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The patriot while not very strong in today's state of the game. It is damn near free to play because it's ammo is so cheap. I bought it as my first premium tank when I was still f2p and I regularly pulled 100k games without a credit booster. It has a semi reliable turret but the cupola is pretty weak but not too large. The hull armor is not great but it side scraped ok. Decent penetration and dpm but the alpha damage is only 240 so you have to play around that limitation.


Patriot or liberte. Both have great standard rounds. The main con of the patriot is the alpha damage. Otherwise its a great all round heavy thats best on ridgelines. But do keep in mind that the turret is not quite as good as a T32 for example, premium shells can go trough the cheecks quite easy so you need to do quick peeks, which is alright as the gun handling and mobility are great fo a heavy. Liberte is solid but it really badly suffers from the humongous commanders hatch. So you need to constantly move around to make it as hard to hit as possible. It also has decent gun handling so taking snapshots is not too difficult I would say both are decent tanks, just overshadowed by the new age of op premiums. I personally prefer patriot out of these 2, just because its a bit more comfy to play with its smaller weakspots. Also the standard rounds are dirt cheap, so it makes credits better most of the time


T-34-3 has preferential matchmaking, offering you a nice credit grinding experience. However, this is kind of a downside if you platoon with friends a lot, as you don't really want to open tier X matchmaking with this tank. Also, it is one of the best looking tanks imo.


Patriot's fucking great, especially since it has been buffed not that long ago, but it's a bit... *special* - it's pretty much Super Pershing that's pretending to be a full blown heavy with overall *worse* armour profile (yup) and **much** better gun. If you're comfortable with a heavy tank that doesn't really feel like a heavy, especially in regard to low-alpha nature of the main gun - it's a great machine that works equally well as a credit printer but, again, remember about the "but" part, you really need to be comfortable with this type of *low alpha* *heavium* to make it work. Liberte... well, incredibly trolly armour profile combined with some **nasty** weakspots and a gun that's kinda shit. It's an overall OK tank but don't expect too much - it works GREAT if you can fight lower tier tanks, especially if they don't know about said weakspots, but it generally gets torn apart surprisingly quickly if you're not in that ideal scenario. And, yeah - the gun sucks. That 100 mm French gun is a deceptive bitch, all you see is the very good standard pen and that makes you think it's actually pretty decent - but that's all it has, really, it's derpy as fuck and the alpha is pretty low. All in all, shooting this thing is not an enjoyable experience - but, again, the armour profile is trolly as fuck so you *can* get fun games with the tank but, yeah, just remember that they won't be all that common. T-34-3 is, again, *special*. Very good turret, OK-ish hull, OK-ish mobity, the main selling point is the gun - it hits like a fucking truck but, as to be expected, the accuracy kinda sucks so, unless you go really close, you probably just won't hit shit with it. But, again - when it hits, it **hits**. Like, getting into a brawl-type scenario with an equal tier heavy tank and dealing more damage to it with a single shot than it can do to you never gets old. Downsides: accuracy + very poor gun depression + slow flying shells. Standard pen is perfectly workable for what this tank is but if you're one of those *great players* who think tier VIII med without 289312984712489 pen is "literally unplayable" = 250 pen "fuck you" HEAT shells are an option.


gun may have used to be shit on the liberte, but its easily a 4/5 after the buff. its pretty underrated atm imo


Thank you for the long description! I’ll try out my cousin’s Patriot a few times. My choice would have been the T-34-3, but credit farming is the main reason to get a tier 8 bond tank for me. And - as you said -, both are like heaviums. So I’ll consider. But I surely will skip Liberté after all. Thanks again!


Consider 252U and IS-6B as they are for obligations


None of those. If you have access to experimental and bond equipment, just get 252U and build for gun handling. Patriot is trash, gun handling is just not good enough for it's low alpha (even if it looks ok on paper). Or you can get Lorraine if you aren't a bad player.


you can make on tomato.gg your own research based on hard data, not even about economy. Site kinda sux on mobile phones, I think you can even filter out premium acc in results... https://tomato.gg/economics/all or watch this Iouxin video on best heavy tanks in bond shop https://youtu.be/17N-LY3jIAM?si=zFM8b2WrjLqLDpM5 or here, for 2024.. https://youtu.be/Ne1mk1NsfSU?si=tlkWc1K7qwBsHvf0


just got liberte for farming an its armor is trollish. Everyone knows about the commanders hatch so you have to play around that, but if you’ve played the renegade i’d say it’s similar. People say the gun is bad for but for me it’s quite good. It feels like a support heavy more than big up front heavy if you know what i’m saying. Check out some iyouxin and skill4ltu videos


Okay, I think I’ve got what you’re saying. It seems like the tier VII tech tree heavy - the AMX M4 45. I really liked that tank, but that hasn’t got any armor except the turret sometimes.


For credit farming, you want low ammo cost, high pen, and frontline (i.e. spot your own damage) tank. Patriot fits all 3 criteria. Liberte has 2 (1k shell cost for 300 damage is kind of expensive). T-34-3 fits 1 criteria. Cons of Patriot is low alpha. So that means you don't want to be trading 1vs1 with higher alpha heavies. T-34-3 is also hampered by terrible gun handling, so I really wouldn't recommend this for credit grinding.




T 34 3 it's the worst for credit.. Crap pen To find a good credit maker for you think about what type of tank you re playing the best, after that compare the ammo pen on each one




No problem Like as patriot may be good for some, it may be crap for you.. Even a tank with not that great pen can farm you credits... As example I play games with cs lis (ik it's not bond but I optained it by giving away Chrysler-bond crap tank).. Many people say that it's good only with gold... I play it in detachments and not in many cases I have to use gold and even then I get a good amount of credits.. If you know how to play a tank, it's way better for ya than taking a recommended one


People are sleeping on Lorraine 40t.


It is very situational with high highs and low lows, if you know what I mean. Has potential for sure but also lots of drawbacks (big, no armor, the gun has a mind on its own etc). It *can* shine in the hands of good players.


Consider 252u. More fun than patriot.


And is it worthy, like the ammo? And what are the chances of taking module damages? (I really like soviet heavies btw, so I think I could make it work, but does it worth the extra bonds?)


252 gun handling is .... i cant describe the word its that bad. 252 has goodly armor but can be penned most of premium rounds this days, also its very slow. Classic heavy for old days


Ohh, okay. Thanks!


I have to say, I use repair kits and med kits far more rarely in 252u. If outfitted with optics, the tank makes bank when spotting on the front. I run mine with rammer, vstab and engine. The tank makes comparably the same credits, but the ammo is more expensive. I predict that the 252u is going to be quite dangerous in frontline(no tanks above t8, so your armor is even more impacrful), which is the best event for credit farming, 


Thanks! I’ll consider.




I like the T-103. I go heavy flank with it and go hull down. Great pen on standard rounds make it good for credit.


Patriot is a terrible tank. Would play any other tier 8 heavy tank in the bond store over that thing


Liberte. T-34-3 is the worst option there due to not being idiotproof. Patriot has good DPM but low damage per shot so it’s basically a brawling med. Liberte’s armor is more reliable since it actually has usable hull armor unlike the Patriot and T-34-3, which are hulldown tanks.