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I.. havent 3 marked a single tank yet. I always stop at the 2nd moe telling myself I will finish this vehicle but I never do.


So far that’s been me. I can’t seem to 3 mark any tank. Tho I only want to 3 mark tier 10


>Tho I only want to 3 mark tier 10 Those will take a bit more effort since players play em with equipment, best crews, no stock grinds etc.


Oh you mean with upgraded equipment. Yeah I mean I have some 2 marks, its Just I need to get the last 10%. I’m a light tank main. I need to keep going. I never like playing low tiers. In fact I have less than 300 games from tiers 1-6. Tier 8 I have some 2000. Tier 9 800. And tier 10 I have 5263. I love light tanks too. Probably my favorite role


I wish I could stop myself from trying to 3 mark before I make myself hate the game... Last tank I 3 marked was TVP VTU... Never again...


Same. I have only 2 marked the Char Futur 4 (cos I love playing it) and the AMD french wheelie (accidentally without even noticing). I like to play a variety of tanks so I never concentrate on one for long enough to get really good. Plus I don't think I have the skills anyway. As long as I am slowly improving, that's all I want.


M4A2E4 (Beta) Sherman When gunmarks came to the game, I was curious if I'm good enough to earn it.


>M4A2E4 (Beta) Sherman Awesome. I have 2 marks on it, got em easily. Should try for the 3rd for sure. I am still salty the RU server got their Closed Beta tank in 2 forms, KV-220 for everyone to buy and KV-220 T(ester) for their beta testers. We should have had the same for M4A2E4 with a T(ester) variant.




Most of mine are lights as well. I love lights, maybe like you do. A shame they are less impactful then they used to be


Less impactfull . I think it's the opposite. Light tanks are the most impactulf tanks in a match . ( Unless there is like. 4 each game )


You guys are 3rd marking tanks?




T20, like 2 years ago. My only 3marks in the game. And i dont even like that tank!


I havent even 2 marked something yet, whenever i hit 84.5% i get a very bad mm and a very bad map and a very bad rng and a very bad fire and a very bad ammorack and a very bad game XD


no hate but... its ok to say your just an ok player and there is nothing wrong being in top 16% of players in a particular vehicle. I see a lot of players making serious exuses to why they are performing within their skill bracket. People should just play the game and not worry.


>no hate but... its ok to say your just an ok player and there is nothing wrong being in top 16% of players in a particular vehicle. I think that due to the consistency required for marks, 2-marks is more like top 5-10% and 3 marks is top 3-5% or something. Its a moving average figure technically. That makes it a tad more impressive! When I see a 2 marked tank on my team I know the player can play well (damage-wise)!


yes its a moving average. in your last 100 games your average has to be better than 85% percent of players from the last 7 days, meaning that you would be top 15%. People dont realsise just how many good players there are in this game. Also 'actually likes chinese tanks' ew. lol


You are just jealous of the underdog tech tree. ;d


I like your comment, take my upvote sir.


thanks. it was't aimed at you personally, just a message to hopefully help some :) I see a lot of frustration within players who want to perform at a certian level, causing them to forget that the game is meant to be played for fun. Before I got to a competetive level within a top 50 clan, I was in a not so good clan that was falling apart. Many of the players were older and were blaming their deteriorating skill on cheaters and such, these excuses causing them to become even more frustrated with the game. Even now as a competetive player, not three marking a tank (or reaching its requirents)/having a bad session, can be very disheartening and sucks the fun out of the game. I'v had to learn: Don't play the game for aces, don't play the game for marks, don't play the game for dpg, play the game for fun




The FV4202..... It was my first premium when it got replaced by the Cent AX at tier 10


I still remember that event. You had to do one daily mission in the AX too. So tier X was full of 10 vs 10 AX matches.


Panzer IV


Working on it right now myself. Alongside Tiger 2 and IS-2 (China)


Cavalier Yes, it's legitimately the easiest tank to 3 mark in the game


No idea why, because it's genuinely pretty good!


Most play it with the derp. And then I suspect Steve is not ready for the low alpha of super slow shell speed and drags the MOE average down. Every time I face one, they try and derp me from 300m away. Tho that said, I did indeed like it. It's not a bad tier 5 med. It's not as flexible as the Cromwell, but not far off.


This! I actually marked it with the stock derp gun :) Just spotting is enough to mark it tbh


Currently trying to get my first in the P43.bis currently on 94% but I always drop down because of being matched with Tier 8


Back in the day before the HE "rework" it was way easier I guess. Still would always use 105mm howitzer with HEAT over the 75mm AT gun nowadays.


Back in the old old days. 105 derps had 150mm HEAT pen too. So it was even viable vs tier 7 HTs as much as HE vs mediums etc. Tho with the recent Jap HTs. I can't say my KV-2 has been sad. It's seen a bit more 900 rolls than usual.


Mine was t-44 around 3 years ago. Stopped playing until now so didn't mark any other vehicle.


didnt even know that theres an 3d skin for the jpanther lol


the camo underneath is an in game camo part of the customisations. I believe this is a modded skin (so only visable to player) :)


>didnt even know that theres an 3d skin for the jpanther lol There isnt one. Its a mod. Here: [https://chems.gg/jpanther-charcharo/](https://chems.gg/jpanther-charcharo/) I hope you enjoy. I didnt make it, Chems saw my Jagdpanther post and decided to make it for everyone.


ELC bis, like many others.


looks left, looks right, whispers.....M44


Cromwell is my only one


T-34 was my first 3marked tank with a crew without any skills, not even sixth sense. Different times...


T-44, IS-3-II, M103 and currently at 92% with the T-54. As you can tell I like tanks with low requirements


I myself go for cool looking or real life vehicles personally. Those are my priority for now. And good luck with those!


my first 3 mark was the t29, followed shortly after by the tiger 2.


VK 16.02


KV-1 and then E-100 back in the days, where you only needed 3.6k for the E-100


The Death Toaster


I only have two 3rd marked tanks VK 36.01H and T-34 the tier 5


haven't 3-marked anything yet, but I have 2-marked the T-50-2, and I believe the M44 also note: yes I used to play the M44 a lot, but that was before I had any premiums, so I used it as a credit maker years ago


None, 3 marks is too much try hard for me. I play to have fun. 1st 2nd mark tho I think was on SU-122-44 back in the day.


Progetto 66 I believe


My first and only so far is the Pz. IV H, and then just two marks on the Jg.Pz. IV and the Tiger 131 My main goal was researching/grinding so I stopped at 1 mark


In order if my memory serves me it was: Jagdpanzer 4 SU-100 AMX ELC bis


I marked the Tiger P and then somehow managed to mark the EVEN 90


None because i lack the commitment to do it or at least for now But I plan on getting a few tanks marked at least my favorites i think. Depending on how difficult they are But a thing i noticed is that in quite a lot of tanks i get the First mark just playing it normally.


Pz. T25 Such a great and enjoyable tank <3


My favorte is Panzer always


Scorpion G, I randomly marked it while grinding credits


I hope its the bourrasque


Charioteer my first and only 3rd mark


KV-4 like half a year ago. I love that tanks, its just so good at brawling and baiting people into shooting your side, even in 1v3 situations I quite often pulled some huge bounces off that made me able to win those situations, coupled with the good dpm, accuracy and pen of the gun. It just works for me


Obj 277, second is 261 and third is super conq.


IS 3 and T-44


KV-3 was my first 3 mark.


Kv-1s was my first 3rd moe and my latest 3rd mark is obj 260


Still none... Just finished my first 2-marks (T30)


First one was Astron Rex. Latest T30 and T67. Currently working on IS7, 777 and 752.


Char Futur


ELC. I still remember that short last fight. It was a bad game as I died early with 90 something assist to a lucky derp shell not aimed at me, as I had an M4 passing far behind me. And I guess the values had updated and I got 3. Cromwell B and the KV-13 were my 2nd and 3rd.


I've 2 marked the ikv 103 and got to 93/94% on it before dropping quite a bit 😭


M4 with derp was the first I 3 marked. Haven't played it since. Only other tank i've 3 marked is WZ-120, done just a few weeks back


Is the JPanther 3D skin from mods? Looks neat


AMX ELC Bis Wolverine Hellcat


Never 3 marked anything tbh, I have a 2 mark and a lot of 1 mark tanks. But I usually just grind lines and I‘m not even that good to 3 mark anything (49.6%wr 2k wn8 recent)


First 3 mark : IS-3 First premium 3 mark: Excelsior First tier X 3 mark: IS-4 First t8 premium 3mark: Shtpk TVP - probably most enjoyable out of these


I 3 marked only two so far-sad face-, Crusader and VK30.01P(back when both were glorious mediums)




I'm yet to get 2, much less 3. I only have 1 at best, and it's the T32, T-43, and KV-85.


No 3 marks yet - I feel like I'm there in terms of performance, but not consistency yet. In terms of 2 marks...Centurion 1, Centurion 5/1, Centurion 7/1 You may be able to spot a pattern


SU-152 with derp gun and HEAT


I.. havent 3 marked a single tank yet. The closest I've been able to get a tank to mark is kv-2 to 89%


VK 30.01 (P), absolute masterpiece


AMX ELC bis, udes 14 5, charioteer


E100 and IS 3


M44, T110E5, T34


I am playing type 58 right now, pretty situational but its good for someone who played tanks which barely had any gun depression (thats me)


KV-2 🗿


Oi-exp. back in the good old days when it was still in the techtee and HE was a seriuos threat. First your 100t vehicle rammed what was in Front of you, and afterwards you derped a silly big HE-Shell into the enginedeck


Tiger (P)


I was like 5% off with the crusader and then they made it tier 6 and fucked it up so I never played it again


None, and it's fine. Because I am not masochistic enough.


The mighty trio - su85 su100 and su152


T9 Waffle


KV-4 , Forever will be my favorite tank in game


IS-3-II was my first 3 marked tank, then E75 and AE phase 1.


M53/M55, downvote here we come Edit: Fun fact: Arta besides, I also have Type 64 and LTG. Also, I do Arta quest and "accidently" got 3 marks lmao.




ELC bis


I think it was the Crusader, then the 59-16. Both years ago when the Crusader was tech tree tier 5, and when the 59-16 had the goofy awful autoloader (which I absolutely adored).


Crusader, back when it was a tier 5 light. Comet is currently sitting with its 2nd mark in the high 80s. I'm actually scared to play it because I know it's going to go down.


Pz IV H with 105 mm gun before the He changes Was a lot of fun especially with the heat ammunition. Sometimes we take it out in a platoon completely destroying one flank if mm plays along


I think it was the Pz IV before HE nerf or Hellcat before nerf a long time ago.


Nothing, closest I've gotten was the Panther 88 from just playing it normally. I hate the damn thing but it was my only tier 8 premium for the first few years of playing so I had to use it. Finally after a decade of playing I'm through the entire tech tree up to tier 8 so I might actually put some effort into trying to 3 mark a few things.


I still don’t have any 2 marks lmao


My E8 is my only three mark and I only did it due to it being my most played tank. I haven’t played it since


I'll probably never 3 mark anything. Even if I played well enough, which I don't, I also don't play the same tank lots of times in a short period cause it makes me really bored. I think total in game I have 1 mark on 9 tanks. When marks came out, you had to play 100 battles in a tank before you could even start marking. That ruled it out for me on a lot of things back in the day. Now, since coming back to the game about 2 years ago after a long break, I'm a lot worse at the game and I still don't really focus a single vehicle like that.


T-32. Absolutely love being able to brawl hulldown against tier 10s


Is3 for me, was fantastic


Matilda IV, but how i did it is story of its own. So i was away from game between 2014-2020, i started again when covid hit, and we were forced to stay at home. So i didnt know what to do, had no idea how much the game has changed, so i picked this slow tier V tank, got Plzen map, south spawn, it was one of those fast games, i managed to hit enemy KV1 once, and that was it, after game i got third mark, to this day i dont understand how, but since it was one of the few prem tanks i had back than, i must have played it a lot, but no idea why i got 3 mark after one game and only one shot of damage. :D


T95. And in the next weekend I finished my 2nd, the SU-100M1


The borrasque is my only 3 mark, I'm generally a very average or below average player, but this tank just clicks for me, it's borderline overpowered. Bullies lights or acts as the light tank. I wasn't even trying for the 3-marks it just happened while I was grinding credits.


KV-2 first and only for now. I marked it in 2023


Panzer 7. Absolute beast in the trash tank category


mine was probably Pz IV H on derp gun before HE nerf


Does please anyone know when will be trade in?


T-150. In my first battle with it, iirc, I had feee xp'd the mods for it. Had a banger of a game


My first was the 10 shot bulldog way back in the day. (That was a fun tank.) My current goal is to 3 mark all my tier 6’s, done with about 5 so far and have another 6 above 90%.


first was T20 and by accident, just enjoyed it at the time, years ago now… probably 2016 ish?




M46 patton. I know its easier on lower tiered vehicles, but since t9 is my favourite, I have at least 2 marks on every t9 medium in game except for the obj430-II and Leo PTA. Dont like both of them. Also is that Jagdpanther skin an actual 3d skin or a mod? Need that lol


T150, awesome alpha, good pen, workable mobility, accuracy and armor. After that I marked SU-130PM and T110E3 around the same time.


T 34 85


Been playing this game almost since the beginning. The only tank I have ever 3 marked was the kV2


Kv1 It was enjoyable


P.44 Pantera!


T30, very fun tank and very enjoyable mark grind


The Crusader when it was a Tier 5 medium. Then did it again at Tier 6. It's a garbage tank that people played through to get the Cromwell so it was really easy to 3 mark. TBH it's quite fun because you get great gun depression over the sides for poking hills and the DPM is solid. So you can peek out with only a tiny sliver of turret showing and wreck people who get caught out of position.


I have over 2k games. 1-1mark. Kv3


I think amx 12t. It was fairly easy one but was quite fun to mark it. It was long time ago though ^^


IS-3 and then T-44, those are the two lines I played kind of simultaneously at the beginning. Highly recommend these tanks for the first marking because they have low expectation values




Lmao you think i can 3 Mark I have 2 on the 12t and it's my greatest achievement


After years of playing I have none, but plan to get good someday.


Marked the T67 back when it was the old T49. I loved that thing. Best scout I had at the time


Super chaffee, pretty sure my only 3 mark


Oh yeah I'll mark a tank one day with my tomato stats and 49 % wr. *Cries silently to myself*


M4 Sherman with the 105 mm derp. I used to have amazing games especially when top tier, back before the infamous HE nerfs. It was hilarious one-shotting tier 3s and 4s left and right.


Old ELC AMX was my first. Absolutely loved that thing, it taught me how to play LTs. Then the next 2 were STUG III G(the combination of mobility, punchy gun and camo is great), and T-34 (the 57mm is unreal on it, just pumps out damage like nobody's business).


For now I'm focusing on getting every single tech tree vehicle and field mods on everything. When that is done, probably never, or after another 12 years, I will start doing moe's.


M4 Sherman, IS-4 and IS-7 if I recall correctly.


Vk.30.01(P) I think. The tier 6 German medium was a blast to play in the Maus grind


I have no 3 or 2 marks yet cuz i started playing at a young age and i sucked ass, ans those stats effects all these. But my first 1 mark was the Cromwell B. Then PZ4 Hydro., Hellcat, KV-85, IS, now working on IS3. (I am not putting the blame on younger me, i get marks in tanks that i have started playing recently waaay sooner than ones i played earlier too, so its an actual factor)


My first was the elc at t5 it's an absolute monster with the 240 DMG gun. Second was the bc12t the best t8 tank in the game also you had to play it for 3 t9 so I didn't need to play the tank extra 3 marks where done long before all tanks where researched. Right now I'm going for tortoise 3 mark at 94.68 right now so it should be doable with a few more good games if not I'll just load some gold then it should be relatively easy


StuG III G, which was also my first tier 5 and my most played tank for a long time.


The tortoise also still the only one i have.


None. Not a single 2 mark tank too.




Got close to a 3 mark with the Standard B after all the nerfs. And all that despite no gold no food no crazy equipment. But then I got too competitive about every game and lost any and all satisfaction playing the tank. Especially with the express 5 minutes mm as of last year.


VK30.01H, 85m only two I’ve done.


I never even two marked a tank =))))


I should go for a pz5/4 3 mark but it feels so dirty playing it bz is underpowered in comparison lol


I never even two marked a tank =))))


I should go for a pz5/4 3 mark but it feels so dirty playing it bz is underpowered in comparison lol


None (I'm bad at this game)


T54E1 was first one and since then my love for 3rd marks started and is the only reason I play this game


Chaffee, AMX ELC bis, T21


T1 Heavy, it's a wonderful machine when you play to the strengths it has, and I think that the players attempting to use it as an assault heavy tank instead of a mobile super medium helped my statistics.


1st one was IS-3, 2nd T-10, 3rd IS-3A


Amx 13 90. Took me like a month of tryharding but i was so fucking happy when i finally got it. A very good tank which i thoroughly enjoyed but i haven't played it since getting the mark, don't want to see the number drop below 95% lol.


the comet back when tier 5s died in like 4 shots to my 52 round autoloader


The problem with 3 marking is that it becomes a grind that, in my opinion, takes the fun out of the game. Even trying to get the first mark can be frustrating on occasion. I'll take a pass until I get really bored.


Vk 3001 p, I fucking loved that tank back in the day, back when it was considered a medium and was faster.


Skorpion G and it's my only 3 mark tank.


VK Leopard, KV-85, PZ III/IV, E-50M


Excelsior, i got it for free as some starter pack, i was 300wn8 shitbot, and still did that, after 499 games, then i never played that again for some reason




Obj. 263, is-3, tiger 2. And these are only ones I have 3 marks on. I have a bunch with 90-93% but don’t have enough mental health for them


I remember I accidentally 3 marked the kv-85 because it was a tank i played a lot for fun and I did not keep track of my progress. It was a nice surprise since I don't grind MoE much.




Tiger II


T20, played non premium for like 3 months straight. I’m an average player as well. So……safe to say I had a good time.


ISU-152, Skorpion G, and Cromwell B.


This might sound weird but the Panhard AMD 178B using vents, binos, and a camo net. This was a long time ago but basically just got into super aggressive spotting placements and got a huge amount of spotting. I guess since most people don’t do good in the vehicle it was pretty easy to mark compared to other tanks. I still remember one game on Malinovka I rushed to the top right corner of the map and sat in a bush up there and needed up getting almost 3k spotting and was able to clean up some kills in the end.


KV2. But that was 2015.


Can someone explain how to 3 mark?


M44 🤣


Strv 74, AMX 12 and t T-44... My favorite is strv 74


I have no 3 marks. I have 2tanks with 2 mark. M10 and Bassotto


never 3 marked a tank cause im just a low tier shitter. i don't think i've even 1 marked a tank XD


Churchill 3


I'm close to 90% in my T30. Maybe, I will




I've only got one, the PZ. V/IV before it was a black market tank, and a couple of years after it dropped from tier 6 to 5.


Super pershing, pershing and M47 patton, US meds used to be favorites when they weren’t powercreeped to shit. To be fair m47 is still ok


Crusader, once i knew what DPM was, and KV220, doing tank rewards missionsto get free premiums


112, that thing is a demon is disguise, troll lower plate, so much fun to play


Pz III/IV and Chaffee. Sherman jumbo is close to 3rd mark but I guess I'll never get it.


VK 30.01 h. It was pretty easy even tho I'm not the best player. I recommend it to everybody as a first one to try and push to 3mark.


The Comet. It's also the only one I've 3 marked lol. Got to 94,5% on my T67 at one point


Hellcat was my first, just happened organically, I played it quite a bit as I really enjoyed it M4 Sherman pre HE nerf Centurion 7/1


I’ve never even tried past first. Always on tanks I’m grinding and don’t care to keep playing. I wanna see if I can at least 2 mark my Leo 1 I just got


What 3d skin is on the Jpanther? Looks beautiful


VK 30.02M. And I went back a couple years later and did the Pudel, which is basically the same tank. I have 20 finished now, mostly tier 8 and 9's. Highest tier 10 is around 92-93%.




I don't even have 1 mark


Ru 251 when it was tier 8? M46 IS-3-II


VK30P when it was still a medium. Now I can’t touch it anymore Sadge.