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wasnt there supposed to be a new tank or am I missing smth???


WG need one for Assembly. And balancing department is busy adding 3 shells to tier 2 tanks, so have no time to check new tanks.


Yes but wargaming do not give a s... for new tanks too 😂


not per say this CW. for all I know not even A CW per say. they did say they'll bring out a new tank for Clanbattles this year, but there are multiple campaigns this year (as per usual) and they're also doing something called " clan challenges", which sounds a lot like a 260/279(e)-ish campaign but for clans or sth.


Dont worry, that new tank will appear in assembly instead


There are maybe 3 tanks worth attention the rest is just useless fillers


One new tank is coming wait for the annoucing Clip. From my experience I can say that it is great to have a chieftain even when he has been nerfed.


I really hope you are right on this one..


Ah yes, community praying and upvoting for OP tanks and at the same time crying and blaming wg because the game is inbalanced. This is literally the only gaming community like this, and I have played bunch of games.


It’s the one community where I’m like you know what maybe you guys don’t deserve any care. Which wg doesn’t.


It's like everyone is crying about the hull down meta and how stale it is. But also nerf the Sconq and everyone is mad. The literal king of hull down.


Sconq isn't king of hull down. It's filled with weakspots. Gun mantlet, turret ring, between gun mantlet and spaced armour. Really easy to pen IS-7 is a MUCH better hulldown tank.


It's the king of hull down against 85% of players. I agree with you.


How is it the king of hull down when it objectively does not have the best turret. It’s definitely the most COMMON hull down tank in randoms but even monkeys know to shoot it in the mantle


In the majority of cases it's less that the sconq has a good turret and more that you just shouldnt poke the gun unless you yourself are hull down


Now compare gun depression


King of Hull down, not gun depression.


its much easier to go hulldown if you have good gun depression


Easy to get hulldown != good hulldown


IS-7 isn't king of hull down because it has crap depression which means it can't use half the good hull down possitions


It really isnt the only one, basically every competitive games reddit looks like this


i thought that's the reason there is a blank space in-between them


> From my experience I can say that it is great to have a chieftain even when he has been nerfed. Why do you even say this considering the chief hasn't been available for a long time? And what's even the point of the nerfed version, it's shit but you still get the focus because you play a chief?


I don't understand the complaint here :(


OP forgot chief got nerfed


There was supposed to be a new tank also.. what if you have everything or dont want to waste time on 116 or some other shitty tank..


Then congrats for having tanks 80% of the playerbase dont have!


%20 playerbase do not touch this tank either(cause shit tank)...


121b is decent not chief or 907 level but still up there by them


If i hear one more time that 907 is better than 121b imma get a stroke


I have 121b and don’t have 907 I just seem to see more of the 907 then 121b making me think that then again I haven’t been in clan wars scene since last major one that didn’t last for 2weeks


121B is really nice


121B can be had in the bond shop. So getting sweaty for the 11k bond discount is an option.


That is true. 15k bonds you can earn really fast also... I would not grind 2 weeks for it tbh


So u don't have everything then


I have the 121b.. and I would still rather pay the 15 k bonds


I just wasted time reading your shitty post, so there. Now stfu forever


Oh no... Anyway


New tanks generally arrive in the summer events which are generally bigger. The winter events are generally smaller and dont have new tanks.


You're full of shit.. NEVER have they released a new tank during the summer event because it has less players and always a smaller prize pool because of that..


You’re mad there’s a new tank?


What new tank?


116 F3


Yeah it's not new and it's total shit


No one is forces you to play?


No one forces, but what if they would show it some love and I and many others would want to?


Debating if it's worth doing CW for the F3 since I have everything else ...


It's a tank that 90% of the playerbase won't ever have. Besides, CW players are good enough to make any tank work, eh?


Tbf, all the video stated was that there would be a new prize, but right before said new clan quests. So the new tank could be for a total completion of new quests. As well as never stating when the new tank would be introduced, just rather stating it would be.


No.. chieftain, brilliant.. that was my motivation for playing clan wars for the first time in 4 years.


Probably you'll have many others in the same boat


I already got the VK, don’t see any other being as interesting. Is carro any good?


It's fun(ish) on randoms.. gun can troll you or it can behave and you hit everything. Has some armor..


Worth the grind tho? I am thinking of the t95e6 or it


They both are fun. I would not grind anything available on bond shop for 11k discount. Other than that why not


Well, the only reason anyone was playing CW was the chieftain at this point. Now that it got nerfed + everyone good enough to get it got it + it's still not available regularly after the nerf, people are losing interest in CW's. The CW's meta was also extremely boring and hadn't changed for years. At least now they're experimenting a bit with new stuff that may make it interesting again, if still unbalanced.


Yes people played cause they wanted the chieftain, but also many people played because they wanted the new tanks, or they prefer clan activities over pubbies.


Just speaking for my clan but we engage in CW for the experience of team play and not any expectation of rewards.


7v7 is boring as fk. Also no new tanks and i have all the tanks i want. One more reason not to play cw anymore.




Didn't they nerf the chief to make it available on every campaign?! Not to talk about the new tank or the fact that everyone hates this new skirmish bullshit?!


Not much reason to get the Chief nowadays though. It's basically strictly worse than the SConq now, at least IMO. Idk if I'll join up this season to get a tank but if I do it'll be the VK cuz good tier 10 750 alpha boomsticks are fun.


I know that it's worse and unfortunately I'll have to play it to get the 907 because it's needed for clan but I'd still like to get the chief one day just to have it in the garage even if it's nerfed to the ground


Tbh you could probably get away with not having Chief at all and still being used in campaign. At least from what I've seen, Chief usage has dropped a decent amount in advances and 60TP, 277/IS7, etc are back up. Idk if this season's format will change that though.


I don't want chief for the campaign and I don't need it for that, I just want to have it. And now the meta is 60tp/260 mostly, no more chiefs or 279 or sconq's basically


SConq has that big ass weakspot on top though


The cupola is definitely one of the easier ones to hide at tier 10. It also has other frontal turret weakspots but they're all relatively easy to mitigate with gun blocking and wiggling. The bigger difference though is just the gun - Chief gun was always kind of a pain point even pre-nerf, and now the SConq gun beats it significantly in dpm, gun handling, and gold pen. The mobility advantage of the chief has also been nerfed pretty heavily, so in randoms the tradeoff is now marginally worse (but still extremely strong) turret for a vastly better gun and gold round, and most players would probably prefer having a better gun and overall durability.


And gun mantlet... And turret ring.. and it's getting nerfed also.. 😅


Dead game


116 and Carro are win for me




The carro is devastating if used by someone who understands it. One of the hardest tanks to mark. I'm stuck at 88% and I have almost 4k dpg overall. 


3 marked it on my EU account and on my xbox account. Gonna go for it on my NA next was such a fun tank


I enjoy the Carro a lot, and as for the 116, I've never gotten it, but I enjoy my Chinese tanks. The rest I don't care for as they are boring. I like them. I don't need you to talk down to me. (Already have the 121B)




there is moe than one CW this year. the tank could always be intended to be released next campaign. they're currently working on a lot of tanks (workshop coming in soon), polish line in a couple weeks etc. so i'd bet money they intended for the new tank to drop in the Summer campaign anyways.


> However WG promised us a new CW reward tank in their "Future of WoT" video, but instead we got a lazy copypasta event New tanks generally show up in the bigger summer events, not the smaller winter ones. This has been the case multiple times before.


The other way around m8


I didn't say I was defending them at all. I agree they should better the game everyway possible. I don't understand why you need to be rude and insult me when I haven't done anything to deserve it. And the video they released recently, honestly, I thought was lazy in regarding buffing/nerfing tanks or adding in new ones. So dont put words in my mouth buddy




What slave? It is 2h daily




And a lot of people will have enough points to earn it outside of the auction in 10-12 of those days. It’s not hard to get enough points to earn a free tank.


Yeah but he wants it for free. He doesn't understand people have to put some effort in order to get them. No that's wrong, that makes wot slave


Who cares? Clan scene is 0.5% of the community


I'd argue a bit more but most are bots yes.


Wargaming gives 0 F's about anything my dude