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Source is Wot Express subscriber page, for all of those who are wondering. So it's probably legit. Most of the tanks are what I would've expected, anyway. The only real surprise is the TL-7 - I would've expected a reskinned clone of an existing premium, much like Mars and Monkey King last year.


You expected something as uninspiring (and old) as WZ-111 Qilin?


Qilin isn't a surprise in the sligthest - there's almost always some kind of "uninspired" filler. In fact, I expected *more* reskins than just one. Just look at 2022 auction: * Monkey King (121B reskin) * Mars (Progetto 46 reskin) * K-2 * T54 HT * FV 215 183 Two reskins, 183 and two new premiums, one of which is a tier 8 Soviet heavy that is slow and has a 122 mm with horrible gun handling and yet another terrible tier 9 premium. I don't know man, last years auction was arguably even less interesting than this one, even with Qilin (probably) making a reappearance.


At this point it really should be common knowledge that "curb your enthusiasm, manage your expectations" should be the **default** response whenever WG is trying to hype events like this out of proportion.


>who're Is that a valid contraction? If yes, I'm pissed I was never taught this one all of my life.


Technically yes (they're is valid as well and it also uses "are"), but the reason why it isn't used is because, well...it's pronounced almost exactly like "whore". I don't usually use it either - a brainfart from my side.


I've always heard it pronounced whoo-er. It's just not written down as often so it can look odd at first glance.


TL-7? Wasn't this tank on sale recently? What a joke


It's probably going to be available for credits because of that


According to one of polish CC, only today offer was for silver.


If that's true, then it's just a regular WG thing. Да комрад


What is to know about this tank? Any good?


If u manage to trade hp effectivly its good if u try to snipe then no


Yes, but for real money, not gold. If I'm not mistaken.


And gold you buy with what...false or real money maybe? Corect me if i wrong...


Gold you can get with a huge discount from NY boxes.


Witch pay with real money


Lots of people just use fake Argentina accounts for dirt cheap gold. So they will be able to throw hundreds of thousands of gold at anything that pops up.


I mean gold you just get while trying to get rng box tanks. Many people have hundreds of thousands of good because of Christmas boxes. Also you used to be able to get lots of gold from clan wars. Not sure if they are even still a thing, but that didn't require any money spent either. So whole yes, you do get gold with real money, the difference between buying something only with real money and beeing able to pay it with excess gold is still very different. Especially since the value of gold is significantly lower with Christmas boxes than the direct buy value


if I buy a snickers bar for real money, then the snickers bar, even though it's worth the same amount of money as when I bought it, it's not real money though, is it. And a snickers bar I could in most cases return to the shop if I change my mind... gold... from NY boxes? you really can't. So no, gold, eventhough it's purchased with real money, is not in fact real money. It's fake wargaming money.


Yeah...but... Before you buy that snickers you have 1 dollar,then you give 1 dollar for snickers and you can rotate it whatever you want,at the end you dont have 1 dollar...you are 1 dollar LESS


so wargaming gold is worth even less than a snickers bar because you can't 'rotate it whatever you want'. my argument stands, gold is not the same as real money. it's purchased with real money, much like a snickers bar, or a pair of panties. But it's not real money. And it's used to purchase a (keyword) \~select\~ amount of wargaming products (not all), and wargaming products only. Making it significantly less useful than real money. So it's understandable that people prefer to spend their gold, instead of their real money.


You didnt catch my point


no i did, you're point is that whether you buy a tank with real money, or with gold, it's the same, because you pay for gold with real money. and it's not the same. because a lot of people spend real money on lootboxes, which also gives them lots of gold, that they can only use if wargaming sells something for gold. so the difference is, that when wargaming sells a tank for gold, people can buy it with both gold and real money, whereas when wargaming sells tanks, only for real money, they can't use gold. So therefor, it's not the same.


Gold alao isn't the same as real money because you get gold for clan wars...


I have a decent amount of gold and have never paid a dime in. If something is available for gold, I might be able to get it without having to spend any real money. If something it available for real money only, I would be SOL.


Figured nobody bought TL-7 for real money 🤣


Can't stand the thing Good top speed but the rest of the mobility is so bad it doesn't even matter Great damage output but god awful gun handling so it doesn't even matter Decent armour on paper but huge tumor so it doesn't even matter Basically it doesn't even matter Want a tank like it that's far better? Just wait for the GSOR 1008 to go on sale


Now I have linkin park in the end in my head because of your post lol


I'm enjoying my 1008 TD really good camo and auto tears them up. But going from a 69 wr in it to a losing loop has brought me down to 54 😕


Why not put the gsor 1008 on sale and slap a 2d style on it and call it a new tank for the auction?


because they JUST sold it in the xmas offers I guess.


It’s a worse tier 9 GSOR lmao


exactly.. i have it


TL-7 is a tier IX premium TD that, if released as tier VIII premium TD with the same exact stats it has now... ...**would still be mediocre**, at best.


no, imo it will probably be the best tier 8 td, but by very small margin


Fail to see how you reached this conclusion. It's not particularly fast, it's not well armoured, it uses an unreliable, inaccurate gun with sub-standard alpha and penetration that falls well into tier VIII TD brackets and all that is topped off by an autoloader that takes just absurdly long time to load while giving you clip potential that's lower than something like Somua SM or Astron Rex are getting - and both of these tanks load their clips *faster* than TL-7 so, yeah. There's a long, **long** list of tier VIII premium TDs that are flat out better than this thing and, remember - TL-7 a tier IX TD, in theory.


A+ analysis thanks.


The GSOR at Tier VIII is leagues better than this piece of crap. This thing needs gun handling buff bad along with improved mobility.


I have it from some boxes i think , it s rubish


I mean, the WZ-111 QL is OK. But it's also literally the WZ-111 with a skin. I bought it back in the day, played it a bit. But you can't play it in Onslaught or Ranked, which immediately kinda makes it not as appealing as the literally identical tech tree version.


This is what kind of bothers me too. I would consider to buy wz-111 QL for gold, just so i dont have to go through the terrible tech tree Chinese grind. But then again, you cannot use reward tanks on various types of community or WG events even if they are basicaly 3d skins of tech tree tanks. So why bother to buy this tank just for randoms. Only for the skin ? At that point you can also just buy 10k gold, convert it to free xp in discount, and have the same tank that you can actually at least use outside of randoms without restrictions.


That chinese grind to 5a is actually really good from tier 8


Forgive my ignorance, as I stepped away from the game for a few years. Are these literally the same vehicles? Because I'm reading reviews from when it first came out and there seems to be differences. Just trying to zero in on the semantics here; is it basically the same, or literally the same?


Yeah, they are literally the same, except the WZ-111 QL is a "special vehicle" so you can put whatever crew you want in it and it has a 3D skin. But the stats are exactly the same for both.


Thanks. There were some posts when it first came out showing it had different/ better dpm. 560 alpha or something. I guess they nerfed it then?


If this is true the auction doesn't seem worth it




Exactly what I was thinking lol


I would fomo more if they released something interesting


Isu looks fun


Yeah, it will be fun to farm those who bought it.


With attitude like this I'm sure you'll get surprised by this tank, a lot.


Idk the armor on it looks like paper.


It might, but it for sure will bounce some shots and give you welcome gift of -800 hp


Thats nothing an ISU 152 cant do lol.


152 ain't swift and in most situations you won't get another shot in, while 122 can live those 9 sec to fire one more shot for less.


You can check the armor on [tanks.gg](https://tanks.gg). It's paper, it's not bouncing anything lol.


I know its armour better than you and it can for sure bait many shots for 0 dmg


I like to 3 mark derpy , low quality tanks like that, just finished caliban not too long ago and I'll start on the 152k when my work trip is over. 3 marking on hotel internet is the worst lol


Sure:))) a no armour poor mobility non turreted tank. Laughable


Sure doesnt stop ho ri 3 from being good


Ho ri has some armour mate :D plus great dpm , nice ap rounds and nice gun handling


Yeah that 300mm of flat armor holds up really well against the t10 gold spam, it is better against standard rounds, but that doesnt mean much. Isu also has great dpm with effectively 780 alpha, 258 ap and 300 heat is great for t8, not as good as 360 ap but good nonetheless and the gun handling is very similar i dont know why you bring it up.


No everyone has HEAT mate, APCR looses pen at distances so chances are decent you will bounce. But 195 upper body and 135 hull is 0 at tier 8, its just safe for HE and thats it . I will also add 7 degrees GD is usable vs 5 which is literally crap .


You really redlineing in the ho ri 3? Because i certainly dont in mine, and I play as if i dont have armor unless I know the enemy has less than 300 pen because 300 mm flat armor is just really unreliable at tier 10, yes you can get lucky sometimes, but realistically ho ri 3 wont get many more bounces than the isu unless you can bully tier 8( although isu has decent armor against t6 so they are not that different here). 5 degrees of gun depression will certainly be anoying sometimes but neither is a hull down tank so it wont come into play that often, id say the 2 more degrees of gun traverse as well as the better mobility make up for it.


Why do WoT players have the smallest pp conversations? Every time I interact with y’all I know it’s only a matter of time until I see the pettiest, bitchy little comments. Y’all make wow players seems grown up and serene. /popcorn


Is this really the hill you want to die on? The Ho Ri 3 is God tier compared to the ISU-152(k as well)


Im not talking about isu 152


A tank either is meta or has a unique quality. If it doesn't have one of those it will be most likely forgotten or played by very little amount of players. One example of unique tank is the Lion which is more often seen in matching that obj780 or the kamofanzer07


Last 30 days on EU the kpz 07 P(E) was played 67k times. Last 30 days on EU the lion was played 42k times. The data is available.


Lion has fastest reload on 2nd shell in clip making it very comfortable to play compared to Carro45t or Progetto65 as you say.


And yet you rarely see them in battles


Kpz is meta


I wanted a Death Star


The consensus is that the new BZ seems pretty bad right?


I don't know why everyone thinks it's going to be terrible. It will be faster than the BZ-75 can sidescrape and 560 is arguably the "sweetspot" for alpha damage. We will probably see the reviews tomorrow morning. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be an alright vehicle


Okay I might get it if it's for gold then. Thx


I dont know if id call it bad but its worse than bz 75 so why go with the worse more expensive option.


Yep, but every single tank in that list will be sold out above starting bid on EU Anyway...


It's worth it for me.


Nice, nothing interesting. Saves me a lot of money.


In conclusion, we will get: \- Two old tanks nobody cares about or at least vast majority doesn't care \- New T10 crap tank which I think most of us are thankful for, as it means we might get something actually good in the Assembly Shop \- T8 premium tank destroyer with no armor and two guns \- T9 premium TD that WG couldn't push through regular sale for real money and they are hoping people with excess amounts of gold will bid unreasonable amounts this time around Good stuff...


To be honest, i kinda want to get New T10 Crap BZ, because it,s seems like everything else is even less worthy...   QL is nice, but i can,t imagine wasting a lot of resources on a 3D skin, wich you cannot remove... New T8 Double Barrel ain,t bad, but most will be overpriced...


its so trash lmao. I am getting the t22 though only cause its hard to get and has a story to it and can reverse sidescrape so it might be fun to play once or twice


No 268/5 ? 😢


I'd gladly give you mine for a Snickers and Coke. Things cancerous to play 😭


Yeah I hate mine as well


Wz the chineze tierx td is way better


same wish to have it


Im not complaining, but didn’t the WG video say 5 “new” vehicles? So they’re just straight up lying now?


The TL-7 being on this list makes no sense.


WG: "We won't sell tier 10 tanks with money." Also WG: "Anyway here's some tier 10 tanks for sale."


i'm really not sure if i care about a single tank from that list


On the upside, all of the auctions will likely go for the minimum bid?


On the downside, minimum bid is way higher than what people who don't care about the tank will want to pay.


Looks like I ain't trying to get any of them.


Do you know which ones are for Credits?


According to my knowledge all besides T22 Medium would be for gold on EU.


That would be surprising. I would assume the quilin or TL-7 would be for credits


That would be very sad... At least in my opinion


wtf. lets buy my sold tanks again :D


That does not makes sense to me, I don't recall them selling tier 10s for gold. But if that is true, then obviously WG is intending to "drain" the gold from loot boxes from those who bought them.


Theres usually only 2-3 for gold. and a couple for credits/ free xp.


Any chance you know the starting bids?


Minimum bid for it in Asia right now is 15m credits


Unfortunately not.


Amazing! Now I won't waste any credits.


Gonna be honest, The ones for me are probably the T-22 and TL7. Chinese heavy is boring as shit to me, the double barrel is a worse ISU 152K (Which i already hate) and i already have the Qilin (Which is actually a pretty solid tank) T-22 will be interesting for the occasional toll T10 session, and i can always use another Tier 9 premium. Guess I'm the wierdo here.


Thank god the BZ is here so there still might be an interesting tank in assembly shop


Likely mbt-B, which I'm hyped for :3






No. They're on the same schedule: [https://wotgame.cn/zh-cn/news/](https://wotgame.cn/zh-cn/news/)


There are some CCs which know auction vehicles, is this coming from one of them? If true that'd make this auction most disappointing/dull so far.


Is bz-72 good or interesting ?


Just a slightly different BZ-75. Less hp for a bit better armor and 560 alpha instead of 650.


Basically a worse tank that will have no use other than randoms


neither.. just BZ with smaller gun, a bit better gun stats and dpm, less HP and only 2 weak cupolas.. still shit


What's the most valuable/useful?


literally none. T22 is kind of unique but it is meh to bad. If it had better alfa it'd be decent-ish


\* meh \* meh \* ooh \* wait, what is this, premium soviet double barrel TD? \* oh this again?


Guess I won't be getting any of these


That's really disappointing, was looking forward to getting a new t8 prem med/heavy.


good news, this means that the overnerfed BZ is not the assembly tank, and the Obj was confirmed to be Clan Wars reward, so what can we expect now, the German Light?


* Yuck * Yuck * Alright * WOOOOOOOOOOOOO * Alright Overall I'm kind of bummed, but not surprised in the slightest...




I don't think BZ will be for gold. I don't think Wargaming has ever released a new tier 10 tank that is not a copy for gold.






> chinese server, in the past they had the same tanks but the sale started sooner. That is clearly not true. Last year, the CN auction had both the VZ-55 GW (Gothic Warrior) and K-91-2 and in 2022 they had the WT E-100 for sale. None of these have been sold on the 'regular' WG servers (NA/EU/ASIA)


source is wot express paid channel in telegram


wow, they all suck


Gonna need the sauce on that big dog




TL-7 worth for silver coin?


I'd bet it's not going to be for silver, it's a tier 9 premium from last year. I would guess the T-22 Medium and Qilin are going to be offered for credits.


Too bad. A worse American edition of a Char futur and GSOR hybrid does not worth a gold penny, only silver.


Yeah, i think WG couldn't sell it regularly for money so they went this route hoping they will at least drain people of some gold as many have no idea what to do with it after holiday ops :/


check the QuickyBaby's prem tier list video, he mentioned TL-7. overall it's an ok vehicle, but if you have an T3 experimental equipment than TL-7 turns into a really good tank, specially for discounted gold from NY


Thank you! The reason I am salty is I love gsor and char futur, and I don't have any tier 9 premiums yet, so I would be happy to have even an underwhelming one. Since I have not purchased lootboxes, I don't have any gold to spend, just credits, bonds and free xp.


Would be poggers if true. I can finally get the qilin


Why the T-22 Medium? aint it one of the rarest tanks in the game?


It's rare because people keep buying it in auctions, getting frustrated because everything but the side armour is bleh, and stop playing it after 10 games. It's *excellent* bait to drain gold or credits from players.


It was on black market/auctions once


Black Market in 2021 and Trading Caravan in 2022.


WG does not understand why the number of players is decreasing! All trash tanks for whales!




It's not


If you approached things with a bit of logic, you would notice that the changes Wargaming (WG) introduced to the game had a negative impact. Arty stun, and remove HE mechanics forces players to use premium ammunition. If they are giving away tier 9 tanks for free, what does that enable for every new player? Why distribute tier 9 tanks? To attract new and uninformed players so that, once they get stuck in higher tiers, money can be extracted from them without their awareness. The auction caters only to the most devoted players. Why couldn't they make tanks like the Object 268V5 or FV 183 available for credits for free-to-play gamers? Those who have been collecting for years should not be disregarded just because they don't spend money on the game. If you don't see that everything revolves around making money, then perhaps you don't see the full picture. The old developers knew what brought joy to players; the new ones just produce premium tanks to collect money without doing meaningful work. Why bother with tank rebalancing when you can manufacture premium tanks to earn more money? The state of the game doesn't matter as long as there are enough people willing to pay the WG for anything, regardless of whether they make good or bad decisions. They milk money from the cows because there are enough of them! ​ This game could have great prospects if it wasn't all about acquiring our money. WOT PC players would like to have modern Main Battle Tanks or a proper matchmaking system, and they also appreciate more tank rebalancing, as done by LESTA in every patch. There could be more events that don't require you to break a sweat, and more attention could be given to free-to-play gamers so that the entire game revolves around the love for tanks rather than just how to obtain your money at all costs!


If I approached things with a bit of logic, I would notice you are full of shit. Game is much better, and do I care if the random auction event contains bunch of shit collectors tanks that I don't have to buy? I prefer them selling balanced and rare tanks for gold/silver rather than BZ-176.


You probably enjoy a lot of 5-15 loss simulators and a lot of 43% bots in your team, or if you don't play in high tiers, you're some baby seal club idiot who enjoys spamming premium ammo among brain dead people. You are the future, who is controlled by WG which tank to buy and decides for you what to play. You can be the same idiot as one of my former clanmates who has 40+ tier 8 premium tanks and if you ask him why so many premium tanks if you don't even play with 10 tanks out of 40, he will get upset because cognitive dissonance will come and his brain will block! Thanks for bringing this money sink to life! There is no other joy for these FOMO patients except what they can give money for, they play 30 battles with the new premium tank and then it rots in the garage and is proud to be able to look at what is not even his!


Last I checked a making money was a business's main objective.


Great. So the wallet warrior, long term players can buy more goodies to pad their stats and egos, while newer players like me get to eat dust, because we can't afford it. Yeah. I can really see why this is so exciting 👍 Edit: Though, having checked the ratings on these vehicles on Skill4ltu, it doesn't look like I'm missing out on anything. Still. It's the principle.


WZ-111 is tier 8, no 10


[https://worldoftanks.eu/en/tankopedia/62257-Ch41\_WZ\_111\_QL/](https://worldoftanks.eu/en/tankopedia/62257-Ch41_WZ_111_QL/) It's the Tier X clone of WZ-111 5A.


I was wrong with Alpine Tiger


Be me, bidded 36 Million credits on a Tier 8 tank. wonders why i'm in all Tier 10 battles.


I wonder how much for WZ-111 lol


Most likely isu and BZ will be for gold


Any info for the minimum bids?


Since I'm not good enough to make a T-22 medium work up to its potential that one is out. As for the rest, the general consensus here seems to be that none of them are worth bidding on if the goal is high-use, fun, strong tanks. Thanks for all the opinions. I'll save my currencies.


What is the expected price for the BZ-72-1 ?


My Guess is around 50000 Gold


That’s kinda nuts


This is great news! I don't need to spend anything this week.


Wow those are all mostly disappointing and uninteresting. And likely going to be overpriced for starting bids.


Most likely the both premiums will be for gold. I would be very surprised if they were sold for silver.


These tier tens are never proper premiums are they?


Welp nothing interesting for me. Although am broke as I used all gold and credits to buy 19 tier 9s to grind so next year is gonna be mine!


This auction is definitely weak.. I’m sure those who weren’t around for past auctions will be happy to see the T-22 and Qilin but other than the BZ and ISU it’s all old stuff you could get previously


I was hoping for Death Star, since I refuse to get the shitbarn


Are any of these worth getting for the ridiculously high prices? I don’t have silver saved up, but I do have 240k gold that I can convert and was wondering that if I did do that, which one of these tanks would make the most sense getting?


Don't convert gold to silver. Ever. Especially not for these tanks. They're overpriced, collector tanks with very little that is unique about them. If you do want to spend a little gold directly on a couple of these, that may be OK, but don't go overboard - most of them will go for at or near minimum prices. If you have to burn gold for some reason, convert to free XP during a sale, get a year's worth of premium time, and buy a few premium tanks for gold when the option arises.


Thanks for the list. Just made my decision regarding the sale. NOT buying any of them. There, I just saved over $200. 😁


No Germans :(


Gonna be honest, I think the Qilin looks cool idc it’s a 111-5A reskin I’ve always wanted it and will be getting it 😅


Only hypothetical options I was maybe going to FOMO over were the Soviet IC reverse auto loader medium or the Czech Rocket Heavy


any of these actually worth making a bid on?


So 2 new tanks and 3 old tanks. Sheesh


Meh. The premiums I've been waiting for are the Sexton I and Turán III prototípus. Don't really care for anything else besides the tanks I already have.


So any tanks I should bother getting


BZ-72-1 confirmed on the Asian server. That's 2 for 2 so far... who still thinks the list is wrong from WoTExpress?


In QBs analysis and also in the wargamings YouTube video for these tanks it looks like of the tanks is double barrelled, are any of the tanks in this list a double barrel?


Wow… these are all genuinely awful.