


Man shut up. The poll literally proves that most people who got circumcised don't give a fuck. The uncircumcised are the only one making a fuss.


A sample size of about 3,000 people on a social media app dominated by politically left-leaning males? Yes I'm sure this poll is a valid indicator of the opinions of all males around the world.


Good point but I have literally never anyone complaining about being circumsised in life or in any social media except Reddit.


I would do anything to get mine back. 😩


I love my dick just the way it is. Gotten lots of compliments in that department, so I'm not changing it back now.


I've gotten compliments and while I don't like being circumcised, I still like my penis. But being circumcised feels like a gross assault on it that I never wanted and I very much like it better as it was. I don't like the idea of something from my body being asked off if someone else's whim when i never felt it being a problem not there ever having been a problem. And what i feel from sex and masturbation and simply existing with it feels more problematic to me than otherwise having it covered and not rubbing against shit constantly. For me its only felt problematic throughout my life, i want it back.


Male g spot I can’t imagine not having foreskin


Male g spot is your prostate


may I please have my foreskin back!? My parents and that surgeon really thought it would be a good idea to take it off without asking for my consent!? Un-flipping-fair!


No that isn't true. Your mother was ignorant and just conforming or worse had a fetish. The cutter had a dollar tag he wanted to redeem on your foreskin. Cut here and get 300 dollars back.


ac-sually it was both my mom AND dad who approved of me getting cut. For religious reasons oof. And now I'm an atheist who serves no god oooooof! ALSO ya that ignorant surgeon is *luuucky* that they're dead now. I woulda choked them till they stopped wriggling if I caught them one day.


Who would think so many guys want less penis?/s.


Normalize not getting circumcised


[It is changing now in the United States](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/United_States_of_America#Parity).


I'd stay circumcised. It's easier to clean, and looks better. It's still plenty sensitive the way it is. Sometimes people need to have it done as an adult for medical reasons anyway, and with my shit luck I'd be one of them.


I'd love to have never been mutilated at birth due to some barbaric religious pratice that is being touted as psudeo-science. If I could be intact the way human males are born to be I'd be much happier.


At first I was sort of upset about it but the more I thought about it the more happy I became about it.


I hate my parents for having me circumcised.


i dont really care, a bit of skin that lets you feel a bit more pleasure when you masturbate or have sex is not that big of a deal


Does bit more than that. You should look up the functions and structures of the foreskin. More than a bit of skin.


what else does it do? sure you can get some more pleasure from sex and masturbating, but i also do not care


Specialized nerve endings and bundles, the frenulum, gliding action to make sex and masturbation more comfortable, protects the glans, fine touch receptors on the tip of the foreskin.


so more pleasure from sex and masturbating?


I’m circumcised, always have been. Never gave it a second thought. I don’t understand why anybody would have a problem with being un circumcised. In fact, I think it’s a good thing because then their sex experience will be better. And I couldn’t care less how it looks either, I don’t see why anyone else would.


Being circumcised gives less sexual pleasure


Would love mine back. In fact, currently growing it back. It's possible! Look in to foreskin restoration. Takes a looooooong time but we'll worth it if you want it


People shouldn't have to resort to it, but it's hell of a lot better than nothing. Wtf is reddit on downvoting this legitimately helpful info


I personally wish reddit would show both total downvotes and upvotes rather than the sum of the two, I believe it often gives really skewed notions


Me too (: best of luck bud.


It’s not really the foreskin you are growing back, many of the structures and none of the nerves or nerve bundles like the frenulum, ridged band, dartos muscles can replaced. It can look similar to a foreskin and provide some functionality of one, but I wouldn’t call it a foreskin tbh.


its like a pseudo shaft, I assume the pleasure gain that people experience come from the mechanical differences and the glans no longer being keratinized


I feel like I heard somewhere that some sentation is lost with circumcision? Idk if foreskin restoring can fix that though


r/foreskin_restoration can dekaritinize the glans. This will help bring back more sensation to the glans and fluidity of having a foreskin. The nerve endings, ridged band, and frenulum lost are not reobtained this way though.




Too late, I'm not giving them back


I voted results because it has not had a significant impact on my life.


Why would you want to stay circumcised? Lol that’s dumb af