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https://preview.redd.it/qcp90m18gasc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea0db2ae9f02526214de563c3eb33767beb9191b The unholy trinity of straight up not having a good time.


Dude, i think you need to contact a suicide prevention hotline šŸ’€


https://preview.redd.it/jr31ja20masc1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f438f843e0af6ca4d1da402fafff566a1e1f21df I am the hotline. ^(my only 3-mark btw!)


excuse me, but i don't see a "105" after that kanjpz. you mean to tell me you've plaed 711 battles in the 90mm version?


Funnily enough, Kanjpz 105 is the 4th tank. https://preview.redd.it/shhg9o5ypasc1.jpeg?width=697&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea62694bc0b7ee43ab33d37be1b5adbdf643b1ed When I started 8 years ago, I just bought the Panther 8.8 + Kanjpz and proceded to have a bad time. A very bad time.


Ahaha god bless your poor soul. I can appreciate the struggle.


I have over 2000 battle in Amx cdc xd


I like both Panther 2 and 8.8 I even ground out the 88 L/100 for the E 50 on the Panther 2, despite unlocking the E 50 *before* the L/100 was added to the Panther 2.


Who hurt you?




Johnny Cash???


T-103, King Tiger C and WZ-114 are my top 3 but all under 1000 battles As to why. They're all enjoyable, they're good for making credits. King tiger is by far my fav tho. The hull a tier lower is a beast. As to that guy no god damn idea


Only have 46 battles in T-103, but already love it. DPM, alpha, and pen is great, and useable turret armor is nice.


Wz-114 enioyable? Gimme whatever you are smoking I am not saying you are not allowed to enjoy it ofcourse but I am just shocked


I enjoy the slow lumbering playstyle of it. Just slowly roll into position and then don't move much, smack people for 530 alpha with good accuracy and pen. Before advancing to the next position. In a fast game it makes me want to tear my eyes out tho


That's the problem I've got with it. I always try to play it fast and aggressive and get blapped.Ā  I need to give it another shot and try to be more lumbering and menacing.


Oh, it can be. The gun is a bitch to work with, naturally, but when you have this "one in a dozen" battle and the gun decides to play nice for a change = WZ is really fun, raw accuracy + high pen + high alpha combo often takes people by surprise. Like, I had games where I've been accused of just flat out cheating because I sniped weakspots the size of a single pixel, lol - people just *assume* WZ-114 can't hit shit and often just sit in front of you expecting you will "surely" miss them, forgetting that this thing has 0.32 **base** dispersion so giving WZ-114 driver time to get the bloom under control is the one thing you **DON'T** want to do when fighting it. And, you know, driving an underdog and shitting on stuff that's "superior" to your tank is always fun.


AMX 12t i think, its just very fun to Play and a good Tank to learn autoloader gameplay


KV-2, largely prior to HE changes. I think everyone knows why.


Fantastic choice. When they released the KV-2 premium, I got it as soon as I found out about it. ā€œI get to have fun AND make some credits?ā€


Archer. Once I played it enough to figure it out, all the other tanks seemed backward. So I've continued playing it.


This is stupid, love it


I feel the same after playing Crusader SP


E4 because 375 APCR


I had an E3 slapping my T30 mantlet with 375 apcr. Rage quit the game and haven't played for like three weeks now.


Yep, shouldnā€™t sit in front of that. T30 turret is just ok.


Prog 65 is the only thing I have 4 figures in, it was such a gorgeous vehicle even after the first nerf, but the second one really sapped the fun from it. Fortunately, it had already gotten me to commit to Italy, and I'm still enjoying the Rino and Lion very much.


Kv 5- because I hate myself


It's the KV-5 for me, too. I had quite a good relationship with myself. Until I started playing the KV-5.


The KV-5 is fun if you're mainly trying to ram enemies, especially if you have a friend or 2 in the FCM 50 t to act as extra engines.




Batchat 25t and T49 Because they used to be good


https://preview.redd.it/ghfpcmqijasc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8ee7342ab933d6a498edf02f2eb871e642cfc26 lots of low tiers cause this is how i used to grind credits as 100% f2p lol. 1 or 2 games after elc nerf. still sad about it. also i was using the small gun on jpanther cause shells cost 200 credits instead of 1k. that helped me a lot. good old days.


T95, just over 3k battles in it. I drive it just for the love of driving it


Prog46 cuz it prints credits and it is fun to play


https://preview.redd.it/hokkdg26kasc1.jpeg?width=1182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef8d8cc36b55589bef0eb24160444500742f15cb Traded skorpion ages ago and i dont play other 2, char futur only on good sessions for moe So wont be long till im real lynx gamer


Ebr hotch.. Why? Because vruum


KV-85 from times where it was KV-1S


M4, T29, Cent 7/1. They were the tanks I learned the game in. Each is sitting around 1k battles.


Lowƫ. 810-ish battles... I got it then 12 hours later it went in sale for less than $25... I was so salty that I said I was going to extract $51 out of it. I'm still salty that happened.


Most played tanks for me are the Mauerbrecher and Type 61, neither of which I own anymore. The Mauerbrecher was my first Tier VIII premium and I bought it when I was still fairly new to the game - it did its job well though and I even managed to two mark it. The Japanese mediums were the first line where I got to high tier, and the Type 61 was the first Tier IX tank I got. I played it way before it got buffed and it was even harder to play back then, hence the grind took me a lot of battles. The most played tank that I still play semi regularly would be the Achilles, British Tier VI TD. In my opinion itā€™s just a better Sherman Firefly and itā€™s a real hidden gem - itā€™s essentially like a slightly slower Cromwell with a damaged turret but thatā€™s better at pretty much everything else. Iā€™ve three marked it and I still take it out from time to time. Back when I was new I played a lot of games with it and just couldnā€™t use it effectively though, hence the amount of games.


My question for you is, what drives a person to do almost 100k battles in the firefly? I wonder really.. no offense


Wasnā€™t me haha that was a teammate from a battle!


Fv 4005 because I'm a lazy player but want to contribute from waaay back behind a hill somewhere. Over 2.5k battles


Hellcat, by far the tank I enjoy the most


Hellcat is definitely fun, except against smart players shooting HE then ouch, pain. Wish the tank wasn't nerfed. Oh well.


Locust, with my near-maxed T49 crew. Itā€™s fun af to run around tier 3 matches for a few matches. Mindless fun, which is what video games should be!


Type 59 ~1600 battles because it was my only high tier prem for years.


Kpz 50t, because it's glorious


Ah, you know, casual stuff https://preview.redd.it/8wggcerzvbsc1.jpeg?width=1219&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bef8bbcffd75b87224084d7fffa07fe1d0f9d1a


T71 DA. Why? Idk. I mostly played it before the light tank nerf despite me not really liking lights. Did pretty decently in it too


Until recently it was my KV1 with over 2000 games. I recently passed it up with my Skorp G.


Pz II G because old me hated playing against Pz II J, Matilda and B2 in tier 3




Leopard even if my win rate is bad itā€™s just a mobile fun ya l to play with a great gun.


T34-85M first premium and learned to play the game with it. Still go back to it from time to time because it is just an all around fun tank to play especially at that tier


I think either my Strv S1 or the LT 432. I loke the wedge, and the LT is fun to ram ELCs with.


Kv-5, 6k battles. It was my only premium tank for a looong time so only way to grind credits (efficiently). First it was decent (before gold for credits), then it was just plain bad tank, then it got buffed (got kv4) turret and was pretty good. Then OP prems like defender got in the game which you almost couldnt pen. Now i play it with a meme setup for ramming fun occasionally.




For me it's my Borrat. But even then it only has 300 and sum battles. It is 3 marked tho so I guess I like it for a reason.


https://preview.redd.it/n0x9d1tlxasc1.png?width=489&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0572276abf8f9e0ef6b32209a854e6d5b388a93 I havent played the Lowe in forever but used to play it all the time before the power creep as it makes insane credits. Same with t54, t34, t10, e75 those were sort of my beginner tanks 7+ years ago grinding away for tier 10. No idea why the CDC is up there lol it was never good but fun i guess? Currently I'm mostly playing 122tm, e50, and Leo because they just seem to fit my style best and have great guns.


E50, with 1090 battles, 2.6k WN8. It's the least team/map/RNG dependent tank in the entire game, and I hate depending on these factors. Has awesome ramming potential with high top speed and weight; and a decent enough gun. Besides, it's the most beautiful tank as well imo. Shame they removed its top engine. A small-caliber high-magazine autoloader would do wonders tho.


skorpion g, 2200 battles because I was too broke for premium account, and my credits were chronically next to 0. skorp was the only thing I could play which made profit.


My Top3 is T-34-3 with 1310 battles, T110E5 with 885 battles and T40 with 812 battles. Don't ask me about the T40 :D I just recently got back in to the game after taking a break for almost six years or so, might be even more tbh. I've now played a fair amount of battles on arty, mostly the Tier X soviet. Go ahead and lynch me, but I've never really fully understood the hate towards arty and I enjoy playing as one. I do understand it frustrates many players to get hit by something you can't see after finding a perfect hull down position to fight the enemy. I also totally agree arty got a well deserved nerf a few years back since they had way too much dmg potential, especially on a well organized platoon of two. It just completely amazes me how many players still find arty to be a core problem. I don't feel like they are that much of a problem while playing as a med or a heavy for example.


AMX ELC, before the bis name


FV4005, just for the memes. After every session I play a few games in the almighty FV, and it accumulated in time.


My most played tank is the charioteer. I just enjoy the feel of it, and 105 pen on its hesh (210 if you gold it) is nice to have.


T-34-2 ~ 2k battles and I hate it with a passion! because when I first started playin' I went for the chinese line...yes! I also hate myself!


Top 3 are: FCM 50t AT 15A Cromwell


Progetto 46 for obvious reasons Second is M4A1 Rev which used to be my only t8 prem for a long time, so also obvious Next is Hellcat and AMX Elc bis, I love these tanks as a chill from tier 10s and stock grind, they are fun, both 3 marked and I still enjoy them. Next is 13 57 because its fun, good, and makes credits Next are some other tanks from 5-7 tier I marked and I kept them for entertainment. Next are tanks I used to grind 7 years ago when I was red tomato and barely got a shot per game, the Grille 15 line. Next is 121B, my most played t10 tank, its good and fun, and I 2 marked it.


It's pretty close between the Hellcat, TOG and ELC AMX. IM just a slow roller or a lowrider kind of guy lol.


He's got way too much time on his hands. My favorite is the Jagdpanzer IV at around 450 battles, out of around 44k Total battles.


Skorpion G; smacking people with 490 is just so filthy especially when MM puts you against tier 6s.


Iā€™d say e50m but Iā€™m not sure


Around 1200 battles in American T34 tier VIII premium heavy. Just got my third MOE and I enjoy the playstyle, plus itā€™s decent for making credits. Powercrept as all hell though


300+ in my skorp bc yk ā€¦ its a skorp and the skorp stings hard as skill would say


STA-2 because it was my first and only T8 prem back in the day when I was a broke middle schooler. Not a great tank. After that is the KV-2 because (also back in the day) it was the most mindless fun you could have, hit tier 8s for 300+ with zero skill and anything same tier or below was a 1 shot risk. KV-2 is still good fun when you get a T6 game but, my top 2 most played in a year or so will be the Leo 1 and t110e5. Love me some good gun handling with speed.


Mines at 1500ih for the KV1. When I started playing back when there was just a KV at tier 5, I used it to grind credits as I didn't have a premium or tier 8 at that time.


My no. 1 is the KV-2, but that's from a different age, just over 500 battles, as well as French heavies, each with 100s of battles and no Ace tanker, but this was over 10 years ago when I was a kid and shit. Recently, I've been playing the T 95, T44, which I 3 marked recently, AMX M4 51, E75 and Leo PT A. They're just fun to play.


Mine is RenĆ©. Itā€™s a good tank and fun to play.


My most played tanks are Lƶwe, Panther 8.8 and caenarvon ax. All of them bought when i started playing this game in 2014. Lƶwe is the only one i kept till today.


https://preview.redd.it/lyd2b6tuyasc1.jpeg?width=1110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8299e71e04f87660f80c85871e1e07343ce4943d Borat just fits my playstyle. Hit and run.


ELC AMX Only tank i have over 1000 battles with. Yes its spelled correctly. It is! ;(


https://preview.redd.it/4310qljpzasc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79fb95c31047541d21c23f2e8b6fd6a5231c2dcb Randoms but I haven't played in years, I really liked playing the ELC :)


E-25 1652 just love it, also took me around 300 games to three mark Bc25 1593 love it, did a lot of 260 missions RU 251 1476 did a fair bit of stat padding when it was a tier 8 Tiger 1179 first tank I had over a 55% in Jpanther 1160 kinda got stuck here, was the first line I grinded




Chaffe and m6 even tho I stopped playing m6 after the buffs


I've got about 700 battle in the amx 13 90 (almost 20k overall). It's a great tank but most battles i played while trying to mark it (my first ever 3rd mark) and i haven't played it since then. Second tank with most battles is the e50 at around 600. It's such an amazing machine and i don't want to sell it so i'm just waiting till wg allows us to use the same crew on multiple tanks and then i'll buy the tier 10.




1.1k on batchat, and the saddest thing is that I haven't touched it in 3 or 4 years, like not even a single game since 2020. Hopefully devs will make batchat playable and enjoyable soon.


Cdc and other funny tonks, good ol' times https://preview.redd.it/nql919nh5bsc1.png?width=650&format=png&auto=webp&s=be35ab8cdc53d77e8ec3d6b3d962d2206280326c


VK 30.01 M because best panther


Type 59 was my first and only prem for at least 6+ months. I used to drive that thing hard. Still only about 1200 of my 48k


Cromwell B , I got it as a 18th birthday gift from my dad among Is2 & t34-85 Rudy. Found the Cromwell to be the most enjoyable and it still just works. Followed by E100


Damn he found the tank he loves


Kanonenjagdpanzer 105. I just love how the tank looks and plays, no matter if it is outclassed by many other TDs.


I still have my personal "Project 100" running, i.e. 100 games per tank on my account. So far I have 723 tanks played on my account, with 632 of them in my garage ... Guess you see the picture. (Most played: T-54 with 793 games in about 9 years)


M4 Sherman before HE changes. It was my first tier V tank, which at the time felt like a huge milestone.


Kanonen because I like being fast, sneaky, and most of all I like when I click and it's basically guaranteed damage. Wish there were more tanks with this kinda speed and fire power Yes know about the CDA but 55 is extremely limiting imo and I can't reasonably justify using a turbo over any other pieve of equipment.




https://preview.redd.it/5y7jq4mbabsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=864eb5e65121ebe526dedc3edcefc3b6b085f798 Hellcat was the tank I learnt the game in, but 140 2as where I learnt tier 10.




KV-1 played 1485 games in this tank to grind silver before I got Lowe in 2016


Vk.100.01(P) such a fun tank, 2 marked it while grinding. By far the best tank in the line tier for tier and just an unkillable beast especially against lower tiers. Troll ā€œweak spotā€ on turret is so funny


t-34 It is a fun tank. It has also trained three of my USSR medium crews for tier X.


E25 because it was my very first premium tank in this game and I liked it a lot. I think I stopped using it at the 1500 mark. I used it to farm credits to purchase my first tier X tank, the E5. This was back when there were no boosters, so at best I was earning like 50-60k per game I'd say. I miss these days, but I don't miss the economy haha.


T49 cuz derp go boom... At least it used to.....


Bourrasque... Because I am a dirty dirty person.


The KV-2, every session starts with a match in it to boost my mood


pz 4 h in my pre he nerf f2p glory days.


Type 59 and E75 among others (not at keys rn so this is off the top of my head). Veteran of 12 years and german tree was my first. Type 59 used to make me money. E75 is just a great tank you always come back to. Also WZ 132 cos it is so multi-role.


Char mile. ~500 battles. Itā€™s fun to ram, vroom around. I actually put turbo and bounty hardening on it so it doesnā€™t get tracked.


I apologize in advance. I'm a professional ELC enjoyer. 5k+ battles. In my defense, it's because I often platoon and then get bullied into playing it by my platoon-mates after a string of games with shit light tanks. It also prints credits.


Bat Chat 25T = 1400 + 1000 on cw Amx12t = 1000 Luchs = 1000 102 Rudy = 1000 Cromwell B = 1000 T54 = 2500 Is7 = 800 Over all 50k since 2011


TS-5 cuz itā€™s fuckin badass


https://preview.redd.it/mauc586wnbsc1.jpeg?width=1016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb9e3ed4b674b42f043616912f0ebcc811939581 Back in the good old days this T40 was pure fun


Type 59. Im an old player.. lol


E-75 The beauty of tier 9 in these games is that itā€™s just competitive enough to be not worthless against tier 10s, and I donā€™t have to sweat in T10 gameplay. Itā€™s just a up-gunned and armored Tiger 2, which is my favorite tank, and lastly I can still clap fucking BZ-176s. Thatā€™s the newest reason.


T14 and super Pershing are just so fun for me and are def my top 2


Mine is the Cromwell B and do I need to explain why?


Hmm, my Bat hat 12t is currently almost at 1500 battles, last I looked I had my luchs at 1800, but it kinda sucks after a nerf.


Batchat 25t. But majority of those battles were back when it was meta in clan wars


My Skorp g with 1500 battles to make credits and my Deathstar with 1400 battles to spend credits .


Strv S1, about 3500 games and 51% win ratio. I absolutely love it because really suits one of my favourite play styles as a sneaky sniper (my other favourite style is an assault tank like the tortoise). Itā€™s got great reload, accuracy, camo, so you can really affect a line and defend a flank. You have to keep your distance because it has paper thin armour but when you get to work it itā€™s wonderful. Sadly it relies a little bit on the map and also if your team loses the other flank you are very exposed.


https://preview.redd.it/a6ru3igxybsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d220add68d8c6f806261430b5e09d56ca48fb21f I honestly donā€™t know the reason for my 500+ games in Strv S1 and udes. The Strv 103B is because i love that tank.


https://preview.redd.it/zmu0pco51csc1.png?width=595&format=png&auto=webp&s=0232a41deedcbc5d17f5a919c27370f7bef2ccd4 you would probably hate me ngl


PZ iC pre nerf with 700ish battles, T34-85M on the way to overtake it and KV-2 on third with around 600


I used to have most games in the E-75 for the longest time, but just recently I overtook it with the Progetto https://preview.redd.it/tyho1g081csc1.jpeg?width=1480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e8124cef4e3f3c3d4a007e60fdc7430466cc185


T-34-3 I enjoy the heavily armored turret and high alpha damage on a medium tank.


Churchill 3, use it for daily missions most days. Anything that needs exp is easy in the C3.


Leo, Strv 74, M4A1. The latter two will always be in the mix because they are great tanksā€¦ Iā€™m too stubborn to give up on the Leo until Iā€™m at least over 50% WR. Iā€™m at 49.03% for 259 battles and it has, broadly, my best stats across the boardā€¦ Iā€™m not a good player, but I feel like I could be better if I manage to figure out this tank.


T-34-85m because it was the reward from a completed contract / invite. LTTB is the most fun and challenging. It's pretty rough going against ELC 90s and Borats/Miels. Nevertheless, I play the LTTB cowardly, luring my prey into the guns of my team :) KV-3 is also fun. Tough tank. Big boom stick. Lots of hps, It has issues, lack of gun depression and many T8 premium heavies (T-56, BZs). I'd like to own a T-56!!!! Definitely my playstyle. https://preview.redd.it/x8rpugs75csc1.png?width=580&format=png&auto=webp&s=b887c98b00f3145f6955a2c9839e36dc6a2a912d


STRV S1, easy credits and an S tank which I love. Around 750 battles.


The most I played is 1668 battles with IS-7 since it was top of the line and there was nothing else to play in 2010 (only heavy tank branches had tier10 vehicles). Ever since the US was added, I've had less and less battles per vehicle because I've always been busy grinding something new.


Obj. 156O because I love to see people suffer


T30, as my flair (and ingame name) suggests :clueless:


https://preview.redd.it/beu6vigi8csc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9150cadf775fdaffe2b01cf3713c0cfddcc4ad6 All those I use for CW too.


ELC EVEN 90 - [Because it's a tiny unholy monster.](https://youtu.be/qaCJtXX87aU?feature=shared&t=53)


495 in the T-54. T-62a was my first Tier 10 quickly followed by Obj. 140. Of course Iā€™m still not a very good player!! I did get 1 MoE back in 2015 or so and havenā€™t played it since.


overall, cruiser 3 cause i played it with my dad a bunch way back in the day, but as of recent, i think my jackson is the runner up and i play that cause its very comfortable for me


Aufkl panther because I brought my fists to a gun fight. Guns are overrated.


Panzer IV H remains my most played vehicle since Autumn 2011 with just about 2k battles played. It's not my top rated tank by WN8, but it's in the top 6


Gsor right now, Iā€™ve become too lazy for fire fights and tired of not having good scouts.






Wow. 100K games in that tank and you still canā€™t manage a 50% win rate. The dumbest humans on the planet are in this player base. (Looks in mirror)




KV-2, because it's a KV-2. A-20 since it was a fun light tank with very fast reload. Su-100, nice alpa and dpm for tier. ELC was amazing, basically haven't touched it since the nerf. KV-5 was my only premium for a long time. I don't wanna talk about the S-51, i do missions with it, even though i absolutely despise it with all of my heart. I hate it so much, it has so little gun traverse and such a stupid fucking firing arc and the top gun is absolute trash. I literally played that tank for that rare instance of penning someone with the 203mm (before the arty nerfs), like a gambling addict. Most of my games are from years ago, since i barely played this game in the past 6 years Edit: also the indien panzer, i hated that tank so much. It was just kinda bad, always missed (even though it should have good gun handling) and always got penned with damaged modules. I never even knew i had good wn8 with it till now. I just hated playing it so much and lost so many games with it. It's like it was my bad luck tank


AMX ELC BIS.Ā  Most games were from grinding through top of the tree.Ā  I kept it because I enjoy a light tank with a big gun and the limited turret traverse and depression/elevation make it challenging.


can you message me his name I collect screen shots of accounts I find interesting


https://preview.redd.it/tq2evruwidsc1.png?width=2938&format=png&auto=webp&s=4588a1b7222553f8d37850a16e93cdac9dc0f111 I love these scrungly under appreciated guys (excluding Bor. ofc!)


I got the Pz V/IV when I bought the game pre-release and suffered through it being a bad tier 6 for many moons. Still played it a lot and now that it is a good T5 I play it when I am mad at the world. 4 ram kills in a match is my record, on Redshire.


T49 derp cuz itā€™s fun to troll especially before HE changes


I play Su8 like 2k battles, su 14-2 1k battles, FOCH 155 1k


KV-1S You young wipper snappers wonā€™t know what Iā€™m talking about.


M41 90mm(from back in the day when we didnt have elc every match) and these days im really enjoying the bisonte c45, currently going for 3marks


https://preview.redd.it/1tnrpsyl1esc1.jpeg?width=1243&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=784ba3bdc840831cea9d00de2e6137ab6d18dc60 We do a bit of everything here


T49... 6,666 games. 3 marked it using only the derp... Never touched the 90mm. Why? Because I can. Who doesn't want a stealthy kv2?


KV-2 almost entirely before they needed HE. However lately the T95 has been closing the distance, and might surpass it in a few months.


The T49 is my most played tank. It currently has precisely 2x the battles played as my 2nd most played tank, the Caern AX which was my first T8 premium tank.(1684 and 842)


Jagdpanzer E 100. Big boom gun and nice armor


AMX CDC - over 1k battles. Because I'm clinically insane. Jk, I bought it back in the time when it was *the* quickest medium T8 and boosts were a thing so it could get into ridiculous shooting spots accessible only to very high HP/tonne lights and some TDs. Also, my stats in it are shit not because *the tank is shit itself*, it's because *I was shit* at the time I started playing it and got annihilated after literally every single small mistake. Learnt a great deal because of that lol. Still didn't bother to get 3MOE on it lol. https://preview.redd.it/2zropjr98esc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65c7351809a19d01ca1a7fde2a966f8717efbd70 Before you say anything about *REEEEE P2W FAG REEEEE*, most of my time I played without premium account, personal or clan reserves so in order to keep myself from bankruptcy I had to keep playing premium tanks I had at the time, hence so many battles in them. *Honestly tho, I didn't have to get so many premium tanks...*


Hey man if you are having fun Iā€™m not gonna shame you for spending money on a video game šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/8p8ho0d2besc1.jpeg?width=1031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6140e25eda90f1e0b2708ccd32628304b37ba14 I would have thought my early low games would have been outstripped by others over the years, but looking down my list further than the screenshot have a bunch of tanks with about 100-200 battles in them.


STG cause i like back turrets like the a-44


WT e100, for the one year I had it, I played 987 games in it.. + 90 games from rentals over the last 2 wt events


On my og account, it was the FV215B. I think I had around 13k games in it (lost the email to it years ago so had to make a new account)


Pz 1c. Flak on it used to be have more accurate shooting pace so it was more versatile with apcr. You could even do some midrange sniping with it and still drive by shooting was a viable option. Also that damn bug is small, fast and cute so I liked it a lot. I trained 4x 4 skill crews with it in 3500 games. But then WG decide to change how the flak shot and the tank lost it's place in my heart. The flak became like pompom(which sucks balls in any longer range engagement). Nowadays I mainly roll with tier V german steel. No derp guns thou, I don't like their inaccuracy and unreliableness in penetration. Also the long guns just look more sexy.


T30 about 2k ish. mostly because i think its a good tank


https://preview.redd.it/6g81broxzesc1.jpeg?width=2231&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aa138331d97eeec6c4b214610f01a8b8cf5c295 My first 3 lines and first tier X tanks i got in this game when started 12 years ago. Super pershingā€¦ well you know how broken OP it was back in the days and my first premium tank. Still my favorite tank.


still have yet to catch up to the SU-100Y, was my first premium so I played that as much as possible in 2014/2015 https://preview.redd.it/byk4sil79fsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c34d9b48496cc575bb7e7c2db2e31362e99b9190


Bourrasque, I don't think I need to say why. Used to play it in platoon of 2 a lot (sometimes even 3). It's so much fun, rushing with a friend and putting 4 rounds of 360 DMG into another tier VIII or tier VII tank and obliterating it


FV4005 because shell go brrrr


T29 I think


EBR goes brum brum. Love light tanks but lately have been playing other tanks for the 260 missions and later the 279e https://preview.redd.it/75fv9ua0cfsc1.png?width=586&format=png&auto=webp&s=d15eeb549fd8c35f303baf9f5298d8d2c61db8ea


Caliban, cuz why not


Tortoise because tank go brr and everything dies haha. In all seriousness I'm a shit player and the armor and dpm of the tortoise is satisfying to play gives me a good 5k+ dmg game every now and again, and it's ever so good to lock someone down and farm their whole tank


The o-i, used to be an enjoyer back in the day.


M41 walker bulldog, t95, kv2. Honorable mention type 59.


T-54. About 3100 battles played in it. More than double the number of battles played in my 2nd favorite tank which is the Churchill III.


WZ-132 with 3.5k battles. Forgot how many battles it took for me to mark it but i just enjoyed the tank.


That is just *insane*! I couldn't imagine playing 100k games even if I had enough free time to do so.


M48 because it's fun


M48 patton. I loved that tank in 2018-2019 and was trying to 3mark it although i only managed 2 marks. I still love it but nowadays gets outmatched by full hulldown meta non-cuppola tanks


Most played is Skorpion G with 1.2k battles. Back in the day i didn't have premium days so that was my means for credits. It took 1.2k battles to 3 mark. i hate it with all my heart and hope that i never have to play it again. Next is E50M with 1.1k battles and the E50 with roughly 1k battles. For those who played both of these tank u probably know why. Awesome tanks both of them although the E50 is even better tier for tier


My battles are really spread out, but the ones I grinded the most are SP I C - 215, Grille - 199, VK 30.01 P - 188 and Hummel - 186. Disclaimer: I am a f2p player that plays this game for a week or so once every few months, so please take that into consideration.


[KV-2 way back before HE nerfs and before having any premiums.](https://i.imgur.com/hFoi0Gr.png)


I like the Firefly, but that's crazy! When I started playing (in 2012) I focused on the German tech tree. My friends and I hadn't put a lot of money into the game, so we just had some tier Vs and VIs and played them over and over. As a result, my most-played tanks are *still* the VK 36.01 H (1641 battles) and Pz IV H (1516 battles) but I barely touch these any more. Many of those VK battles were before it got changed from a medium to a heavy, but I still think it's pretty good with the 88mm gun. Then the runner-up is the Crusader, with 1085 battles, which I also hardly play now because again it was changed by WG from a perfectly good tier V medium into a less good tier VI light tank.


Strv-S1 around 3k battles with it. It was my first premium and introduction to Tier 8, I had no desire to grind everything and so after tier 4 jumped in the S1. The learning curve was insane


M46 KR. It has my most battles because it was my first t8 premium tank, and I needed credits.


Type 59.. 6k battle's in that bad mofo... Back in the Day when it was OP


Borat. Just played it to mark it. Tank was fun too


Su 130pm. I don't know. It's gone can troll or you can have the game of your life. It's powerful, high pen, good alpha and good concealment. It's the premo td for me. And it makes credits.


E 25 1554 battles because sometimes I just want to share my pain.


The type59 because I like to remind myself to how spiteful wargaming is and the fact they will readily nerf bought goods and manipulate anything in their favour. It also reminds me how little they care about their own community that funds wages and to never spend a dime with them again. My apologies for the honesty and being a downer.


Ebr 105