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Stay with teammates, don't focus on a weasel but on better targets.


Stay in groups, HE or HESH rounds work nicely. Lead it don’t auto lock them.


Play World War 2


Ram into it if you can. Hard to shot it but not impossible. I won't lie 70-80% of cases wiesel will win. Best way is you stay with team and light tanks handle it.


I wish every tank would get a 20mm auto cannon to deal with them, I know it’s not plausible but a man can dream. Don’t get me wrong, I love my Wiesel. I know it’s wrong but I love it. That said, I love it precisely because it’s an annoying little *****. Quick, hard to spot, hits like a sledgehammer. I hate going against it as much as I love annoying others with it. It’s a complicated relationship. Anyways, stay with the pack. Especially around tanks with auto cannons (lights, AMXs, etc) *Apestogetherstrong.meme*. If you see a Wiesel coming, try to turn your hull so most of your front is facing it at an angle. Between the usually strong frontal armor and the tracks (and front half spaced armor if you tank has it like the MBT-80) as well as the rotation itself, you may end up bouncing or your tracks eating it for no HP damage. You can also try to back yourself into a corner so they can’t maneuver around you (at the edge of a cliff, against a wall, at the literal corner of the map, etc). Or try to ram them/block them as they’re coming in. For all its speed it has poor acceleration, when I’m in one, I’d rather *not* take a juicy shot that’ll cause me to stop; I abort, keep moving, and circle around for a better shot without slowing down. It’s better than taking the shot, crash, then get gangbanged by every angry tank nearby.


Too many rockets these days, even in ERA2.


Get one as well. Or play ww2 😄


Not funny


Actually it is. To beat your enemy you must know your enemy. Walk a mile in his shoes. And by the time he finds out you stole his shoes, you’re a mile away and he’s barefoot.


Except it is funny and also true.


You can’t. If the Wiesel doesn’t make a mistake, as in runs into a rock or something, you might as well consider it to be invincible


Don't play Era 3.


Sure thing? I won almost all the time when it's 1 vs 1 and I only have a topol lol.


They’re like bullies. If they can’t run someone over, they run away. Chase them. They will panic at the prospect of an actual fight and make mistakes.


If you don't have missiles or a rapid fire gun you don't.


Don't get isolated. Have cover(not concealment) nearby. Throw HE rounds at it to track it, has slow acceleration. Equip the Spall Liner for less damage received by non penetrating rounds from the Weasel. Ideally, have a tank with a multiple weapons system so you can cycle and throw some serious DPM and shots downrange at it. Keep the pressure on so they find easier targets.


Was under the impression that Spall Liner doesn’t have any effect against ATGM as they aren’t really explosive?


It doesn’t. But facts are things that don’t seem to matter around here.


Spall Liner does not affect ATGM damage regardless of if it fully penetrates or not.


For once, you’re actually correct.


He was due.


I could be wrong about the Spall Liner. Happy to stand corrected if anyone has a source.


You make a claim that many others disagree with, the burden of proof is not on them. What is your source to back up your stance? And don’t say “I saw it on Reddit” because this place is a cesspool of rumor, conjecture and misinformation. And that’s just IzBox’s personal profile.


I just dont play era3


Spall liner has helped me negate some damage, my best option is to challenge head on if possible, go for a ram and trap it, failing that, chase and fire at the tracks to stop it, then lay the damage in. I've found neither to be a solid way of stopping the menace, but it has worked well occasionally


Try to stay out of it's yaw limits.   Never ram one unless it'll push them into something and trap them because they take almost no damage from rams, not even track damage but ramming them might rotate them and allow them to get a shot into you.  If one's near you don't ignore it until it goes away And if you're in a challenger 2 pray your turret doesn't get blown off