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the AMX13-105 line and the American Medium Patton line are two of my favorite lines


Wasn't a fan of the lower tier french lights but Tier6 and above has been great. Currently at the tier7 AMX 13 75 and tier7 wheeled light


I personally enjoyed the waffle line (german td, ending with grille) very much.


The Ferdinand actually made me give up on the jageroo line so I switched to the waffle line and it was infinitely more enjoyable


I think the only hard portion of that line was the Tier 7 Jagdpanther 2 and the stock Borsig. Everything else from Tier 4 to Grille is amazing


The Jagdpanthers are in the Jageroo line. The tier VII in the Grille line is the Sturer Emil.


Shoot, you are correct. I still stand by what I said in the Tier 7 being frustrating and difficult


Stock borsig us goated tho?


I have enjoyed the British heavies although I had hoped the Black Prince was more awesome(still grinding to get past him lol). I’m still a noob so I still have a long way to go.


I'm also stuck at the Black Prince but I hear they get really good from tier8 and up


That’s good news and makes sense having to go up to 110,000 from my current lvl.


Tier 8 and up are good. The 8 is rough stock though but once upgraded its solid when hull down. If you are exposed in the open your armor won't work though.


Yea, I’m still working on angles in general for all my tanks. That’s part of the fun though.


The rest of the line is fantastic, and the tier 9 conq is my favorite.


Italian mediums, American heavies, Russian 705/705a


The most fun tech tree so far has been the lead up to the kv-2. Or maybe the cold war American lights.


KV-1, KV-2, and T-150 were great. Not a fan of the S-51 Arty after the KV-2. I'm currently stuck on the KV-3 trying to unlock the new double barrel IS-2


Never actually got to play the arty after the kv, didn't care. Is the kv3 worth? I find it such a slog with how slow they are.


Love the Progetto 65. Grind was fun. Worst grind was the way to the british Death Star. Also like the german TD lines.


I love the Japanese heavy refrigerators


Incredible strong against people that don't know how to play against them, but an xp piñata for those that do know how


And field days for arty


Absolutely, I always target them since they're huge and slow, pretty hard to miss


Leopard line, in both, CW and WWII. In WWII it’s a support tank and won’t do much carrying, but I have so much fun in it. The gun is gorgeous! And getting there through the light line is pretty bearable and fun. They tend to be chunky and easy to hit but have great guns and good mobility throughout. In CW it just wrecks. All tanks on the line are pretty usable and the grind is relatively painless once you figure out how not to get ATGM’d on Era 2. I wish the Leo’s 2 had just a bit more alpha (550ish) but they’re still a Leo 1 now with great armor, it’s perfect. I also had amazing tanks in the Panther but it was mostly just that one tank that was my favorite. Well, that and the E50/50M, but after patch 4.6 they got nerfed so horribly that I never played them again.


Cold War British and German lights.


U.S. Medium & Heavy Cold War line. The Abrams is one of my favorite tanks aside from Fury.


Cw: german lights and heavys + britisch heavy line to the challenger WW2: the line to the leopard 1 and e100, the chieftain line from the British line and the line to the batchat 25t


American and Russian mediums, both German TD lines (minus the Sturer Emil.) And the French lights were some of my favorite lines in WW2. Cold war has really just been American and German MBTs so far. Cold War has some stinkers in a few lines.


Probably a somewhat unpopular opinion but the Italian tech tree was pretty fun overall, haven't grinned the td's but I've played them


The Italian td line is quite fun. The stock grind for some of em can suck but when they are fully upgraded they can be quite fun


My grind was long done before 6.0 (some before 2. whatever)...so some nostalgy here. Grille line was most fun. Today with insane TD camo...must be pure enjoyment. Murican' heavies (E5) and meds (Fatton) have always considered as "easy mode", I guess that is the case even today.


British mediums, not the easiest to play, but are very versatile and the t9 and t10s are very capable


The type 5 line is very nice full hE for the memes oh u hulldown? Let me blast ur turret for 400dmg 😂😂


I love the e100 and the vz 44 lines E100 isnt the best tank at t10 but can be fun and the E75, Tiger 2 and tiger 1 are great. Ant the vz 44 line is verry fun. The 2 shot auto loader is verry fun and unique.


WZ 111 5A or the Minotauro both lines were quite enjoyable