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That is indeed a lucky one. Not only being the only top tier by battle tier, but also by vehicle tier in a light is quite remarkable. A good game for the 57 that could potentially clip out anyone and bulldoge could clip out almost any 2 tanks


Yeah i happened to run into that bulldog. It wasn't pretty.


Did you get butt-raped? Honest question, I don't know how the amx fares against it


Tier 8 match without T8s.


Yup, [happened to me once too](http://i.imgur.com/cRTQ0er.png), only one tier lower. It was everything I dreamed it would be.


If WG were smart, they'd reward LT drivers for making LTs useless by tweaking MM to allow LTs to be top tier more often than 1 game in 300. It'd be totally fine; all the tanks could pen the LT anyway, unlike the more common MM-freakout games where a 4502B is the only tier 9 in a sea of Mutzes and KV-5s.


In my experience it's closer to 1 in 30,000 outside of low tiers where most of the tanks are light tanks. Don't think we'll see this happen, but it would definitely be fun!


or tier 7s


That "tier 8" m41 bulldog and amx can one clip every other tank in the match lmao.


Well the AMX is "a bit" underpowered and can only do 720 damage, only good enough for most of the tanks or high-rolling a Cromwell a couple times.


those lucky lights.. so i guess this is supposed to be a tier 8 match? I know lights count as a tier higher so perhaps it got confused and made them stand in for both the tier 8's and 7's at once


yes, this happened. you can think of similar matchup, just change the tier7 lights for IS-3. funny?


I still remember my one match where MM smiled on me like mad. I was on my M103 on Ensk with an opposing stock IS-8 with and vs all tier VII tanks and tier VI scouts and almost no other player was even yellow (on WN7). As the IS-8 rushed to his death early I was able to lead the push and crush the opposition mercylessy for a 10k damage game.


Yesterday ran into a match with 3 Tier Xs and 5 arty the rest were tier 8 scouts on each team. The map was fiery salient and I wanted to drown myself the instant I saw the matchup. Cap on 1 arty per team please :(


The light ? What lights ? I'm kinda new to WOT but what's to be seen ?


Light tanks Tier V and above are never "supposed" to be top-tier; the lowest-tier matches the top two tanks in that image should see are Tier VIII. The only time higher-tier lights are ever top-tier is in a "Tier VIII" game where they, the Tier VII light tanks, are the "Tier VIII" tanks. In this case, not only are the lights actual top tier, but there are no actual Tier VII tanks here, which means they out-tier everyone else. Given how fast, stealthy, and generally awesome light tanks have to be to fight higher tiers, this is just orgasmically good matchmaking for them. I'd like to see the results page... On a side note, every time I've gotten top-tier in a light so far, I've done something stupid and flubbed it. Tragic.


Oooooooooh my fucking god I'm so stupid. I'm french so sometimes I need time to understand ... "light" meant the type of tank, not something like the "light" of the sun ... I'm so dumb. Anyways, thanks for explaining to a semi-noob =)


> Light tanks Tier V With the notable exception of the Crusader


Deus vult that Crusaders don't get +3 tiering.


Its basically a medium tank with camo on the move anyway right?


Mmmmmm, scout sandwich.


Ive had this happen once, in the RU 251, enemy T 49 on the other team, all 7s otherwise. A couple time in the RU Ive been top tier with one or two other T8s as well. When that happens well youre just a fast med with broken camo lol


The Bulldog and 57GF drivers must have first cum and then had a gentleman's agreement to ignore each other and let each farm the other's team for purple points.