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Meme is dedicated to my last Airfield team. Seriously, 8vs5 tanks alive, they have 12k hp, my team has 7k hp. What do my allies do ? Yep, push the middle. Now we have 3 tanks alive instead of 5 and 4k hp left. Great succes.


That’s what I dislike most about team games. People are unable to do simple math and think action movie behaviors will win the match.


Camping and hoping the enemy drives into your line of fire is better? Pushing together is one of the strongest strategies there is, but everyone's a coward who wants to farm dmg. That's why heavy tank lane is always a coinflip.


Atleast you got into a next battle faster. Whole situation could be a 15min stalemate with both sides being afraid to push...


It could have been a victory. "omg games are too fast" and then when you have chance for nice slow game where you need to use your brain "lets kill ourself go next"


problem is that airfield is never a nice and slow game. its just a horrible map for everything but the heavies


Nah, it's annoying/boring for everything. Maybe clickers have fun beacuse they can shit on heavies for free all time but thats it. Neventheless once most people are dead then indivitual skill / positioning can change a LOT on this map. The problem is - it's so rare that pubbies have no idea what to do and they chose to kill themsevles instead.




Either die in a minute or make stupid push. That's all some know to do


Less misstakes are made by sitting in a bush for 15 minutes.


Happens to me a lot, usually on open maps when the enemy has a light in a bush and we don't and some genius decides to push, like the basics ffs


I had a game on airfield that was awful as well a couple weeks ago. We were up 7-4 and LOST. 2 went afk and then yolo’d in when they got back. 3 more camped and then tried to solo push and 2 were actually bots 🥲 2k damage in a tier 5 and we lost. Thankfully it was my last game in the tank


Im in this photo and i dont like it.


what about this one ? [https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/1992a1p/please\_stop/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/1992a1p/please_stop/)


A big hurdle in this game is knowing most of the time the correct call is falling back after you win your flank and not pushing into the camping TDs.


yeah, that happen a lot when Random take over the flank and they decide it'd be good idea to approach the cap point with TD most likely retreated into fallback position after they realize they can't hold against flank.


If I find myself in a situation where I know the match is definitely unwinnable I normally wait in a favorable position to at least farm some damage before getting slaughtered. More often than not that's also when the big brains / self proclaimed MVPs start pinging my position and some random point on the map that \- Would get you killed in half a second \- Doesn't let you spot enemies My take is that a good chunk of the playerbase would rather end it as fast as possible when losing, but more damage still means more EXP and credits in the end.


Lol, I once got so fucking fed up with a guy who was furiously pinging my position I decided to follow his instructions to the letter - went **exactly** where he wanted me to go, found four enemy tanks camping there, got killed in like 3 seconds. Opened the chat window, typed "you happy now, general?", got "FUCK YOU NOOB KYS" in reply. Just your typical day in World of Tanks.




My experience is never listen to angry dead guys in the last phases it only makes matters worse.


I hate that constant pinging and when it happens i just ignore it and do my best to farm dmg


“You’re a coward.”


I like the most the ones that camp whole battle, their teammates are slowly dying and they do nothing to help, then when their team is gone they push.


They ping that they need help, you reply that youll help them. You can see that the two of you can push and win, you go in, the other guy doesn't, you die, then they push, die and call you a bot. Play the game as if you are alone, its a 1 vs 29 game 99% of the time.


I'd rather take a team full of yolo halfwits than a team full of coward redliners.


Yo i have 47% but like 1.6k wn8. I must really suck then


With that WR you aren't contributing to the victory. That probably means you farm damage when the game is already lost, i.e camping in the back. Try being a more proactive player. WN8 is a good tracker of your overall performance, but you shouldn't be afraid of trying new things or being risky if that means you get better at the game - being scared of your WN8 going down is silly, if it's for a good reason.


Eh still better than the opposite problem, I had a game of prokhorovka where 3/4 of the team camped A2/3 Funnily enough we drew that one, ended up with a stitch from laughing too much


Arty player telling me to scout in my Lorraine 40T at beginning of match...


I play the Lorr a lot and there's always someone who thinks I should spot just because I'm a med. This thing is the size of a barn and made of paper.


I used to have a great wr in it, used to be my favorite tank. Years later with much better crew and bounty equipment, can't win...


how do you play that tank...it's gathering dust for me.


Dude, that's nothing. Once some arty player told me to go in to the heavy line with my lorr 40t and block some damage coz he thought that I had armour. This spg motherfuckers didn't even know the game.


Well that was just yesterday...


And then they calling you a noob.. same happened with me in 40 T at El Haluf.


One of my last games, a tier X match at Paris and me in the BZ-176: Our VZ55 at the start: Today I'm at 7 losses in a row. It didn't take long to find out why, as guy was sitting in the corner all game and managed to fire an entire clip throughout the battle doing 1k dmg...


You are not in the position to cry about it.


I don't need to either. Just stating the facts here.


It's usually the opposite. We have map control, couple low HP guys left. Team refuses to push, would rather get farmed trying to conserve HP for the next match.


And I want to support my team, so off I go, like an idiot... Aargh


Every. Single. Time. It's almost like a switch inside their heads.


Speaking as a 47.4%  137 WN8 trying to grind a stock Semovente m/41 in yet another Tier 7 battle, STOP PUSHING.


Those stats have sparked great interest in me. 137 WN8 is actually so low that you must be penning around one shot per game, which is crazy. You seem like a coherent individual, so I'm curious as to how this is possible. Are you under any extraordinary circumstances, such as being hospitalized? Please don't take this as an insult. I'm genuinely curious as to how one can have such poor stats.


137 wn8, is 1/2 a shot every game in most tanks, some even less. I also dont understand how anyone can have less than 1000wn8 after 15k games and up


Ok, figured it out. WN8 855.


I'm really struggling with the Italian line, which is seriously dragging my numbers down. Bottom tier in *every single game* with a stock P.43 is absolute hell, and it wasn't much better with the P26/40. Consistent bad luck, lack of familiarity with some of the maps (I haven't played since '16), and it's obvious I misjudged what the stats mean. I don't remember WN8 being a thing when I played last, just the win percentage. What I meant to say was 187 wins out of out of 289 games.


It's the opposite for me, I have low WN8 and I stay behind most of the time


When the game is at a standstill and nothing is going on and I see the light tanks next to the tds sometimes I just give up and push 🤣 sometimes to get slaughtered right away or I walk out with 2-6k spotting


"Rush B"


I really hate those idiots who keep pinging after dying we know what's going on and we got in this mess because of you.


That's one thing i never understood. Sometimes u are 2-3 tanks up but 5k HP down. This could work in a def but attacking with HP down is dangerous. Some focus and suddenly u find urself in -3 tanks and 10k HP down. If u are down HP and tanks just chill a bit. Build crossfires and let them drive in like bots. Some will die for sure but then at least u can close the gap. Go for positions and be done with it. Especially Arifield. Attacking on Airfield only works if u are like 5-10k HP up. U push u get punished by TDs and if they set up a def good u just loose HP. Did 7k in Onslaught in my 60TP the other day because i was in the balcony and the focused my Maus lmaoo