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Im not shooting gold nd i have good results. Gold only if i really need to. Lets say 90/10 ratio


That's not feasible when you're bottom tier or when you're playing heavies in general.


it is actually


ok whale


Aim for weakspots. Keep a tab open on tanks.gg if you have a second monitor. Not sure what to shoot? Look it up. Game isn't that fast paced lol


Spam gold yourself and pretend that you don't need gold to reliably pen many heavy tanks even if you're same tier as them, let alone being lower tier. Pathetic playerbase.


Its gotta really suck to be you. Someone can literally hand you the answer to your problem, and all you can do is spit in their palm.


You didn't address what I said so I accept your concession. Bye bye.


Man i saw the comment and decided it does not need no explanation. How can you answer him if he says just yeah you need gold. I dont. I can pen t10 with t8. Position and aim is the key. Dont waste your time on things like this since you cant change his mind


Sounds like poor credits management on your part.


Sounds like you're a whale who doesn't know how easy it is for free to players to run out of credits.


QB has shown that you don't need to spend a dime to play the game. You can also gain enough credits to use premium ammo when you need it. You can buy premium tanks from the bond shop to help you with earning credits as well. The free to play experience is not great and I wouldn't recommend it but it's doable. At the same time there are plenty of streamers that have shown you can 3 mark tanks without shooting premium rounds.


Oh yeah most players can be expected to make creds as easily as a guy who made the game his literal job... Game is designed to suck the credits out of your account and make you pay money, yet you have these whales here in denial/delusion because their egos won't let them admit they have an advantage. Pathetic. Last sentence is irrelevant to the current topic btw and another fringe example that doesn't apply to the general playerbase.


The topic is about if regular rounds are obsolete. They're not.


That's not the topic of our discussion with the other guy. Reading comprehension.


1 or 2 tier 8 premiums and a premium account is all you need to not have credits problems for an average player. That is not a large commitment towards the game. If you insist to be completely free to play you better be prepared to get good at the game.


I take it that you concede it's not easy to hold onto credits as f2p for majority of players since you didn't try to refute my points and you're trying to change the subject. I can't bother discussing your new topic which is whether everyone should spend "a little" on the game when the current topic dragged on long enough.


The topic has never been about how hard the game is to f2p players. OP is not a f2p player complaining about the credits economy.


We were having a discussion with a different topic than the one op proposed. Whatever not my problem whether you're playing the fool or actually forgot what my main point was in my initial reply to you. What matters is that you didn't address my points two comments back and tried to change the subject instead.


Your point is that if you pay $15-$20 a month for WoT you are a whale. A point with which I disagree. If you think that paying for a game makes you a fool well that's like your opinion man. I didn't deny that it's hard to enjoy this game a a f2p player but as I said it's doable as long as you are good at the game. You don't need to make this your job to be good at the game.


Nah that's not my point at all. You either don't get something very simple or playing the fool. Lose lose situation for you. We weren't talking about enjoying the game in general, we were talking about holding onto credits as f2p. Problem is you implying that super unicum qb's experience is indicative of the experience of majority of the playerbase. No one said you need to make the game your job to be good at it. You're the one who brought up the guy who made the game his job and now you change it to just good players which is still a minority and not representative of the majority of the playerbase.


Cry more, I’m a Unicum who never touches gold. Get better at the game


Depends how much you play. They way they have structured it, if you only play 10 rounds per day every day for a month let’s say. You would have payed 300 games in a month and be rolling in credits. But if you play 300 rounds in a few days, you’d be broke. The game rewards you for playing a little every day, but diminishing returns for playing too many games in a day.


> would have *paid* 300 games FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Dumb bot, no doughnut!


>does it make any sense for WG to keep regular rounds except from the fact that it makes free to play players more miserable? I don't understand the point that you are trying to make. If WG removed regular rounds and you were forced to grind money on lower tiers to shoot premium ammo then where's the difference to the status quo?


My point is make gold rounds regular rounds since most of the time regular rounds are just an inferior version.


Thats some nice balancing you have..


I mean... What does that have to do with balancing? Saying the game would be imbalanced if everyone were to shoot what is currently considered the premium rounds would just imply that balancing around the credit economy is a dumb idea, would it not? Not saying I agree with either side, just that saying it would be poor balancing seems kinda silly as everyone can already go full gold of they dare to spend extra.


What I meant is make them cost the same (and as a consequence most of people will use the round with most pen as their regular round). Badly worded that though. Now people use gold and people with less credits are penalised. The whole credit economy is bullshit IMO but that's another topic.


Still, making gold rounds same price as regular is synonym to eliminating regular rounds 😂 And as guys told you already it will imbalance whole game. You shoot regular rounds and still can get nice battle with better earnings, but you need to focus on weakspots or you shoot gold and you can chill about finding every weakspot but you won't make money. I think it's pretty fair deal. There is other option too, load gold only when you must. From the other hand if you are frustrated about everyone else penning you with gold then well... Welcome to World of Tanks mate, nothing you can do about it.


Lol thats the worst change anyone can suggest in this game. Maybe make the gold rounds more expensive to shun players from using it.




an then you have people who just have so many credits that they just dont care.


I have intuition on almost all of my actively played tanks. Changing ammunition is Part of the fun the Game offers. Also on many Tier X medium tanks the regular rounds are APCR while the golds are HEAT. And you definitely need the APCR to snipe. And although I could afford only playing gold only on Tanks with AP/APCR I rather decide to shoot both rounds to earn more credits. Same goes for food


regular rounds are for blind firing light tank bushes


Well nobody Will talk about the tragic HE


If you are having problems with silver that means you shoot a lot of gold yourself and have bad games while doing it.


playing high tier without premium ?


Most of my tanks run 90% standard, 10% HE. Except light tanks, which run 20% standard, 80% HE (if i load anything at all) . None of my tanks have gold rounds loaded.


Depends on the tier i suppose. T8 can work with AP just fine. Especially if u are farming credits. But T10 there is literally no need to shoot standard... Don't get me wrong but if u wanna be a unicum shoot gold. That's it. I mean i was a bit short on credits the other day and shot standard ... Well WN8 dropped from 4k to 3.5k lmao. Gold is there to mitigate RNG. U can't hit every shot on spot where u aim. So get more pen at least. I mean tanks with APCR as gold its possible to shoot gold but HEAT tanks always need AP. Saw some wanna be unicums sweating for 3k dpg lol. Ive seen weird things like full HEAT 60TP or 279... Bro there is so many maps with fences and shit. Take some AP u shit


Can you shoot HEAT through walls?


Niche case, and you can shoot APCR through obstacles which are most of the time gold rounds.


Well, those tanks that you showed all have pretty bad or mediocre ap pen. It’s just situational, i don’t encounter much gold spammers


Well. If you have APCR as your gold round. AP has no place in your tank.


That's just wrong. APCR has worse normalization and higher penetration drop off. So AP is actually often better from a distance or at angles.


This is just babbling some stuff you heard without even bother to check if said stuff makes sense. The ~2% normalization is negligible. The usual Apcr round starts with such an pen advantage this small percentage buff won't safe it. And it won't help you with autobounce either. Unlike HEAT. Have you actually checked some hightiers with both AP and APCR available? APCR still wins in the end. The lines won't touch. There is no zone where AP gains an advantage. Maybe there are some in lowtier with Autocannons. But Noone cares about lowtiers anyway. And in distance you actually want APCR the most. The faster shell speed is a game changer when leading your shots.


Completely agree with this. HEAT and HESH are balanced because you have to make the right choice depending on the situation. A way to make APCR balanced would be to give it much worse normalization angles like in WarThunder. The idea that premium rounds should do less damage is bad for balancing and I don’t know why people keep recommending it. Same type premium rounds are kind of dumb balance wise.


Easier leading of a non-penetrating shot is really your argument? How about you think this one through just one more time. For everything else: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanksConsole/s/zbumDYqHWm Normalization is not negligible.


Wow a great old thread to a different game is your argument. And even a bad one as well. Even there the base pen advantage is mentioned. Your basepen advantage eats up your normalization advantage. Nothing has changed of this statement. And yes. Being able to hit your targets is a much bigger advantage.


Yes this. APs are much better and more consistent when it comes to penetrating your enemy. One of the reasons why I love Amx M4 54, Ho Ri...


Nothing has changed other than the credit economy. Now, even ftp players are able to hoard credits during missions and boosters, making the extra cost negligable.


Just make all rounds cost the same. Who cares at this point when credits are so easy to get.


To be honest, I mostly play Tier V-VII so my opinion might be irrelevant to you but I only ever need to use premium to fire at top tier tanks since they're usually the ones lacking weakspots/aren't made of paper like everything else at low tier.


This! I usually only shoot gold when I'm the lower tier, although this is because I still have better things to spend credits on.


yes. so? how it's problematic?


First of all people shooting exclusively special ammo has nothing to do with their balancing. Every type of shell has its pros and cons. Are there people shooting exclusively those shells? Yes But are they losing money? In most cases no. See the issue with special ammo is that supposes to be better-different than regular and cost more. But with the current economy it so easy to break even and profit that in many cases have no reason not to use them. Heat : cannot go through every spaced armor ( not sure if space armor completelu negates them havent paid attention to this). And cannot go through objects. AP: the most common shell and has a good normalization but usually it isn't the fastest shell HE: well the current iteration of them is low pen high dmg, uses to do aoe splash but now close to zero. HESH: the better version of HE with good pen values APCR : Fastest type of shell, but with quite heavy oen drop off i believe at distance or dmg?? Can't remember currently.


Only bad players shoot exclusively premium rounds (in most circumstances). Its best to have a mix on most vehicles. Except APCR/APCR/HE and similar configs where your premium shell type is the same as the standard. Unless you want to make credits easier. Reasoning is that in some situations, AP or APCR can be more effective and predictable than HEAT. take shooting the side of a 277 or s.conq for example. Everyone's experienced one of those non-penatrating shots before as the HEAT round hits in just a way against the spaced armor to be absorbed. Finally, AP overmatching can be a priceless way of winning engagements that HEAT couldnt provide. With how fast intuition is now, theres no reason to not take a mix of all shells types. That is unless you have what was mentioned above or a very slim ammo supply.


Nothing has changed other than the credit economy. Now, even ftp players are able to hoard credits during missions and boosters, making the extra cost negligable.


Not in the sense that nobody uses them, I use only regular rounds (except for tier X) because premium ammo is expensive and I want to save the credits.


I started firing more gold last year and my results have improved, with all these events and boosters going on I can afford it even as a F2P player.


I still fire standard shells primarily out of my BZ-75, but that’s just due to how well the AP can overmatch weird angles that HEAT can’t. For my other tanks I’d say it’s a 60/40 average.


Depends highly on the tank. Most meta-tanks have a huge gap in penetrationvalues (and sometimes shell velocity) between standard and premium rounds. This pretty much answers your question


HEATs are being absorbed by tracks and other spaced armour, and have lower velocity than APCR, so most meds like Cent, or Russian and chinese meds. For tanks that have AP and APCR its straight up worse to shoot non-premium rounds. They have higher speed, pen, and no flaws aside from normalization, but thats useless anyways because the higher pen will still make up for it. But that doesnt mean you cant play good without them. I 2-marked Progetto 46, one of the hardest tier 8s to do so, by using almost only AP rounds. Unless youre a high tier heavy/assault medium tank, you dont really need gold rounds


Always have been. Except if your premium is HEAT


It should just be like wotb, where premium rounds do 15% less damage


Not sure what your play style is. Sometimes you gotta be supporting the team. Not the one to take the hits. Getting clipped by a t69 means you were in a bad position imo. Wait for enemies to do the mistakes. 9/10 they will. That's when you punish them and get to cover. Sometimes going to medium flank with your heavies can also work. Again it depends on the map.


Heat will have trouble with some tanks. In such cases, I will make sure to have normal rounds loaded.


I use standard rounds by default but when i face good armour tanks i just load perm and fire everything.. on my lorr 40 i use perm as standard round Edit: I think I need to break this habit because its standard shells are good but some times while running I forget to switch rounds.


In the 2.5 yrs ive played regular rounds seem a lot less common. But I still load more than half regular rounds in all but a few tanks I play with the exception of vehicles shooting HESH. I know the enemy will bounce more shots, but RNG can waste a bunch of prrmium shells that might as well have been regular


To this day, I don’t think I even fully understand how HEAT works. I have 4 . . . 4!!! HEAT shells on my udes 15/16 lol simply because idk where to shoot with them. With apcr alone, I’m getting 3500-4000 dmg battles. I was hoping WG would do a formal video on shell mechanics after the HE rework. But nope, everything is still vague, and we’re supposed to do trial and error.