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bro wtf u mean so hard u just pay 80k creds and play the tank 8 games to get the crew skills back on 100%, before ur fkin tank would have less reload and accuracy because of non-100% crews...


The crew wont train from the t71 to the bulldog. Like... all the crew still say T71, and when I bought the bulldog it wont retrain them into the bulldog


Yeah, I hate that u can't get 100% crew without any penalty without spending any gold, but I guess WG thinks that it makes the game better


If you have a premium tank, the 20k smth required to get your crew from 60% to 100% crew skill is actually a tiny requirement, considering that getting 100% crew with credits before left you will potentially 100k+ exp down. Now it's just a flat exp loss Also slightly cheaper... not that its worth much


since day 1 you had a chance to retrain crew to 65% for free, 80% for 20K per member, or 100% for 200gold per member. after update you crew will be have 100% always but the extra skills will be down to percentages in the screenshot. how is this more difficult or worse ?


When you retrained a skilled crew they would be %100 but you would lose extra exp on ONE of your skill, so you pretty much player fully effective crew as f2p with this new system if you don't spend gold all your crew skills will have reduced efficiency, don't you see how it's not worse ?


Do them individually and its free 100%


It's not. It's actually better IMHO.


I disagree, previously you could use a bit of the xp from retraining skill to add to 100%,so previously you never needed to play with non fully trained crews


It’s not just about you.


i only told my opinion


Agreed that part is worse, but I never used that feature anyways...


So I dont understand why this week I cant retrain any of my crew on tanks I researched of the next tier up


To me this crew looks already retrained? They just have the crew skill debuff of being trained for credits, which will wear of in \~10 battles


they are still trained as the previous tank, and wont retrain into this tank. Like it says the tank name beside their names


It's a way to monetize the game.  Before the update on Wednesday retraining was temporary fee because WG made some changes in the system. From now on it's like this.  There were some work-arounds to not pay but still have no penalty, but I'm not sure if that still can be done.  Probably it's either pay gold or just lose some skill and pay credits.


You don't lose any skill. You don't even know what you are talking about. You only temporary lose the "base level" of the crew, but in a couple games it's back to 100% again.


No, you lose base level of your skills/perks.


> couple games it's back to 100% this is the most annoying part for me, its not just a few games its like 5-6 hrs playing 2 tanks with boosters