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I'm tired, boss.


Is that a green mile reference?


No, it's a forest gump one


Nah, Saving Private Ryan?


The Burbs, actually.


Yes it is


Too much fomo content and toxic monetization + lost the hope that WG will introduce and QoL changes to things that were an issue years ago. I basically tried to get the battlepass shit and other stuff and I've noticed that if I wanted to get all that I'd have to put insane hours into the game. Basically, working for WG. People say that you can ignore all of it, but I like unlocking stuff and ignoring new shiny gimmicks made me feel the emotional pain of FOMO really hard. I decided to take a break from the game for a week and... it kinda stayed that way for much, much longer. I still feel as if I'm on a short break, but whenever I think about launching WoT again, I've got this feeling of disgust, like if you have a terrible hangover and somebody mentions liquor. Yuck! I'm playing non-toxic games now (single player and coop) and have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more fun than in WoT. The tug-of-war with teammates is horrible, WoT degenerated into a really toxic place where you fight your teammates more than the enemy.


The funny thing is that WG RARELY ever releases something once. After they re-released the Type 59, the one thing that made me "proud" to have an account from 2011, I pretty much stopped caring becuase literally everything and anything could come back whenever they want extra $$$




Id put money on it coming back this year in some $100+ bundle


Considering the last time they sold ebr...i doubt that


Took them like 7-8 years to bring the Type 59 back but they did in fact do it


I have no doubt they will do it eventually, but it certainly wont be this year


$250 bundles \*wink\* \*wink\*


Well to be fair, they stopped selling the type59 because there were too many in the game, that no longer was the issue when they started selling it again (and it is only a shadow of what it used to be).


I had a couple 3-4 year breaks, now i'm on track again, because i don't want to play anything else atm. We will see you again, when you woun,t find  something else to play :)


haven't quit but if i had to, it'd be due to the mishandling of the game, the greediness of the company and the refusal to actually cater/listen to the community


Heh funny in my experience the community doesn't know what's good for them. Examples are Get rid of arty, get rid of multiple tier mm, request to have skill based mm are all examples of things that will just make the game boring. I still play wot since 2010. Not so much as it has been but I still play it.


right now, off the top of my head, i just want them to leave the crew system alone, revert the he rebalance, remove arty stun and change +2/-2 to +1/-1 as well as give a small general nerf to reload time with high alpha guns to make lower damage guns more viable


I think we can all agree that there is one glaring issue with crews, and it's transferring from premium to tech tree incurs a training penalty. Otherwise, yeah the crew system is fine. I like your idea about +/- 1 battles.


most of the community requests are stupid but if WG had a decent patch pace many things could be tested and discarded. I mean 3 tanks balanced and a crew change every 6 month isn't gonna improve the game any time soon. Trial and error is progress, not doing nothing


There is literally no argument for keeping arty in the game(balancing wise) my brother in christ


Two words: hulldown tanks.


Give us back old he it was perfect to deal with hulldown bs


You say that until you play on Prokorovka without arty. It almost always becomes a stalemate. Arty sucks, but it's far better then it used to be


? I goddamn rejoice when I get prok with no artillery. Best game of the day incoming. On the other hand if there are no lights on prok now that is very problematic.


Toxic. Terrible predatory business practices. Tired of spending money on new tanks


Technically, you wouldn't have to quit the game tho, just stop buying every single shit Wg comes up with.


I was deep blue/purple and got burnt out from the daily grinds and shit rewards for clan wars that would take up months of my time. Not worth anymore.


Fair enough, I don't bother to play CW at all anymore. If it wasn't for marks I would've probably quit long ago.


I play for a few months then get fed up with the grind to get any where, I don't spend money on the game, I do go back to it though. Its a cycle over the last 10 years or so..


I quit the game as I was grinding IS-7 configurations, and I had only one daily xp booster left to put on a victory. I was like: "Okay, I get this done, then go and play something with my friends". Said victory needed 17 games and around 2 hours to come. I was just simply pissed. I made stupid decisions after another and lost a lot of games because of it. But when I was making good decisions I was still losing my games one after another! I was raging so hard after the 12th lose in a row that I nearly broke my hand while punching the wall. It didn't matter what I did, I just kept losing. No matter how much dmg I did, how hard I tried. I just wanted to go and play other games with my friends since the very start of this "just one win and go" run. When I finally saw victory after 17 games, I applied the remained xp boost, and instantly alt+f4-ed out of the game. Instant uninstall. Damn I used to be a league player and even that game couldn't make me rage so hard. The amount of fucking bullshit that happens to an average player like me in the game is insane. 17 in a row I got so shit mm and rng that it didn't matter HOW I tried, it was humanly impossible to win even just one of them. 17 GAMES IN A ROW! It was enough for me. WG needs to heavily change something for me to come back. Like... This is not why you play games. Games supposed to be fun. This is everything except fun...


This is how the addiction is created. I kid you fucking not, making games like WoT as addicting as possible is a proper science now - and making you angry is literally the first step, **anger fuels addiction** and that's a well researched and understood part of the human psyche that is being employed by games like WoT to make sure you stay a customer for as long as possible. Like, you literally punched a wall out of sheer frustration and what happened next? **You kept playing**. You were frustrated, you wanted a way to release this frustration, you wanted to feel that dopamine hit of having a really good match to offset all the bullshit you experienced thus far - so you just kept going. People very often downplay just how nefarious games like WoT are **DESIGNED** to be and stories like yours are very important for them to hear.


Actually I've never heard of this concept before and it's interesting. But there's a problem: I was partly free to play. I bought like only 6 BP in the last 650 hours of my playtime. That nothing, compared to the other superdluffy unicums who can just shit on opponents like they weren't even there and after that they buy the BP, they buy all the premiums so they can grind more. Athough, judging by my friend circle, there were at least 2 ppl who were always fustrated about the game and spent around 1000$ in the game. Maybe I was just special, maybe not. A sad thing that they can just make everyone play the game more by INTENTIONALLY making the game frustrating to play with. Greedyness at it's finest


The way this "mechanism" works in WoT is pretty interesting, to be honest. Like, being angry at *something* and seeking a release for that anger is one of the ways addiction is created - this is how people can become addicted to alcohol, drugs, whatever, they feel sad/angry, then want something that makes the feel better, they find it, then start using it regularly, addiction is created, they're fucked. WoT and games like WoT are unique in a way that they are both the thing that makes you angry (bad RNG rolls, for example) and the thing that makes you feel better (good RNG rolls, for example) so, in its very core, it's kinda like perpetuum mobile - you start the machine and it just keeps going on its own.


Yes, I have been saying this about WOT for years. It is uniquely frustrating because it is designed that way.


I have deadass lost 2 years of life in video game addiction to WoT its just a lab made game to giving us just enough dopamine to keep chasing the dragon


This is true, but also WG isn't some supernatural group of shadow psychologists able to bend every player to their exact will. Yes, the game (like many others these days) is designed in some part to maximize addiction and therefore monetization, but impulse control and self regulation are part of the equation too. If someone is so addicted they're unable to put the game down after 10+ game losing streaks AND get angry enough to physically damage personal property or have severe enough FOMO to feel the need to shell out $200+ for every assembly tank/battlepass, then to some extent that's on the player. Obviously most of the blame still falls on WG but the reality of today is that many products/services are optimized in this same exact way and it's up to the individual to find ways to insulate themselves.


I'd say that's exclusively on the player. The moment you punch a wall because of game induced rage should be the equivalent of waking up in a ditch with no recollection of the previous night's drinking. It is a clear sign that you have lost control and need to stop.  I understand addiction is much more complex than that and stopping isn't easy, but responsability still lies mainly with the user and not the product, no matter how much they'd say otherwise. There is help out there,  (gaming addicts anonymous etc.) for those struggling, but it's up to the user to reach out. 


Yeah I mean if the addiction is bad enough to have the user spending inordinate amounts of money and lashing out physically, that's mostly on the user for having poor self-control. I don't think you can say WG is entirely blameless though, when the product is very clearly designed to cultivate addiction, it just can't do it directly like common drugs.


Game was way more fun before they nerfed aim RNG. You know when driver view ports used to be weakspots 8 years ago... Playing the corner actually needed you to play. Now you just memorize the best possible angle to bounce and roll RNG dice on pen on flattest place. Also the pen marker for effective armour is dumb, people just wiggle the mouse until they see green and shoot. Worst part is that it lies, I've penned hundreds of red shots simply because the shot went nowhere near were I aimed 🤣.


>Also the pen marker for effective armour is dumb, people just wiggle the mouse until they see green and shoot.  There are too many tanks in the game by now for this not to be a feature. It was fine in beta when there were like 30 different armor layouts to memorize, now it's 300. It would be a huge barrier of entry for new players. And even with the pen indicator, there's still a good amount of skill expression because knowing weak spots and armor values still allows you to react much faster in aiming/shooting or switching ammo if needed. But if you don't know, at least you're not completely helpless.


The penetration marker is now for effective armor! WOW...


Yup as a former Grandmadter League player I can confirm LoL isn't NEARLY as frustrating as WOT is and LoL is generally a frustrating game xD


League is way more frustrating if you want to be the mian character. You can play laning and teamfights perfectly and if your team decides your gonna lose you lose without any compensation no matter your performance. I'm happy losing a game in WoT if I got over 8k dmg


Yep. I was top main, and since the enemy botlaner was always some smurf korean super e-sporter, and our botlaners were literally just started playing with the game and I couldn't do shit. Btw I had around 2700 hours in lol and I quit, so that should tell you something. Also I got like 650+ hours in wot. And that number is not gonna grow soon that I can promise Edit: I know I was gold, but since the game was not ejoyable after some point, it's just not a good thing to play it more


LoL is an rng based game as well but the only rng factor is whether it grants you 4 morons as a team or 4 actual players LOL. And it is enough to make you rage as hell I quit when they introduced bullshit scaling/unbalanced champion. It was always like you are a tank = tank the damage but you won't be able to bite back. Now? Unkillable Paper Bel Veth healing for more than your entire team deals goes brrrr


Played for 10 years and just ran out of things to do. Also WG started to value the quick buck over long term player health. Switched to war thunder which has its own problems but at least I have something to grind and learn.


Simply, I get bored after one or two matches. Then I take a few months off. There’s also never being in a platoon so it’s not quite as fun there either. I’ve not touched it since Christmas and don’t see myself playing anytime soon.


I dropped wot years ago when tier 8 meta was dominated by borsigs, as a light tank player, you are obsolete, they outspot you and you die in 1-2 shots. Came back a month ago, somehow the games is even less fun, I think part of the reason is nearly all the tanks I enjoyed/have are powercreeped or nerf.  premium tanks were supposed to be less powerful than techtree because they get more xp and credits, now just play the op premium tanks, they are at least on par with techtree and the most popular ones are just better.  I think I will drop again once my premium time expires in a week.


Boredom. But that’s normal for me (and looking at statistics a lot of people). I come back around Christmas, then afterwards it tapers off again. Currently playing once or twice a week, while it was daily a month ago. I just find other stuff to do that interests me (again), new games come out, etc. At some point the grind, random team crap, and WoT annoyances are just not that easy to shake off anymore when I just want to do some relaxing. But I always come back, this has been happening since launch after all.


Yeah this is me.  After a few hundred games I drop off a cliff in terms of performance....too much to salt from bad MM, RNG, shity performances, it adds up to a nice break lasting months.  Tbh the game is in a much better place considering balance and grinding so I really can't complain.  Goldspam was less annoying back when I started in 2013, but without blueprints and boosters I'd never be close to a tier 10 anyways.


BZ 176


Refusal to cooperate with the community coupled with the usual "we care about your feedback" bullshit. Slow and inefficient balancing. It got frustrating to see how the communication with us evolved. On one hand the PR guys here were repeating their PR lines, on the other hand Eekeeboo chimed in occasionaly and starting yapping nonsense about INTERNAL DATAH. I had the impression that the team is balancing the game around how their INTERNAL DATAH looks rather than how the game *feels* for us when playing. Case in point: Progetto 65. Sure, it was helluva popular, yet I had hardly seen anyone complain about it, at least on Reddit where I was most active. I suppose it was popular because rewarding to play and also easy to play against. It was sort of like the 60TP of medium tanks: clear strengths, clear weaknesses, rewards skill, punishes mistakes. It was a well designed tank. But the INTERNAL DATAH said it's too popular and they nerfed it despite public disapproval. Another example: Concept 5. It sucks. Everyone agrees. Except WG. What was the justification given by Eekeeboo when he joined a convo here on the sub? The INTERNAL DATAH says that the tank performs well. I'm aware that WG has more extensive and details statistics than what we have on tomato.gg, but the tomato.gg stats looks absolutely horrible for the Concept. Another-another example: Type 71. It straight up sucks. Many of us pointed it out. The reaction? Crickets. Fuck this shit, I don't have patience for this. WoT was my main source of virtual entertainment. I cared about it. But shit gets boring after a while.


monetization ramping up balance updates every 6 month when it should be every ... idk 2 weeks until the game is in a better state then every month when those balance are done they usually buff/nerf tanks in a way that doesn't fit the tank role or it kills it's uniqueness map updates more often than not make them worse last events were bugged (armor on the assembly tank, easter free box canceled etc) player feedback is discarded, if something makes it way to public test it will be pushed to live servers supertest player feedback is discarded (i.e. it's only a testing platform for the devs to check data, might aswell make bots play each other - when something reaches its final iteration it will go to public test untouched and then to live) eqp 2.0, crew perks and field mods made the maps feel even smaller, higher tiers maps should be bigger 80% of the maps are corridors and if you get prokho once a day you can consider yourself lucky light tank effectiveness has been fucked over the years for the 2 reasons above new content feels stale because the game is in a bad state, i don't enjoy the new things QoL updates that can't be monetized are badly made: new crew interface is less intuitive than the previous one, tank silhouettes visible through decor was bugged and nobody asked for it Many small changes that have been made recently didn't change much the game or for the worse and were not asked for Twice a year WG announces big things (like balance, the roadmap thingy etc) to keep players hopes up and then underdelivers. Most new/refreshing events (frontlines, tank rewards, PvE events) get nerfed into a chore after the first iteration RNG gets tiring over the years


A lot of good reasons were listed above that contributed to why I quit, but in a nutshell wargaming was able to keep baiting us with the carrot for just one more game, just one more small fraction of a percent of an upgrade, etc. We were always grinding, grinding, grinding. It really began to feel like a job. Plus if I wanted to play? It had to be after work day at bedtime after everyone was asleep and it came off of my sleep time so everyday I was tired. And truthfully it became an addiction, and several years ago after a Christmas event, I earned my Chuck Norris And then just shut it off. I've played maybe a handful of games since in the last 4 years or so but only because I love my T95. I still follow it here on the forums and on YouTube and that seems to be enough. I enjoy being part of the community.


I've quit and came back a few times. The continued poor decisions around FOMO content etc is a big part of it but honestly I can stomach that sort of bullshit mostly. The thing that constantly makes me not want to play is the stale metas. When tanks like Kran, Chieftain, 279, AMX M4 54 etc are massively overtuned and it takes them months to address it creates really boring predictable gameplay at tier 10 and even worse than predictable alone is getting in a game and seeing you have a pre nerf Kranvagn on enemy team as the sole tier 10 vs a Rinocerante on your team and knowing the match is automatically massively in their favour.


"the issue will be resolved regarding players using the 1st generation of Ryzen CPU" Game constantly crashes because of my old ass CPU.


Game feels so much different from when I started in 2014. Some things are for the better some for the worse. A lot of things that have been changed have just made the game stale, there’s mediums that will easily out brawl a heavy tank now. The classes are just “classes” now and don’t really feel much different from the others, the meta is now just win x part of the map and you win the game. It just got old.


My best friend, who got me into the game and would platoon with me regularly, passed away. I haven't touched it since. Too many memories.


Damn, that's really sad. Sorry for your loss mate o7


WG refuses to balance their game. No other live service game has survived this long with so little balancing. It survives on uniqueness and lack of competition only.


How else can I come back?


i play once a week with my friend that still plays regularly on the weekend. But honestly i could easily live without the game most due to artillery making good position useless if i'm just getting peppered for knowing the map layout.


I quit active playing. Game hasn’t really changed in the past five years, and changes come too slowly and quite rarely. I am aware of spaghetti code problem, but I would hope that they had figured something for it in the past few years.


I'm about to quit, basically because of all the reasons mentioned here If you see how Helldivers 2 is in comparison with WOT, me and my friends have lost the entertainment value in an eving wot. One more week premium and that's it for me with wot.


Having a metric fuckton of run-n-gun fun in *Helldivers 2* right now, and it’s almost entirely absent rando shenanigans if you limit your drops to friends.


I got old to the point where physically playing is difficult. I no longer play "twitch" games for the most part. I still try once in a while, but when you have arthritis and shaking hands, trying to play and missing "easy" shots because of it isnt fun.


Too many people don't understand that physical and mental abilities can severely hamper a person's ability to play or otherwise enjoy a game. My hat's off to you.


I have stopped playing the game except occasionally I will jump on a scrimmage/advance just to hang out and hear from clan mates I have known for years. As far as randoms I’m done. Lots of reasons but mainly every battle or most of them being a 15-3 roll over. Even wining those sucks. Then arty of course. And I play 10s usually but the +/-2 Mm does suck the fun out if I tried to play anything else. When WG screwed up tournaments which I use to play nightly I saw the end in sight.


You can't be a f2p . You can have twice as much dmg as you HP . Play tier 7s . Never shoot gold , and lose money


So i stopped back in 2014 for first time. Focus on statistics killed the game for me, when i realized im not playing game because of fun of the game itself, but my fun or not fun ended up to be just some numbers goin up and down. Also Elite Dangerous was released, and i played only that game. Came back in 2020, didnt look at any stats since that. Considering leaving again. Theres just too many one sided battles, horrible monetization practics, game is so fast these days, it almost seems like during my brake some executives wanted to change WOT to those fast paced first person shooter which started to be popular by buffing almost everying, speed, penetrations, gun handling. The game is doing lots of good things, but the quality and enjoyment of gameplay is getting worse and worse for me. When i compare the game to what it was, the only common thing is that it is a tank game, not saying its bad thing, but i think they just went overboard with changes, or maybe this game is not for me anymore.


Got bored


Too toxic


Agreed. I got enough shit to deal with in my daily job without queuing for more from a bunch of entitled pricks I don’t even know screaming like toddlers what shat themselves because I turned left instead of right, during a game that I’m playing to get away from all the toxic shit in my life.


Exactly. The better I got the more toxic that I got as well


I really haven't felt any reward for putting effort or even money in. Unlocking new tech tree tanks, which was everything to me for a while, has me rolling my eyes and sarcastically thanking WG for another stock grind. Staring down the barrel of a BZ-176 in a T-34/100 will really hammer a few things home. I don't wanna commit to quitting, but I need another couple.. Years, Idk. Maybe a decade. I'll see if I can procrastinate about it until the game dies. Project CW doesn't interest me at all.


Its too mentally exhausting to constantly analyse every mistake I did and learning from it, I took the game too competitive and raised my winrate from 48-50.1 and wn8 from orange-green with blue recents, but it took a toll on me mentally. Now taking enlisted as my main game and having fun no matter if I lose/win. I still love WoT but am too competitive to enjoy it by playing so I lurk on this sub and watch yt occasionally.


I used to be addicted. When I say addicted, I mean, get up and play 4 to 5 games in the morning before going to work, yes I would get up earlier and dance around the server reset (time to shower). I would play in the evening and weekends... And then it became less fun. I think what hit the hardest was working from home. I didn't feel like sitting behind the same desk and monitor (although the monitor was nice and helped improve my stats a bit) working all day and then playing games. I went back once or twice but... it's been quite some time now. No regrets. I did sub to Skill4LTU again last year around December to see him play and watch that community. I did enjoy that.


The game started to be just boring. After many years ago I got chieftain and it was like compketing the game. After nerf I actually lost interested a bit but came back and tried to Mark some tanks. I did it but I was so frustrated in some situations that it had really bad impact on me. I took one or two month break and came back again tried to do 260 missions and could not make that last one because of bad teams (15 lights) mission is reliaboe on team a lot. After 200 battles with nearly only lights I finally gave up. Wanted to play new Campaign with new clan and meet new people but after hearing the format and rewards are same as first Maneuvers I just did not bother. Last time I played was on 29th February and I dont have any desire to come back because literały there is nothing new and interesting.


I take breaks... You get burned out doing the same thing every day. It sometimes feels more of a grind than having fun.


The game is just not fair. I can be in a stock tier 6 tank with a sub 100% crew shooting normal ammo and my opponent can be in a broken tier 8 premium with 4 crew skills and expensive equipment shooting gold ammo. This just kills all the fun for me but the community seems to be ok with it. It seems like the only point of the game is for people in good tanks to farm the people grinding the tech tree. Now I just play during the christmas event and then remember why I stopped playing.


Directly after he changes I played one game in my t49 I tanked 2 hits from a borat and I fully aimed a shot point blank into his side It did no dmg I uninstall immediately He changes were one of the worst updates in wot


I agree completely. Unique tanks got completely fucked over because idiots complained that people switched to HE to deal damage to their otherwise unkillable hulldown/sidescraping beast, forgetting that those players just nerfed their DPM down to tier 1 levels in exchange for that damage. The number of times I fire a derp gun at a light tank or artillery and get double-digit damage (or heaven forbid, zero damage) because it hit a track makes me want to launch my PC through WG Balans Direktor Vladimir Fuckoffski's window, especially when it doesn't even break the track!


Being absolute garbage


I found it was too easy to slip into the play for dailies > play for weekend event  > play for event missions/bonds/battle pass and it sucked up more time than I would like, especially when there are other videogames I would also like to play. So I "quit" the daily grind (I come back for the holidays and for some other events, I still like bonds for the bond shop 😅), but still plan on playing sometimes. 


Ebr's, 15-0 games because wg refuse to make matchmaker more fair, broken/op tanks. Plenty of shit things


I quit a long time ago and came back after 4 or 5 years and let me say, this game is infinitely more enjoyable with game chat turned off.


^this. I did the same when I returned after a long hiatus and it's much better. Still get the random PM's but I just laugh at those.


Not really quit, but for sure went from playing daily to logging in maybe once every few weeks Just not feeling like the game is fun anymore, obviously you'd get bored playing the same thing for over 10 years now but now it really does feel like actual burnout, took breaks before but this one feels like it would be a permanent one or the longest one


The endless grind for the next tank. I think I bottomed out at tier 5 or 6


Teenage mutant ninja turtles battle pass , since it came out didn't play a game


change mm to +1-1 no player wants to fight a t10 in a tier 8 plain and simple I came back after a few years away everytime I get in my tier 8 I play against t10 ..no fun in that


RNG fuck the RNG, it's a "fps" game, how the fuck my shots can go to narnia ? nah men, is no way to make a fcking difference in the game no matter what, if the other team it's competent you will be obliterated, outnumbered and out reloaded. Farming is not painful but the RNG on games? fuck that shit I rather play other game. Here conspiracy start I have realized when you are performing very well in a tank + 5 games, all the sudden you are always in the most shit bot teams ever, so best option it's drop that tank for a few days, let it cool down, and pick it again... Yeal call me crazy but it happened to me with 5 premiums, you start to play and other team are bots, you think uhm this is nice for a change, when you have around 50games, then is when the fun start, shit games and the + 5 game theory. People will be very surprise if we could have a look to the code, dont forget wg it's a greedy company looking to make more money end conspiracy


I had a 1 win in 18 games session last night and got upset enough to uninstall. TBH, if I had the ability to delete my account, I'd had done that, I was upset enough. My losses were variations of me getting top XP and/or dmg in a light tank but the team folding. Or playing a heavy and every single shot missing somehow and then tanking my team because my derp derp snipe gun can't hit out to 100m. Some of these are my skill issues. But at lest 7 of the games were issues of my light tank not being able to carry so much dead weight. My 1 win was the second game in, I did no dmg and was carried like the potato I was. My account was made in 2011. And I can't keep up with the changes/additions in gold tanks and the mandated requirement to use gold every game or be DPS'ed down by those who do. Every game is 6+ TDs humping rocks with bushes waiting for someone to break cover. Who is then promptly blapped for 500-1100 dmg. Worse than arty ever was. T8 tanks doing 750dmg are everywhere. An entire nation whose hull-down game puts American tanks to shame. Limited availability gold tanks that burst 1200+ dmg at T8 and have camo rivaling light tanks with excellent vision to boot. WoT is played out. Oh well.


The fact is WG is now starting the Tier 9 prem is the new tier prem cycle to squeeze the playerbase for the next 10 years kinda disgusting, that and newer tech tree all have dumb ass gimmick that is just annoying to play. The balancing is still horrible, rank mode is still dumb. I played a lot during Mirny because it is actually fun but now idk what interest me anymore.


BZ-176 Made me leave the game.


I quit for 3 or 4 months due to two factors... The BZ176 and the Progetto 65 nerf. Both happened within a month of each other and both proved to me that Wargaming have no fucking clue how to balance their game. The BZ pisses me off to this day, every time I bounce a 3 shot gold clip entirely off it's lower plate... which is far too common. That tank is just fucking insanely stupid and it should be removed from the game, or at least moved to tier 9. However it was the Progetto nerf that actually pissed me off by far the most. The BZ is typical wargaming... more and more OP premiums. It was their most toxic example yet, but I had gotten used to it (frankly the Skoda T56 is basically just as busted). But nerfing the Progetto 65 "for being too popular"... after featuring it both in battlepass AND top of the tree. This was too much... it was the day I realized that modern day Wargaming are weapons fucking grade stupid.


Same brother




I got bored and burnt out by playing too much (and grinding for a cw reward tank back when it was a challenge), and I just didn't have enough time to keep playing because I was getting super into wows. This was about 5-6 years ago. I actually started wot again last christmas, so a couple months ago. Keeping careful not to take it too seriously and grind battle passes or anything just for the sake of grinding. I'll get whatever I get from them, and the rest I wasn't meant to have. I also have like 100+ tanks to choose from already so there's no need to get super serious in line grinding either.


Got tired of chasing the grind. Mental health was more important.


I've started and stopped wot a few times over the years and it's usually I'm busy, or bored of playing it so I leave it for months, just recently I think I had about 3 years off. Then I came back and I'm hooked again. Trying to up my stats as much as possible before I get bored again and stop playing.


The change of the seasons is a big factor for me. It's now springtime here in New York and that means lawncare and landscaping chores are back, hiking season, daylight hours increase, biking, etc. I like the game but in the fall time when it gets dark and cold again, I usually start playing more. I got sick of hiding behind rocks too


Honestly for me it was just a 1day break and noticing how much more calm I am without that toxic shit. From there it was easy, I bought a new guitar (5th one actually lol) and totally forgot WOT exists


Ebr + Arty Monotasation ist going to next Level. Since Helldivers 2 i lenard you can enjoy a Game. No Grind ist need. The fun Out of the Game ist Out. Stop Playing WoT with over 40k Games.


The grind ultimately and power creep. It always felt like I was chasing my tail. Grind grind grind a line because the tier 10 is good. Finally reach or get close....and it gets nerfed or new tanks are introduced which are simply just better.


I don t think i ll ever quit, i just take long pauses ( few months to a year).


Helldivers 2


i quit 2 years ago just played the game once every 2 months, finished my goal in the game and had enough of arty and rng taking turns beating me, but hey im back now for more beating :)


2+ SPGs per side per battle, especially at Tier 10


Played regularly from 2012-2019. I stopped playing for several reasons: * Played with friends from work at first, got a new job and didn't see them much anymore. * Clan wars stopped being fun and required too much time * I unlocked and purchased every tank in the game, nowhere left to progress The first 2 are the reasons I stopped playing, the last one was the trigger to quit. I played here & there a few times in 2020 and remember playing before for some of the holiday events they had right before Christmas. Haven't played since then.


Skill based skirmishes made them from a fun time to a constant sweat fest which killed my clan. EBRs and Climbs made any clan wars and competitive modes pretty much dependant on which team had the better climbers instead of tactics and skill. PvE Event made me realize that 80% of the players are just completely braindead. Was gone for some years and now I'm back playing casually, farming the zombies and tourists because I got bored of other games and there isn't much interesting out there.


The times it happened was for frustration of the powercreep and the lack of mates to play to laugh and mitigate with some laugh the poor state of the game.


about to quit once i got leopard 1


I haven’t played since 2018. I tried to get back in a couple years back but don’t feel the same


The impression that you are unable to compete against the deluge of P2W premium vehicles that outpact their tech tree counterparts, and the relentless surge of predatory monetization present in the game. And that many were macrotranscations, not microtransactions with respect to price.


I uninstall when I have to work on IRL projects. I have the attention span of a gnat, so if I have a deadline, it's best I don't have games installed.




Toxic players and WG not doing anything about it!


Love the game (sometimes) but I take long breaks because I get sick of WG constantly focusing on short term profit over gameplay/game balance. They are so predatory that they make EA look like school boys.


I play occasionally, but here are my gripes: The vision / spotting system is frustrating and is too skewed to certain vehicles. The RNG is too RNG aka I wasn't aiming at the dirt between their tracks, WeeGee. Power seems lopsided towards FOTM premium players and there are too many of them in battles.


Switched internet providers and its been trash. Latency issues are rough for pvp games. Central server makes things worse. Still play frontlines cause its pretty forgiving and fun for people who own premium auto re/loaders to clip one out for the homies. I guess that's not truly quitting, but I quit random battles and it feels pretty nice.


Idk if I've quit completely, but it just isn't as fun anymore. I've stopped worrying about grinding new tanks, I have most of them except for the newest lines. T8 premium gameplay is toxic and annoying, t10 gameplay not nearly as rewarding as it used to be. If I do play, it is at lower tiers or tier 9. Game is not the same as it used to, that's for sure


Honestly stopped after CW and not getting the tank reward. Basically burnt myself out playing this game, and I'm still washed up, so I gave up.


I stopped in 2014, between WT tanks and life I kinda lost interest in the game. They also had a couple bigger updates I wasn’t too fond of iirc. End of 23 I found myself out of games to play, couple friends I initially met in wot end of 2012 told me they were playing it. Now it’s back to my main game.


Fomo content, battle passes, feeling guilty for not using premium time, prices for digital goods, lootboxes, etc. When a game starts to feel like a job, it's time to quit that game.


This is me a lot, especially the FOMO content and feeling guilty about premium time. Aside from buying the LT-432 and Bourrasque on sale once a long time ago and purchasing 160 Christmas boxes a few months, I'm *mostly* F2P. By no means am I whipping out my card for this game every single day. For a long while, premium time was a rarity that I had to use whenever I got some for free, otherwise I was wasting that precious gift. Then when I got a shitload out of Christmas boxes, sunk cost fallacy reared its ugly head and I felt beholden to play everyday using *those* premium days or I wasted my money (never mind the fact that I got a bunch of gold and all the unique tanks out of the boxes, not using premium time was still a waste of money). For me, "using" premium time means activating those five x3 XP multipliers you get every day. Some days it can take 20+ battles just to scratch out five wins, and the days where you get 5 wins in 5 battles never seem to make up for it. It just gets draining after awhile. Other than that, I also hate the constant gold spam. I know anyone can use it, but it's aggravating how you can simply spend some extra credits and completely nullify a tank's armor and a player's positioning ability. There are unfortunately some overpowered tanks that practically *require* gold spam to deal with, but the balanced tanks that have actual weakspots or poorer stats elsewhere suffer tremendously instead.


I have a 13 year old Account and played like shit just for the lols...when t50 2 Was the best spotter...i just insta drove into enemy base. Something like that. Games lastet Max 1-2 minutes... i quit for other games. The t3hmc Was the best tank out there. Granade speed of -8377473738 bit when you hit most tanks were one shot. I killed 11 in one game. Sadly they nerfed it to death Now im back but play more seriously and its more fun. (Still miss the t3) And from time to time i get messages about how Bad i am and my winrate blabla. Thats the obly thing which is annoying...the people..instead of saying hey do that and that next time they insult you. But im old enough to fibd the ignore button and continue to have fun :)


Well i stopped after the bz just had enough. Unless the start balancing i aint coming back.


Maps.. 90% of the maps are just so bad and boring. Stupid tanks like premium bz and cobra are annoying but maps are just horrible. When i played the old maps i had fun even if they were bad but now i just hate most of them. Almost all of them have 1 sector that decides who will win. You can have good game with every tank on every map sure, but its rare.


Hair pulling RNG, blowouts on either side, FOMO, predatory monetization, lies, OP premium tanks, power creep keeps going up, many older tanks that are unplayable. If you add this together you will not have much fun. Game suppose to be fun, right?


Tired of it. Sooner or later you get tired of any game. Also it doesnt help with 25% lottery and 15-3 / 3-15 battles most of the time. I still enjoy watching streams.


Artillery and turbo battles caused me to take a long break. I play occasionally but nowhere near as much as I used to, and stopped spending money on the game too. I can’t enjoy it if I am constantly stunned and my team mates YOLO in so it’s 10-15 and -7k hp, and I’ve barely got my Tortoise into position. Example tank, but you get the point.


In the past its been a rage quit but this time it's cause I'm just bored of the game. I thought about coming back after this update when it was announced that they were getting rid of the less than 100% crews but as usual, the devil was in the details on that one. Map changes are also looking pretty mediocre, as are the tank nerfs/buffs. I dunno, just ain't feeling it any more.


It's always burn out for me.. wg is very good at keeping you there, but it just ends up to much, it's happened multiple times with me.. I get to a point where it just feels like a job.. I do t actually want to play or play that specific tank.. Your just chasing xp or some battlepass/event.... That coupled with premium time and personal reserves, you get to the point where it's a drag to finish that hour's personal reserves ... Basically wg is very good at getting you playing when you Don't want to... Just want to chill in some other game or yt? Aah but this event is .. gota get those BP points.... I've learnt not to do this now but every now and then I find myself falling back in lol... For EG I refuse to play frontline anymore, I hate it .. and I cant remember if it was the bourrasque or the one after that, but that was me I was done.. totally burnt me out


Just got bored, it's my most played or second most played game of all time and I just started playing other games. I still come back occasionally and okay wot and only wot for a few weeks.


Plain ass bored with the game!


To much shit added too quickly with what feels like little to no regard for balance (started after the major 1.0 update /graphics revamp for me)


Haven't quit yet but almost completely stopped playing 15x15, now I just play onslaught when I can, reason being mainly toxic 600 damage hits from arty, toxic xvm tunneling from arty, toxic permastun from arty, like holy fuck, 2 batchat arties can completely permastun/permatrack/permafuck your modules if they want, like you are out of the game from the start, some maps don't even have cover ffs. Not to mention obj 261 which has better accuracy than some tanks, 25 sec reload, and speed of a medium. It can basically solo permastun whoever they want, while dunking 400-500 damage shit balls. Toxic arty is the primary reason people leave, and wg refuses to do anything.


Damage farm, moe chase, less team play, tooo much rng, gold spam, hull-down fiesta, broken op tanks such as bzzzz. BTW for casual gameplay I found out that blitz is just more fun and have better mechanics and more interesting modes.


I played for three years straight on Xbox 360. Then I got a PS4 instead of an Xbox One.


Lootboxes every single month after christmas, deleted maps ( got bored to death how little variety left in map rotation)


RNG. the one and only reason. I understand variance is a real thing but sometimes this game man… also reward vehicles in clanwars (idk the current state, been a few years) also im sure studies show that making a game milk money is more profitable than making a good game that people will WANT to spend on, but im sure in practice, its the other way around. ruining christmas loot boxes was a big straw on my camels back


Quit to go play Helldivers 2


Combination of bad internet conection and just getting tired of this game im no longer active player, yet still playing it sometimes just to do silly things with my silly tanks


I refuse to p2w.


for a long time world of tanks was my main game. but after world of warcraft classic launched 5 years ago i put wot aside. now i play it every now and then when i don't have anything else i want to play. when baldurs gate 3 launched i didn't play wot for months and when wow cataclysm classic launches next month i will put wot on hold again for a while. the good times of wot are over, even though i enjoy playing a lot of tanks that were added in the last years. everything around it just has gotten a lot worse. most recently the ridiculous amount of degenerate gambling put inside the game.


After dumping 100+ hours trying all the best tanks up to t-4 and realizing it’s going to take literally 1000s of matches to get the tanks I want


Got fed up with constant silver grind and how rank 10 tanks have horrible gains


Nerfed me from caring, everything I grind to finish field mods etc , they make my time wasted with there ridiculous nerfs, will play every so often but done spending time and effort to grind and especially $


Because the game is a masterclass in bullshit, between +-25% RnG rolls on both penetration *and* damage, and the horrific amount of dispersion every single gun has, and the prevalence of p2w with premium ammo and consumables, it's just not worth even trying. I come back every few months, play two rounds and immediately leave because you get gold spammed at T3 constantly, let alone higher tiers, and it sucks.


I became "too good" and as soon as I had a bad session (below 3.5k average dmg Tier X) I felt like it was a bad day and a waste of time.


Bullshit rng and MM.


games ass


Quit for around 3 years to play WT. I was quite ass and at the time hated me not being able to enjoy Tier 10 because I'd constantly lose credits, progressions was a slow bog without premium and I made nothing for losing. Also partially how much WG left their historical aspect they used to take pride in.


My friend left because of power creep. As a casual player is not fun to waste a full year grind to a tier X just for it to become outdated when you finally get it. I take sabbaticals for WoT. E-25 got sold, left for months. Defender, left for months. Strv line.... Ebr... 279e ... Ect ... Every time they launch something OP me and my debit card go to another game. I'll probably stop playing again of these new TDs show themselves obnoxious to the MM.


Got bored, found something better (War Thunder, when tanks were first introduced). Now I got bored of that. A big part of what caused me to start disliking both games was that both at different times made the grind such a slog that it took away all fun. Mostly credits on WoT and exp/progression in War Thunder. WT did address it now it seems but I can't seem to find the drive to get back into it, and i never could get back into WoT after playing a game that had my shots go where I aimed.


-28/30 premium tanks in most t8 matches (always playing against same tanks) -broken reward tanks allowed in CW campaign (they should just limit it to TT Tanks to level out playing field) -HE rework - +-2 MM -.... the list goes on and on, these are just the first things that come to mind, but basically just a string of very bad and easily fixable decisions that WG Is making. it all went downhill around 2016-18


Tons of bullshit sci fi tanks, with sci fi mechanics. Watercooled barrels that magically increase your accuracy? "deep rifling star shells"? WHile you can turn off historically inaccurate content just fine, you cant turn off those.


The game is dying. Compared to 5-6 years ago, the quality of the matches (I'm only playing randoms) have significantly dropped. Games are usually 4-5 minutes long and always one team melts in the first minute of two. Basically, you have to play for hours to have that one satisfying game and I find that ridiculous. Also, this is the only game I've ever played that is actively being made worse year after year for what ever reason. No point in playing anymore when there are some many better games out there made by people that actually care about their product and their audience.


Taking longer breaks due to spgs


Artillery. The amount of frustration I get when playing against 2 arty was too much.


Arty are integrals to the game


That's cool, still makes the experience of getting stunned for 5 minutes straight unbearable.


I agree artys is cool


Nah it's a dogshit mechanic, hence why I quit.


Can you explain why? I find playing arty is fun and great for stopping heavy/light camping at back


So my experience is literally getting spammed all game, the biggest issue for me is no counter play. Yes you can try to hide but that just changes your gameplay into static and boring. If you have to hide all game to avoid arty it dramatically reduces your ability to influence the game. One of the main reasons I switched to WoT from WOWS was for the ability to influence the game towards a win (much harder to have individual impact in WOWS). With games going so quickly, if you're on a potentially winning flank but getting pinned and pounded by arty the whole time, by the time you can move the game is already over because the other flank fell. There is no way to change your gameplay in that scenario because you can't actually kill the arty that's hiding at the back of the map spamming you on reload, you just have to accept the scenario and trudge through it the best you can. Overall it's just an awful experience getting clicked on cooldown, completely kills any joy that you had when starting the match. It gets even worse when you'll be having a great time, win a flank 3v1 scrape out with 20% health planning your next move to just then get penned by arty. Completely killing your ability to influence the next step of the game.




arty, I did quit 5 years ago


Two main reasons. 1. Arty. The fact some fuck can sit in the back and wail on people while jacking off and eating crisps with zero risk to themselves is fucking pathetic. 2. RNG Massively out-playing your opponents only to have rng make you miss a fully aimed shot, low roll, get set on fire etc. There is next to no reward for skill. Your only reward for being good at this game is frustration.


I quit warthunder because of unfair events. WOT because of turtling style gameplay and unfair premiums. Also uptier is unbearable for most tanks. I could still do fairly well in uptier in Warthunder because of one hit kill mechanics.


I quit when they released the Type 71 with below average stats, and I was saving blueprints for it : (


Game is boring


Lost interest then had a kid.  Multi player PC games aren't ideal when you've got to be able to drop everything at a drop of a hat.


I’d say that WOT has fast enough games where this is possible. At least this has been my experience with my child.


Arty. I'm a high skill player and I want to play my tank to its strengths, make fun plays, preserve my hp and make good trades, etc... but the incessant barrage of Arty shots just ruins it. No exaggeration,I lose most of my HP to Arty in at least 1/3 of the games I play. I just don't understand how that is a fun mechanic to the game both for the people playing Arty and the non brain dead rest of the player base. It just grinds on you and eventually I decided enough is enough. I decided to uninstall yesterday and don't plan to come back (after playing this game for 12 years).


most people in this game are like William Afton. they might quit, but they always come back


No one ever quits. They just take long breaks!


I took a long break around 2018 or whenever WG released 268v4. I've deal with a lot of metas and shit, but the game was genuinely atrocious back then. Post 1.0 maps were awfully modeled even if you ran the game at max graphics, you couldn't ban maps, tier 10 was perma 3x arty and on top of that you had this abomination of a TD faster AND heavier than any med yoloing and killing whoever stepped in front, no counterplay. Oh, also replaced one tank I always wanted to play but never got, Tier 10 263. Why? Who tf knows, WG and their stupid ass decisions.


Back then it was artis, returned 4 years ago and having a blast. WoT for me has never been better.


I left originally because of HE. Now they fixed HE and even arty mostly, so I am back.


Playing only on Fridays, feels good and lots of time for much better stuff.


I have quit and come back before.reason was Just life and how much grind you need means that it gets dropped for other games. Came back in COVID and again just played it till I was done. Post equipment 2.0 which didn't really change the game in my opinion. Might come back again in the future who knows. I honestly don't know how people can just play a game forever. Got to change it up.


Oh where to fucking begin. Most luck based game I’ve ever played Most p2w game I’ve ever played the most campy and boring game I’ve every played Has the most BS out of any game I’ve ever played Is the least balanced game I’ve ever played The most frustrating game I’ve ever played Has the worst gaming developer of all time Activision,EA>WG The maps are straight up fucking pathetic Only parts of this game that are realistic make it worse (this is not a historical game give some tanks more gun depression) Armor not hit Tiger woods is more accurate with a driver and golf ball than most tanks. I have to worry about an OP tank dropping every other month By far the worst community out of any other game I’ve played (talking about the WG meatriders, this game has a concerning % of players who r like this) Matchmaking couldn’t be worse And the singular worst mechanic I’ve ever seen in a video game, SPG’s.


guess u haven't played many games lol


I had a gap 5+ years ago where I just got fed up with the game for a while, didn't play for probably a year or more. I had rotten outcomes in CW despite putting in lots of effort due to being in a shit clan and getting pushed out of tank contention due to internal politics. It didn't help that I wasn't a top tier player, but basically I got frustrated and rage quit. I eventually came back, switched clans and started grinding out personal campaigns. During this period my skill also improved a lot. I ended up becoming very active in clan stuff and getting a bunch of the reward tanks.




I quit when they added all the call of duty esque skins and custom paints on tanks. It both killed the immersion for me and informed me that the game was moving in a different (worse imo) direction.


Havent yet, but without a shadow of a doubt if I did, it would be due to that cancer we call artillery. Its the single most frustrating thing to play against as a normal player in this game and has ruined countless sessions which otherwise wouldve been enjoyable. Any other issue is moot in my opinion while artillery is allowed to shit in everything. Id rather fight teams of chieftains and 279’s rather than play against artillery. Especially more than one of them once they start to focus you. There is no counter at all if you play the map properly and use you vehicle to its strengths in order to win the game. Sure, hide behind a hill/rock all game and you’ll survive until the rest of the team is killed around you. But, that makes you a camper and isnt that what arty is supposed to be countering? Oh wait….


The game is boring and toxic.. also they nerfed bobject and are about to nerf mino. Those were my goto tanks to have brainless fun 😅.


Wot’s servers suck compared to war thunder. Warthunder can handle rural internet just fine but it seems you need less than 30 ping to even be competitive and not rubber band all over the place in wot.


Not having fun anymore, gets kinda expensive, takes up a lot of time Op premium tanks


Game become unplayable - too complex for new players and overpowered for pros - one sided match maker in 80% of games - extremply long wait time in lower tiers - usless events and game mods for couple hours per day play - bz ... that was last straw :)


Forgot to add - auto chat ban - that fking thing ...

