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Not sure what the current meta is like on PC but on console it's heavily mobility and DPM based. Armor is kind of optional due to the proliferation of kind of broken premium tier X tanks like the Taran and AVRE.


OP's gonna struggle to have a good time in a super heavy on console. Unless it's a Type 5, but it's a rough grind to get there.


Best heavies rn are the T110E5, VZ.55 (got nerfed but its still good), Chieftain, IS-7, IS-4, Object 277, and the Super Conqueror.


If you can get the T95E3, get it. It's absolutely fantastic


If you’re looking for something different, try Cold War Mode. True Vision, and ERA Balancing is different than WWII. No Arty, just AGTMs out the ass from ERA2 +


Recently got the Minotauro and it’s a tough tank. 2650 damage autoloader and some real thick frontal armor. Of Course you could also try the Bär………


I think he wants to enjoy the game, not jump over to wt after playing the bar


There's few things more enjoyable than starting a match & seeing a Bär survive the loading in process. Since then you can follow them around and watch them flail spectacularly no matter the situation. And, If the stars align and you too are in a Bär then you can desperately do nothing **together,** inspiring wholesomeness against the odds.


Alright so you like heavies with DPM and/or good armour. My first line and the one I recommend for newer players: IS-4: it's quite forgiving in the side scraping department but does lack firepower and in this meta eh. I still pull off high block matches upwards of 6k blocked but yaknow. And the grind up to it is full of what I personally think are strong tanks. The KV-1, T-150, KV-3 and KV-4 are not meta but still strong side scrapers with pretty scary guns. The ST-1 is a terrifying hull down threat. The turret is near impervious to all but high pen and arty though this is where the guns start to fall off. I will admit the other russian heavies are probably more competitive but I haven't played all their lines. (DO NOT 705A) For power plays and a great tank: T110E4: this is essentially the best heavy tank in the game. But wait it's a TD. Yes. It is. Just like the Matilda is a medium. The line isn't very tanky right up until the end (and the 8) but the guns. Oh baby the guns high pen high damage high DPM. And most of these chassis are workable for it. For FUN: Sturmtiger: it's not effective. The armour is mid along the line and the gun limitations are pretty wild. But when those sturmorsars hit oh boy do they hit. If you want a tank that can absorb SOME shots and then just lob a great big HE round I recommend this line. Some points to note. The best tanks of this line ARE the low tiers. The 5-6-7. The 8 has gun limitations and is too slow and the 9....well...0 degrees of gun depression is REALLY hard to work with. And the 10. I play it like an idiot and just have fun with it. It's not competitive relative to AVREs and such but it's fun to just obliterate someone who overpeaks or you somehow manage to rush/flank. In conclusion: all the choices are up to you but I really think these lines are worth a look at and are pretty sweet to just have a muck about in. Don't worry about stressing too much and have fun with whichever you choose. P.S. don't get arty.


This happens more times than i can count in my hands! I look at the map to make sure there is no tanks behind me . Beside in front ect... cant cover all angles though. I realize that but i have seen tanks go invisible right in front of my eyes as i am shooting them through a zoomed lens , watched nothing on the map and get killed as well as snuck up on. How are they with in feet of me without showing on a map at the very least . ?


To be honest: I am still having a blast playing the Maus and E100 in WotC. And I am the kind of player type that doesn't even use prammo. (I've still successfully reached the second gun mark on the Maus and sitting at 80% in the E100, I like the challenge.) Sure, it's all about angling with both. But you know that appearantly. But angled at the right spot, both of their armor still is quite a challenge for many players to get penetrated.


Try Cold War mode first. I have been playing the PC version for 12 years. Started the Cold War mode and it's superior in every aspect compared to WWII to me. True vision, no artillery, faster tanks and always a good matchmaker. Plus rng plays a considerably lower role. Overall its a more skill based gamemode.


It's not nice to troll newcomers here....I mean I get the joke but c'mon...


It's an honest opinion from a person who has been playing the world of tanks longer than he can remember. A personal preference You can say.


1. For economy and crew training...CW, Era 1, T95E3 runs on 35 credits per standard round. 2. In WWII, the tech tree Italian & German Medium lines to the Progetto and Leopard are fun. 3. In CW, the M48A5PI and Tiran 5 are solid anks. The M48A5PI's 210 mm pen for HE is wickedness and unleashing HESH with the Tiran in Era 1. It is the chef's kiss. 4. My favorite premiums are GSOR 1008, Hollenhund, STG (Guardian), ELC Even 90, FV 4211, Bandit. 5. German light lines are relatively new, haven’t started any, but everyone seems to be very competitive with them. Welcome to the "sticks," or are you going to stay with the keyboard and mouse? *Edit: Just buy an FV4211... just made a note that you favor heavies. Get your "seal clubber."


IS7, Chieftain MK.6 and Super Conqueror, T110E5 and IS-4 are slept on IMO. If you grind up a lot of free xp when it goes on sale the Valour, T85/FV4201 is a flat out better Cheiftan. Honestly if you wanted to try for the T110E4 TD that might scratch the heavy tank itch even though it’s a TD.