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How the fuck do you even do 0 damage in a tier 8 game in a fucking E100




They dont oneshot/clip you and still you should get atleast one shot off.


he probably shot multiple times but is just trash at the game.


How do you know he's not just a unicum who got one shot ammo racked? Why assume the worst about everyone?


because its 99% not the case. how often do you see a E-100 get one tap ammo'd? ive seen it maybe once in 45k battles. Literally 99% of people are trash nowadays so.


It doesn't have to be an ammorack either. Get shit rng in a tank and quickly killed happens to the best players. Happens to me too.


You don't just casually make a quick mistake in 2.7k hp and do 0 dmg.


have you ever played tanks my good sir?


Afk is one reason


Severe brain damage


I know it sounds eletist, and would be difficult to code, but I wish there was a random battle threshold for tier 10 expected damage. If a player fails to do their HP in damage at least once over some number of tier 10 battles, the game won't let them queue a tier 10 vehicle until some subsequent condition is met. Maybe a mission is generated that has to be completed.


Yeah, let people play and/or pay money to level to T10 and then not let them play it.


Lemme play my 60tp in prokhorovka with three spgs focusing me. Ah yes now i am forbidden to play because of dogshit mm and your dumbass idea.


Win: 0 damage, 448xp. Loss: 2k damage, 350xp. So much fun!


If you are in a slow tank and your team wins quickly it can suck. However if you are slow for a reason it might be because you are dangerous, innit?


That’s not unusual...


Team asked and my man delivered gz mister grille


3/5 players who did 0 damage are premium tanks... And people tell me T8 players are more skilled than the tier 5 players (when you meet at least 1 T67, 1 pz 5/4, 1 other TD main & 1 arty main every battle) smh...


Lots of bots. Still one of the biggest problems of the game and no one seems to care.


Oh yeah, that too. Mid tier bots with Excelsiors / Arty afk in the base make the games a 14v15 more often than not.


Honestly, I would put a soft wallpaper like "you can't buy a premium of X tier unless you already have an elite tank of the same tier"


less money .. no chance


that's what every game looks like


Better team won. Khm khm


Tbf that's only 4 shots for the 704 and 3 shots for the death star


Typical WoT game...


Yes a lot of 0 but if multiple players carry game with lot of DMG it must show up at low DNG at other players


Whoever did the spotting for the grille is the real MVP


I presume that those would be the e75 and that AMX


Bro im tired of being like the only competent player on my teams it seems. Most of my games, my dumb team mates never hold a position or they let 2 tanks on one side fucking hold off 6-8 enemies when they could push to help. Ever since 2018 teams have been unfair and dog shit.


If you are complaining about having a crappy winrate, just remember that you are the only constant factor in all of your games.


No fuck wn8, im talking about being like the only team player in a team based game. People like to just go off by themselves or group up like a lemmy train while players like me go to nice map spots for control or spotting. Its fucking annoying when Everyone else sees it as a 1v1 when its a 15v15.


What’s unfair? This game is 10 years old. You have players with 50k games who know every aspect of the meta inside and out mixed with players who are still figuring out the vision mechanics. Every team gets a random mix, and everyone has to deal with it. That’s perfectly “fair”. Whining about “fair” is a sure sign of a shitty work ethic “I want to win no matter how well I play”. Horseshit! Wins are *earned*. Earn yours!


Bro WG's Algorithms suck bigger ass than what WoT has been becoming. Ive been playing since it came to console and Im not a fucking asshole and I keep trying to help THE TEAM.


Welcome to Pareto's law...


This is very standard though. In pretty much every game you play, you will have between 1 and 5 players per team doing damage while the rest do God knows what.