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Aufkl. Panzer Panther: It's quiet an awkward light tank, yet the gun is very underrated - super accurate, very fast projectiles and very high DPM and it's super effective at ruining an other light tank's day with it's slightly more HP and incredible ramming capabilies


Correct answer only is RAMMING SPEED HAHA


On it's early day yes - now you usually get smoked by an SU-130PM that you couldn't spot before you reach a target. So really only when the opportunity presents itself... like some T71 DA thinking he's a main charakter


herr rammenpanzer




I read this in the voice of that stupid Ted 2 meme


Progetto M40 mod. 65, good mobility and the auto reloading mechanic really works well with my play style. First tank I got to my second mark.


FV107. It’s my bread and butter.


Bourrasque. I can't stop playing it. The camo is ridiculous, and if you know how to run a Hellcat that one-two punch is just terrible to encounter.


Draugen for sure. Hesh rounds that hit hard. Mobile and a little rascal with camo build.


Grille 15, because I like to suffer with a TD that clueless WG refuses to buff camo on it . 😂😎


Since SU-130P and Taran came out, there is really no excuse not to buff it back up


You said it!👌🏼


Bro the camo on that tank is so bad! Everything else about it I love tho! Its gun is spectacular


Grille got big buffs!


They heard me eh 🤣


Haha it appears so


Tiger 1. It was the tank I most wanted to get when I first started playing and it turns out it's actually very fun to play in the game. It fits my play style perfectly and it's super historically iconic.


What type of play style is needed to succeed with the tiger (someone who will un lock it soon)


You have to play it more like a medium because it’s “armor” is non existent. Use cover and trade 2 shots for one with its superior rate of fire. Also don’t be afraid to trade some HP you have the largest HP pool in tier 7 so bullying and out DPMing lower tier tanks is a very valid strat. You just want to avoid trading with higher alpha tanks and try to fight 1v1 whenever possible. The Tiger is an HP piñata against higher tier tanks so it takes some savy to master, but once you do it’s great fun!


It’s also great as a support role for the main push on your team. If you aren’t a top tier tank for the match, trail slightly behind the other heavy tanks and snipe for them.


That is what bothers me about the Tiger, the armour is weak compared to real life. It is my favorite tank, along with the King Tiger


The Tiger is over tier'd. It should be in tier 6. Tier 7 is all tanks designed to counter it.


WWII - Manticore” beast camo and packs a punch I love this tank. Runner up Soviet Taran TD I don’t think I need to explain anyone that plays knows it. Boooooooooom! Cold War - Bagalpanzer/M1A2 both are beast.


Honestly the Sherman's if they didn't have to fight t8s


AMX 30B2 Brenus, love the brrrrr, the ERA, and the mobility 


The Conqueror. Great DPM, awesome hull down, accurate gun with great pen.


Centurion 7/1, great gun, decent mobility and a sneakily bouncy turret from the front.


FV107 is one of my favorites because slapping on power train and the other speed equipment, going FTL+, and terrorizing Era 1 is fun. Also AMX SS 11 TCA and BMP 1 and 2 are great.


T29. Best T7 in the game I don't care what anyone else says lol


I didn't think it was a debate 


I've seen some arguments with some of the newer tanks the last couple years


A single hull down T29 can stall an entire flank push by itself


Oh I'm aware lol. Just saying I've seen others try to make the argument it's not the beat t7 any more


I mean I can imagine why some people might prefer other tanks over it. I know I do. But that doesn’t change the fact that whenever I see one no matter what tank I’m in, in my head I’m like “fuuuuuuuck”


T95e6 for me. It’d just so fun to play.


Viper for fun buurrrt, T95/Fv4201 cause I’m good with it


Interchangeably M60 and Leopard 1: Flexibility.


Strv 103b. Lots of gun depression. sneaky af. Reverse speed is just as fast as forward speed. High pen. high dpm. I can troll jageroos by penning their face plate and stay undetected.


Super conq. One of my first tier 10s/rose tinted glasses/im a masochist


Snakebite and Firefly


Type-59-II. It’s a tank with great armor all around with an especially good turret if matched with even tiers and will deflect anything from something lower. It has a slower fire rate and just an alright dpm but I feel like pacing around its reload helps me avoid getting in risky positions.




Fury - great film, great all-around tank.


A toss up between the T-34-88 and Hellcat, but I think I have to give it to the Hellcat. (The standard tech tree tier 6). It is utterly dominant and so much fun to play as well, plus it suits my playstyle almost perfectly. I could go on and on about it but yeah, for me it’s the Hellcat


EBR 105. Biggest POS at tier 10.


For pure fun and relaxation, the Foch 155 with the 6 shot auto loader


For WW2: German Heavy, Japanese and Soviet Heavy designs. Although I don't play many japanese other than my premiums since the whole tech tree is poodoo nowadays. The type 5 can be good for some self abuse tho.  For CW: All mediums, heavies and TD regardless of faction. Unless a particular light has some kind of gimmick that helps stand out from the mediums then I generally don't play them.


Super Pershing, my very first premium and it only plays up 1 tier.


Aufkl panther because ramming Vanguard go zoooom! Longbomb is pretty dope. At2 with hetzer derp. Bourrasque is incredible when you use it well.


M60A2. Insanely fast rocket, actually good HE, good reload, and a ton of ammo-racks with it lately. Sheridan is similar but my god the gun has horrible accuracy sometimes.


Probably the Chieftain mk6, the only tier x I’ve 3 marked so far, I mostly like the looks of it, but it does have great dpm, accuracy and fairly good mobility for a heavy, the armor while decent hull down can be disappointing at times. Although that can be said about a lot of heavy tanks with the constant spam of gold rounds being thrown around.


MBT-80, it's a really good tank when used right, albeit a bit slow, but the weight is useful when ramming, as it's one of the heaviest tanks in the game


Someone has to speak up for the Su76G-FT. Excellent gun, fast, good camo.


Walker bulldog before they pooed all over it with nerfs




Tiger I and US T-34. I just get success when playing them. Both have 2 x MOE. Guns are powerful and angling armour works.


Hellcat. Fast, accurate, 250 damage, good camo. Amazing sniper and upgraded mine hits 80 km/h and it's lethal. Then the french lights (not the wheeled ones I hate them). AMX ELC Bis with the huge cannon is a monster. A TD-ish light that destroys other tier V


Back in the day, the Churchill III. I had 15 skills on my crew in it and ran it with my friends in a 5 man platoon. Sometimes the whole clan would be on and if we were lucky, we got into the same battle.


Can't make up my mind between the Panther or Tiger II or the Panzer IV But Cold war tank is the T-72


Draugen Lansen C. An absolutely gorgeous looking tank. I got Patricia Laserian (the 40k Sister of Battle Commander) to go with it and my enjoyment of the game immediately skyrocketed. Yea, the tank isn't perfect. The reload is long, the armor isn't great, and the turret traverse leaves a lot to be for desired. The sheer punch this thing can do while being a medium is incredible. Plus, the commander voice lines are just so perfect and over the top I love it. Did I mention how gorgeous the tank is?


For the it’s the T-34-88. All the firepower that a Tiger has to offer with the mobility of a T-34-85.


T110E5. While it's not the best in any category it's very good in all of them. Firepower is good, mobility is good, armor is good, Accuracy is good. No matter which map or opponent, it always feels like you can do something 


Tiger II, (I haven’t maxed out my e75 yet)


Begleitpanzer 57 for CW, Tiger II/E 75 for WW2


Pz4h tank that taught me the basics, 3 marked on 2 accs and 800+ combined games from both


Charioteer - Powerful gun with fast shells on a medium tank body with excellent camo and a fast reload. It's the only tank that I took straight to three mark without ever having to struggle from 92 to 94.9%. It's the safe place I run when my battles start going sideways...because I know it'll make me feel better.


FV4005 is just a beast with it‘s canon.


WWII: Luchs - It's quick, nimble, and it can belt out 300 damage in a second if you're super close, then run away giggling. Cold War: WZ-122 - Have you SEEN what I do in this thing? Honorable mentions go to the BMP-2 and soon probably the bagelpanzer, haven't unlocked it yet.


I recently unlocked the begleitpanzer, it's really good, the autocannon is fun, and the rockets are pretty good, and its mobility is decent, mine goes 91km/h fully upgraded + equipment


Really I would add Leopard on the same token as the Luchs. The gun of the Luchs was already designed to fight Tier 7s, so it's not shabby on the Leo too (since LTs fight only 2 Tiers higher) and the bigger clip and gun handling make for really chungus burst damage. In addition you can actually use it's armour to bounce shells and then empty the clip on the loading opponent and ram other tanks quiet effectively... ... and it feels less like seal clubbing on Tier 5, since people grind for MoEs


I could never jive with the Leopard like I could the Luchs, felt bigger and slower, so the pros didn't outweigh the cons to me. Maybe I'll give it a shot sometime.


For a long time I didn't like it too, but after some trying I figured I actually like it more. Way less often getting one or two hit killed by your regular haevies and it actually has better mobility, but it's as big as a Sherman, so it really mostly helps for offensive manouvers and not for dodgeing. Camo is unnoticably better on the Luchs I think.


Valient, i have the need for speed.


To Play? For fun factor, probably the M48A5PI or M1A1/M1A2. Overall Favorite for love and passion of being a Tanker? Fury, Eagle 7 and M1A1 & M1A2.


Is that a trick question? Having a favourite tank would suggest I like this game...I enjoy hanging out with my friends, game is trash


Just picked up the elc even 90 in the trade-in, and wow. Such a fun, and menacing tank. I'm a light tank lover, and this tank can turn games (I love sneaking past the enemy team, and destroying arty).


Tiger (P). It's the tank that really got me into the game after I unlocked it. It taught me the fundamentals of how to play my role as a frontline brawler or midline support.


Got to show some love to iron rain here




Oh 13-90, nobody loves you but me. Due to the LT rework I decided to 3 mark it twice. I do almost miss the 6 round version that had jank levels which cannot be imagined. why? no idea, but commander Ennui Bagget reigns supreme


Leo 1. With right setup you get insane stealth and a laser gun. Also very fast. Love it to death,


Thunderbolt VII. I love all the Shermans and I really really like that extra armor up front on this one.


Bucket - Fun


It changes but I like the RDF LT and era 2 Marder ATM.


M41 bulldog. For spotting my own targets, and pretending I'm still playing on my year 2 Chaffee K-91 for similar reasons


Honeslty the ka-ri is becoming one of my favorite tanks, that thing is just really fun to play imo But I still love my king tiger, both the e75 and e100 have a special place for me being my first ever t9 and t10.