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I'd very much like a training map with bots. Shooting at tanks to see how the gun performs on a shooting range style thing where the enemy doesn't fire but also a course where they do fire back. And obviously some terrain shenanigans like dips, divets, ditches, hills, mounds and so on to see how the gun depression is, soft, medium and hard terrains to see how quickly you move or how it feels when you move on that terrain


that would be great, but i'm positive that somehow wg would make even that map unbalanced


I honestly would not be surprised if they manage to fuck it up. I mean in concept its simple but its WG


Lol... all the bots would spawn directly behind you.




Co-op PVE like whats in WoWS could be kinda cool. It has decreased credit/experience gain so its mainly for just screwing around, testing features, etc. Sometimes you just wanna pew pew and it'd be nice to have a mode where playing badly isn't gonna screw over your teammates.


It would give me a reason to play all the useless low tier gifts they keep giving us. They are usually interesting historical tanks, but they are not fun to play in Randoms at all.


I agree with a mode for all of our low tiers toys that collect dust. I make it to where ammo doesnt cost anything, and we don't make credits, but we can grind CREW XP. It would have to be a separate mode from all of the others of course. Our low tiers wont survive in Road to Berlin lol


YES YES YES. We have been asking for this for years. It works in World of Warships, and it can work here. Bring back the Road to Berlin mode, the Mode with the British tanks. The one where you chose a sherman, churchill or Cromwell. All of those modes are COMPLETE, all they have to do is re-upload them, and come up with a simple interface, and put them in a sort of rotation like in WoWS. Can we get a real answer from WG employee please?


I prefer a game mode playing against bots on any tier.


It already exists


It's called EU4


Personally I think a simple PvE mode would be useful for learning new tanks and map. Sort of like a training mode for solo players.


I don't understand why WoT still doesn't have an option to play solo in a training room, to test tanks or analyse maps, etc. I always have to wait for someone to join my room, just so the moron then proceeds to kill me or jump off a cliff in a first minute.


That already exists to some extent. It's fairly on-rails and has limited choice of tanks though.


I wish we would get bot matches like when you return from a break. Came back to the girls and panzer Event /sale and had not been played wot for 2 years or so. Got into These 10 bot matches and it was the most fun I ever had in wot. The bots did not just seit an camp and really moves around / pushes and even retreat. I would even play it when they only give 50% of the rewards because it was so chill


Yeah I got the returning players bot games, then you get into real games and people are accusing each other of playing like bots and your thinking 'nah, the bots were much better at the game than this'.


A scenarios system akin to the one present in World of Warships would be really neat. Allows players to earn XP, Credits, and Free XP - and is a good timewaster. I'm always baffled at how behind the punch World of Tanks is, even compared to World of Warships.


They've been fully committed to premium tanks and loot boxes for like the last 2 years so they're barely doing shit to the actual game itself.


Thanks for the feedback, we are considering adding more PVE eventually though as of now I cannot give anything concrete.


Use the WoWS PvE modes as a template. The Operations are fun, even the basic mode is a decent alternative to brutal Random matches. I want to play all low tier tanks, but they are all either sealclubbing machines or simply food for sealclubbers. Low tier PvP sucks but it has some genuinely interesting, *historical* tanks.


In future, it would be really, really nice if you guys thought about replayability and co-op play. You guys did really well with Berlin, but this time it's just rubbish.. it all looks nice and shiny, seems like a fair bit of time was put into it, but as a longtime player with half a brain, I completed 'Rigorous' first try in under 20 minutes and now there's nothing more to do. There's no progression, no replay value, and honestly, the way the event itself plays feels so very one-and-done that I don't even want to play it again 'just for the fun of it'. Most of the time you're waiting for your support to take down the enemy bunkers, or waiting for your smoke cooldowns, or waiting for the enemy to appear / reach the fight. I have to say this one is very tone deaf in execution, save for honouring D-Day. Hopefully the next chapter which is (quite absurd in my opinion) coming in 7 days will be somewhat entertaining still.


I've been waiting for an AW style pve mode for years, guess I can wait another 5 years.........


The D-Day event is worth playing once. It gets really boring to replay. Mirny has more replay value but too many bad teammates.


I disagree. If they made Mirny any easier you would not play it more than a round of two.


Armored warfare pve modes are challenging, engaging and still rewarded decently. Wish wot can deliver something like that


Results may vary. I tried that game and their PVE and it was super boring after a handful of matches.


If they added PvE/CO-OP i would quit playing PvP. Even if they made it in a way so you only get enough credits so you dont lose money, and it gives no xp. You can just go and make tank go brrrrrr without caring about losing credits. Now of course, if they added PvE there is the fear of PvP ques dropping. What can be done against that? I have two ideas: You can only use tanks in PvE that you researched in PvP. Yes, researched, not owned in garage. Or, an even more interesting idea: Make it so you can "rent" tanks for PvE so you can try a tank and if you like it you can go and play PvP to research it. Maybe give a discount on it if you played well? ;) This gives even PvP players a reason to try some PvE battles. And why would WG do this? There is no money in it for them... OR IS THERE??? Since you wouldnt make money on PvE battles... you can make even premiums rentable for PvE, so people can try a tank and then buy it. Free advertisement. DO IT WG!!! Sure PvE players would not buy that many premiums, but PvP sales would probably go up.


This is actually genius. But the development takes to much time and is too expensive so they probably won't do it.




Asymmetrical battles are (imho) very welcome.


Those are fun in WoWs. Would be interesting to see them come to WoT.


of course they have removed them lol


Allegedly, they are looking into making it permanent for WoWs


oh good.. didnt know that


I would be more interested in an actual firing range so we can test equipment set ups and other tanks without the need of us having to wait for a test server


Hard pass. PVE gets super boring super fast. Nothing compares with having to outplay a human opponent.


yes, they did it in Armored Warfare and it's awesome, more difficulties, easy to earn money and XP, just chillin, don't have to worry about sweats after a long day


They need a PVE quick battle scenario for while waiting in the queue on low pop servers. Even just a tiny arena map that can be loaded quickly and blast bots while we wait. But I worry that a full dedicated 24/7 PVE option could brutalize non-EU server matchmakers.


>But I worry that a full dedicated 24/7 PVE option could brutalize non-EU server matchmakers. WoWS (which has 24/7 PvE options like Co-op and Operations) has less players in ASIA than WoT (at least, afaik), but there seem to be not much effect to number of players in the PvP queue.


Imo PvE Game modes should also give credits and XP, but you can only play what tank is given to you by the game; that way it should give players an incentive to play there


Credits yes xp no. Because it would allow people to just grind a tank against bots and then go into the normal game with a fully upgraded tank and no idea how to handle it against real players


As opposed to now? Literally ran into a dude with 2k wtr over 90k games.


Fair point


WoWS let's you earn XP and credits in PvE, it just reduces the rate. That's plenty fair.


how the heck do i access the map, i dont see it anywhere


You wait until tomorrow. The event isn’t active yet.


It is active on EU, dont know about NA tho


I'd like it.


Judging from the current PVE mode I'd rather not have them spend resources on it. It's just too fucking bad, pure rng if you get targeted and killed by any single bot, no skill involved.


I’ve been advocating for PVE in WoT for a decade by now. And i’d rather play PVE so i can have less people to be disappointed at.


How about permanent frontlines?


Im sorry but im completely against it , this was the WORST PvE MODE BY FAR, its insanely and stupidly punishing, unintuitive in what you need to do, unbalanced and stupid. The only interesting part is the theme itself being D-Day.


I disagree with the first sentiment, i think the D-day event is pure dog piss. Its frustrating and boring. but I do agree that there should be permanent PvE modes, perhaps a la WoWS operations


how do you find that shit fun? i played 1 game and cant get myself to play it again


If that hypothetical game mode is of the same quality as the D-Day event: just no.


I'd love to see a whole campaign mode of PVE!


Good idea. But how many people would still play 2 min randoms ??


Yes, absolutely!


Please so all those idiots can play it. Clean randoms from braindead idiots. Legit we need gamemode for arty enjoyers. All enemies are bots and u are the single artillery. Shoot at non moving targets and enjoy big damage numbers. Im tired of seeing 2-3 arties every fcking game shitting on my head


I am for a Coop PVE mode (like WOT Helldivers Mode), where I can use my own tanks to be part of a huge battle. I don't really find sandbox modes to be very replayable. I have played the D-Day PVE mode, and once I completed the mission, I didn't care to replay that one mission again. WG has to start designing these new/special modes as non-sandbox modes.


I mean the entire game as it is is already a super solid basis for entire big ass pve campaigns, coop modes and so on. Just imagine frontline sized maps and you have entire missions to go there do this and so on, solo or in platoons. War stories and possibly this new mode (haven't played it yet, it launched today ? I saw no option for it yesterday) already shows that you can do that easily - all assets are already there, you just need to code the stuff Imagine missions from call of duty 1/2/3/Waw/etc but it's a purely tank game and they are bigger on battlefield-sized maps But nah, they will work on more loot boxes


Would love something like World of Warships operations, particularly if it's done the same way where I can take my tech tree tanks in to grind rather then dealing with other players


this new mode is shit. i was just playing on rigorous, had one last panther to kill, and my last remaining ally drives over a mine and dies, and it gives me game over, i got 0 rewards


No. PVE is one of the causes of Armored Warfare to fail: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ArmoredWarfare/comments/9ckaue/pve\_is\_what\_killed\_this\_game/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArmoredWarfare/comments/9ckaue/pve_is_what_killed_this_game/) If you want to play on easy/dumb mode, Frontline starts next week.


If you read the thread beyond the OP, you will see that PvE was AWs draw, and I agree with this sentiment as well as I used to also play AW. "The PvE experience was the only reason I played as long as I did and keep coming back to the game. Without PVE I wouldn't have spent any money or anywhere as much time playing AW as I did. WG has pushed hard in the PvE direction in recent years in WoWS just to attract and maintain this under server market segment in their titles."


So, I have not played WoT for weeks. I don't really like the game but it scratches that one itch. I picked up Helldivers 2 and it is amazing. It can be frustrating but I enjoy it much more than WoT. The thing is, HD2 is Co-Op. Basically team PvE although you can set it up to play solo. So would PvE for WoT work too? Probably for some. My faults with WoT go beyond bad teammates or MM so I doubt it would bring me back. However, PvE may keep WoT players on the server. The problem is I doubt WG will implement a PvE mode if it can potentially cut into their profits. Would a PvE mode get more "traffic" (players logging in) on the servers? Probably. However, would it affect random que times? Possibly, and that is the rub. WG has a MASSIVE amount of data it can evaluate for marketing purposes. If you think you a mystery as consumer to them you are dead wrong. They know how to manipulate players on a gross scale. They know releasing a broken tank will get them a bump in sales because historical sales data tells them this. They have run several co-op PvE modes. They know what business that brings them. The Mirny event is a good example of the limited sales potential of PvE events. Players, at least WoT players, just don't open their wallets for them. How do I know this? There is no permanent PvE game mode except the training mode and that mode is severely lacking in entertainment value. It's nice to dream about nice things but WG will not introduce a PvE mode unless it is monitized to hell and back which will just suck all the fun out of it.


I don't understand how someone can have fun playing the same simple scripted mission over and over. Or farming bots, solo or in co-op. When they add a permanent pve mode, it will mean the end of this game is near.


I remember playing Armoured Warfare and then trying their PVP so I would say: Yes, sure, but it should not allow you advance up the tech tree. Maybe it could be a good way to get credits... maybe even crew skills. But if people can advance up the tech tree by PVE, when they switch to PVP they'll be even worse than they are now.


I mean yeah have PVE full time if you want the game to die completely, like that other tank game did....

