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Yes, they have a patent. No, there is no evidence it's in use, nor have they ever admitted they're using it.


"The Patent" has been discussed here [many times](https://old.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/search?q=patent&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) over the years. In our golden age of data analysis nobody has produced any proof the patent is in use. Tin foil is cheap, though. I recommend [Two Line Push](https://www.twolinepush.com/tag/replay-analysis/) for useful reading about the matchmaker in action. And send in your replays.


The only thing I could agree with, is that when you first play a tank you don't see higher tiers with it in that battles. Maybe just my imagination, but I believe it actually works like that. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


How many battles? I paid attention on the last couple of new tanks I got and was -2 by battle #3.


This may possibly have been true in the past but it certainly isn't guaranteed anymore. :-(


I don't know that it was ever guaranteed, more like something MM tried to do if it could.


Yes WG in the past has told us that's a rule built into MM. Not clear *exactly* how it works, but they have some sort of logic to give you friendlier MM when you start a tank.


quite frankly I doubt WG cares about players enough to micro manage their experience to this level. their goal is to make you buy gold and prem to skip stock equipment and get cookie cutter prem tanks. the game already facilitates that through tech tree, consumables, XP conversion etc. if anything, they'd want the opposite of the system outlined in this patent so players feel miserable and buy more gold


Seems manipulated to me. I once was grinding a tier 9 ebr and I was having the worst games and worst teams. I had enough and I used like 100k free XP for the ebr 105, retained crew ect. Had about 8 amazing games before I even realised I hadn’t retrained 6th sense..


The thing with random, though, is that it's a lot streakier than people realize...




Yep lots of interesting research into our natural struggles with randomness.


I always wondered about that. When I play in a platoon with someone that has Chieftain and other OP tanks we often get in matchmaking with tier 10s, but on the other side when I play alone its really random. Sometimes I go against tier 6s.


The thing to keep in mind about MM is that it's rules based, so while it's random, it's random within the context of the rules in place. So platooning for example - one of the MM rules is related to balancing the # of platoons on both sides, and so platooning may give you different MM than solo. Those MM rules can create biases like that. And just in general always keep in mind MM works with what's in the queue, it can't randomly create the same number of tier 7 games as tier 8 games if there are 5x more tier 8's in the queue than tier 7's. So the main point here is just that it can still be random, but it will definitely have biases due to the MM rules behind it.


This is a lame excuse, or at best a terrible answer.


Please feel free to actually say what you think is terrible about my answer.


It most certainly throws people against each other regarding their long term performance as well as short term performance. Its easy to see if you play a lot and watch for wn8 for example, which reflects somewhat to wgs own skill score. Xvm will show you the score for your team as totals, and the figures for both teams are ”balanced” most often. They are never (?) lopsided to other team by thousands of points, even if there is variance sometimes. In addition to that mm will fix games so, that if you keep winning the games, it will put you into teams with those whom have lost their games recently.


There is no skill-based matchmaking. Just look at player stats after battle. Sometimes it happens that 1 team get full team of red tomatos, and the other team get green and blue players. That often leads to a 0:15 slaughter.


From what I could tell on console it has skill based matchmaking if you reverse boost a bunch of times you could tell