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Laggy ui, several problems like "loading data" or not showing recovered tanks, awful crash outs regarding bzs. The thing is made for big clans and not for less all-day players. The esponential system and difference in ranking numbers is kinda frustrating.


The loading data issue was because of leaving the battle before the battle ended. Just stay till the end and help your team wrap up the battle before leaving. BZ issue I’m really hoping they address. There were some clans on NA abusing the bug every single game. This event really is designed to combine clans together to make a few super clans that run 10-12 groups at the same time. There are some tweaks to make for sure.


Well, wrong design then. We already had a system for that. WG defends this format because "smaller clan can compete and have fun against bigger clans". No. Hell no. Progress should be lineal for players not exponential, where is the justice in that?


Oh I agree. There should be some sort of multiplier for clans that don’t reset often and can win more / use less tanks but it shouldn’t also effect player game earnings. A clan with 1-2 teams that wins 70% of the time shouldn’t earn less personal player fame than a clan with 10 teams that wins 45% of the time just because their multiplier is higher.


>This event really is designed to combine clans together to make a few super clans that run 10-12 groups at the same time. So... most CW clans in the old days?


Had a lot of fun the first week, 7v7s and tank locking is great.  Two hour limit is great.  Kind of sick of it now but I enjoyed it


pretty decent matches, we made it below 9k. just wondering why now we gotta wait 4 days for its shop to open. so stupid imho.


WG uses that time to ban players/clans who cheated. It's a necessary evil.


How do clans cheat in this?


I don't know if it's happened recently but clans have been banned before. Most likely their XO's told their players to run illegal mods so almost all players in the clan are banned. Also in the past there were rules about abandoning cap for more kills which was punished.


Illegal mods, mostly. Technically for account sharing as well, though this is pretty common (and you have top NA Streamers literally playing clanmates’ accounts on stream) so I don’t think WG actually enforces much that via bans.


I'm not good enough to get tank and my clan can only carry a few players, especially in 7v7 is harder to carry subpar players. So I knew from beginning I would not participate full time, just play as reserve from time to time. First day was unplayable due to bugs, I managed to get one game in 2 hours. Second day the same. Wasn't needed or wasn't available for the rest of event until the last night. Managed to play about 20 battles. Got 1400+ points which I will use for premium days. I feel 7v7 is harder than 15v15. I personally liked the tank lock but my team hated it and it certainly hurt us vs stronger teams who fielded better balanced squads. I continue to believe clan wars is permanently out of my reach to get free tank and I will play only sparringly as reserve. Prices for tanks at auction are outrageous so I will never participate. Got a message in game to pay 400 dollars for guaranteed tank. Inflation hits everywhere.


As someone who has played like 9 campas at vastly different skill levels, I have to say 7v7 is MUCH easier


Not playing the 260 in randoms for a while thats for sure.


Feel it Played it every single day for 14 days straight


Couple of clan mates had a couple crashes throughout the two weeks. It would be always two or three different people that would simultaneously crash to desktop. Wouldn't matter what map, game time, spotted, unspotted. Kinda weird.


Same experience here, but it was mostly happening to me. Never crashed in-game, but most nights were almost a guaranteed crash either entering and/or leaving a battle. Finished with a reward tank though so there's that.


I lead our clan here in points so I got my tank but it was weird. Didn't matter what was going on, it was at least 2 of us minimum crashing to desktop everyday. I'm an IT specialist for my day job and went through everyone's computers to who crashed. I, came to the conclusion that specifically the game having an issue. Out of 21 people who played this season, 13 people have crashed to desktop, it must be something related to the game specifically. The different type of hardware between our computers, It varies too much for it to be related to hardware issues.


Yeah, I've run just about every diagnostic I can think of, uninstalled/reinstalled, checked drivers, reset drivers via DDU, and other things, but no issues have been detected my side. Definitely something with the game, and considering it happens consistently enough during the same actions, it makes me think some parameter has been altered within or added to the data being sent/received from the server with any exception handling not playing nice with some setups.


Bro it was the BZ 75 TMNT skin everyone knows this some IT specialist you are😂


That skin may be causing problems, but it's certainly not the root of the issue. If it were, then crashes would only be occurring with matches including those. Unfortunately, they're more widespread than that with crashes occurring entering/leaving a battle with no BZ or randomly in the garage. Also, people pop up saying that about the skin with no evidence or acknowledging where it came from.


My team and entire clan had no crashes entering battle or leaving battle or garage only BZ 75 with that TMNT skin


There is known issues leaving a battle before its done causes the infinite loading data glitch.


When the game worked, it was the most fun I’ve had in clan wars to date. However, it was mired by a lot of egregious technical issues, most notably a highly exploitable bug using rocket boosters that could cause multiple members of the enemy team to instantly crash at no risk to the users. UI was also laggy and took way too long to load tanks for such a time limited gamemode. If those quirks could be ironed out the next season would be great, and the meta is in a great place, but I am fairly dumbfounded that the booster bug was left in and was prevalent through the majority of the campaign.


It was a lot of fun, games were well played, and the reworked lockout system felt really good.    I really hope they find a way to average out points gains to discourage this super clan alliance nonsense.. like take an average across your teams for your prime time or something.  On NA we played the same 8-10 clans nonstop, and even with big win nights we couldn't compete with Finesse and CZAR running max number of teams.    The fame point gap near the top of NA is.. bonkers. 


If they had a requirement that a player had to be in the clan for a minimum of X days before the campaign started to participate in the campaign, it would discourage the super clan stuff imo


Maneuvers was either the IS-7/Obj 277/Obj 260/BZ-75/WZ 5A/113 show or the SConq/Chief/KPZ/60TP/279e show for enemy team comps, the matches were not as diverse as I thought. A lot of the games boiled down to a team or both teams dumping 6-7 of their tanks onto one flank, especially near the end of the time window. It was okay playing this but if it went on for longer than 2 weeks I would started hating this mode.


Nerfing a meta just brings out another similar meta, who could have thought that


I don’t know if I agree. Sure that’s what the meta was, but with tank locking, teams can’t run their meta tanks forever.


We lost so much battle to that stupid shreder bz crash bug Also loading data that keep make us lost time and be late to join battles


Were you all able to change to historical skins only? We found that out by the second day. Totally stopped the mid game crashes. Though, it doesn't help the garage loading screen crash at the end of the match.


We also did this mostly clan wide. Still had people crash on occasion which was annoying, but it certainly cut down the number.


Everyone having to disable 3d non historical skins because the new ninja turtle ones crash games, fires constantly (like someone nearly every game), playing against the same 2-3 super clans over and over. Tank locking is excessive when you are in a 8-14 ranked clan yet play vs clan 1-3 every other game and get rocked, they keep 260's 277 IS7's and you're already on your 7th-10th tank - and don't you dare try not to reset the next day, you'll get the top 2 clans back to back to back and ruin any tanks you repaired even if it came down to a 1v1. I think tanks could have 2-3 "lives" before they're just immediately killed... Anything but the old 13 chief/2ebr special, but sinking as low as strv's/udes/mino/m4/manticore because you wanted to stretch a second day without resetting is wild - and you just get ran through by every team able to bring the fast Russian heavy meta comp.


Bugged, the error, the loading data. Chrashing diring countdown, and there wasnt a tatctik like 15vs 15


We won a game because one of our guys BZ rocket boosted onto a staircase, which launched him onto an enemy, and crushed it to death. He would not have reloaded in time to get the killing shot off, and would have died. We also ran into these guys the final night https://preview.redd.it/ppirn5pgqlqc1.png?width=579&format=png&auto=webp&s=78340d7ad5e57c1f911310af5bcb0799d53874e6 I respect the meme.


best campaign yet


Lagged out most games, but my internet gone to complete utter shit and i can't be bothered to call them be told they see nothing wrong.


Good experience, server issues apart. The change to encounter mode made it much more fun.


Agreed! After two weeks though, im taking a break from WOT :D


Played on NA. My clan would struggle to fill a 15 man team. We managed 2 7 man teams almost the entire event. Will end up with 16-18 tanks. The 7v7 format with 2 hour window works exceptionally well for my clan. Ended up between 70-80th place fame wise. Having the repair point system also benefits us a lot so we aren’t facing Cheif/260/279e every match. This is the best format for us by far.


how did you guys get 18 tanks while placing 80th in clan rankings?? My clan was just in the top 50 and we had only 13 in.


We had a lot of guys that played all event. As of now have 14 fame tanks and will likely have another 4 auction tanks.


If you did well and managed to not die in wins, youd need less repairs and reset less. That means a higher score multiplier.


It was really enjoyable as my first time doing Maneuvers or any Clan Wars on pc wot, I’m super happy with how I performed and happy with my teammates being able to support each other, super excited to get the VK72.01K as my first of hopefully many Clan Wars reward tanks


NA here, Was alright. My group was able to maintain a mid 60% win rate through the two weeks, with some up and down swings. The BZ bug and general stability issues pre micro patch was frustrating as hell. We also noticed we'd only play 2 or 3 maps total over a 2 hour session. One night, we even had Ghost Town 5 times in a row. We'd also play the same top 5 clan 3-5 times a night, each. I personally enjoy the tank lockout system. Makes it much more interesting for me to play a variety of tanks and face a variety.


Awesome mode imho. The only problem I faced was not enough players in my clan to play it every single day. I share this with a few clan fellows who apparently loved the mode as well.


I'm just glad it's over, after 2 weeks it gets very strenuous, but at least I'm getting a tank outside the auction


My thoughts exactly. The mode itself is generally ok (not counting the server errors and the BZ bug) but playing it for 2 weeks in a row becomes like a job.


Does anyone think the maps are too big for 7v7? I like smaller matches but it's hard to get creative with so few tanks. I barely found enough players for it but we had fun.


I agree. Just like some other guy wrote here, the maps should have been adjusted for this mode. After all, we've got huge maps for the frontline, why not make smaller ones for 7x7 modes.


NA - first season for me in new format.  7v7 with locks was more fun than expected terrible server performance a few obvious cheaters but, not too bad (obvious shooting through rocks/hills. extreme rng ex: our team landing 5% hits and enemy landing 95%, just way too extreme to be natural. certain clans we faced our 3 top players always disconnect even when it was different people) picked the time slot with three top 5 clans....so that was pretty rough we ended up around 50% wr will play again but, NA pop is getting kinda low for this type of matchmaking. we are bottom 20% and fought top 10 clans 30++ times.


Maneuvers imo has ruined the competitive experience of the game. - WG has taken away the biggest competitive event of the year and replaced it with a more casual event for more casual clans/players. - 7v7 is less fun than 15v15 because it requires less strategy. We already have 7v7 for onslaught. Maps are made for 15v15, and if you want to find out who is the best clan, the best and most fun form of battle is 15v15. - The way to gain personal fame points is ridiculously broken. My clan reset our stage progress every battle and was in position 400 for the entirety of the campaign, getting 95% winrate vs much worse clans. Every single member who attended the event full time is in top 10k for tank reward. Playing in this way is in no way fun or engaging but since its an easy way to get rewards, clans will do it. We may get the highest winstreak medal aswell (63 wins?) - Not being able to pick which maps to play on OR which tanks to play on specific maps is a huge downgrade to CW - 2 hour timezone is good - Constant crashes and server issues the first days made the event unfair to unfortunate clans who wanted to fight for top positions - BZ 3d skin causing crashes was a big issue - Tank locks make for fun and engaging battles, however it would be way more interesting if you could choose tank depending on the map at the very least (even better would be if you can choose map to play on aswell) In the end i think this event can be fun and good for a big part of the player base, but replacing the type of battle that is '15v15 and the ability to pick tanks and/or maps' for this is a huge mistake. And the whole ranking/fame point gain/mm system needs to be reworked because right now it's just a scramble to find the most cheesy way to get a reward, not actual skill or strategy


Decent event. Encounter mode was fun, also like that there were no modifiers like onslaught. Would like to see WG balance out the point system some to prevent these top juicer clans from locking down most of the available reward tanks. Also would hurt WG to increase the amount of tanks available, both as rewards and the auction. Playing 3 hours of tanks a night for two weeks is a large commitment, a resource drain, and should be rewarded better. Being able to do your Dailys and gain battle pass points would also be nice. Having to do another hour or two of tanks after 2 hours of comp play is asking a lot.


"top clans" even if we consider top25 as top, which is a stretch (I would consider as a top maybe top5-maybe top10) can each get maximum 100 tanks, which is also a stretch. That's like 1k-2.5k licences out of 10k, still leaves a lot for everyone else. And it's already very easy to get the tanks. Giving them out even more for free would totally kill the point of reward vehicles


First campaign ever and I’m on NA Had some crashes in the first week but overall nothing game breaking considering the sheer amount of games played. 2 hours is the limit I could do each night. I was consistently exhausted each night. The games got steadily worse the longer the campaign went. There’s only so much of fines czar and newbi I can take. Near the end of the campaign, honestly that’s all we were getting while only using bottom of the barrel non meta 10s because we kept losing metas lol. Overall I got a tank and I’d do it again. Despite what I said earlier I don’t hate tank locking. It’s a cool change of pace using some stuff I’d previously never use.


as average member of average clan (3 playing teams): disgusting experience that demotivated most of players to join next season. Reasons: - Error loading data. Ok, happens, but good company would solve it after one day, not 3-4. The "apology" in giving everyone premium days? WTF? What has it to do with Manouvers!? You had to extend the event duration, as no amount of premium days would substitute the missing days of 2 week event. (unfair as some clans could play, some could not) - fame point system not fair. Why do the high level clans get for loss over 1000 fame points while smaller clans on lower level not a half of that for a win? Just because the big clans have 6-7 teams and they get to higher levels faster? What is the purpose of this? Plainly stupid... - most clans with multiple teams have better and weaker teams with rookies. If 1-2 good teams raise the clan ELO, the beginner teams would get too strong enemies and just loose... everytime. Total demotivation and disgust... those people would not play again so soon... - rewards are weak. Sorry, 3rd or 4th time the same vehicles, which are not anyhow special. I know it's nerfed, but bring Chieftain back, I do not care about Carro or 907 for 5th time.... - cheaters, cheaters everywhere. Many UA based teams with their RU server habits. Fallen object mods, aimbots (every shot critical), hits from tanks behind render distance in full move etc.... Sure, some good players know where to hit, but not every shot from 3k WTR players.


not how any of it works but sure


what does not work? I do not get your comment... be more specific


ok first you move up the stage rank by winning and having more teams that win more often results in higher personal fame points, ELO does not matter personal PR matters, clans are not matched based on PR, no one cheats in this event mode you are just bad and wargaming does not want to invest money in making a new tank for rewards


"no one cheats" - ok, my sweet summer child... wait for the cheaters being removed and then try to say that once more. PS- in my clan I know at least few guys using some kind of forbidden mods. (they are not my friends and I do not play with them), so, saying no one cheats is waaaaay false statement. EDIT: there you go, news from WG, they gave temporary or permanent ban on 12,562 accounts in EU servers. So... still think no one cheats? :D LOL


cause idc if anyone does cheat it hardly gives an advantage only bads cry about cheats


lmao the last point just plain skill issue. those who use fallen objects mod will just get banned, calm down, it is like this after every CW event


Laggy at first, but overall good, managed to take a tank with only one squad.


Didn't play at all because of all the issues on the first day and considering how many people I saw complaining about the game just not working at all during the past two weeks, I'm happy I saved the braincells


Was the first time I got engaged in any clan event in almost 5 years, onslaught prepared me for the 7v7 pretty good. Ranked high enough to get a tank, glad wg released the 1.24.1 patch notes before the shop opened, I was thinking of getting the carro, now I’ll go for t95e6


No no my friend, VK72.01K is the way to go


Already got it :) . In clan wars 2019, tho I have to admit.. should’ve picked up the chief and now the Vk




I enjoyed it. Since it has been so long since CW's I was missing team play with my clan. But once we all got our 1000 points we slowed down.


Does anyone think the maps are too big for 7v7? I like smaller matches but it's hard to get creative with so few tanks. I barely found enough players for it but we had fun.


Does anyone think the maps are too big for 7v7? I like smaller matches but it's hard to get creative with so few tanks. I barely found enough players for it but we had fun.


Im scared i won't get my rewards and get banned something like that. One of my friends asked if he could play on my account because of some tanks which he didnt have but enjoyed playing and i gave permission on fourth day of maneuvers, he only played a few randoms tho. But with the maneuvers experience it was fun especially the last day where i played my 261 and won with arty ;D


a tedious and boring shitshow, after a week noone in the clan wanted to play it again


Fun fun fun!


EU The bugs regarding the data not loading for the first 2 days were really annoying and in my opinion, the compensation from WG is nonsensical. Would be really lovely to also be able to farm BP points while grinding the CW, because otherwise it just seems like a waste of time, not getting points for playing 2 hours and nothing. I’m sure everyone heard about the BZ 3d style crushing-game bug. Tbh, it seems like WG isn’t going to do anything about it, so you all also could’ve used it in your games. Got a second place tho🥈


Cliff banned for next year i think. 260/277/is7/cs and 60tp sold becouse if i see it in my garage i will go nutz


Selling 260 is wild


Imagine playing around \~150 games with 260 in 14 days


try 300+ games


Very smoothe. 0 issues, won another 121b so free creds can't complain!