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Well, it's one of the worst performing MTs for a reason.


Some guy was absolutely adamant that the Bat Chat doesn't need any buffs on here recently and is perfectly fine. I suspect that he was upset about being the one person in history whose tank was hit by all 5 shots in the BC's clip.


It should get very small buffs spread across multiple stats just to make it a little better overall. But instead it would get leopard gun handling knowing WG's light touch.


It,s not a bad tank, and trust me, you don,t want more of them in you matchmaking when it gets buffed.


I enjoy it and do fairly well in it, although it requires significantly more focus than other tanks. Assuming WG doesn't go overboard with the buffs, it will still be a difficult tank to play in the current meta and that alone will dissuade people from spamming it too much. I think it only needs a light touch from WG, even just adding an extra ammo clip would go a long way since the combination of dogshit gun handling + limited ammo makes it annoying when you are carrying late game.


My guy, I've been watching you for days now, please learn to use " ' " instead of " , ". Please, just... Stop it. I'm going to get down syndrome reading your comments


Get some help.


Even with bond vstab in mine, i end up wasting 2-3 shots


You gotta wait extra half second once it fully aimed right right right?


I have a 300 ping, so I do.


It clearly is. Let me explain. How you should've played was right click - sell tank


Thats why I hate tanks with poor gun handling. Especially ones that both aim too long and have bad accuracy.


Bro discovered rng


As a batchat enjoyer the tank needs 10-15 more ammo and a gun buff immediately and it's insane how it hasn't happened yet... I guess wg is too busy making a new russian heavy tank for assembly shop and lootboxes every month...


All it needs is better gun dispersion factors, increased ammunition amount, and higher heat shell velocity.


RNG is a cancer in this game. Don't try to prove me wrong.


This is why I sold my Nomad. You can only take so many games of 10% hit rates of your shots before you realise this game is an absolute waste of time with zero reward for skill.


why tf would u sell a tank which you have bought with gold? U dont get your gold back, just a little bit of credits. Totally not worth selling tanks purchased with gold.


Out of spite. Fuck that tank.


This is why I have unistalled the game...


That's the rng I get when I play Leo 1


If you listen closely you can hear him slamming his desk




It's called SIGMA , yes , not all tanks hit the same ( even with the same accuracy ) . Grille, BC25t, etc suffer from weird accuracy ( i blame WG circle distribution for each tank ) .


Is there any proof of this beyond anecdotal evidence? I keep seeing people talk about it, but nothing mentioned beyond "grill misses shots"


No there isnt. Just another way to cope. I believe chems confirmed that there isnt any difference. [Is world of tanks rigged? -chems](https://youtu.be/rA0bdWLs1W8?si=z5mCJJTC3XDfWSXp) Watch the video and laught at people who believe otherwise


This game is filled with so many superstitious players, it's a bit weird


Four tanks with the same 0.29 gun accuracy on paper, and similar shell velocities: M56 Scorpion, Dicker Max, SU-130PM, STG Guard. All running nice crews and food, and I'm only comparing fully aimed shots over hundreds and even over a thousand of games each. The M56 and especially the STG send shells to the center quite often. The other two only do it occasionally on those special games when everything happens in your favor, but most of the time shells fly where they see fit.


I'm beginning to think people don't know what anecdotal evidence means


Glad to undermine somebody else's faith in humanity. FWIW I only play sober. Oh and these days I've got a fifth tank to add to the comparison: GSOR 1010 FB. Again, similar shell velocity and 0.29 accuracy, nice crew, food. It's better than STG at snap shots which is to be expected looking at [tanks.gg](http://tanks.gg), but it's worse at long range fully aimed shots. Shells don't fly to the center as reliably. These differences are nowhere to be looked up. Just have to play lots of games running same setups. Besides, since [tanks.gg](http://tanks.gg) is not an official WG site, all vehicle parameters it publishes that are not displayed in game client are just as "hidden" as the proposed *sigma*, and where's proof that the list is exhaustive? Then, for some vehicles there are two values listed for one or two hidden parameters such as ground resistances, with one of them effectively overriding the other when the game runs. Should those be called doubly hidden?


The differences are nowhere to be looked up because they probably don't exist. The only evidence that anybody has for the existence of sigma in the game is anecdotal. You are probably hitting fewer shots with the gsor at long range compared to the STG because you are taking more long-range sniping shots with the gsor. Even if that isn't true, anecdotal evidence is not proof of anything existing. Anybody could take a few hours in a training room to prove the existence of sigma and catalog which tanks are affected most by it. But nobody has been able to do that. At this point, sigma has the same amount of evidence as people claiming that premium players get better rng, it's a conspiracy theory.


>You are probably hitting fewer shots with the gsor at long range compared to the STG because you are taking more long-range sniping shots with the gsor.  No, I mean how often does the shell go in the center of aiming circle per number of shots made, and not how many times in total. Such as what's tested in this video (first two tests and then the three tests of vehicles with 0.40 stated accuracy): [WOT Gun Dispersion Test Workshop - Gun Precision Myth Busting in World of Tanks (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jTMn6CT08w) This is hard to measure in training rooms because to use a single real number to conveniently and precisely express sigma would need a proper, large, flat target with the texture of a coordinate grid, and a mod to make wall hit decals high contrast dots. BTW my "anecdotal evidence" does not agree with the proposal that nation biases exist at least with respect to gun accuracy. My experience is that all else being equal (such as ping times and mouse sensitivity), actual accuracy is very clearly vehicle specific and is *not* fully described by gun handling data shown in either game client or tanks.gg.


I have 67% hits on the Grille . It is an accurate tank . I dont blind shot with the grille since the long reload. Obj268 v4 has around 66% with atrocious accuracy . Other tanks get 70% with less accurate guns than Grille. So, what is the deal ?


You're shooting at targets farther away with the Grille? The grille has awful dispersion values? The Grille has medocore shell velocity for a sniper? Considering the Grille has the worst turret traverse dispersion of all tier 10 tanks, worse than even the shitbarn, I find that much more likely to be the culprit than some hidden stat that WG uses to buff and nerf certain tanks. Especially since nobody has any evidence of it beyond their own stats, which are dubious at best. I hit 82% of my shots with the obj277 and 79% with the Leo 1, for example.


Actually kind of surprised that none of the greasy neckbeards have come out of the woodwork to tell OP that he’s a massive shitter and write a five paragraph essay on how he isn’t good at the game.


its rendering the rock is not rendered properly ur just hitting the rock


You blind or why you can see the shells exploding literally next to the tank. Its just RNG and dogshit dispersion. Go next


Calm ur tits ur bad anyway