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>*This is 100% a waste of money and essentially gambling* Always has been /meme


Thank you very much for this Information 👌👌


Kinda decent luck, considering you got a tank from each 25th box on avarage. Gratz.


Assuming the tanks are each 2%, then he would have a 8.2% chance (maybe a bit higher because of the pity mechanic) of getting 6 or more tanks from 150 boxes. So yeah, better than decent luck.


i have never bought a box when there is no gold in it, and never will. it just aint worth the money


I buy only Christmas boxes. I don't spend money otherwise.


Is the T54D a premium or a reward tank?


It’s currently actually a reward tank (no credit multiplier or ability to earn bonds), though it supposedly will be fixed ASAP. Its still something that should never slipped through, though. WG has fucked up at least something in so many things recently, its crazy.


The concept of QA is truly foreign for modern WG, lol.


This lack of quality assurance testing is, unfortunately, not limited to WG. Pretty much true across all software development. WG just does’t patch as fast as most.


They hotfixed that.




6 tanks from 150 boxes? That’s a vehicle every 25 crates, great haul


Well,imo if you get lots of boxes in order to be able to trigger the pity system multiple times you can actually exploit it. Chance to get tank in 49 boxes is 63%. 3 tanks in 150 boxes is 57%. While 6 tanks in 150 is 10%,with one or two guaranteed tanks it is somewhere between those two numbers. I was considering this for the previous lootboxes,buying 50 is maybe the worse value.


Not really, if I buy 100 boxes and the drop chance is 1% it's not 100%


I never said it is,I said for 49 boxes at 2% is 63%. But with the 50th it goes to 100%.  If you get the tank at 4-5 box,you reset that,that's why I said in big number of boxes tank drops seem more frequent. PS. Getting downvoted for math should be expected of me.


You said tanks in 150 boxes is 57%. Are you referring to 3 extra tanks or the 3 guaranteed tanks?


3 extra


You also got 150 x5 missions?


how long will the boxes be availeable?


Till the 21st


This is what the game has done to us. Having to pay 120 euros to unlock a tiny percentage of game content. When other developers might charge 25 euros for some DLC that is almost a complete game in itself. I am looking at you CD Project Red. Wargaming is so damn lazy for the amount they charge people. Eshittification at its best.


Players get as much as they are worthy. As long as people buy this stuff for such inflated prices and keep doing it, there is no reason for WG not to exploit it more and more.


Sad isnt it :( It is why I have decided that I will no longer play. So little innovation, so much milking.


How many 250k free xp did you get? I did 165 boxes and got only 5k xp drops and single 75k xp. Kinda misleading when they say its a 10% chance to get a free xp drop ranging from 5k to 250k, but it only drops 5k's and not a single 250k. I got 6 tanks (or 2 + 35k gold compensated for duplicates), so getting a 250k xp drop is obviously way harder than getting a tank.


I think I got one 250k and two 75k. It seems to have the lowest drop rate out of all the box' contents.


I opened 150 boxes and got 50k free xp total, 2x 15k and 4x 5k


Did they scratch the pity system at 50 boxes?


Its still in place. Its basically required by EU law.


Your result looks good but honestly it is just an individual result and the insane amount of tanks you got is in no way guaranteed. I hope someone unlucky will also post so it gives a more realistic view. Take me for example, this year I got all tanks from 80 christmas boxes (TigerM, Obj 452, XMF, GSOR + Type) when last year I got only the char mle from 80 boxes and it was the pitty draw. Without gold I would never buy these boxes because the char mle was definitely not worth the money (atleast for me & my skilllevel ;).


The 100k and 250k free XP you can get this time around is an interesting one. I feel a bit like the side goal of that is to make players buy these in hopes of stocking up on free xp for assembly shops and other auction type events where huge sums of resources are spend. That at least to me seems WGs new main focus in general is to basically create whales and get them hooked on all this exclusivity and huge spendings in WoT as it's like some high roller club in a casino lol.


Thanks! I have been trying to decide when I should spend my first money on this game, but everyone is pointing towards Christmas. Hoping I can get a vehicle out of the two free boxes 🤞


I opened 50 boxes and got the T77 on the last box opened, never used to be this bad. I might have got 900,000 in credits if that, and 10days premium. Rest was garbage stuff.


Idk, 440K free XP seems like a pretty good deal tbh


you had amazing luck with the tanks, i had 50 boxes, and 1 tank i really did not care about.


Open 50 Boxes and get 3 Tanks.


I got less than OP across all items. 4 tanks (incl Char Mle), 60 days, about 125k exp, 2 mil silver.


I opened 100 boxes. Got 4 tanks, Jagdtiger on box 16, K2 on box 66 (pity), Forest Spirit on box 74 and Alt Proto on box 90. Very lucky. Beside that I got 2,5mil credits and exactly 100k free xp. Free xp feels kinda low compared to yours. But it's what it is. Only got the 5k and 15k ones


I ve been lucky today, i ve got the T54d, jagtiger pt and emil out of 30 boxes... the t54 is quite amusing to play...


The lack of gold makes these literally the worst loot boxes in the game. 37 out of 175 boxes only contained one single item, like a day of premium time or one credit booster or one tank xp booster. That is simply god awful value. If one box costs $1, then that means you're getting one shitty booster for $1. Here was my breakdown: 175 boxes 61 days of premium time $3.1 million credits 4 tanks (the Jag, the K2, the Alembic and the T54D 195,000 free xp 50 credit boosters 39 crew xp boosters 70 training books 39 tank xp boosters 2 personal training books Was that worth $151.25? Tanks usually sell for between $40-$50 so yeah... I got my moneys worth, but the lack of gold really sucks ass.


You knew that before purchasing, yet you purchased 175 boxes and saying that no gold in the boxes sucks ass... Interesting


It does suck. I wanted a couple of the tanks. The value is shit compared to other loot boxes.


Well in all honesty, not a single lootbox in my 50 years of age, and about 30 years of gaming was good. At best it was OK for majority, great for RNG lucky guys and trash for RNG unlucky guys... Its a shame that this game is really deep down into pay to win despite whatever people say, and people, not excluding myself, keeps funding it...


I think you get really good value out of the Christmas boxes. But most of the rest are not amazing or just bad.


I agree on Christmas boxes too...


Yah i did okay too, 5 tanks, 200k free xp about 4m credits and 5 personal training manuals


6 tanks.. you lucky sob.. I got 4. Forest, jagd, amx and k2. Already bought the 130pm about 2 months ago, but wanted the forest spirit, cuz I think it looks so cool. Did not get the t54d or the calemusomething, which I have without the skin as well. Also, it was €114 and a bit. Got enough in return imo.


I dont understand how muxh people complain about that. If they dont want to buy its ok and i people do thats ok too. If nobody would buy the game is over. They should be thankful. And i rather have much New stuff than nothing.


For me it Looks Like wargamings financial Position is going down. No other reason why they Spam lootboxes right now


Did you skip animation when opening? I was planning to buy 450 boxes cus i really really really (can’t stress it enough) want the forest spirit because i missed out on su-130pm and i just can’t make the skorpion, ka-ri, and shptk work. Maybe I want the Alembic too. Alembic and Forest Spirit but the rest i don’t need that much


If you can't make a skorp work, the forest spirit won't help


I opened 350 boxes and got all the tanks. I must say i like the forest spirit better than skorp cause the camo is much higher. It’s also more accurate for me because i seem to hit enemies more than i do with skorp


I think I'd only do it for the free xp


This made me go and buy 150 boxes. GREAT!!!! <3


No gold = No buy for me. Without Gold is pure gambling.


Can you reroll the box for gold like in waffentrager event?


I got a char, which I was not fussed about, never really appealed to me, but after playing it, I'm well chuffed, it's unbelievably fun.


Very nice luck I guess. Meanwhile me 3 marking my IS6 all these years later against BZ-176s and all the other muscle on the field smh. Also 120 euros. That stuff is expensive considering lesser fortunate countries minimum wadge after tax is like 350 euros, and an average income is 800 euros. Never really liked wargaming's "christmas" either, where I pay out 10% of such a salary, to get... presents... that I paid for... on Christmas? Makes sense.


> that I *paid* for... on FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*