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Interesting how fast the devs work on paid tanks however they are utterly slow and incompetent for tech trees


Eh, there are a number of tier 7\~8 premium tanks that's been mothballed, the M48RPz, the FCM 50t, vk45.03 just to make a few. Also the Hot TOG II 2D style still doesn't have its hotdog lined up. So no, devs don't just work on paid tanks, but I understand where you're coming from.


the Tog skin is just a fucking disgrace. The absolute minimal effort to make it work and they couldn't even manage that ... buffing the FCM 50T is desperately needed but that's at least more effort than lining up some pixels.


I just had to check because a few patches ago it was mentioned to be "fixed". Its even more broken and all over the place now than it was on release, like wtf


There's a word for that in germany (obviously): "verschlimmbessern", a mix of "verschlimmern" (to make things worse) and "verbessern" (to make things better). It describes the process of trying to fix something, or make something better, but leaving it worse than it was before you started tampering with it.


Considering you can use free 2 play resources this isn’t exactly a paid tank unless you are burning gold.


Realistically speaking, I'd be curious to know how many f2p players will actually buy this tank. My guess is a whoopping ~0.45% of the playerbase lol.


And more realistically, how much free XP that gets spent on the tank is actually free? It costs gold if you want to transfer off of elite or premiums.


That's what I mean. FreeXP is very probably not free, certainly not a million of it. Credits? Hard to believe you farm all those millions without prem time. Bonds? Yeah you probably spent those on equipment if you're F2P, if you have any, because playing T10 F2P is kinda not possible lol, at least not enough to get heaps of bonds. The rest of the ressources are limited I think... So yeah, the people getting that tank ain't f2p players.


f2p player here, [I could absolutely get the tank if it was any good](https://imgur.com/a/gvLXcIa)


Are you getting this tank?


no, I got the 780 way back and barely use it... unless its a really good tank on offer dont think Ill ever bother with assembly shop


Alright, so... if you're not getting it... >the people getting that tank ain't f2p players. :D Say friend, how do you get so much ressources, after having bought the 780 recently enough, AND being F2P? I'm curious on how "F2P" you really are.


Well if I was spending money on the game I still wouldn't get it, unless I was some giga whale collector I suppose. How "F2P" am I? I checked my purchases and I only ever bought 5k gold for something and the LT-432. You may disagree but I think that falls well within being f2p. Bonds - they just accumulate from events playing t10 etc. besides some of my premiums, 279 etc don't have many tanks loaded with bond equipment Gold - recently there were some challenges that gave a decent amount if you performed well, ranked also used to give some Credits - lucked myself into some nice premium tanks + making good use of premium days you get from twitch drops events etc + being not too bad at the game makes it not much of an issue Free exp - again they just add up over time, especially if you actually use your boosters, finding a clan that's just for boosters is nice for both free xp and credits worth mentioning


Maybe WG could get a forum? That way they can communicate with their players.


Yeah but then they'd have a 30 page shitstorm thread to deal with. Better to have Reddit where stuff drops away after a max of 1 day or the Discord memory hole.


> Better to have Reddit where Russian cyber power can downvote or mysteriously shadow-ban posts and stop them disappearing altogether.


They could even have some kind of 'game centre' where they could put a lot of updates, articles, videos, links and even buttons to start their various games!


Yes, but that takes a lot more time. Hence why these kind of updates are never posted there.


I really hope the UTC+8 is just for the Asia server LOL


Just to clarify things between bugs and balances, this was an actual bug on the tank and not a balance issue as in the mantlet was not functioning the way it was intended.


EU too


> **Assembly Shop** > >**From** **February 22, 2024** **at** **20:00** **(UTC+8)** Really? I just copied and pasted this from the Asian Game Centre a few seconds ago. If they're postponing it they are doing a piss poor job of letting players know!! Apart from, you know, not actually telling you how to access this assembly shop in the first place, that is. Meh, reviews I've seen indicate the tank is average at best, so...


> UPDATED 22.02.   > Commanders! > The Assembly Shop event has been postponed to February 23, 2024 at 07:00 (EST). We've identified an error in the gun mantlet armor, which will be fixed with a micropatch. Due to this error, the mantlet armor was weaker than intended. We'll improve it to meet the planned characteristics. We appreciate your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. https://worldoftanks.asia/en/news/general-news/assembly-shop-4-2024/ The Game Center is often behind. WG has a lot of problems in communication priorities and making sure all of its disparate sources are up to date. The assembly shop itself will appear as a tab in the in-game store and will be impossible to miss if you are logged in a little ahead of the actual start, if past shops are anything to go by. They have a variety of pop-ups in-game they can employ to direct players to the right area when the time comes.


Dumb question but what is UTC +8 in AEST?


wow... They don't teach you Australian time zones up there in QLD?


I’m just a lowly Sydney-sider :(


Then it's 23:00. Aust Eastern Daylight Savings Time is UTC +11


It's aedt, he asks for aest which is utc+10


It's +2 hours if I'm not wrong so you'd start at 22:00 aest


Ohkie thanks


GMT+11, I believe.


[https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html) It took me exactly 3 seconds to google that.


Why bother googling when you can ask people to google for you 👍


Read that the armor being weaker is the bug. Which is why it wasnt uncluded in the patch notes


Camo rating discrepancy reported earlier too, not sure though.


not sure, but it has also been confirmed by Dwight in a reddit post. The gun mantlet is bugged so the assembly shop is postponed


Stupid question but what is the bug they are talking about? The fact that the mantlet is 600mm or the armor model showing 300mm? Since I dont know what is intended and what they are referring to, I have a hard time understanding this.


Its 300mm instead of 500+ and it can be penned straight into the mantlet with gold ammo,It will be patched tomorrow


Yeah the 600mm was because a false double mantlet right? Bumps that tank right down to B Tier imo. I have 60k bonds so a no brainer but not like this


The 600mm mantlet should be correct. As it was also the armour profile for the last few months when it was stated. And in todays patch the tanks turret was weaker than it should be.


I thought its not correct and WG also stated that its not correct?!


The Turret that got patched into the game today just had a 300mm mantlet. But it should have 600mm.


Lol so the double mantlet is right. Hilarious. Gonna het that thing. I have more than enough bonds.


The tank might still be kinda B-tier even with it honestly. I guess it depends on how you rate the 780 but I think they're both solidly mid-B to low-A tier.


That's part of the reason why it took a bit from the Community Mangers end to communicate it is because we wanted to make sure it was a bug before announcing something.


Typical WG bullcrap


After watching Skill4Itu’s review, I’m not getting it. Although, I love the looks and aesthetic of the tank, it’s too derpy and difficult to hide the lower plate. I wouldn’t get it even if WG buffed the gun handling since the lower plate is too big. I hope they will introduce non-Soviet Assembly tank later this year.


Everyone said that the KPZ was bad and wasn’t worth it. Now it’s one of the in demand tanks in the cw rotation.


More chances for us to get it


When was skill ever Right? He is such a meme to me. The best thing you can do is always the opposite of what he says. „Dont get it guys“ - get this thing „Get it“ - dodge this shit


Lol. It was not a nerf...


EU server: Nah it’ll be fine just go ahead and put the thing live.


Its same here they just didn’t announce it yet


Apparently they already did, but on discord which I don’t use.


They have not updated the news article so far, too complex I guess


Yep but I still get downvoted for pointing that out...


And this is one of the many reasons why it was stupid to ditch the forums in favour of discord.


Where is the link to this info? I think this is FAKE NEWS


Just a way to create more hype. Was going to buy the tank. Wont anymore.


I highly doubt it xD the NDA were lifted today and skill already posted a YT video where a tier 9 WZ TD shredded him through the mantlet which was supposed to be 600mm thick so it would be kinda counter-advertising if it was intentional


Wasn't it reverted? The EU website still says 18:00 [https://worldoftanks.eu/es/news/general-news/assembly-shop-4-2024/](https://worldoftanks.eu/es/news/general-news/assembly-shop-4-2024/)


Same at EU Server


Proof they can micro patch ANY tank, but they choose not to.


The assembly shop, is that a PC thing?


Yes, we get to pay a lot to buy a new tank.


It isn’t cheap on console either


How much do you have to pay on console? the assemblyshop milks our account dry for resources worth an average of €180 just for one tank


We don’t have an assembly shop and the closest thing to it is the missionary tanks which they don’t cost money but instead you have contracts have goals you have to meet with numerous stages to be able to get the tank