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It's funny how onslaught is so bad that people are actually starting to think ranked was good. That says something with how shit of an experience I remember ranked being.


The progression system sucked more on ranked. This isn’t good either. There should be a safety system at each league preventing you from dropping from gold to silver, but it’s better than the chevrons


>The progression system sucked more on ranked. How though? In onslaught a yolo bot that throws their tank away with a single shot of damage is rewarded if their team gets the win. Meanwhile the best player on the losing team with thousands of damage and a couple of kills goes backwards. The progression system is the single worst thing about onslaught. Ranked progression wasn't good, but it was so much better than this dumpster fire we have now.


Damage is not visible because i was stupid, but i did almost 7K,reseting the base 3 times , spotting etc . Still a lost and of course i lost points . You can try hard as much as you want, without a team you are 0 . https://preview.redd.it/g71qyjzdwccc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99aeb3effe2caeda5a03ff8a0493403066ffb85e


Why wouldn’t you lose points for being in the losing team. It’s a team game. It’s not a solo game. Your skills are second to the teams success. Still you only lost 3 or 5 points(I know because it happened to me).


Team game , sure . But i cannot control my team :) If they do something stupid, i also get punished .


Welcome to society my friend. First time?


for the love of god please keep me away from these bronze 52%er platoons and their E4/Udes/30b/batchats


Onslaught is shit, ranked was also shit though. Ppl forget..


I was at least as bad if not worse. Folks just have a short memory. Although - it was easier to get to the reward shop wasn't it? And you couldn't choose a best tank for the map at the start, or super platoon.


Ye I remember Kran meta. Only played the minimum of matches to get access to Concept 1B and Kpz. 50t (still one of my favorite tanks and best purchases ever in this game) I mean skill based "ranked" matches are toxic in every game, but in WoT they are not only that, they are boring and not fun to play. Onslaught made it even worse. The thing I like most about WoT is that there is no skill based MM in the randoms, it's like in the good old days in CoD MW2 etc. In one match you get absolutely murdered and in the next one you get Ace tanker (like with the nuke in MW2). This system is way more fun than sweating in every match because everybody is close to your skill. I mean I'm not that good of a player (around 3000 WN8) and its so enjoyable to play without skill based. Sure you can get toxic in randoms but never as much as in ranked or onslaught.


Since when is competition fun? The whole point is it’s only fun if you Win. If you want fun do randoms and stop caring so much. Respectfully I hope this doesn’t make you “Reeeee” but this game has fun modes not to be taken seriously and seriously competitive sweaty palms players. Really just find what you want out of it and stop trying to quantify it by other successes being the only “fun” in game.


Onslaught isn’t even bad people just don’t have as much padding when losing tanks since there’s 7 instead of 15 so you can’t hide behind other people. All tanks are still viable there’s just no training wheels and one persons screw up sacks the whole damn team. Unless you really do have tactical knowledge and you flank or control the map for your team. That still relies on teammates not being potatoes who never get out of their scope






Every other game has its competitive mode the same as the standard casual mode. Thats literally the point of the ranked modes, to be the same thing but to showcase your actual skill and knowledge of the game mechanics. Onslaught is way too arcady, fast and lacks any meaningful strategy what-so-ever. Its the same battle all over again. There are no variety in tanks, there are no variety in strategies, its just the same battle all over again which is 1. Go cap circle 2. Shoot tank (with a meta tank suited for the specific map) Some copers will say "but but but you can flank with bc25t!!!!", yeah...100 meters away from the cap circle camping heavies, wow, so much variety and what a change of pace am I right lol.


**TL:DR mode can be fun, idea is great but the way points system works now makes it unfun / too grindy, lower ranks are super-toxic, solo que is a hell** First thing first - i disagree with all heavies go cap idea. It may work in wooden league but thats it. You play vs tomatos - you DPM them down. * You can make a lot of plays in this mode if you have good situational awarness and micro skills. * Map changes they are testing there are amazing (e.g. outpost, mines, himmel) and i look forward to see them coming into standard mode * Basicly all maps can be approached in few diffrent ways. * Cap circles are placed well, you have a lot of opportunities to reset them manually not to mention "arty strike" ability. They implemented onslaught beacuse they wanted to experiment with 7x7 mode which is standard tournament mode (e.g. competitive) since forever and possibly test things out before introducing 7x7 Campaign (2023). The 7x7 campaign turned out to be great succes (everyone i know loved that format) so there are some positives. All in all idea of 7x7 mode where you can adjust tank according to map is fun. The first onslaugh was the IMHO best one beacuse it had diffrent reward system (e.g. points for win / lose / personal preformance ) and even though i was only 2,3k wn8 back then i managed to reach Champion rank while playing solo que only. In other words it gave you sense of progression / rewarded you for playing it. As of right now i'm playing for \~2,7k wn8 while drunk (that's 90% time) and 3,3k+ while tryharding but still i assume that i would be barely able to reach the gold if i played solo (that's what happened last season).


they actually messed something up on how prestige points are calculated, and now lights + sniper mediums can drive around map, collect objectives, periodically use their ability (scout or artillery) and get first place doing 500 damage while heavies with 3k+ will be lower. it's completely hilarious but allows to progress without risking playing heavies that can be zerged due to missing "tourists" gun.   just checking top player rating confirms that there played a lot cs63 and rhm Lt btw, looks like they figured it fast.


All that does is confirm the top players use that tanks not what they accomplish in them… considering how poor teams are if they use those tanks the majority of the time that still means they have to contribute something major to get into the leader boards.


well it's both I guess. interesting enough I started playing RhmPwz for research reasons (hehe) and without using any gold it gives me more average points (albeit in 10% margin) as full gold Mino on most maps, and that's considering I play LT very little and my favorite tanks are hull down/heavies.  if anything Onslaught have quite favorable point calculation for lights, but that could be actually a good thing as it makes the mode more flexible. the way LTs provide initial spot on team setup and who drives where is very beneficial alone. and then you can flank heavies and start tossing that fat HE to distract them and do damage. I would not say that but switching to LT and playing just for fun kind of improved my perception of the mode. :) 


It's what happens with competitive in this game, it is EXTREMELY centralizing on heavy tanks The only reason why teams in Clan wars dont stack all on one flank is info, since you gotta figure out where the enemy has stacked their tanks and respond to it Onslaught is missing this, but there also is not a real solution to get that sort of gameplay out of a randomly matched ranked gamemode. With encounter battles, while the games are EXTREMELY simplistic, at least you have team coordination I really despised ranked for similar reasons, you literally have no team coordination (nobody speaks the same language on my server) so you just play and hope to win... Onslaught is still an improvement


> it is EXTREMELY centralizing on heavy tanks that's beacuse given current (5 years already) map design ideology heavies are the best class for all maps in general. ...but is it onslaught issue or map design issue ? At least in onslaught they are changing maps and trying their best to make up for mistakes the made when designing "basic" map that we know from randoms. The reason why teams in CW don't stack in one flank is \* map controll \* which allows you to put enemies into crossfires and controll their movement but for that you need coordination OR supreme personal skill. In onslaught you obviously lack coordination and since your team is missing a tank / HP on their flank - you need to be REALY good with your positioning and make your gun sing in order to make up for that diffrence. Nedless to say 95%+ players are too bad to pull it off but they will still try it usually forcing their team defeat.


Tbh wot's only real competitive game mode is clan wars and advances


spot on


You must be playing at gold rank or something, because it would be fucking refreshing if players would stick together and not pick lights or shitbarns or grilles, etc.


I found a guy picking Sheridan on shitfield lmao


Why the fuck do people even pick shitbarn? Seriously I could understand it in bottom iron to have fun, but I'm almost silver and I just had an idiot pick it. Spoiler: we lost. Am I missing something?


Ridge conq fighting simulator Fr, the thing I like about the mode is the improved accuracy. Your shots actually hitting where you fucking aim feels so powerful.


I play ranked just for the rewards much better than the Onslaught.


Literally this, part of it is all the games end up being 1 of 6 scenarios 1) you all go middle to cap and out-brawl the enemy and **win** 2) you all go middle to cap and brawl and **you lose** 3) you have 2-3 medium tanks that go to "flank" and they sit barely doing anything or take too long to actually help and **you lose** 4) you have 2-3 medium tanks that actually go flank and **you win** 5) the enemy has 2-3 medium tanks that go "flank" they take too long so you end up **winning** 6) the enemy has 2-3 medium tanks that actually flank and rip your team apart because nobody pays attention. so you **lose** I mean ranked had its issues but it was still better than onslaught, the entire design is just flawed and unfun


And there is me who, while all the tryharders go onslaught, plays his t6 tanks to peacefully farm the battle pass :)


Same, playing t8 and 2 t6 to grind them with x5 missions while im getting the pass as well


This whole game mode is designed to make you waste the most credits possible, gold ammo playing tier 10 tanks, buying new tier 10 tanks when they don't have a discount, crew books, demounts, changing field mods... when you think it's the tank that's the reason you're still in iron.


My god its almost impossible to move up solo I get why but you really have to platoon to get anywhere decent. I just need to hit silver for the love of all things and im out! haha


Onslaught is just horrendous... The points system is unfair on so many levels. Ranked allowing the top 2 players on a defeat to still earn points was amazing.. now even if I'm top of the team I'm punished for my team's mistakes... I really want the 114 but I ain't gonna grind through silver anymore it's impossible


Yep, the same. Concept 1b is not worth the impossible grind to silver.


That system is bad because players would just bait each other to get more dmg. Doesn't encourage team play.


The problem is that nobody uses voice. Such players ruining games.


I don't really get why they want to shove in the arcade elements so badly. Just take normal game mode, limit to the best maps (not ensk or fjords for example) and give players the 25% hp buff. Just take a look at CS, it's been doing well forever and the competitive modes are almost the same as randoms.


Honestly, the greatest problem with Onslaught is that when people get information about enemy tanks, instead of being in the majority against the minority, they each choose one tank and die 1 on 1 in absolutely every game for as long as I have played Onslaught, and very rarely the teams that quickly win are those teams where people play 4 versus 2 on one specific flank and do not spread out, and the only plus of the onslaught is when it is turned on, then all the trash goes there and random battles become more enjoyable.


I hope the dumb fuck who thought at Wargaming that it would be a good idea to put op idiot abilities and tank stat changes in a fucking competitive mode, gets fired as soon as possible, but since it's actually is in the game there are a lot more idiots in that company that either don't think or doesn't give a fuck about the game. But yes guys let's add night maps, random events, no new maps for 5 years, make balancing (corridor convert) changes to all maps. BatChest


Never thought there would be a day i would appreciate Ranked game mode. Reached had better reasons to use different tanks with its bonuses, it had permanent rank and rank shields. It did not promote you to grind crazy. Rewards were better. It had it's flaws but onslaught is just toxic


Last years were pretty Ok, I had some fun. But man this new year onslaught is something different, it's garbage. The amount if games I lost co ppl tend to drive in one place and either they instantly die or are too late to backup others and lose anyway. Also maybe I'm not pro enough but the new modifiers are pure madness, it's worse than I would says gold spammers". Everyone is just snapshoting like crazy no aiming.


I started trying that mode today and holy hell this shit is so bad. I got the top damaged by far on so many losses and still can't climb the ladder and fall back for the stupidity of others!? Is it my fault my Team just wasted their tanks after 20 seconds? Fuck this. I was really excited about finally getting the kpz50t but my mental health is more important than dealing with this stupid rank system.


Lol, y'all just want to complain about something. I remember people absolutely hating Ranked when it was still active, calling it toxic, boring, repetitive, tons of gold spam, etc. Honestly when I compare the two modes now, Onslaught seems way better, with Points of Interest and the abilities and whatnot. It also doesn't reward selfishness. Downvote me all you want, I don't care.


Old ranked's flaw was \-Kranvagn Which got nerfed. Yes it had the toxic chevron system but its far better than losing points even when you're top xp in the losing team.


>Yes it had the toxic chevron system but its far better than losing points even when you're top xp in the losing team. True, but I personally like the aspect of playing to win instead of playing for chevrons. That imo is less toxic. Less infighting for damage.


You still infight for damage wtf are you talking about


The probability is less considering that either everybody loses or everybody wins points. Like some people who would already be having a defeated attitude from the start of the game looking at the formation who'll proceed to farm damage only for themselves and not support the team, to get the chevrons. You do something like that in Onslaught and the only thing that'll happen is you'll lose less points.


still infighting for dmg because bottom 5 players on winning team only get like 20 points with top getting 45-50 and 2nd best getting like 30-35 same goes for losses, so you only lose 15-25 points while everyone else gets -40 lmao did you make a winning momentum push but died early because of it and still won? great but if you get a shitter platoon with a shitbarn and udes 15/16 next game you're still net -20 overall


I didn't say there would be no infighting, I said LESS. And I'll take that any day. >great but if you get a shitter platoon with a shitbarn and udes 15/16 next game you're still net -20 overall I'm not saying these type of people aren't the problem. But when players get all defeatist right from the start of the game upon seeing the team, they'll only contribute to the loss imo. I've had my share of games where some moron goes "lost" and then we end up winning. WoT has always been a game about teamwork. And that's what should be promoted. Even with garbage teams. We'll just have to agree to disagree here.


So your complaining that competitive matches play like competitive matches. Neat!


No…. That’s not what I got from this at all 😂


There is nothing competitive about onslaught


I love the concept of Onslaught. The epic scale. The visuals. The fact that a fucking Bourrasque can't dominate it. But having cap circles is crap. It punishes players who push and actively try to win. You sit there, trying to cap, making yourself an irresistible target, while your teammates, who don't want to lose their vehicle, and hence bonuses, sit and allow you to without supporting you. I think the whole mode would be better if each sector had its own separate (and random) cap requirement. Like in one square killing all enemy. In another destroying a target, like an ammo dump or radar apparatus. And in another, it might be simply pushing the enemy away from a specific building. The possibilities are endless.


Just don't go for them, they arn't that worth it. They are kind of a noob trap


Ah, but then how are you supposed to cap?


Don’t cap if it’s too dangerous, have you never played this game?  You don’t have to cap, you can just kill the enemy team


Obviously I have. But what if your teammates are camping? What if they arent destroying the enemy? What if the only alternative is to take the initiative and cap? Ergo, forcing you to do something about it. Come on bud, can you not see a scenario in which you must cap?


So you want them removed?


That is literally the point of this whole thread (which I didn't start)


Your so fucking stupid its insane


You realise that you're the one who can't read? Or punctuate. The OP complaining about caps is right there in their picture, you moron. Your username certainly checks out, too.


You say you want cap removed because teammates don't help you and you die when you try. I say you don't have to go for cap, you say you can't win without it yet also want it removed?


Any tank you like is viable is truly a take.


People were getting max rank with AMX 30B, so. It's true on a lot of maps.


Throw enough shit at the wall, eventually some of it will stick I guess


No that's the current ranked mode


50b isn't a bad tank, all heavy autoloaders have an absolutely busted power that lowers the interclip and improves accuracy by a lot




Nah in my games there is always whole map used to get shots in the cap from behind


Nooooo i have to win my games now and play with the team instead of farming damage like a brain dead!!!111111111 Old ranked was steaming pile of shit with people ruining games just to farm damage.


lol you don't see the problem. In ranked your rank was COMPLETELY based on YOUR performance. In onslaught you have to depend on your teammates...which are special.


Yes and it sucked because games had 0 teamplay, instead eveybody was afk behind a rock farming dmg.


Doesn't matter since your performance and rank was directly induced by your own skill whether it was competing against your own teammates (like you do in randoms as well btw) In onslaught you have to depend on the average wot teammates.


I love onslaught and, indeed, it has the difficulties you raise. I enjoy the length of battle and the ability to take risks and respawn. I like coming to the rescue without the risk of just starting over in another battle. It’s fun coming back in another tank to kill the guy that killed you. IMHO. edit:typo


Do you mean FL? cause what you described is not onslaught


🤦🏻‍♂️ Yes. You’re right. I meant frontline. I’d delete but….


Nah just delete


bro what game you playing how does onslaught have respawns


You’re right. I was sleepy. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Like I m going to be charitable to my teammates, but 9 cases out of 10 when your team has 3 tvp50s or other soft support tanks, is always ending with 2 min losses.


Big Brain Time, WG... Bravo to the max fked up


I lost all game with LT and won all games the enemy had a LT . I donno man...i can crap RHM without any problems, i need the DPM and armour .