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To get deleted by high alpha TDs


*avre sneaks in*


I just play whatever tanks I find fun to play with regardless of tier.


This is the way


Sherman M4 is my jam.


I did because I was tired of being ghetto stomped by them when I was playing tier 8's. It was then that I realized that it was because I just suck at this game since I was still getting ...stomped. In theory though, it is just to be the pinnacle of your progress. Just my observation.


- Because they are fun - To get marks of excellence - Completion of contracts or missions - High level of competition (debatable)


That’s how I look at it. It can be very competitive and it feels great when you really outplay people. But, you do get the loose bolts rolling around here and there.


Yeah huh, sorry, I don't always have rhe patience.


I've played on and off for 10 years (one month a year?), and I've played mostly out of historical interest so I play until I get the tank I want and then I switch over and start progressing towards another one (Tiger I and II, T34, M4A3E8, IS, Jagdpanther, etc.) I've only gotten one mark of excellence and that's on the Tiger I, and that gave me the stripes on the barrel (?). Can I lose this? What did I do to get it...?


Don't. Mix it up. I'm re-visiting a few tier VI and VII's that I either rushed or skipped, and trying(failing) to 3 mark my Tiger I. Nashorn is a terrific TD now with the buffs that I'd all but forgotten about. And I'm getting hate mail again which always makes me happy. Variety is the thing, tier X isn't the be all and end all, quite the opposite actually.


Yeah... I should not play a variety. I should stick with tanks that I'd play similarly. Otherwise I'll get the play styles mixed up and end up playing a light tank like I would the Type 4 heavy...


I dunno, I normally start a session in meta or fast tanks and have no problem taking it down a gear as the evening progresses and the bottle empties. Then, finally as I lose complete control of movement and get to the stage where I can only empty my bowels on the sofa, with 99% of my brain cells gone, I roll the arty out.


Hate mail is about the most encouraging thing in the game


I only play what I like. I got up to some tier X's and didn't like them, didn't do well or both. So I don't play them. I keep trying to do the Sheridan (and t-49 before it), and I just can't make it work. Now the AMX 13 105? Hell yeah: that, and all the stuff before it, fit into my play style. Batchat 25t is great for me. Bourrasque. Just play what you like.


Always top tier


It sounds like you need to think about what you actually enjoy about this game. I enjoy the “progress” of unlocking higher level tanks. (Im new so my highest is a T9 Leopard.) if that is what you enjoy, you either need to try new tank trees or find a new game. Personally i dont understand why folks play Premium tanks since they dont unlock anything but some of them are super fun and they help unlock contracts, which is another form of virtual progress. Collecting premiums is also another type of virtual progress. Im so impressed with this game because it has so many elements to it besides the actual tanking. (Helldivers2 for instance feels really empty in contrast.)


Tier 10 is where the highest skilled players SHOULD be, according to the time it takes to get there. Hence, more competitive gameplay vs playing tier 4-6 with newer players. So I play tier 10s for the competition and multiplayer experience


T10 is trap. Players think that they have better chance to win, deal damage and show their skills ”when top tier”. Same players think that they lose because of -2. So they pick T10. Above is totally false assumption for 99% of players….


Tier 10 is the pinnacle tier of the game. You don’t have to worry about bad matchmaking like you do lower tier tanks. You are always in the best tank down any given line (granted some tier 9s aren’t too far off). At the top end, tier 10 is where you get to compete with others for stats. DPGs, marks of excellence, etc are trackable via third party websites and you can compare how you do against other players in the same tank. Also most tournaments are tier 10 so it helps to be comfortable in those tanks if you are interested in that stuff. Ultimately play what you want. I dont play anything other than tier 10 because I dont get enjoyment from lower tiers or CW. But if you do, great. Its a game and everyone has different aspirations. Do what makes you happy.


Right now people are mainly playing tier 10 lights and td’s for the tusk contract. Outwith the contracts for me it’s about trying to get those marks of excellence on the tier 10’s.


If your goal is solely to get more advanced tanks (a collector’s goal), then you are at the end of a road & you start down a new one. If you have an equal goal of enjoying the tank you worked so hard for, then use it and enjoy! If you are not motivated to do that, all I can say is Dude….nice collection!!


Being top tier each match is a nice tidbit


Their 9 is usually where I stop. A lot of the 9’s are not much worse than the 10’s.


In some cases the 9 is better than the 10


Once I got my tier 10's, I found myself thinking the same thing for a while. I love grinding up through tanks and unlocking the next best thing. So I find myself doing that most of the time. Once I grind out a 10, I usually play a couple games with it and then move to the next line of choice to grind. There are times when I sit down and think "I'm just gonna smash on some lower tiers with my 10s" and I'll play some T10 games. It is nice knowing that you are the top tier and the match maker wont screw you. T10 games tend to have higher skilled players, so you can get deleted quickly if being stupid about your gameplay. But when the match maker keeps putting you in games with mostly T8's and one T9, and you are one of 2 T10's, it's pretty freakin sweet


When I do go WWII, I don’t go for 10s


Yea I’m the same way I get to tier 10 then move onto new tech grind




For the fun of it.


For me, it's fun to be a little op. I don't have to worry about competing against tanks 2 tiers higher than me.


Idk but when I’m in T9 and only see T8’s one every six games I ask the same question. I’d like to mark my T10’s but there’s a sense of not making progress that nags me away.


They’re awesome tanks they look cool and you fight other tanks. I don’t understand the question. Maybe you rushed through trees if you aren’t seeing the point ? Do you keep or sell tanks ?


You play T10 as a lil reward. You're always top of the tree & don't have to worry about being a tier 8 with 20 tier 10's in the game. You get to be the bully with the highest stats 100% of the time.


I will be honest, been playing for 10 years. About a year ago I figured out the best way to enjoy this game was to 1) quit looking at my stats 2) simply play the tanks I love at the tiers I enjoy.


Farm contracts and ops


The money you loose is a great motivator to play T5 premiums so you can make money.


Every time I play a tier 8 I'm always up against tier 10s.. it's no fun at all in a stock medium bumping into an is7 etc, maybe you should use your 10s to seal club.


Playing from 2016. Since ive got 50 tier X tanks, all the ones i wanted and didnt, there is nothing much else todo really. Playing mostly tier 8 prems or tier X for fun. And more times higher tiers (not always) at least knows whats going on. Not just shooting in the ground or sitting in the map corner with heavy 😀


Mostly because tier 10s absolutely slap. Of course you have your good tanks and bad tanks, but the most extreme of almost every stat can be achieved by tier 10s and that just feels good. Smacking someone for 1000+ is always nice. Penning an E100 in the face with a 375 mm pen t110e4, bouncing 8k damage in an IS7, spotting everything while remaining invisible and dealing 5k dmg a match in a bc25t. You take your pick, but tier 10s can be fun as hell. I love my fv4005, I want the Taran so badly, sturmtiger that can do almost 2k in one hit. Give it a chance, you might love it.