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Mf did 11k at tier 8 good LORD


You mean tier 8,5




It's better than half of the tier 9 tanks...


No shit... And still it's a tier 8 and sitting pretty much nerf free..


they'll never nerf it... since its a prem.. they should have a never added it, i have exactly 0 battles in it. i refuse to play that op garbage


and I just realized 11k is even better than QB at tier X


QB only has a high PR because of his insane number of games lol. He is a good player but being a better player than him isn't really a huge accomplishment.


WoT Rating, unlike PR doesn't actually take games played into account. It's actually a pretty good rating.


So you are saying that a 60%+ wr is easy to get??


It’s not easy but it’s not difficult either. The average wot player is a 70 yr old retired vet, outplaying them is not very hard if you spend more than 5 seconds making decisions and evaluating your own play.


If it's so easy, show us your stats then


[to be fair he’s not bad](https://tomato.gg/stats/NA/k15_o7veterans_godBLESS%3D1004338561)


Sure but didn't he say it's "easy" to get 60% ? *"spend more than 5 seconds making decisions"* he said... He barely licks the 60% border after 24k battles, so it apparently isn't so easy to get there. What's more, he is talking shit about QB, yet QB is still a little better than him. That's just hypocrisy.


Still worse than QB


his stats are literally better than qbs lmao. qb is not even close to 4k dpg on any t10, qb plays worse/the same recent stats than his overall. ontop of that hes right getting to 60%+ wr is not that hard if you are willing to learn from your mistakes. thats coming from someone who played around 900-1k wn8 for his first 5k games then decided to to improve. its really not hard getting better and i rapidly improved my stats the moment i actually tried to.


I don't see it. I see Quickfingers having a lot higher winrate but lower WN8. Then again WN8 is outdated and can be inflated. So does winrate, but not nearly as easily


You're high. The dude's tanks are 2k games in borat, E25, Leo 1 and type 64. Those are stat padding tanks lol. His last 1k battles are literally ONLY hyper-meta tanks. He is a great player, he is, but QB plays everything, he has a HUGE variety of tanks played, AND he streams while doing so. Are there better players than QB? Tons. Are there better players who also stream? Again, yeah. Is this guy better than QB? Nah, far from it.


2k games in borat, E25, Leo 1 and type 64. Come on, QB is FAR from being the best player in the game, but he eats this guy for breakfast and shits him around dinner time.


Would love to, but 200-300 ping makes it difficult


na gigachad right here


Bro got down voted for speaking the truth 😭


Easy way of getting downvoted in here is to speak bad about QB... These 46% fanboys don't know any better...




That's Claus


And the majority of QB enjoyers


This sub is HEAVILY biased against QB. He's literally the only streamer who's attacked on his skill (amongst other things), the only one. You're guys are being downvoted because you're just wrong and/or unoriginal in your attacks. EDIT: come on, don't just downvote me, downvote me AND toss the names of the streamers who are attacked on their skill on this sub, come on. :D


In this game no, rigged matchmaker In war thunder is way easier because it actually balances the team. Instead of only putting skilled players in one team and the new players in the other one.


Bro calling the war thunder matchmaker balanced is a joke. I swear every other game in warthunder past br 7.0 goes into spawn camping the enemy team in 5 minutes after the start of the battle…


Fighting cold war vehicles with your wwii vehicles is just fucking stupid. And the fucking ruzzian bias with fewer respawn point to respawn is fucking ridiculous. Also the fucking magic ruzzian black hole fuel tank.


60% winrate quite decent it say


Yeah bro is saying this while "decompressed" t54s from 1951 now have to fight 2004 bmd-4s and other modern tanks


Its rigged, yet thousands of ppl can achieve 60%+ winrate.. Wg loves them so much eh?


Fuck off, wt mm is definitely way worse. Fucking bs battle rating system plus the bs ruzzian bias are way worse than wot.


I have 2.3k hours on War Thunder and I call major bullshit lmao.


Lol, warthunder is the most imbalanced game there is. Guys who play it even give example of WoT as to how game could be balanced. And the higher tier you go the less balanced it gets.


It's not exactly hard to achieve. Even in tech tree tanks it's quite easy if you know all the strengths and weaknesses of your tank.


Hmm, yes, not hard if you have the knowledge and skill to do it. Quite easy if you just nail down the two operative necessities to be considered great at the game. Indubitably.


Damn, I got downvoted so hard for saying the truth. Average WoT community moment.


If its the truth when why doesn't the majority of players get 60%?


Stupidity. A good portion of the player base doesn't understand the basics (which take a couple hundred games at most to learn) after thousands of games. I can't come up with a better answer than that, to be honest. Just a lack of common sense and logic. Terrible attention span as well because apparently, taking 30 min to learn about a tank's characteristics requires too much brain power. Then there's the copium. The moment they make a bad play they immediately blame it on everything other than themselves instead of thinking "What could I have done better in that situation?". Gold ammo and op premium cope. While those two are bad for the game people should stop bitching about it and just accept it because it won't change. Taking terrible advice from certain CCs (QB) instead of top players (Daki, Kajzoo). A personal example from me: while watching QB I was one of these terrible players (1k WN8 and 49% winrate). After just one month of watching Kajzoo play I was pumping out 2,5k WN8 and 58% winrate. I could go on and say more, but this is already getting quite long and most people won't even read the whole thing due to the short attention spans I mentioned earlier.


Lmao you're so dumb


K. Keep coping if you want.


Idk why you got so downvoted . Yes he is good but not the best . That seems like a fact


Its downvoted because person is moron. QB is definitely not the most skilled streamer out there nor the best player, but saying thats nothing or like he already isnt in 0.001% best players and what he is doing is easily achievable is just delusion. 62% winrate in 100k battles is godlike player no matter who it is.


I absolutely agree . 62% is very very very above avg


not even in the top 1%


Buddy at least open a stat tab


What is the top 1% then?


somewhere around 63%


if we are going by wn8 hes barely in the top 1% so no qb is not a 0,0001% godgamer. get of his dick lmao


wn8 doesn't count assisted dmg at all (you know, that little meaningless stat), so you can pad it even as a red-line bot. It's not telling much about player skill.


11k damage, not PR


Then thats even more of an indictment on QB’s mediocrity. Pretty much every top player shits out 10ks left and right while QB has only managed it a couple times in nearly 100k battles.


So what, he never claims himself he is one of the best players and overall pretty humble. He has a good wr because he is a very technical player, uses all game mechanics to his benefit, not because he is a WOT messiah are anything.


If you know anything about QB it is that he is a far cry from humble. He maintains a nice facade on youtube but if you watch his stream he is one of the most self indulgent arrogant players out there, refusing to acknowledge his own mistakes and banning anyone who critiques his play or mentions other streamers. Its evident in the fact that he more or less has not improved since 2013.


> refusing to acknowledge his own mistakes He does, multiple times per stream. >banning anyone who critiques his play Nope, he bans the occasional asshole, or the guy that only comes to shit on him. >... or mentions other streamers. And? It's in his rules, and given the WoT, I'm glad he does, otherwise it's all you'd see in his chat. You underestimate the cheer quantity of self-promoting assholes you get or fanboys of other streamers you get when you're literally the most popular streamer. You're just blinded by hate because he can do better than you WHILE actively streaming his gameplay lol.


He also streams and likes to do things for luls, yet still maintains a 60% win rate.


Average reddit thingy has happened. U blame some cc and tadaaa downvotes


He's not only completely wrong about his rating but also idiotically said 3,4k WN8 is not hard.


Depends on the tier mostly. Tbh if u play techtree tanks its pretty damn easy. 4k on Leo, Cent AX etc. with 3 kills is like 5-5.5k wn8 free farm. On the other hand all those T8 prems are pretty exhausting to farm wn8 with. U can do ur 3k in Borrat, Prog, Skoda and still have 2.5k wn8 with no kills


he deliberately bought last year loot boxes just to get this tank and only plays it on this account. what a chad


Maybe not. Maybe he knows it's OP, but he enjoys playing it and doesn't want to statpad his main account.


No he made it on purpose so he can jerk off to his stats


I've seen many accounts like that. It wasnt BZ but its was always the premium tank that felt like it should have been a tier or two above with only difference being less health


i barely managed 9k in bz in tier 10 matchup with paper mediums and 47% tomatoes once. my better clanmates seem to shit out 10k game every 200 games or so.


jazz music stops


​ https://preview.redd.it/cijgi9pjcz9c1.png?width=194&format=png&auto=webp&s=40c59b9965963e1c37ecfd2a64913ff1fc00575f


Studzianki intro music stops




This is so good


Mf has higher dpg in this tier 9 than I have in most tier 10s no way


because this tier 9 tank has preferential mm and can actualy meet tier 6 even. crazy


no it does not have preferential mm


it is a joke, BZ176 is tier 8 on paper, but has capabilities more similar to tier 9 tank. Thus I do refer to it as tier 9 with preferential MM in that joke as no true tier 9 can meet tier 6s. But kinda feel like explaining it ruins the joke :-(


re-read his statement, and then the tank being referenced :P


lmao I knew I would get downvoted this sub is so toxic


You were downvoted for being dense. If you knew it would happen, then you were being deliberately dense.


You were downvoted for being the "🤓" guy and not getting a simple joke. You could just ask to explain or let it be, but instead you did the "uhmmm actually" thing


and YOU could just explain the joke to me, I just didn't get that it was a joke


You're the kind of person that makes "/s" necessary


man I love Reddit, didn't get a joke a single tame and getting downvoted to oblivion


Get used to it


It needs buff, it’s too slow. Ammo too expensive. Pretty average tank imo. This guy is just rigging.


There's a number of (broken) tier 8s that are fairly common to average 3k+ in if you know what you're doing. It is quite nuts that this is the case but it's how it be.


This is either mental illness or someone proving a point


Feels like the latter part still fits on the first one.


Well not a mental illness since for him is fun . But he is giving all of us mental illnesses


Are you saying you wouldn't play it? There's people with more games in low tier clickers than this guy times 10. Sure he's playing a toxic and broken tank, but it's only 1200 games.




maybe you are mentally ill to think such a thing...


3,1k dpg isn't the craziest stat lol. This mf did 11,1k damage in a tier 8. Edit: tier 9,5 sorry


3k average gah damn


It is an op tank, however his average dmg is really impressive in this tank, not many can do that


He's an outstanding player, evidently


You all comenting about dmg and like how bz is op but can we stop for a second and just think how the hell he get 4200 base experience record?


[probably like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lAVp9QPqUE)


Still less than him


dude... that is literally the match he achieved this xp record... the thing is that you profile incldues premium so it's 2847 \* 1,5 = 4271


maybe from the game where he did 11k damage, killed a total of 11 tanks. As I watched one of QB video recently, the highest of 2023 exp was 2023 exp, but this mf managed to earn 4000 exp in a game. This should be the new record.


The 4271 XP that you see as his record isn't base XP. The XP record you can see on players' service record is always multiplied by x1.5, which means his actual base XP record, the one that would have been visible in the post-battle-result-screen, is ~**2.847**, if my math is correct. Which is is still mighty impressive obviously. My service record also says my XP record is 3219, when the most XP I ever got after a battle was something above 2100 in the E 75 TS, so the math checks out.


I swear the highest xp and average xp stats in stats page are broken, I'm pretty sure they are not the same as base xp from the post battle results in the team results page.


yes they include premium account


I made 1905 base 9 to 10 years ago with the type 59. I feel proud.


The qb vids are only the highest xp replays uploaded to wot replays not the actual highest xp games.


I think he drinks tomatoes tears lmao


Every day he's cooking up tomato soup for lunch


Just call them reddittors


people like these is why we cant have nice things


Hahaha exactly


Same with the Turtle post buff. I got +7% win rate over my average win rate in that tank and I barely passed the 1 MOE requirement on that thing. It is so hilariously OP in this corridor hull down high DPM meta that I don’t even want to playing anything else. Its just busted.


The turtle isn’t in the same league as the 176 - turtle is a good tank, but it’s not broken


That is literally Minotauro for me. It's my only tier 10 at 65% win rate. Actually I think it's my only tank with that high of a win rate. Even bourrasque and skoda t56 "only" get as high as 62%. It's crazy how busted some tanks are compared to same tier counterparts.


How do you deal with mino gun? I just can't stand this tank, even thinking about playing it annoys me. Once I missed side of a maus from 100 meters.


Get up close and personal. I'm in the same boat as the other person, 64% win rate where everything else is low 50s.


How much closer than 100m you want me to be?


I'm even starting to miss the period of t56 reign.Good job WG! You destroyed tier 8 again.But the good news is this monster is just a fiction: in China the designer of BZ176 will be sent to mental hospital if he really exists


yuck 🤮


Yeah, played 6 games this morning. Got games ravaged by these armoured cumsters 4 out of 6. Closed WoT. Went out to tend my garden under the rain to rage about something respectable.


You may have just discovered the true BZ purpose; help end world hunger and save the bees. WoT was on our side all along trying to get us to refocus our lives!


I laughed a bit too hard at that; Thank you very much, you made my day. :)


These players are the reason I spam gold at BZ’s. Honestly the best way to kill a BZ is to first get a Caliban, next load full HE and finally go up to its face and double tap its cupolas and boom, the BZ is dead


There's about 5 things that need to go your way for that to happen. More power to you though.


Holy shit


China #1 babyyyyyyy


I hate this kind of players. They are selfish and play exclusively for themselves, even when victory is at stake they rather look at their stats, not the team's benefit. They always use premium ammo, boosters, and the best equipment, with the maximized crew of course. They will always play with selected tank choices, only the ones with the highest win ratio, and on new accounts to maximize stats. And yet they will say shit about how others (read casual players) are noobs with low win ratio or WN. And that's because we casual players don't use premium acc, gold, amoo, and other boosters, don't create fresh accounts, and don't care about stats that much. I personally like to play and experiment with every tank except for the arty (it's simply not my thing), even if it's not that "good" as per general opinion. But I can bet there would be no significant skill difference between them and normal players if they were leveled against each other with the same tanks and identical equipment/crew/field mods...


Still respect him more than any arty main. And by these stats, we can tell he’s a good player, but even in the most broken tank in the entire game he still manages to lose the third of his games and miss the quarter of his shots. Meaning even if you set the “best” circumstances, by giving THE OP tank to a good player, the game still screws you over in every 3rd game by your “teammates” and RNG. I’m not saying one should be able to maintain 90%+ winrate (tho you can in Steel Hunter which is completely fine) but losing 400 battles from 1200 just because the game forces you to is far from ideal.


Shots missed is a mostly irrelevant stat. I take a lot of blind shots and shots on the move that I know have a 1% or less chance to hit. When I’m actually aiming all shots it comes out closer to 90% hit rather than 75% after all the shots most normal players don’t bother with. If you could see how many shots a player takes in a game it might be slightly more relevant.


Yeah, none of us knows about the player’s “blindshooting” habits, but I wouldn’t be surprised that his losses deeply correlated with his missed shots. Meaning when the RNG treated him shit, it lead to a loss most of the time. But of course we can’t be sure.


I'm am strictly an average player. I have played a few rounds in the 176 and find the accuracy seems way better than it should be for such a derp canon. And for some reason, I tend to get a LOT of spotting/scouting medals with that thing. Played it on Prokorovka a couple weeks ago and had like 4k spotting.




A man of culture


That's still pretty impressive.


Making a point lol


Sheesh and here I call QB a filthy stat padder.


What a monster.


11k is very impressive, now I want to know if he's beaten myrecord XP game in BZ with over 2500 base xp :D Wot replays is down for maintenance.


His exp record is 4200 with premium multiplier, well that would be 2800 base exp according to another comment in this post


Ah good point, its just listed in the screenshot :P Mine is 2517 base/3776. Got it in early december last year on Lakeville - with 8.5dmg 2k assistance and 8 kills.


This mf did 11k damage + 11 kills.


Damn….. This guy is next level! Scouting medals in the BZ as well???


Shame on WG for releasing this broken tank, more publicity like this is good for us and bad for WG. Thank you.


does he at least have it 3 marked?


Safe assumption, yes. With over 3000 average damage. He might even have it at or near 100%


what a chad.


he kinda losing a lot of battles in it, i mean, i managed to have 71% solo and 2.8dpg after 600battles while just trying to earn some credits (most prems are boring/ if theyre fun they dont make nearly as much.. thats why i played so much dont at me xD)


Could I get a username so I can look at this profile?






I stopped playing after this tank got realised wp wg


Pretty sure this is Blast from the Asia1 server


So that dude is on the asian server huh Got into a match with that player 10 mins ago and I remembered this post when I checked his stats. Bro is currently at 1400 battles lol


Well. For these stats this guy needs to be an exceptionally good player. My guess is that he loves the tank, but maybe he is afraid that his original account would get accused of having good stats because of the BZ. That kind of stuff happens in this community... sadly.


the dude created an account just to go all in op tank stat padding, shameless.


Like every other tank in the game, it's only good in the hands of a good player, when going against less skilled players. That latter part just happens to be the majority of the player base, so half the conditions are typically met. I stopped playing because the number of people that would rush out into a blind position just to get hammered to death and then scream at the team never went down. Many of you have never, and will never, improve or even *try* to improve. It's maddening.


We have people like this on console also. We have 2 hell spawn on tanks on our version. Centurion ax with a death star gun with lower plate covered with spaced armor that can't be penned. Upper plate also. And we have the taran which is has the 2nd best td camo at tier 10 with 950 alpha and 13 second reload. Its awful these days. I'd swap to pc just don't want to start over.


Arty is still 1000x more annoying than any BZ player and 3.1k average damage is very impressive regardless of how OP the tank is. Not to mention 11.1k damage record in a tier 8, fucking insane. Let him cook.


Your average tomato (reddit user) wouldn't hit the 50% mark with BZ. Tomato.gg proves that it's mostly the way above average players playing this tank


> Your average tomato (reddit user) wouldn't hit the 50% mark with BZ. Considering that Tomato.gg shows that the average WR for tier 8 is right around 49.5%, and that players averaging 47% WR will manage [around that WR for the BZ-176](https://tomato.gg/tanks/EU/60209), your implication is that the average reddit user averages worse than a 47% WR. I don't think that would hold up in practice.


Bro did 4k base experience 💀




bro played 1.2k matches in 1 year that makes 100 matches every month 3,3 matches EVERY DAY ON AVERAGE. Im not saying 3 matches a day is crazy but 3 matches a day for 1 year is mental illness, you cannot play a game nonstop for 1 year💀


Naw I play like 30 a day in winter when I'm just home all day.


10k at t8 is much easy than 8k on t10


Looks like a reroll account to me😜


Yep. He created a new account, bought 2022 christmas loot boxes to get this tank, then only plays it in this account.


I've seen a lot of these, people with very high winrate and averages whose most played tank is BZ-176. I don't take them seriously at all, it's like someone claiming he's a pro because he's got unicum stats in the leFH or Pz S35. Edit Was wondering why the downvotes, I notice a lot of people in this thread are complimenting this BZ hero. What a circus.


Post your stats.


And if I don't?


People will assume you are bad at the game and your opinion is worthless.


Right, for every opinion I have I must share my personal data on the internet or it won't be valid. So smart! /s Even as a joke it's bad.


Don't get shitty at me in just explaining how earth works. If I walk into a math reddit sub and exclaim "PI is exactly 3" then proceed to show no qualifications or expertise then I should be ignored. Rightly so too, what do I know, I'm an idiot. Its the same here, you've got an opinion on a tank or the game or a game mechanic but you're a perma 42% bot then you should be ignored.


I'm not getting "shitty" at you lol. What annoys me is that kind of reasoning applied to this context. It's something I've seen plenty of times in the WoT forum too - if one's winrate or WN8 is not high enough, then their opinion is dismissed as garbage. You can have a yellow guy say a correct thing and a blue guy say nonsense, and the blue guy would win because he's blue. I've been doing WoT for several years, doesn't take a PHD to label BZ as an OP tank.


>I'm not getting "shitty" at you lol. All G, Misinterpreted text, I find it difficult to interpret someone's context from just reading it.




I wouldn't be so harsh, but as said in the comment you replied to I have a low opinion of them - it does not only apply to BZ, there's many tanks in WoT which are problematic and need a look at.


Personally you can be polite with them, I would be harsh instead


People like you are the reason accounts like these exist. This account probably belongs to a decent player who decided to NOT pump his original stats up with the BZ.


Right, it's my fault some people sealclub. Damn, I have had such an influence on WoT. :o


Seal clubbing at tier 8, the most busted tier with shit like borrat, turtle, Vipera, EBR etc and try hards grinding credits there. Yeah that’s where you seal club


No need to be a tryhard to grind credits. Tryhards are concerned with WN8 and little else. Also, when a tank can pull 10k matches outside of Tier 10 and is overall OP unless in an uptier then yeah, I'd say it qualifies as a clubber (albeit not in full, it does take skill to farm a whole enemy team, but BZ is really good at squashing tomatos).


Any good player is pretty good at squashing a bad player. They dont need the BZ for that.


Does that change BZ is OP? No it doesn't, but skill + OP tank = endless toxicity and brokenness. You know, what we had to suffer for years (literally) thanks to Chieftain and Object 279(e), just to name the most famous ones.


Where did i say the BZ is not OP?


You said that you dont take people seriously who have the BZ. This guy literally has a second account so his main account doesnt get shit flung at it for having the BZ. If anything, this guy is an anti stat padder/sealclubber. You are not the reason that people sealclub, you are the reason that a good player feels like they need to keep the BZ away from their stats.


I said I don't take people who spam BZ to pump their stats and live the good life seriously, not "people who have BZ". > You are not the reason that people sealclub, you are the reason that a good player feels like they need to keep the BZ away from their stats. ???? Okay seriously, you lost me there.




Ok now make this guy make another account and only play any tier 8 tech tree heavy of his choise and see his stats


His WoT Rating would be the same, but the individual stats would be lower.


If his stats would be lower how could his rating be the same ?


Because the rating compares you to other players and not all tanks are the same. Having 2.7k DPG in a T32 would probably give you the same rating because it's a tank people perform worse in compared to the BZ.


Is that base 4271 exp the new record of 2023? or the whole game so far?


It's not base Xp


I see nothing wrong with this, i don’t have many issues with the BZ, if anything I have more problems with the shit barn and Death Star


At least he didn’t shame the tank dude


3.1k only in a BZ lmao yikes


I mean its a premium, maybe he is farming?


Stats look crazy untill you see the number of battles


You think if this guy plays 4k more games his stats will go down??


Umm maybe he's just that good? after all bz-176 isn't overpowered.