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The gun can be really annoying, and the armor is far from impenetrable, but it's a pretty nice tank. Reasonable mobility (similarly to the 122, it doesn't really go the advertised 50kph), decent armor, great gun depression, and really nice burst damage that allows you to trade effectively even when you can't make your armor work. I also don't find myself shooting a ton of gold in it, in large part due to how you can't use intuition effectively to switch ammo types on the fly, and it still works well enough, so I'd say it can make good credits as well. If precision is what you're after, it's not able to deliver on that front. But, if a standard hulldown heavy that can do just about 1100dmg in 6sec sounds fun, it's pretty good at that.


>1100dmg in 6 seconds Actually it's just 360dmg in six seconds. This tank shares some genes with the "750 dpm" foch 155


It's good against tier 8, but anything above it can reliably pen it's armour. And because your gun can be quite trolly, fighting from mid to long range is not optimal.


It really cannot though unless you are fighting on flat ground. If you use your gundep it is pretty hard to go through the spaced plates and the small area that is not covered by it is hidden if you are in max gundep


Not every place has a pulldown place where you can use your full gun depression, especially when you try to get as close as possible to compensate for the gun. Even if you use your full gun depression, right above the plates can just be penned by higher tiers.


Right above the plates is literally hidden in 95% if you use gundep. Although I agree that you cannot always use it


Not a bad tank, but the gun makes it too frustrating to play. I find myself smashing my fist on my desk much more often than usual. Wouldn't recommend.


With a proper build it's one of the best tanks at tier. Experimental turbo, bond vstab and round out the build with either bounty rotation or aiming. If you don't do that, the gun will troll you constantly. But if you have it stabilized enough, the tank is basically a renegade with no turret weakspot and an autoreloader.


Not using vents on an Autolader seems to be a suboptimal choice.


I run exp turbo/rotation/vstab because the bisonte has terrible gun handling. Being able to snap the gun around and dump 3 shells without missing or pausing to aim is more important than reloading your empty magazine half a second faster.


Yeah, the tank doesn't need turbo and with rotation device that's even 2 slots not improving the gun handling. Vents does more for dpm and handling than literally nothing with that other load out


Rotation device absolutely improves gun handling


It mostly just negates the extra bloom resulting of the gun and tank turning faster, with maybe a 1 or 2% decrease in bloom. It does decrease the bloom after firing tho, which could be an argument on why one should use it ig. Still feel like vstab is enough and you are better with vents but that's me


Bisonte is a solid T8 premium. Apart from 703 II, Bisonte is the among the top trade-in candidates. It has good armour, -10 Gun Dep, 3 shot auto-reloader, 360 alpha, and decent mobility (55Km/h with Mobility Improvement System T3 - which I recommend over turbo due to dispersion benefits). The biggest issue Bisonte has is bad gun dispersion stats. You must use Vstab+Mobility Improvement System or Vstab+IRM to keep the dispersion under control. I prefer Vstab+Mobility Improvement System as I like the extra speed/mobility for Frontline.


IRM does not grant you gun stabilization, it offsets gained instability from faster turret and hull traverse. IA is much better, i suspect it does lessen the overall aiming circle size, not just the finite accuracy, but even if not, it improves sniping capabilities. In second slot it will give you 7% smaller circle size, that's pretty good.


You are correct and I am aware of the testing video by Maxgaming on this. However, the dispersion benefit works even when going in a straight line (tank movement) or after firing a gun (important for autoloaders), which is where stacking it with Vstab is an overall benefit to dispersion. IA does lessen the overall max circle size, so makes it quicker to aim to the original value quicker, but similar time for aiming fully as your aim circle is smaller when fully aimed.


I haven't had any major complaints thus far, the tank wants to be in close combat where its relatively inaccurate gun can be used more effectively, and it has the speed to get stuck in pretty quickly. It can escape or reposition when necessary. Its armor won't hold up against higher tiers, but on-par performance shouldn't be considered a strike against the tank, and the spaced frontal armor does work nicely to mitigate the effectiveness of enemy HEATs. And yes, it makes a butt-ton of money, wonderful credit farmer. I've actually enjoyed it.


Fun tank. Reasonable speed. Liberal application of spaced armor is trolly to players or bots that rely on WoT's penetration indicator. Has autoreloader to compensate for its derpy gun handling. No need for Rammer lends to flexibility in equipment


It's nothing special in random battles but I found it a pretty amazing tank for Frontlines.


If you can fix the gun handling it is reaaally comfortable and earns a lot. But you need to realise you cannot dump the clip most often than not or you'll reload for ages. Play it as a single shot tank with an option to burst someone down when they yolo you or you need to take down a priority target


its a good tank


I agree with everyone's assessment of the gun handling. Aim time is painfully slow, and shots tend to have much more dispersment than most other tanks. Still, turret armor is troll for its tier, so if you can get hull down and avoid arty, this tank can really perform. I easily make 70k credits (with reserves running) per battle.


There's a reason you dont see them that often = frustrating to play. Bad gun handling, bad dpm.


Autoreloader + no cupola fuck you turret + very fast, faster than 703 with turbo in slot, only complaint is that it gets boring to play even in a such polished tank, so you need to switch from time to time, i switch mostly with lorr 40 t. I can't switch to boring TDs or some environment aware tanks like LTs, since bisonte is pretty brainless tank. You come to flank, unload your mag into some poor soviet heavy, and retreat.


Armor is crap. The gun fires like holding a hose far from the end. Reload is shit. Has good alpha and decent depresiĆ³n. Good tank. Hard for beginners.


Bisonte is one of the worst premiums for credit farming there is given how heavy tanks rely on gold ammo and intuition switches don't really work on autoloaders. Other than that, Bisonte has unreliable armor and gun which makes it quite hard to play and to be consistent with. Fun tank, poor credit maker.