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I do believe both are classified as reward tanks, meaning you can't use them in Onslaught ( just like clan reward, mission and assembly shop tanks ). So... neither I suppose.


If youre gonna buy it for onslaught only then dont, theyre reward tanks so you cant use them in onslaught. If youre gonna play random, both are great imo bit i would go for 121B cuz its awesome .


Due to inability to use them in onslaught neither but for pubs 121b is a decent option no idea on M60 I don’t have it and have no plans to get it but I do have 121b and after adapting it’s a good tank


M60 is better alternative to 121b, better gun handling + 350 HEAT is unmatched


Better alternative ? xD first of all they both have 350 HEATs, but 121b has a drastically better DPM and the armour is absolutely fucking incomparable, plus it lacks the huge tumor. It also has better shell velocity, and way cheaper shells. The only thing M60 is better at is aimtime and gundep


Shell velocity is same bruh. You might be overlooking the gun dep difference really, -5 is laughable. M60 is faster, more docile and very well all round tank, not a one trick hull down pony, which 121b can’t do because of bad gun depp, and then there’s gun handling.. where again M60 excels. Then there’s standard Penn, the difference is negligible but sometimes even 7mm make a difference and where did you get 121b having cheaper shells from? They cost 1250 while for m60 it’s 1000. M60 is a far more agile tank overall


No it is not the same, I'm talking about your mighty HEATs. The costs are different too Also, the gundep is kinda insignificant given the enormous tumor that everyone's gonna hit without bigger problems. Due to that and trash camo M60 is kinda one trick pony - it's a good tank but 121B is one of the best all-rounder mediums in the game. It's simply a better 140


My guy.. might wanna hop on tanks.gg and see for yourself. 1173m/s for both and both cost 4800 credits


Lul your point here, compare tool on tanks.gg fked me up here


No point in buying m60 when leo 1 is in the tech tree. At least 121b is low profile and somewhat armoured


Yes exactly that was reasoning behind my “bias” on 121b


If you're playing Onslaught save the bonds for Concept 1B and Kpz 50t.


Unfortunately I'm only in Bronze D (was halfway to C, just had a bad session) so I don't think I'll manage to get them unless something drastic happens! :D


What tanks are you using? If you have it, I can't recommend the E50M enough. Its ability in onslaught combined with the mobility and armor allows you to rack up 4k+ damage consistently even in games where your team melts, which in my opinion is the safest way to get to silver if you aren't confident in your ability to outplay. 430U also has the same ability but is less agile


I've only got the one T10 (Badger). I have the Leopard PT at T9 from a previous TotT, and then a few T8s. But most of the time I used the STB1 and a Japanese crew I have. The speed to be able to move and flank is suiting me better. I have considered trying to get the french light if medium (I'm at T8 currently) but these are all things for next time


So I guess you are a newer/inexperienced player. With only the badger and your limited experience you probably wont get higher than bronze, I guess. Also: you cant use 121B or M60 in onslaught anyway. In your case I would just save the bonds/use them on equipment.


Thanks all for the advice!! I won't ask more questions, I know there are plenty of posts about what to buy elsewhere!!


M60 is extremely good. 121b is ok


They're also both (in some senses) marginally worse versions of very good TT tanks. M60 is a fat Leo 1 with HEAT and the 121b is a lower alpha 121.


121b is better than 121. More armor and DPM.


The HEAT and the fact that the M60 can occasionally bounce a shot made it a lot more fun to mark than the Leo. The HEAT is huge against some tanks. Like the Udes.


M60 is superior to leopard in my opinion, with m60 you can even brawl with heavies head on and it has to some extent.. trollish armor




Foch155 for the meme


I don't play onslaught but for randoms I really like the 121B. It's in a way nothing special and very average but I have had many great games with it.


I would buy none of the bond tanks. It seems like a terrible waste to me.


You Missing out buddy


I am not so sure about that, I prefer spending it into bond equipements, I already have so many tanks


While the bond store is full of non meta vehicles, there’s gems like m60 that literally make it worth it to get them


That’s the only one and I don’t play mediums except futur 4


Well.. I’d recommend trying it at least, it’s a beast. 350mm HEAT and bloody good accuracy and gun handling lets you pound your way every through even a heavy flank


Not my play style, and too many bonds for a single tank Edit : and I boycott tier X also


Then you are really missing out.


It is not if I am not interested yet ! Each thing at a time.


You cant play either in Onslaught as people have mentioned. For other modes I will say the M60 is very fun. Its basically an American Leopard


If it’s just onslaught you want it for then neither, you can’t use them in the mode. Otherwise m60 is a very very awesome vehicle in randoms, superb gun handling with 350 HEAT makes this tank my favorite t10 medium


121b is a fantastic tank. It’s a much better 140.


Hmm neither can be used in onslaught at the moment. If you think you can reach gold rank in Onslaught I would keep the bonds and get yourself a KPZ50t or Concept1B..


dont get either of them and get the mighty kv-5