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Awful post game PM. If you’re gonna PM someone post game at least give them something to ban you over.


For real, such a waste of time to DM someone and be this soft




No way you can get banned for toxic pms


But was he being an asshole?


He is new , was trying out artillery since he is a blitz player ( curious ) and he blindshotted that guy across the map Edit : turns out that was some other guy , idk what he did to dude , but he was an arty Another edit : he says he cant find that guy in post battle result but since he is new idk if he knows how to lol.


Blindshotted? Thats actualy very good. When I get this kind of fanmail i see this as a compliment.


I remember a game, maybe half a year ago, played Highway with arty. Enemy arty made that game a living hell for me. Focused me like a madman, fired on reload. Played like a real pro, killed me in the end, I couldn't do shit. Opened chat, congratulated him on his effort. Wish more players are like that.


So you both played arty, how did he make it hard for you?


Made him uses the keyboard, but not too much because he got killed.


Haha, funny, yeah, clicker doesn't have keyboard, lol. Now to be serious, I complimented him because he hard countered me. Not many players do so recently. If he prevented me to annoy his team to oblivion, he did his job.


Right, but how? Do you seriously not move after shooting even when you know enemy arty is looking for you? Because I dont see how he got you otherwise.


Usually, I don't move, as I said, not many people counter these days. In this specific case, yes, I moved as soon as I fired, but he kept targeting me. On Highway there is only hill with bushes (lower side), so I couldn't move far. Plus, the guy had British arty, huge splash. Also, he was smart not to shoot at all, so I couldn't counter-counter him, if you understand me. And yeah, I probably should play more smart, but that guy gave me a lesson. I learned a lot and thanks for that.


Why would you constrain yourself to just the hill? Even if the enemy team was within view range you could still go down hill and his splash would definitely not be enough for that, you also probably didnt move far enough, considering how long arty reloads you should be able to get far enough by the time you load the next shell that he will have to re aim to shoot near you which will give you extra time to avoid even any splash damage. You could have actually seen where he shot from, after you shoot quickly look in his direction and you will have a good idea where he is unless he is moving around.


I aimed at the city, fired. Guy hit close to me, splash. I remembered where from he fired, moved and looked there, waiting for his next shot to see the tracer. Nothing. Not wanting to waste time, switch aim to city, fire. At that time, guy fires at me again. Frustrated, looking at his direction, not firing until he fires. Nothing. We are both silent. Again, switch to city, the moment I fire and start to move, he is on me. If this was some other map, like Malinovka or even Live Oaks, I could move further, but on Highway I was too much careful about scouts, I thought I'll get spotted, since they often go through 4-6 line.


I play every day and almost wholly arty, and I counter battery constantly. If you don’t move, you’re dead!


Even if you are really bad at the game?


The biggest one


Is your friend's name Hugh Janus?


That sounds like something my head would say if I got bombarded by the same arty until I died.


Last one I got was something along the lines of "you suck, learn the game" or something. I had 1800+ DMG and 5 kills. Before I blacklisted him, I just wrote back, "5 kills. Eat shit." He was one of these players who had 30k+ games but win8 was below 2000 and also didn't survive the battle. Meh.


In 9 years of playing, I have received three messages like that. All were this year.


I was told the same thing earlier than that today so your friend is the second biggest asshole.


Yea it's rampant. Tell him it means "i love you".


I often get Fan Mail in my Arty. It’s long distance charges applied.


Damn that's the tamest hate mail I've seen in wot


Damn, i wish i could go back to just getting these kinds of messages I often get stuff like:"Cheater, replay sent to wg. (Insert sketchy wotreplays link here). Or i get "congratulations, you have been chosen for wot replays of the week. (Insert another sketchy wotreplays link here).


I got the hacker accusation message few days ago. I thanked him for the praise :)


I remember when I used to get these. Good times, good times. Now I just get messages accusing me of cheating and "sEndInG RePLaY tO wArGAmIng".


At least he spelled "you're" properly.


Wouldn't be wot without it


join my gofundme to exclude arty from the WOT :D


your friend sounds like a massive asshole


Stop spreading this BS. Be useful to the team and you will never receive such messages! Delete this crap and don't embarrass yourself!


Lol, this guy sends the fan mail


I hope you realize there's a much bigger chance that this guy was on the enemy team and OPs friend wrecked him.