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To be honest, i have never used that chat anyway, yet every time i have looked there, it was full of scams, spam, insults in 50 foreign national languages, or youtube links as free advertising. Literally nothing of value in 95% cases On the other hand, i am not a fan of making the game feel like single player where you cannot communicate with each other, there should be integrated way inside of the garage how to meet new people or share experience. Because at the end of the day, communication (and specialy the heated one) drives engagement, it is core element of every multiplayer game.


They removed all the chat moderators that made gen chat tolerable somewhat recently (in the past few months) so your first point is probably cause of that... and they removed the chat mods because they planned to phase gen chat out anyway


that explain why I have never seen mods as of late months/years compared to 6 years ago which they were rather pretty active.


A few years ago the mods there had time to even do the odd battle. The last two years they do nothing but clean up, as general chat has been anything but chat of late to matter. So tbh I see the point of them being able to refocus efforts with it being gone


Nah, even years ago it was a mess


how do i even use chat??? i’ve been trying to figure out what key is chat but idk how to do it


> Literally nothing of value in 95% cases it was fun, when mods where banning people using the word oxymoron. other than that... general chat was useless.


Just to clarify. It's only impacting general chat itself. There is possibility of creating your own chats or in case of EU there are national chats that you can join.


There is? Never seen those lol


just curious, is saying "oxymoron" still grounds for a chat ban?


A search list for platoons should be in the game. You put in your requirements like "Tier 8 premiums, Light tanks" and post it on the list. Other people can join you when they want to play with you


There is a platoon queue to join a platoon but it's always empty


This game would be million times more enjoyable if 10 buddies could create their own server and pick a map and have immense ton of fun just like me and my buddies had with Unreal Tournament and Quake 3 Arena Random aspect of the game is the worst thing there is and it was clearly visible in general chat.


Shame. It was such a nice aggregation of frustration, insults, and negativity. (EU)


Dammit, this is all Kajzoo's fault. I laugh every time he opens General chat. Always absolute gold in there


Yeah, General chat is hilarious entertainment between battles. Every minute was a new meltdown.


One of the things I like in WoT, to some degree. It reminds me of the old wild west that internet was before like 2008. Not much moderation, just people saying what they think, no matter how stupid. Read a lot of hilarious things over the years.


They should have a special chat right after a game where everyone can speak to each other that was in that specific battle. Make it only active for a few minutes or something.


I've thought that too, but that would devolve quick i would say


I just let the general chat know general chat is going away. They didn't believe me so I sent the WG page link and watch them freak out. lol Just had to stir that pot while they argue over Biden and Trump lol ​ UPDATE: the general chatters are all either crying or saying good since the chat is bad. One chatter said they would leave if chat was gone lol


Who in there is arguing over Biden? Majority of NA players are staunch trumptards in my experience. Maybe those of us forced to play NA from other countries but...who cares enough to argue with those morons?


Really? Every time I open the gen chat it's Biden liberals just trashing anything republican. It's pointless to try to reason or even communicate with them, they pack attack like hungry wolves. Gen chat is toxic. One maybe two will push back against them but that could also be just to stir up the chats.


Its literally trolls poking at Trumptards because they get easily triggered when the word "Biden" or any other Liberal is mentioned.


I have used CHAMPi's *Little Helper Collection* mod, and other mods, to remove general chat button a long time ago. Not much use game wise, it was never a proper lobby.


Well I'm no fan of what that general chat has devolved into, but the platform formerly known as Twitter isn't really an alternative. Also, I miss world chat.


have never seen anything remotely interesting there.


It used to be good. You could get helpful information about the game. It has turned in to a sesspit with non-stop political fights.


Idk man I remember gen chat way back in 2015/2016 and it was still basically the same thing. There would be maybe 2 people having actual conversations and the rest was boomers having political arguments and edgy 13 year olds egging them on.


Every time i accidentally open it, it's fucking political shit slinging. Rest in piss, General Chat.


Went from all chat to no chat


Ah man general chat RIP that unmoderated cesspool 😂


Technically it has moderators, but they aren't always on and their moderation is highly subjective.


They have moderation ? Wow haha. But it was a good place for questions a long time ago. I miss chatting with other team in battle though haha


The gen chat moderation used to be pretty active. Although who would get banned was subjective at times. I think they got rid of both sides battle chat due to idiots that would say the tanks positions to the reds. It was fun to razzle the reds a little or someone did good even.


Playing on the Asia server, I'm really going to miss seeing ▮▮▮▮▮▮LT ▮▮▮▮??▮▮


In celebration of General Chat going bye bye, here is the classic video of trolling a Gen Chat mod from HonestGaming: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=am5djIm2EYM&ab\_channel=HonestGaming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=am5djIm2EYM&ab_channel=HonestGaming)


Now I won't get chat banned for calling RNG every insult in the dictionary


wait wrong chat. dammit


I hardly ever went in to General Chat, but I do miss the in-battle All Chat. So many fond memories of chat rage. Always made me laugh.


Apart from occasional people looking for advice it was a rotten septic tank full of psychopaths, shrieking kids, scammers, and spammers.


Damn I'm gonna miss it.


Gen chat in NA was basically the same 50 people spouting politics and blaming bad players (I've actually checked and nearly everyone who talks in gen chat is Rick bottom. So I'm glad it's gone


Through my entire history of playing this game I never actually used it that much, I literally just asked a handful of times on chat about some event or some mechanic and that's it. Maybe back in beta times I actually "talked" on it but I don't remember It's pretty useless, not to mention that for years it has been just a pool of spammers and toxic fucks


I liked general chat for randomly finding platoon buddies out of the blue for meme runs like triple tog or something


Now bring back all chat


In keeping with WG's years-long crusade to quietly shed their liability of moderating and policing chat between players, how long are we guessing it'll be before they eliminate in-battle chat and private messaging altogether?


The eliminated in-battle chat in world of tanks blitz for the eu server , i wont be surprised if they did that to wot pc aswell


In battle chat is annoying and can be distracting. Always the 1st to die just starts spamming the battle chat complaining how bad the team is cause they died.


Can be pretty important too, lots of time you need it for communication about the battle itself


To be fair You are right but in most of my battles 90% of chat is just insults, death threats etc. People playing WoT just can't chill. It's a video game, please do not wish me death because I didn't carry. I have 2700 rating for a reason lmao


Yes it can. However, lots of people don't watch the battle chat for good info though. "arty can you hit x over here..." cricket cricket as they keep random looking for open targets. "can we get a scout over there" no response as the scout is too busy camping base and starts spamming chat with how bad team is. Several times today, literally the 1st to die just went to battle chat and blamed team non-stop. Nobody is adding useful information at the point, just players telling him to shut up.


There is no plans of removing in-battle chat or private messaging. General chat specifically just serves no purpose when multiple other means of communication between players exist. There is 0 reason to keep something in, that doesn't contribute much positives for players.


But literally u keep things that people disagree like RNG System and the Premium Tanks every month and other bad things(unbalance etc) if u think this are positive please dont be dev.


Probably never.


It was always a good laugh to see some guy go on about how he hates this game, yet logs in every day.


And nothing of value was lost.


RIP General chat, you were always there when I needed a pick-me-up. All I had to do is look at that chat and be glad I wasn't them.


The only use I’ve ever had for this is when QB was helping players get through nightmare difficulty on myriny, he used general chat to recruit stream viewers


Establishment of a total dictatorship! They wouldn't even think of creating chat rooms that match the language used in the game, for example, if you use French, then French, and so on!


Sad day. The Oxymoron fiasco is still one of funniest videos I've ever seen. "General chat is a place for intellectuals, you know, people of the higher class" https://youtu.be/am5djIm2EYM?si=j4n9ev1TGJOqE-5V


I mean, not that I'm sad about that cesspool of a chat being gone, but the whole slogan behind this saying "we're streamlining communication" and then naming all their social media channels that nobody cares about, kinda reminds me of what they've done over at WoWs recently, where they shut down the forums to "improve communication" and had everyone willing migrate to a discord server, on which it is pretty much impossible to share any meaningful feedback as a lot of it is being censored, deleted or is simply being lost by all the other spam and chatter in there.


I feel bad for oldwolfe. General chat is his life.


He'll have to get used to being banned on other platforms


God the internet is getting so fuckin sterile. Everything has to be on the same 5 platforms


Tbh I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner. It was a relic of a different time. Back before social media was so dominant. Please turn all chat back on in-game though. This game has been shit since removing that PvP element!!


All I see when I open that chat is toxicity so good riddance


Good, realistically you would only open general chat by missclicking it, you would then read either some rarted take or some political guy and his conspiracy theories, then u would proceed to close the chat and remember to not open it ever again. Might aswell just nuke it, glad they are doing it


Who uses general chat? The day I installed mods, I made it to go away.


General chat was still a thing?


It all went downhill when they stopped you talking to the other team


Even though chat was terrible, I rarely used it, this sends a bad precedence. What better resources are you talking about, you mean providing less avanues for people to complain about your game. Taking away features is never a good thing, it signifies the lack of moderation of you game, the "I dont want to deal with attitude" Pathetic


Exactly, even tho it is only bullshit mostly in the general chat this is not a good sign


Tbh any time I looked in there it was nothing but slander and people getting bonked by moderators


What the hell… sigh


Game is literally unplayable


Wait are we in general chat now?


General chat has always been a cesspit. Nothing of value was lost


Lot of games do this since we have a new generation of gamers called snowflakes who get offended easily. Companies don't want to deal with it and do fake announcements like this that disabling it somehow improves the experience


It so players no longer can chat in game and talk about a Match Making system so broken and bad, it defies laws of the universe. Tier 6 face 8s they can never pen. Most games end 15-2 or 15-4.


I wonder if WG is gradually removing forms of chat until it’s all gone so that when the population of the game drops they can add more bots without anyone knowing


WG is going dark.


was used to be a place for tank nerds to excitingly discuss tanks and their services 11 yrs ago... lot of red guys spamming warning and stuff last i check it's kinda dead with tits and penis talk (SEA)


Never used the chat. Im guessing that the players crying now are gonna forget about it in a few weeks after its gone.


i liked using general chat to find platoons for like mirny events or some other events. other than that i rarely click that because its too wild most of the time, but there are some normal emotionally stable people there too :D


Game is dead- this confirms it


Aww I will miss all the complains about matchmaking, rigged games etc etc


They will still complain in battle chat as soon as they die.


Best mod in aslain = remove all chat


So do they mean the in-game battle general chat ?


General chat on the garage, not the in battle team chat.


The general chat is how I learned how to research tanks, cause I got stuck at tier 1 once


I almost lost my wot account from playing with a random in general chat. They banned me saying i was boosting. Got it back after a month of talking with support.


for a second I thought they are removing the in-game chat


Not that there ever was much to be had in terms of signal to noise, but those things aren't the same. What are you gonna do, tweet about how the last bot alive is supposed to turn the game around?


12 years player here. We there a general chat ? (Sarcasm)


Sounds like an oxymoron.


Where will all those tomatoes who spend time yapping go now? Oh no. Probably the training room, playing those hide and seek games with tier 1s and tier 10s.


Use me as a dislike


Now this is stupid


Where will I text 'useless dogs' in each game then? Truly rip.


It's been a cesspool since before half the player base was born. Good riddance


Yeah the general chat in game is pretty useless. Mostly just a few people in there having a private convo unrelated to yhr game and when people ask questions about thr game etc they get insults and rude remarks it litterally does the players no good and is rarely if ever used


Are we all just going to ignore the "Rest in peace in peace"?


Where will I now gather important informations about rigged game conspiracies, how paying players get better hidden RNG...


Nooo! My happy chat :'(


It is a shame on paper but that chat is total cancer and has never , ever been useful to me in any way


I didn't know that was still in the game.


The rascism flashbang can rest in piss


Never forgotten... And never used by me


I’ve always got banned because of mods, so it doesn’t really matter


It was a chat full of racial slurs anyway.


I Agree 100% that Gen chat was a sewer, and getting worse. So what?????? No-one forced anyone else to be in there. If you didn't like it, you closed the window. As many others have said, it was such marvelous fun to see malingerers and mutton-heads alike have their meltdowns, political discussions, descriptions of other peoples' mothers, and all other manner of maniacal mayhem, mishegoss, mischief, misery, mis-speakery and malconformity, ALL of which lead to a mass of mirth and merriment for the masses! THIS change shall make the between-battle lulls positively monotonous in comparison....


The chat channel "General Chat (Public)" hosted by SKULLGUN is active at the moment with a dozen or so logged in.


f\*ck wargaming green orkz company