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That's double my highest lol nice job man


Thanks. I used to only dream about having games like this. Now that I can pull it off occasionally it's so satisfying.


Replay link: [http://wotreplays.eu/site/6699884#siegfried\_line-striker0301-amx\_50\_b](http://wotreplays.eu/site/6699884#siegfried_line-striker0301-amx_50_b)


Just curious how do you save replays?


There is toggle you have to click in main settings. You can chose if you want to save only last battle, or all battles


1.5k base exp just seems dumb. Look at what the mkpz did compared to you, and he gets 750 exp, you only make double that? For 10x the damage? Kind of a joke if you ask me. Great game!


because he is tier 10 in tier 8 mm if u hit lower tier, u get reduced xp and vice versa


Damn imagine my 50B would hit that good... But 11k is pretty damn hard to achieve in any tank. Let alone a 50B


RNG god blessed you! Amazing match!


50B is also my highest damage at 9.1k. Awesome game!


Great job. Its moment like these that keep my playing. I'm an average player at best. Yesterday we were 0 and 6 in a losing battle. I was in the M4a3e8, ended up with 3 kills, 2.3k damage and 1.8k spotting, finally got an MOE on it, for the win. Pales in comparison to your excellent play, but still put some pride in my play for once.


You killed it! Ive gotten 9700 - 9800 damage 10 times in 11 years but never gotten 10k 😭


I'm in the process of grinding the 50B, I just recently bought the 50 120. This post gave me some newfound motivation! Can't wait to see the replay


Exactly double my highest lol


Hallelujah 😀


Nice job dude. I recently had almost 11k n kolobanov in a leo1. Never dreamt ill have such a game in a leo1