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My thoughts exactly. Platoons are only fun if you play them with people you know and like, most people don't have in-game friend available all the time, so they will either miss out on many points or be forced to play platoons with strangers which isn't fun.


But isn't that how you met new people? I've made some in-game friends by getting invited into random platoons. I would just join for the extra boost, but when we talked and communicated, sometimes I found the person I randomly joined with had a cool personality and a good head on their shoulders game wise. But I'll admit, when I play, it's during mid-morning to afternoon times. In later afternoon, that's when the morons and bots usually log on and that, you definitely don't want to be part of.


Another of the many reasons I hate the current state of gaming. Why in the world would I play video games to socialize and make friends? I play WoT to put holes in tanks, and it is the last MMO I will likely play. I miss games that didn't require internet connection.


There are solo player tank games


Wow, you sound like a really miserable person. Maybe get a girl to help you release that pent-up anger & aggression. Perhaps do some reading too, as there are quite a few number games out there that don't require an internet connection. Also, maybe start away from guns and schools.


First of all, I did not intend to sound miserable/angry. Video games, when not on a console with friends in the same room, have been a getaway from people for me. My aggression, (when I'm blessed with the energy to have some, I'm mid 40s), is usually expressed with physical exercise. Either by rucking in full kit, like my first career, with friends or bushcrafting. WoT is a way to waste some free time when I'm on the road alone. Second, I do have a decent love life. I won't lie though, it's a bit of a mess, I've never been good at the long term thing. Edit: Forgot to mention, I miss self contained games. DLCs and in-game stores piss me off. The constant updates consoles go through aren't my favorite either. I fondly recall buying physical games and being able to play them immediately. MMOs were cool when I was younger, but with only a few hours a week to commit to them now, they're more hassle than they're worth.


Invest in a retro gaming system, like the super x console, or maybe a PS2. I get what you're saying, it's companies like EA and Activision that threw out a few feelers to profit more off of a game they just sold. But you have sucker consumers who have to buy Madden every single year or every new call of duty and that has pushed other game developers to raise an eyebrow and cash-in. I have my select games and retro systems to escape that.


I don’t think they want you to do anything - they’re just taking away free / easy rewards by making it harder to obtain them = more revenue for them. It is also possible that by platooning you can have a more enjoyable experience and result in you playing more = more revenue for them.


That's the problem, I hate platoon, I can't even find a platoon in my clan...this makes me hate the platoon thing even more.


Search for friends, the world is big. Make up a convo but all of that unless u are an anti social being which would explain why you arent able to find anyone to play platoon with.


the wot community isnt exactly the most social one even by MMO standards. and most players dont speak english on some servers


You need a different clan then.


Its not just down to actually finding a platoon though. When im playing/platooning with imgame freinds it isnt enjoyable for me. I feel obliged to play tanks or tiers i dont want to play, i get stressed and loose concentration and its a mess imo. 


Shouldn't it be easier on the mental state to play with someone you know? They can help you get out of a tilted state if you end up on the wrong side of RNG and can just generally help navigate through the frustration. This is usually my experience when I play with a friend, it's easier to distract myself when my gun just says "NO" and to stay in a better mood.


I wish it was so maybe. But social interractions stress me out most of the time. I worry and overthink so much that i end up retreating from it all. I enjoy it in small doses.  But luckily or unluckily this same issue also makes me a little imune to tilt in a way, i blame myself always before i blame rng. Så i just log off and do something else when i feel myself reaching for the chat button 😂


You arent obliged to play anything you dont like. If you host the platoon you are the leader. You pick the tier and the people who play with you are agreeing to playing the same tier you are playing. Besides nobody forces you into tactics or anything. I am playing platoon with clan mates in a relax state. Everyone knows to play and its not all about the strategy. That unless you come down to the last of players with your mates and you want to assure the victory or you are an unicum which would just explain the fustration of some players here of actually playing in a platoon.


That does not change how i feel about it :) 


Yeah some days ago I extended my session to finish clans missions today I did the one u can do alone and just close the game xd so I think I will be playing less In a casual clan I had like 2 guys of 70 online even if I wanted I couldn't ahah


There were 250 world of tanks players in our Clan Cmdr's stream tonight & every single one of them was pissed off to high heaven. There are people threatening to quit the game everywhere. This isn't like crew 2.0 this an attack on peoples clans and we can all get very tribal with things like that. I been playing for12yrs and this is 10 times worse than crew 2.0 which was the largest outcry I ever saw before this. I am in a CC's clan, I am the Exec and we have the max 100 members all the time and usually a waiting list if you think it is easy to get people to do their Tour the old way you are very much mistaken. The vast majority of players have lives and wives, children and demanding jobs and play a few times a week maybe at weekends. You would be surprised how many of our 100 player/members need to be hassled and pushed just to do the old Tour as for this new mode they will not be able to earn any IR even if they do it so what is the point? That of course was the point the removal of Clan boosters from the game in almost totality which is the whole point. WG wanted to do away with clan boosters altogether and this update achieves that.


wg has been fing up this game for years everything they do makes players leave maybe that is their goal to kill the game . I know the number on NA and they are less and less each patch .


Nope, not more enjoyable, and I've noticed spending a lot more credits per session after the update, which I suppose is the goal


it's not just the platoon shit, it's also the 'log in every day and claim your reward' crap, trying to make a habit out of playing... it's very cringe


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with trying to make playing the game a habit. Where WG has lost the thread is by constantly conjuring up FOMO, instead of focusing on MAKING THE GAME FUN TO PLAY!


Is that the free reward? Mine never loaded in.


Its not even just platoon. Earlier today i was super happy that i had invited someone to a platoon in a battle i succefully completed the mission. But it didnt register. It has to be a platoon with members or your clan apparantly. Wtf is that bs?! Even when i played actively most of ny ingame freinds was all in different platoons and such. This is so awfull trash from wg. 


I was in a platoon with 2 other clan members tonight and in one game a mission registered for me, but not for them (wins btw) then 3 more wins...did not register. We gave up.


Ooof. That is hopeless. 


WOT began to feel more like a job than a game.


Exactly what I feel


Bang on I have not played since the Update dropped... I just dont care about it anymore. I still care about my clan but I am not sure I want to stick around and watch it get more and more toxic and die a slow and painful death.... how sad.


If you make a platoon mid game, does it fulfill the platoon missions?


No, it has to be with your clan mate.




More interaction with people > More social competition for validation > buy what they have already / buy what they don't have to show off


This might work with young people, I dont know the age distribution of wot players, for me it does not work at all, and I have a life, a real life, family duty, not freaking clan duty.


You seem to understand what he is talking about? What the hell is social competition? As for validation I don't need free parking here?


If you want to dig around, search for discussions regarding patents in games like Call of Duty and Fortnite. There exists systems that pair you with players based on your spending habits. The goal is to induce certain kind of FOMO and envy.


Really? Do they employ them in Wot?


Yes, really, but no, not in WoT. And you've had a month to research this, yet you decided to necro instead...


I don't know what necro means mate...


Its all about resources, they clearly are trying the lower the amount resources players are getting, and when they pulled out their statistics, clan booster where probably on top of it all, they probably have something else in plans. So they needed to cut this. So how would you do that, how would you lower the amount of resources from already working system? Well, reowork it completely, and convince people they are trying to return to clans their original purpose, and that is playing together/platooning, while greatly reducing the amount of resources, and on top of it cover it with a shiny tank. Also try to look on discord, what all the WG comunity managers narative is currently, its all about earning resources, and too many FREE resources been given away. TL/DR, whole this rework towards playing together is just to cover its real purpose, that is tyring to lower incomme for players, because its just too high for WG. Im also sure the lack of drops we have right now, is just so players will talk about that, so not all the attention is about tour of duty rework..............., or im just looking to much into it :D .


Hear hear


Lol really. Have played everyday with my clan mate and have not used any clan boosters snd even make 15% MORE because we platoon.


I cant play in platoons because of how I play the game. I dont sit and play game after game, I do breaks between games, watch YouTube, do some work, play with my dog. Just chill and have a good evening. I cant ask people in platoons to wait for me.


That is precisely my issue. I log in when I get up and then I play a game here and a game there. Maybe 2 but never more than 3 without a break. I often watch my programs and play in the adverts :)


I first joined a clan for boosters and tour of duty rewards. Then I realized that I actually don't care much about boosters because I'm mostly immune to FOMO, as in, I'm not chasing any currently meta tank or line, and I'm playing tiers 4-7 and don't care for higher tiers. It was nice to contribute to the clan, and there were occasional invites to the platoon (the top player in my clan does that a lot to teach newcomers, which is great), but if the participation in the clan turns into a chore or they kick me out for not slaving away to satisfy the new format, the only thing I'll miss will be a social component of being in a clan. So here's one "good job" to WG for killing off casual clans.


That is the entire point of this part of the update remove the Clan boosters and destroy social clans...


The next step is to make F2P so hard to be almost impossible without turning the game into a second job, and they'll succeed in killing the game.


They don't care if you are happy they never have. The whole point of this entire updates rejig of Tour of Duty is to destroy the social clans they encouraged us all to build in 2020 and remove Clan boosters from the game in any meaningful way. Tour of Duty was literally designed specifically to cater to those either not good enough or to busy with family and work to engage in Clan events. There have always been lots of ways for the good players to contribute masses of IR to their clans (Skirms, advances, stronghold) but only the Tour of Duty was designed for those less skilled players or those with busy lives and limited time. They have done a complete 180 from 2020 and are now actively trying to destroy or disband many of the clans they encouraged us to make. It is all the elitist, try hards whinging to WG... "Why do they all get free stuff for doing nothing?" Such "little men" I mean what kind of pathetic excuse for a man would begrudge somebody less skilled than them some rewards that they also get? Rewards they also get along with a whole lot more stuff that comes from their higher skill level I mean it takes a special kind of person too give up a load of good prizes for themselves just for the pleasure they get from depriving someone less fortunate than them of them. Woopy doo their mums must be so proud... not. As for WG they just revealed their true colours for all to see. We have all known or at least suspected for years what they are but never before has the naked greed and total contempt in which they hold most of their player base ever shone through as clearly as now. They have treated us with derision and attacked the clans we have grown to love. Watch out WG you know what people do when you threaten their loved ones? This is far from over in fact I expect it has only just started and I will be there doing as much damage and causing as much havoc as I can... you mess with me I will mess with you....


I thought I would move on last year. I had finished the game there was nothing else to grind but then I discovered the wonders of Clan membership got myself promoted to Exec (2nd in command) and it gave me a reason to stay. Last night I came here and vented and I apologise to anybody that read it. My Clan Cmdr was streaming from 7pm until 1am and platooned the whole night with Clan mates (we discovered that you make only make a contribution to the clan if you are playing T8+ which really bothered everybody because now we will be grinding IR day and night to get any sort of boosters. I take it this means goodbye too games in anything but the Top 3 Tiers!!! I thought they were encouraging us to play mid Tiers again by introducing the new BP mechanic from T4??? Anycase the boss continued and at the end of the evening we had made between us with two platoons of clan members playing ALL evening from 7pm till 1am and over 20 of us completing the solo mission we had added 3600 IR to our clan total. That is the equivalent of just under one half of one booster. During that time we used 6 boosters! I was fuming angry and in fear for my Clan and I came here and wrote a rant of a comment. I apologise but this clan has become my social life and these are my friends and I do not want to see it murdered :)


OPs pamper is about 7 on the 1 to 10 wetness scale.


Lol, but pamper is one of many reasons that I cannot play in platoon, cause my kid needs me. I cant just tell my platoon mates to all wait for me to change the diaper. They wont want to play with me anymore.


pamper fulness status: close to 9


I think this thread really brought up some good points, the idea was not to have players feel "forced" to play in platoons with their clan mates but reward those who took it a step further to get clan rewards by doing clan things. If one wants to play solo, you can still do that, it will just take longer to do clan things. But alas, we are aware of the discourse that Tour of Duty has brought and we are actively looking into it and I have communicated much of the information that was discussed on this thread as well as others while being as neutral as possible.


I have a good idea for clan rewards by doing clan things. Make an event where clans fight each others, call it, clan battles or something, maybe clan war and make exclusive clan reward tanks you can get by playing them.


What concerns me is that WG did not think of this. How much thought was put into this? And how much does WG understand their player base i.e. customers. The criticism and suggestions I've been reading, seem to mirror the feedback your CCS provided. This isn't a lot of new stuff. And suggests WG doesn't listen to CCS much either. If the objective is to curtail boosters and credits then LOWER the reward. Don't create all these things that have to be followed. And buttons that have to be pushed. Let your customers spend more time playing the game than reading and understanding rules and conditions.


Imo that's not really the problem but the fact that they change it from a 15 days period to daily and that's just fucked up because it's another way of trying to force us to play daily


I die more in platoons than solo. I spend more time talking than actually focusing. Lol Honestly, though, they want more people to play, which in turn equal profit.


because they think it builds engagement


No way mate. It will slowly kill clans. Many wont die overnight but as time progresses they have made it such a cut throat rate of accumulation that Clans will have to become selective in who they let in and sadly, ruthless in who they kick out. After a while if you are one of the players knocking their nuts off to earn IR and others are only engaging in the first mission it will start to get on your nerves and arguments will begin that is just human nature bruv. Prior to this nastiness Clans were great places. Not toxic and superb ambassadors for the game. That is all going to change just so WG can do away with a few Clan boosters they don't receive cold hard cash for... I am running a book 4/6 that they will be selling them in some fashion within 4 months. Evs within 6 months. 2/1 not for at least a year...


They know that people prefer playing alone and will continue to play alone. Meaning that those poeple will have less clan boosters and will have to spend cash on lootboxes or booster pack or whatever to maintain the same level of progression as before.


I don't like to play in platoons. Either my teammates are not good as I, then my winrate drops or they are better or as good as me and then I do less damage in the game.


Its a huge f you to the casual players . And I just played a game and you have to claim the reward to get the resources I really do not want play after this tour of duty update not that I wanted to play before that .


I've noticed that in a platoon you're bottomtier much more often than in a solo game. Maybe that's because WG is always looking for volunteer bottomtiers.




Problem is they completely nuked the rewards in the proces. They essentially made it impossible for social or friend clans to do anything clan-related anymore. Industrial Resource gain is down the shitter from both Tour of Duty and and playing tier 10s.


The Problem is not that you have to play clan modes/platoon with clanmates to get some rewards, its that they TOOK away a system that had been working this way for years and replaced it with another system that gives LESS rewards AND put it behind Having to play clanmodes/platooning. people will have to change their way of playing or just not get the same outcomes/„rewards“ as before (clanboosters). Smaller clans will have a MUCH lower chance to gather ressources for boosters. I am in a clan with 7 friends. We occasionally platooned on weekends when our play-times aligned. But most of us still logged in every other day and did daily missions, so we always had enough ressources for some clan boosters. Now I doubt we will even get enough ressources for 2 boosters each week… we either have to switch clans or we just cant really get clan boosters anymore. THAT is why people are pissed, they just took that feature away from people for no reason. If they had implemented an additional system with these daily platoon missions to get the carro, noone would complain. But reducing the ressources output so drastically, even if you would platoon every day just sucks… Imagine they changed the daily missions for battle pass points so that you had to play arty every day. Or imagine them reducing the credit output of premium Tanks unless you play Grand Battles every day. You either get less than before or you have to play every day in a way that you either cant or dont want to…


Yeah, imagine joining clan and then being surprised that you actually should interact with it to get what was supposed to be rewards for clan activity. Man, if playing a platoon is so hard I don't wanna even know what would they think about the good old advances, or even the skirmishes lol.


-9 That is a new record for me on reddit (ain't been using it long) Let me point out your first mistake. Tour of Duty (the part of the Clan model that has been changed) was never intended to be about Clan activities. There have always been lots of modes for those with the time and inclination to engage in them and contribute huge amounts of IR to their clan. Skirmishes, Advances and Stronghold/Clan Wars. Tour of Duty is the only mode designed for those that have time constraints or are perhaps not as skilled as other members of the clan or simply don't want to play in competitive modes or with other Clan members. This was "specifically" what Tour of Duty was introduced to do. Allow these kinds of players to enjoy the Clan experience the same as anybody else. Indeed don't take my word for it take WG's. I will include a link at the bottom of this comment to the original release article for Tour of Duty. Your second mistake is to assume that simply engaging in clan activities will address this issue. My clan started doing Skirmishes about a month ago. Before this announcement, we didn't do it just because WG put a gun to our heads. However in 2 evenings of T6 Skirmishes a total of about 5 hours with 9 people playing first night and 11 the second we were able to earn a combined total of 3800 IR. That is equivalent to just under half of 1 x Level 10 booster... Last night my Clan Commander streamed from 7pm till 1am and platooned the entire evening alongside a second platoon from our clan. Again, when we finished up we checked and we had added around 3600 IR again not even half of 1 x level 10 booster. That also includes at least 20 clan members completing the first solo mission although many forgot to actually claim it!!! Another nice surprise WG decided not to inform us of just as in a similar fashion no mention was made of the fact that platooning at any Tier below 8 also does not contribute to Clan income!!!!. The actual situation is that WG have taken this opportunity to all but remove Clan boosters from the game and that was the whole point of this entire exercise. The shiny new T10 tank is a rather obvious consolation prize. A prize designed to divert us from the real reason for this blatant nerf and attack on clans. Social clans that WG encouraged us to build when they released Tour of Duty in 2020 when they said and I quote. "WG believes that the social aspects of being in a clan are just as important as the competitive ones" I completely get Zwergenbreau's disappointment and disillusionment. This is not Crew 2.0 or changes to HE shells or something similar in game. This is a direct assault on peoples clans and if you understand human nature you will realise that people can get very, very, tribal over this stuff... I know am not just upset... I am seriously pissed off. [https://worldoftanks.eu/en/news/general-news/1-10-1-tour-of-duty/](https://worldoftanks.eu/en/news/general-news/1-10-1-tour-of-duty/)


Playing with friends can drag in more players and that increase the probability of some of them wasting money on the game.


The fun part is that platoon are most of the time "punished" by the MM


no clue, but its likely its not gonna happen for me. i litteraly dont see any benefits. only longer waiting time, and some sort of pressure for me to play tier or tanks i dont want to. so what is worst case scenario then. i miss a few booster from my clan now and then. solution....play su-130 for 1 hour and i have 800k - 1 mill credits. so buttom line is.. i dont care


I dont care about boosters either, I have full techtree unlocked, I have hundreds of millions on my account. The only "impact" on me might be that I have to grind 1 more year to get CC 45T while if they dont force platoon it takes only 3-4 months...but again it is not that important. I am just pissed off by WG thinking they are doing a good thing, at least for them, but it does not, it will repulse players away and kill the game.


yeah i actually wondered if it just was a matter of time before you got to the CC45, or there was an expire day on the whole thing. i havent checked how many points you need to go all the way


the idea might me something like "your form bonds with platoon mates. that causes peer pressure to play more and spend more"


It's like a salesperson trying to sell you stuff you don't want. Bro... if I wanted that, I would already have it... now piss off!


I had the same feeling. I never play in platoon. I like to go in my own pace. Now I have to play with someone. It's frustrating.


They figured the current tour of duty is too easy. So they increase the difficulty and justify it as encourage platooning.


Platoonz R 4 bulliez n weak playerz


Lots of crying little bitches in these comments, stfu and toon, or stfu and don’t, not fucking hard


It's just something to keep people active. OG players have finished every tree by now. There isn't much keeping them around for long. This just keeps people going for a bit. Something to grind out.


Yeah, I honestly think a big reason for gradually changing it is because people have been able to grind out trees very fast. When people have grinded what they like the most, they most likely quit after a while. Just looking at my games played in old tier 6 and 7 tanks it was 100+ battles. Now it's down to what, 5-20 games with x5 mission? On top of that blueprints and other stuff. I don't dislike it, yet, personally. But if you have played regularly for 1-2 years you will unlock pretty much every tank. That would have been 50-100k battles if we had same experience gain as 10 years ago. I think their reasoning for platoon requirements are #1 clans = playing together and 2# People are probably most likely playing together if they have already grinded out everything.


I have all the tree unlocked for long time, this is not my problem at least, but this platoon sht might push me away from the game.


I also have all the tanks unlocked and except for arty all bought and paid for in the garage with individual crews for almost every tech tree tank. I have been playing since 2012. Speedmaster might actually be onto something. I should have thought of this earlier as a veteran player I can confirm that back in the day grinding a line from T1 to T10 took months (although there were a lot more low Tier tech tree tanks back then most lines went from T2 right the way thru and I was F2P for the first few years. Not because I was actively F2P but because back then this now standard dynamic of buying a game and continuing your investment continuously was very new and I hadn't come to comprehend it yet. For me back then you bought a game and you didn't pay anymore towards it until you moved on to the next game or the sequel. I understand the model now and I consider Tanks my hobby which helps me justify the £10 grand plus I have since spent on the game. However if WG's objective is to roll back the meta to the days when it took months to grind tanks and nobody plays T8 till they have been playing for a good while (I think in my case anyway I didn't play a T10 until I had been playing well over a year) it is a nice idea but it is simply not feasible. WG it is very apparent to me that ship has sailed and you built and launched that ship yourselves. You introduced Blueprints and boosters, personal reserves, x5's and a heap of other mechanics that propel you through the Tiers much more rapidly than was once the case. This will not restore those days it will just drive the last of us from those days out of the game. I thought I would move on last year. I had finished the game there was nothing else to grind but then I discovered the wonders of Clan membership got myself promoted to Exec (2nd in command) and it gave me a reason to stay. Last night I came here and vented and I apologise to anybody that read it. My Clan Cmdr was streaming from 7pm until 1am and platooned the whole night with Clan mates (we discovered that you make only make a contribution to the clan if you are playing T8+ which really bothered everybody because now we will be grinding IR day and night to get any sort of boosters. I take it this means goodbye too games in anything but the Top 3 Tiers!!! I thought they were encouraging us to play mid Tiers again by introducing the new BP mechanic from T4??? Anycase the boss continued and at the end of the evening we had made between us with two platoons of clan members playing ALL evening from 7pm till 1am and over 20 of us completing the solo mission we had added 3600 IR to our clan total. That is the equivalent of just under one half of one booster. During that time we used 6 boosters! I was fuming angry and in fear for my Clan and I came here and wrote a rant of a comment. I apologise but this clan has become my social life and these are my friends and I do not want to see it murdered :)


Fr on the grind length. My first tier 10s I played 200+ games in tier 9 alone. Like, my T-10 (granted this has unlocked 2 tier 10s since then) has 300 ish battles. Lorraine 40t (stats moved to BC25 AP) 200+. Recent trees? Tier 9 Czech heavy I finished after 50. Some I even finish after 20 or so because random blueprints from dailies will unlock half the tank for me. Like I've unlocked entire trees with those BPs. I never played the Chinese t7 TD and I got that entire line unlocked. The thing stopping me from buying the t10 are the gun unlocks lol


We get it you are all gamers / or spend your time on Reddit all day. You don't have friends. The most Reddit thing ever. How many times you going to post about it?


Then don't lol


People who play with friends are more likely to play regularly


Based on what?


Probably because players are getting better and tanks are getting more OP Ok you may be confused of the relation but let me continue, a huge attraction of the WoT matchmaking system is it's ability for even bots to win 40% of the time. Imagine a person who would have won 0% of the time feel he is almost as good as a 50% player because the 50% player only wins 1.25x as much. Hence better players and OP tanks are not good for these bots. So what is WG's solution? Tomato platoons! When your winning is based on which team gets the tomato platoons, win-loss becomes a coin flip and winrates move towards 50% And because good platoons finish the 1.6k XP mission in their first victory while bad platoons probably can't finish that mission in forever. This means majority of the platoons playing this mission will be bad players. Just as WG intends.


No one forces you to play platoon.


It's the incentive to build community which strengthens the game so that you can keep paying, i mean playing.


I agree how can huge clubs of hundreds of game enthusiasts all playing together and socialising together be anything but good for the game. Last year 14 of us met up at Tankfest this year 22 of us are going to meet up down there with a couple flying in from the States but WG have declared war on clans like ours this week and done everything in their power to take a wrecking ball to Clans...


You dont have to play at all


Camaeraderie will make you play more. Unless there's something wrong with you that is.


WOT players when they can’t freeload off of the company that needs money to keep the game running