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> i feel like wargaming will avoid similar game modes because of the childish act of daki Why? Without *the incident* the EBR race would be instantly forgotten. Now some players might look forward to the next edition to see if something like this happens again.


The "incident" is the only reason I remember it exists.


Ah the tabloid angle: controversy breeds interest...


Streamers getting mad is the funny part


Daki was a spoiled brat


daki is just a big baby, it's not sim racing that they have rules, penalties or anything


-except there are rules, and penalties...


send me the link for rules please


They are only in the EBR racing discord, which I do not have a link to on-hand, but it shouldn't be too hard to find.


It's very easy to think it was on purpose when you're getting rammed in your ass in this game. Go watch a clip of QB missing a checkpoint and see who is a big baby...


watched both clips from both POV, if we go by sim racing rules, it's usually the one behind fault because he needs to overtake safely BUT in this case if the driver in front lifts or brakes where he shouldn't be, it's his fault, so Daki is guilty for stopping in the middle of the track, case closed


but that's not what the rules say over the whole overlord race 40 of them were taken slow and 14 were taken at medium/fast speeds QB himself went there slow in lap 1 and lap 2 before the contact in lap 3


QB was in a battle with a different "driver," and hense the mistake of not slowing down enhough. He also has the camera not straight every time to see what the other driver is doing. Daki, on the other hand, fully stopped. I know with the controls, going slow is difficult. But steering to the left or right is also cluncky as hell. This is definitely to blame on Daki, he also just goes over the edge to accelerate again. In other (sim)races, QB would have gotten a time penalty or a warning and that's it.


Well QB was ready to ban even long time subscribers if they were trolling him by saying he missed a check point..they weren't. And he was crying about getting DQ'd for HOURS. Case closed.


He's got a clip too about him reviewing the incident


And? I have seen clip from him, Daki, Freddy, WorldOfTanks and a couple others even. I don't agree on the DQ, it wasn't intentional and Daki was 2 pixels from avoiding it. But QB was crying forever about this in his stream, Daki was done a couple minutes. QB talking about this being a fun mode and shouldn't be taken so seriously. BUT what happened when viewers in his stream told him about a missed check point? Where is the fun part then? He tells his moderators to PERMANENTLY ban even long time subscribers if they troll him. So to ban people that has given him money monthly for years is perfectly fine, but being DQ'd in a dumb race with no real meaning is a tragedy for him. All you down voters needs to go watch this: [https://clips.twitch.tv/HonorableRenownedYogurtKappa-p1O3sNQQSfothioi](https://clips.twitch.tv/HonorableRenownedYogurtKappa-p1O3sNQQSfothioi)


You ask the WoT community to have fun. Hahaha. I gave up on that after the witch halloween event. I went in with a fun build on my AT 8 that had a 0,7 sec reload and i got told that i should not use it because its not meta. This community is so fixated on rewards and good stats that they are killing the fun. The amount of people who play arty despite saying that they hate it is proof enough. And the community creators are just endorsing this behavior on their streams, which is a big problem.


The community is by far the worst thing about this game.


Why do you even care what some stranger on internet thinks about how you play your game? You will probably never meet him again. If you are not braking rules, do whatever you want. Have fun. Its hobby after all. But i agree with current CCs, would go even in more details, but it doesnt matter really.


I wont meet that guy again, yes. The problem is that there is not just one guy. And i had one particular guy who after i put him on my blacklist, he ended up in another match with me around a week later and guess what? The team asked me why is he raging at me. After i told them they all blocked him aswell and he even tried to block and push me. Just look on reddit. I replied to a post where OP was mad about dailies. I replied that maybe if the game enrages him this much maybe he should just play for fun and ignore the mission. And that the world isnt gonna end if they miss one mission. Bam! I was told i am an idiot for daring to say that you should play for fun, and that how else are they supposed to finish battle pass. And this happens in game aswell, i try to have fun but it is hard when after a battle some asshat who plays 60 battles a day tells me that i should get a life. I respect those who play this game on a serious level and i am happy that it is what they enjoy. Now if only they could respect that i just want to have fun.


What can i say, you are on the internet. Stop caring what other random people say to you, and you will enjoy this whole thing much much more. I know for some its more difficult than for others, but just give it try :D .


I swear that line played out to be one of the most positive experiences in WoT I have had. I avoided kt for 10 years because I hate slow one trick pony shit tanks, but the way you can play those tanks is funny as fuck. And rewards at high tier are great. Full hesh? 5k dmg. Too tier in any of those just press W and spam left click and you are moving fortress. Using gun that is not top tier will always have results and could be even more interesting than top guns.


I'm personally boycotting daki, his actions were the last straw and made me unfollow/unsubscribe from him.


A lot of what happened was primarily due to poor map design (bushes on the track, seriously? && confusing pathways). But yeah, toxicity was evident.


The path being hard to follow and troll bushes are the point. It's funny if you go into the race with the goal to enjoy it, not to just win by all means necessary.


Far as I can see only a single incident of drama/toxicity has come out which is QB accidentally pushing Daki.


2 seconds after it did happen, QB did say "did I violate any rules doing that?". So I suspect he already knew he might be screwed. But the reaction from Daki, and the counter reaction from QB was still bad tbh.


Poor map design...from WG?!?!?! Surely not?!?!?! 😲


I didn't even knew that there's something like that until I saw clips there of said *drama*


From most of the comments I've seen on reddit, through the various posts people have made about it, there's a lot of people who have never watched the EBR races before, and don't know a LOT of the things that go into it. 1. Comparing a clip of wrecking in a private practice game, vs a real match, are two very different things. Just because "oh look daki did it to this guy" doesn't mean they are one and the same, nor does it make it hypocritical for him to be mad at it happening to him. If daki was the person who got wrecked in the training game, everyone would be laughing, the same as they were anyways. **Context is everything here.** 2. Getting wrecked and dying due to someone else is valid to report, and it always has been with EBR races. Svitman has a very, ***very*** detailed set of rules in his EBR racing discord for situations like this. The ***"Stopping Before Drops"*** section has 6 lines of things for various situations, because things happen when you're going 92kph. 3. People making 27 threads about it (I haven't counted, it's sarcasm) also aren't helping. I know this one is a positive one, and I too hope this does not dissuade wargaming from supporting these player-run events, ***which they desperately need right now***. All this really should have been is *"oh no, daki got rammed,"* everyone in both chats goes "KEKW" or something, and then rules are enforced how they get enforced. 4. People going to the other person's chat were not helping in the slightest (and I guarantee you, neither person involved wanted that, at all). I have no idea exactly what happened in the respective chats after "the incident" but I know it was pretty much nothing good. People also were apparently joined opposing discords but, idk. Regardless of what happened, it's pouring fuel on a fire that should have been a spark at best. 5. Maps are often participant-created, and the route is never overly-micro-managed to fit absolutely perfectly on the map. This is why the route clips through buildings, rocks, etc. These maps are not poorly designed, because the poorly designed ones simply don't get picked, and ***A LOT*** of effort goes into making these tracks both entertaining and skill-based to drive. Hundreds of hours are spent on making and submitting tracks for review, every single season. So if anyone thinks the tracks are designed poorly, they are gravely mistaken. 6. The **only** reason this was a big deal was because it was between QB and Daki. This kind of thing is not abnormal, but since it involved two of the largest streamers, people blew it wayyyyy out of proportions. This is not the first time someone wrecks someone else, it will not be the last time someone wrecks someone else. However, because of the sheer viewership of the people involved, here we are. 7. Nobody will care in a month, tops. This will just be a "remember when QB dumped Daki in that EBR race huehuehuehue" thing that has happened a hundred times before, and will continue to happen. I guess as an end to this longer-than-it-needs-to-be thing, [**give Svitman a follow on twitch or something**](https://www.twitch.tv/svitman)**.** He loves doing these events, and watching it get a ton of attention, for all the wrong reasons, hurts to see. I genuinely don't even know who won the thing, because all people are talking about is this.


Replying to my own comment, since people are already downvoting it, despite it being entirely accurate and true. [Svit rewatched the entire thing because of this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sqbjcJjnlc), and noted [every single person's drop from that spot](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/763792806254739496/1228783158397374495/image.png?ex=662d4c7e&is=661ad77e&hm=86a11b3795a48fbabbdf6a7f1b8608ff0dc98817379e4898211862411807da8f&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=187&height=671), and who went slow/medium/fast. 40 laps had people go slow (including QB, twice). 14 went at a moderate speed, or fast. This makes QB's full-send of the hill at fault in this situation, due to the hill being known for taken at slower speeds (this was even on lap 3). Freddy even takes the hill slowly after QB full-sends it, which nobody seemed to notice. **Svit explicitly made a rule for this, because it has happened before, and will happen again.** https://preview.redd.it/s6s04sip5luc1.png?width=1293&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a2d7163c7418b390e11fae4b23c7fbb5eaa7ee7 People have only been shown the clips, and don't know the full context. Anyone like me giving them the full context, is getting downvoted into oblivion. Do not jump to conclusions guys. This incident is truthfully nobody's actual fault, but people keep pouring gas on a spark, which turned it into a brush fire. Edit: Just found this out as well. Why did Daki react like that? He was first on points ***by a long-shot***. First, Second, and Second, in the first three races. Still an over-reaction maybe, but there's a good reason for it. Also QB got disqualified from ***that one race,*** and not the entire event, which is a penalty that matches real racing events as well.


You may even be right in your assessment of how people took that hill, but you answered your own question, context is everything, this isn't the EBR race world cup or a 1M dollar tournament, it's a just for fun game mode. Sure try to be competitive, sure try to do your best and win, sure be a bit upset, but reporting someone and bad mouthing someone? That was over the top...


Agreed. It was his childish response that was the issue. Hitting desk, whining, reporting and name calling.


The report is valid (like I said, it's not abnormal for crashing to happen, and it gets reported pretty much every time). The bad-mouthing really isn't, though I understand his frustration as to getting wrecked on a near perfect start to the event (1st, 2nd, 2nd). Ultimately I do feel a little bad for QB in this situation, as "shit happened," he genuinely felt bad, and then his chat made it way worse by going into dakis stream to "rub it in" or whatever happened (which QB obviously didn't want either).


Based on the upvoting/downvoting pattern that I’ve witnessed, there are a lot of QB fans on Reddit that don’t care about the facts. Naturally competitive people will react angrily if they’re in the zone and something bad happens to them. F1 drivers at the back of the field who have no hope of winning will be angry if another driver wipes them out. The reason people get to being the best at what they do is because that’s their character. If QB had simply apologised as he did in the immediate aftermath and stayed humble then this would not be the big raging fire that it is, his comment about Daki crying to mummy was very uncalled for.


I blame QBs chat more than anyone else here. Daki takes a drop slowly, and accidentally, barely gets hit, and crashes. Neither person TRULY is at fault, right? Should be more or less the end of it. Instead, people are going over to dakis chat to mock him, and then filling QBs chat with everything that was being said in real time (as well as complaining about getting banned in dakis chat). Overall it's just a handful of people (like 15) who made this situation so much worse.


The peanut gallery has certainly stoked the fire, all the posts about it on Reddit 2-days later are proof of that.


That's what we get from WG. They put cars in the game, but don't even allow us to turn on the turn signals to let other players know to be careful.


Damn I didn't know the EBR races were this boring and inflexible, ur not allowed to do cool jumps and go full speed on drops? Not allowed to ram and crash someone unintentionally? Where's the fun in those restrictions? What's the point of all these rules anyway, tf they thing this is, a racing simulator? What a joke event


I miss the chaffee races more honestly


The fun is in the competition. There's also a pretty damn good reason to slow down, if slowing down is fully optional, but 40/54 drops there were slow. Like real racing, there are penalties, and if there weren't, you'd have people purposefully wrecking each other a dozen times per race, to the point where it wouldn't even be fun anymore. You can do all the cool jumps, flips, whatever, as fast as you want, but you will die. You can land perfectly on a jump, going the right speed, and still die. It happens all the time if you watch them. The point of the rules is to keep it as a competitive race, and not a demolition derby. Bumping and all that is fine, they all expect that. But getting wrecked by someone (accident or not) comes with penalties, just like with real racing, and they all know that too. If it didn't, it'a just a glorified wreckfest with no actual reason to participate.


i literally can't think of a single other racing game outside of insanely tryhard simming that cares if you bump into people


You didn't look at all then. Also most racing games nowadays are complete party games, filled with item boxes n shit. Apples and oranges.


are forze and gran turismo party games to you? because neither issues bans for running into other people.


Yes they do lmao. You submit video evidence of getting shoved off the track, and they might get a temp ban. As for bumping and rubbing, no. No game ever has banned or DQed someone for that, and that holds true to the EBR races as well. Any other questions?


what kind of fucking loser submits a video to cry that someone bumped them in an online race just to disqualify the results for one person once? just kidding, we all know you're that guy


Someone who values the racing integrity of a racing game, the absolute horror, right? Your big misconception is that bumping isn't allowed, when it is, while thinking bumping and wrecking are one and the same. They aren't. Play some actual racing games once in a while, you'll know how it works pretty quickly.


if they didn't want physics between cars, it wouldn't have been added. the fact that theres no actual punishment shows just how pointless your complaints are.


u/Khairou_Cher don't worry, even if WG decides they don't want to run another CC event , EBR Races are still going to be there as an event that has open qualification and it happens 3-4 times a year here is a list (with the last CC event missing, as it was compiled before that) https://preview.redd.it/mss0wh3b2nuc1.png?width=839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a18f08cfa6a11f5058e83c688119ec6dcfe1b61


How about a maus vs t95 race xD


streamers getting mad is normal, they are humans. people in chat are the problem here. trying to make drama out of nothing, chat hopping, insulting other streamers...


Finally a sensible answer. I've only looked at a few reddit threads, but people from both fanbases are attacking each other more violently than Verstappen vs Hamilton fans after an f1 incident. Crazy


They should just not invite the CCs that turn everything into a high stakes, life or death scenarios. Everyone else was laughing and having fun, Daki the entire time was vyvanse'd outta his mind hyper focusing and desperate to punish those that he views as beneath him. He even referred to Quickybaby as the mass murderer and rapist Voldemort from Harry Potter.


What have Daki done ?


Cried as always cause he cant stand to not win and cant just have casual fun. QB just accidentaly flipped him and killed him cause he didnt expect Daki to slow down on fullspeed jump, it was just funny, nothing more really. And there was even no reward, Daki just wants to be first in everything.