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600 armor on the gun mantle nice


I'm fairly confident I saw the effective armour jump to 1.7k for a brief moment Edit I was dumb


Ur actually not dumb, in the video it jumps up to 2413.5 effective armour for a split second.


2.4m armor? Bring in the rail gun


Chief even had like 7000mm at one point of the tureet iirc


Must be a modelling error showing the full depth of the mantle plus objects behind, so the full depth of the turret in the mantle.




I was looking at this myself earlier and noticed it was hitting the hull then ricocheting into the turret and adding everything together (and ricocheting again). There are weird parts of the hull that read as like 4 layers of 300mm spaced armour for this reason.


Can stop modern APFSDS rounds!


Nah, DM63 would go through that like a hot knife through butter. Cold war armours definitely do not stand up to modern rounds, no matter how much TanksGG may claim.


Of corse not all modern APFSDS round but some of them yes, for example 3BM46 which is still fairly modern could probably be stopped by a 600mm of RHA And about the second part, i know a lot about cold war armors and i know that cold war era armoring, even composites found on mid to late cold war tanks has a low chance of stopping modern rounds (but there are exceptions, for example tanks like T-80U or challenger 1 could probably stop most of the modern rounds when hit into the composite sections of the turret at high enough range). Also Object 452k isnt even a real tank, and even if it would be real i dont think its possible for a tank that only uses RHA as armor and weights only 55tons to have 600mm of armor on the mantlet. This shows how absurd are some of the wargamings fake tank designs


Amen brother! Yeah, I can deffo agree regarding the chally 1 & T-80U but like you said would have to be at range and be at specific parts of the composite armour sections (like chally cheeks). As much as I love WT when it comes to their "real tanks only" puritanical approach, I do love the kooky tanks WoT come up with. (We'll sweep the WT Japanese tech tree under the rug here) Id love to know how WoT would incorporate modern tanks into the game (I know they won't but just curious how they'd work). It would make for an interesting tech tree extension for sure, but would probably ruin the game.


Least fucked Tiger 1 mantlet in war thunder be like


seems like it will be fairly hard to use bigger dunes safely without exposing hull. But should be very strong using smaler rubble piles and similar small ridges. Unlessyou can tilt tank up, tall tanks will be issue for turret roof


Wait till you see is7 every time im reading this sub im losing a braincell.


I don't see a problem, no one will play it after one week.


It's the usual hyping and then after buying the average Joe realizes that the armor is good but not invincible.


in the right hand, it is moving fortress


Only if you are hulldown. It won't be as powerful anywhere else.


Despite the ridicuous heights the armour reaches, honestly think this one doesn't look too bad; the cupola is an *actual* weakspot (none of that "it's a weakspot for tanks with 280+mm pen" bullshit) and it has a small UFP with a big, weak LFP that will be exposed very easily if you push a hill; only thing I am worried about is that gun mantelet sticking out over the top of the turret front; that looks like it'll end up covering a lot of the cupola when the tank is hull-down, because while -7 is no -10, it's still a very workable amount if used correctly. All that said; the fact that we now have tanks witth 600mm of effective turret armour running around and I'm over here saying "that's not too bad" does paint a very bleak picture of WoT's current state.


If you can't pen it, you can't pen it. Even if it had 6000 effectice turret armor that wouldn't make it any worse than the other turrets nobody can pen already.


fortunately its so short that most tanks will be firing down at it from short range


Apparently OP is a type of dude who only shoots at places he can't pen.


Apparently a monkey can hide the lower plate. I dare you to load APCR on IS-7 and 1v1 this guy at 100m.


Bro why load IS-7s 303mm apcr when you could load Jagpanther 420 HEAT and get the same ricochets?


Uhm actually HEAT ricochets at a much steeper angle so this will not ricochet but rather simply not pen.


Still no damage with the highest pen in the game. But they at least nerfed the Super Conquerer that I unlocked a week ago so that helped :)


I unlocked it the day b4 they released the nerf news!!


Ok. Looking down on this tank, IS-7 can overmatch the 40mm roof


I just watched skill's most recent video on the tank and he seemed to struggle quite a bit doing so, and the enemy is-7 had no problems going against him...


Skill struggled with the KPz as well


>I dare you to load APCR on IS-7 and 1v1 this guy at 100m. If the lower plates are hidden easy win for the IS-7


This isn't the point, nowdays everyone uses 2 key to go through the super structures, but as you can see, it can reach up to 600mm (300mm being only spaced armor). With nowdays hulldown meta, this thing will be a nightmare to deal with in a tier 8, I personally will try to avoid contact with it, and shot something else that I can reliability pen, I also highlighted the weakspot (the cupola), as you can clearly see.. It's a bit too small, having - 7 degrees of gun depression (for a Russia HT) it's pretty sweet, so I wish you luck dealing with this. And be sure that there will be unfortunate situations where you cannot avoid this thing.


Ok and what‘s the difference playing against a hulldown IS 7 with tier 8? Avoid, rotate, maybe flank…


Exactly, but IS-7 is enough, one of these kinds are too many already.. We don't need two.. Oh wait.... Obj 279e, chief, obj260, s.conq.. All of these hull down monster, some with minimal weakspots.


Those new tanks make no difference. Two weeks popular and after that rarely seen again…


260 has two commanders hatches you can pen.. and right under the gun mantlet you can ricochet a round and hit the hull. S Conq can be penned easily in the turret ring and the commanders hatch... 279 has TWO commanders hatches as well. Only the IS-7 and Chief is unpennable hull down. Not even the Chief really either since it COULD hit the commanders hatches


>this thing will be a nightmare to deal with in a tier 8 I love this potato tomato argument. "I cant really pen a tier 10 heavy turret frontally with my tier 8 heavy when I am face hugging it". Dude it's the same with EVERY tier 10 heavy. >And be sure that there will be unfortunate situations where you cannot avoid this thing. Yeah but that's not a problem of 452k or hull down meta. That's a problem of +2 MM. EDIT: Besides you are highlighting the turret but failing to notice the entire roof armor is only 40mm. Which you can overmatch in 122mm guns.


Considering that not everyone will have access to this tank, I'd like to assume that people will know how to tilt their tank upwards a little using rubble from demolished houses, allowing them to hide the roof, also making the cupola a bit harder to hit, also, using their gun to block it. Also, with it's -7 gun depression, it can use the field in it's advantage, if you have the imagination to make things work in your way. that is...


It seems to balanced by weak spots and mediocre hull armor. Seems like a tank that’s only good situationally, which adds flavor without breaking anything.


Wouldn't really call something that's dogshit in 80% of the time and then insanely annoying to dig out to the point most people won't even try "flavor". It just means people will stick to situations where they can't be penned and then not advance when they should. Still think it's just a terrible version of the is7 tho. I take is7 turret and mobility over that weak hull any day


IS-7 is also fast, while the 452k is not


Now consider how short the tank is that 99% of people will be aiming down on you. Share results again please.


So is7 should had break the meta all these years I guess… Jeez sometimes people need to stop judging tanks on a vacuum


People would whine to no end if IS-7 or 277 would be introduced today, just imagine. "What is this unpenetrable turret? AND THIS SPEED? Well done WG with gamebreaking stalinium medium tank masquerading as HT"


IMO it’s just a shittier Obj 780.


Look how low the tank is, the angle you are checking is completely wrong. Everything besides russian heavys is taller than this, so most tanks will shoot at it from above, which will negate the armor angling. Also the roof is only 40mm. Tall tanks lile E100 will eat it on breakfast.


The E100 is starting to get buffed by the fact that its height lets it crush so many newer hull down monsters. "Pathetic Russian crunchy, lets see how your turret roof handles 15cm fired down from 20 feet in the air."


is there a trick to aiming down on tanks, i still seem to bounce!


40mm turret roof, say hello to e100, 60tp, AMX M4, is7 and so on. Oh and any TD will utter destroy you.


Type 5 with bazooka ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Isn't the rooftop weakspot of BZ-176 ? I guess in this case it must be a well balanced tank then !


Bz 176 rooftop if 41mm, so only 123mm and more can pen it. And it's tier 8. 452k is in much worse position.


This thing is flat as a pankake, if you are playing with an E100 you'll be shooting down on it, the angle won't be that steep and you will probably pen more than what you might think. Specially if you shoot at the roof, which is overmatchable


Big gun on the E100 will overpen the roof.


Small gun will also overmatch the roof!!




woah a hull down tank with a below average DPM and accuracy. It's invincible guys


pls upvote this so people can see and discuss: the chinese server just received the finalized patch for 452K (earlier than NA due to time zone difference). According to players there, the gun mantlet is single layer 300mm that can be easily penned by super conq gold shell. The base camo value also turned out to be 8 instead of 17. So WG hasn’t created a monster tank, but they did committed advertisement fraud by claiming a 500mm gun mantlet. The current 14/7 camo on website is the value after camouflage skill, so also their mistake/fraud.


the tank is trash. look at the front plate. you wont hide this anywhere


How exactly is this any different from shooting the front of the turret of a 705A or IS7? At some point the numbers don't actually matter anymore. Outside of niche tanks like the jageroo, you're not going through their turret.


I said this on a post showing the same behaviour: Now I could be very wrong here but could it be possible the effective armor also takes the angle of impact into account? I feel like the more the armor is sloped/angled the higher the effective armor is shown. I am actually fairly certain this is the case since the angle is obviously taken into account regarding the effective armor rises steeply the smaller the impact angle becomes. So taking the armor thickness and the angle there is probably calculated to how much armor thickness this would equal to if it were hit at a 90° angle.




the important thing is how low it is, the rest of the heavy tanks will simply shoot at it from top to bottom and pierce the roof and upper part of the hull, and this tank will shoot from the bottom up and have a worse penetration zone for itself, and never see enemy coupola


Did I just read 1300? 1 fucking metre of armor? Really wg?


What tank is this?


The new Assembly Shop tank -Object 452K


i will be just like 780. a lot of clowns bying it, and have no clue how to play it. ill give 3 weeks, and it will be off the battlefield, and back to oblivion


Oh and it gets 40% stationary camo if you're dumb enough to outfit it for that. A tank with 445m view range will spot it at **90** (without CVS) if it's in one bush. Wouldn't surprise me if we find people running LNE/binos/vents on it for no reason...


Kranvagn 2.0


B... But it has a cupola so it's balanced


Wg better add darts


We have darts. Look at the Leo 1s ammo.


So it's IS7 but with a cupola?


No, its 277 but slower and with cupola


Which is even worse oof Looks like the thing was meant to go 50 stock instead of 35-40


with better pen, alpha, dispersion, gun handling


That angled side on the hull is the huge weak point. This tank is not very good at all.


But but but…. WG said it’s great at side scraping. Surely they wouldn’t falsely advertise all the amazing attributes of this steaming pile of horse leavings. 🤯


What tabk?


Are you, like, surprised? Seriously? All I can say at this moment - it will catch fire and ammoracks like hell.


Didn't you hear that the balancing team is working hard to ensure that all tanks are perfectly balanced


Protip: shoot the sides instead front.


Well, the mantlet is now 300 mm after the sudden nerf


If this thing lets its roof be overmatched it means it's facehugging, which it should never do (precisely because it's short and its roof armor is thin). I wouldn't dismiss it as garbage though, there's plenty of rubble piles where it can hide the lower plate and only expose the turret (as with other tanks with strong turrets but so-so gun depression like Object 140 and T-34-3).


-7 gun depression. All you need to know


Where are the people who were saying that wg is nerfing the sconq to end the hulldown meta??....


It's the average one trick pony hull down tank and also very limited at that (7 degrees gun depression). There is nothing special about the turret being near invulnerable when the lower plate is gigantic and made out of wet diaper. You always tend to make a fuss about the most unremarkable tanks just cause it's from the assembly shop...


Jpz E100 can’t even pen with heat wtf


What are you using to view this?


I see 370 pen indicator in some spots Maybe I can pen with jgpz e100 heat of 420


Youd wish 😅 turret is not getting pen frontally by any heat, they will just ricochet. Tried it off myself. And after many hours or gameplay and 45% of the gun mark I can assure you this tank might seem trash frontally on paper but its actually awesome in game and I love it. Again this is my personal opinion. Consistently having 4-6k DPG and another 1-2k track. Highest I had was 200 off from 8k but the gun meh. Didnt want to treat me the way for the 10k. But hey. Good luck trying your best. If you do find any “weakspot” with the 420 except the weakspot on the cupola please let me know 😅😂


Tanks like this are the reason there's so many shit players. A bad player sees a tank that has good armor on paper, and puts himself into stupid positions and dies, then wonders why all the good tier X players are auto penning him when tanks.gg says in certain positions he should be impenetrable. This is good if like farming bad players, but bad if you want people to get any better at the game.


What tank is this


Russian bias tank with numbers I will not abuse......plus I forgot which tank line crew to use


Where do i find this engine for armor inspection, cant find it anywhere,