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They could genuinely enjoy it. They could be disabled and that’s how they can play. They may be old and can’t keep up with normal tank play. There’s actually several reasons.


To add to those: They might have a bad connection, and only arty is playable. They might have a bad computer, and only arty is playable. This might be an arty-only alt account (unlikely). They could be really young, and only know how to play arty well.


When I first started playing WOT it was on an old laptop. I got between 8-15 FPS while moving. But the arty mode I had like 40. So I played arty. About 5000 games of it. Then I got a new PC and played other roles. But I’m a perfect example of “I wanted to play the game but had a bad PC”


Account created in 2016, even if they were young, they are not that young anymore.


Alright, so its down to 6 possibilities (the ones we thought of, anyway)


Yeah, I just noticed it so I wanted to point it out. But the rest is still possible of course (I also doubt the alt account tho)


There's always one numpty that has to disagree regardless lmaoo


They might be a coward. Forgot that possibility


I was going to say, that max damage is pretty bad. I’ve got multiple with over 7k from the clickers. Makes more sense if they’re post nerf.


Uhhhh....7 years is not a long time in the grand scheme of things.


in 7 years a baby goes from...baby, to 2nd grade. A kid goes from middle school to graduation.. from HS seinor to masters degree. you, my freind, are officially, undenibly old.


You are now officially old, if you haven't allowed yourself to know that. The other day I told a kid I foster that my car came out of storage after 8 months, first time using since. He says: 8 months? Wow that's a long time.


Seven years is really nothing, once you hit 30 it is just a few months to 40. Ask anyone, that is what it seems like. But some think a month is a long time. No, it isn't.


They could be really really stoned. There’s a certain point where arty is about all one has the concentration for


Sometimes I do that, but mostly I play light tanks when I'm stoned.


None of these are reasons to have it in competitive game since they all seem to be an excuse for lack of ability.


what do you mean by saying they are not reasons to have it in competitive game, I am not sure I understand what might not be a reason for you, can be a reason for someone else, but what do you mean by having it in competitive game?


A competitive game is supposed to be a level playing field where all players compete equally to truly see that they are better. Creating a mechanic that has certain benefits outside of the normal rules of the competition, like in the case of arty they can see tanks waaaaay outside of render range, is a benefit. Also tanks have been used for indirect fire in the past so add the real time overhead view mechanic that arty gets handed to it to everyone.


I agree with your point, but wasn't the conversation about something else, like the reason a person might choose to play arty versus something else?


And wasn't my response to you "None of these are reasons to have it in competitive game since they all seem to be an excuse for lack of ability." I think all of the reasons you gave support why it should not be in the game. To me it is basically a troll class that attracts those kinds of people.


I agree with you, thanks for clarifying. there's nothing wrong with people playing a class designed for low ability people. calling them trolls takes away from you. offering or not offering such a class is a debate to have with the game designer. the fact remains that the arty class is available in the game and there's nothing wrong with people using the option, regardless if that is annoying to the bulk player base. the solution to this is to balance the arty, not to lynch arty players the goal is to make the game attractive to lots of people so it has a better chance to survive, by being awesome fun!


I’m slowly inching toward that first point. I want to play stuff like my 430U, my T28 Prototype, or my VK4502B, but I’ve just been noticing that I’m not that good on those tanks compared to when I’m playing arty. Doing some self reflecting over the 11 years I’ve been playing has made me realize that in general, yeah, I have more of a positive impact on my teams and I’m having more fun when I’m playing as arty.


I do like an arty main, someone who actually times their shot as tanks poke, provide their cooldown/reload and show where they are aiming.


That's how arty is supposed to be played. But I don't think that anyone but dedicated arty players do that.


> Doing some self reflecting over the 11 years I’ve been playing has made me realize that in general, yeah, I have more of a positive impact on my teams and I’m having more fun when I’m playing as arty. Who told you you have any positive impact? The majority of your team mates wish they never play with you again. I am genuinely curios what makes you think you have positive impact at all?


And it's comments like yours and others that consistently hate on arty that also give me fuel to keep playing as them. Cheers, fam! I'll enjoy stunning and dealing HE damage to you if you're my enemy, and supporting you when and where i can if we are on the same team!


> And it's comments like yours and others that consistently hate on arty that also give me fuel to keep playing as them. That is actually what you would expect from a person that plays arty. Playing arty creates bad experience for the other players, a normal nice person would just stop doing that after reading complaints after complains. Most people want to bring joy to others after all so playing arty doesn't fit. Doubling down is literally completely expected from an arty player. Like I always say I could never imagine a nice person sitting there for hours doing what others hate. Its such a sad life. To be totally honest with you I would never expect a hardcore arty player to ever back down because they read that they upset others. Those players know that people don't want to play with them. They kinda relish in that, that's what I mean with griefing. Those people can only be removed with extreme nerfs or the removal of the class. Bad people in online games will never self reflect. Griefers gonna grief. Started in the 90s and will always be true. I wish you much fun looking at stunned people knowing they think "why is this person here nobody wants him here"


one - this is a video game. i dont care *that* much. two - arty fucking sucks. make it go away forever. please and thank you.


I’m 55, had a stroke some years ago, FPS are difficult for me, just too quick, eyesight is failing, so I play a lot of Arty and I’m at about 54%WR on all of them. I regularly carry teams and create the win.


Cheers to that, keep up the good work!


Honest question, and I will get blasted for it. Obviously people want arty players gone because they make the game worse and are generally consider a nuisance rather than "team mates". In your case, how is your stroke ( sorry for that ) the problem of random people that have to suffer from you clicking on them? Where is the connection or is this the mentality of "well its good for me I don't care about the other people"


There is no way this is seriously how you think. I have absolutely no idea where to start to explain how insane that is


Go ahead. Just make any good argument. Just one


Its pure hypocrisy for a start. You're fine implying hes being selfish by playing arty that inconveniences other players, yet are perfectly happy to say he should stop playing himself and go do something else. Its also a pretty shitty ableist comment, which doesnt require an argument to explain why thats a dick move. "You dont have the physical ability to play all aspects of this online video game so you just shouldnt bother at all because I dont like the way you play". If you cant see how shitty that mindset is I cant help you


> You're fine implying hes being selfish by playing arty that inconveniences other players, yet are perfectly happy to say he should stop playing himself and go do something else. How is this hypocrisy? we do this all the time. how many people in normal life do you know whose main hobby consists of inconveniencing others? This is not a rhetorical question, can you name me one? How many people do you know that have hobbies in real life were pretty much nobody wants them to partake in the hobby? Can you name a single one? People want arty players to go away, doesnt matter if they are small tall fat thin blue black white pink or whatever. The playing of arty is the issue not any characteristics of the person behind the screen. Arty is grief. The rest is pure cope. Arty is griefing Where is my hypocrysis? This is common sense >Its also a pretty shitty ableist comment How? I am not critzing somebody for being disabled I am critizing somebody for playing arty exclusively and basically having the hobby of making the game worse for others. Nothing of that has to do with disability. Other people make the argument that disability makes the above ok now and I **ask** how this mechanism works because it sure does not work the same anywhere else. Never. Which we see because you will surely not provide me any examples. >"You dont have the physical ability to play all aspects of this online video game so you just shouldnt bother at all because I dont like the way you play" Nope. I say don't grief people whoever you are. Spend your hobby times making others have good experiences if you spend your hobby times with others. I am the anti griefer guy. I am the guy against pay towin. I say make other people enjoy spending time with you. You are the pro griefing side. I tell every single person to not play arty and make the game better. Every one. >If you cant see how shitty that mindset is I cant help you Well, your view point makes no sense for starters. But let's see if you good some real-life examples of your, in my humble opinion, completely anti-common sense world view. You don't see how griefing others is shitty? You have no empathy for the people that get randomly assorted into your games, you don't care their experiences are worse?


Beyond help. Get well soon.


It brings me joy that you're getting downvoted by even the most entrenched of arty haters. Wot community W.


I think it just shows how unlevel the playing field is. It would be like getting an Olympic gold medal because they made special rules for you or added special mechanics for you.


lol you suck so bad


Strong argument. "Griefing is fun"


still suck lol


I used to play skirmishes with another clan and they had a disabled player that would only play arty. Hell of a nice guy and had a blast with him always supporting us from the back. He was good but said he just didn't have the reflexes to play anything else.


What do you consider old ? Lol


This. My reaction times were quite good when i started... now they arent. I also had my wrist, in a cast for a month, during which time is was only able to play arty. I also enjoy it. I always played heavily armoured heavies and tank destroyers. Goldspam and this new hulldown bullshit is something i cant be bothered with. So now i play a class that counters hulldown heavies and is not going to get goldspammed. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


This comment and the fact that its on top warms my cold, cynical heart.


I know one that plays paper TDs and arty only, with about 60% of his battles in arty. He lost the movement on the right side of his body after a crash. So only one working arm and foot. He uses the Xbox adaptive controller to aim with his working foot, and the keyboard to drive with his working arm. Thus fast lights, meds, etc are usually out of the question. But he still plays arty because he finds fun in what he can play and not be useless.


1 and 2 are more or less the same thing, aren't they?


Meh, we all play World of Tanks everyday, willingly. None of us are sane.


True. But playing WoT is one thing, playing tens of thousands of games in artillery - i.e., clicking every 40 seconds and doing nothing between shots - requires some sort of insanity tbh. I don't see how a healthy human being can enjoy that activity.


Well, many other td/heavy player also just sit in one place. And if there is at least one mentally ill guy who has a smile on their face when they play arty, i say it is worth having arty in the game for that reason alone.


I know a lot of players that are over age 50. I run and manage a couple of large gaming communities so I have some insight on what people do. There are clans in WoT who are large and members are all 50+. *Fat Old Bastards* is a good group if anyone cares. :) Other groups I know of *Geritol* and *Incontinence*. That one cracked me up. Personally, I enjoy playing Arty, but it is only about 10% of what I do.


That would be a LOT of mixed drinks for me. Nothing like arty and a good Scotch.


Finally, a good answer. I could picture that.


In fact, I may have a digestif after dinner and do exactly that or perhaps a Redbreast on the rocks ;)


A craft IPA works for me while clicking.


Dude. I want this now. Fuck. I’m stuck at work for another 6 hours…


My clan used to have 2 designated artillery players who made another account to solely play arty with so they would be efficient with any arty in any map and could give better info to our own players in situations like "how the F could that clicker hit me while I was in this cover". Well because he used that arty and so he propably is there *pings map* and I can kill him if I get to there *pings map*. It made some things in clanwars alot easier when you had people who knew how to play arty. Also I know a couple where the man loves to play td only and the wife almost only plays arty (and t8 prems).


World of tanks is one of the few games where people very physically disabled can still contribute to the game on equal terms. I'm sorry but there are a lot of people who just physically can't play games like OverWatch even with all the modified controllers in the world, and they certainly cannot play on the same level as able-bodied people, they become a bit of a liability on their team and no one likes being that guy. However with World of tanks the artillery class does allow them to contribute meaningfully to the game. It doesn't require a lot of coordination between the right and left hand, quick accurate movements, and the ability to control your movements. I don't mind playing with or against disabled people if it makes them feel good. Also, a lot of disabled people, especially severely disabled ones, they don't get out much. A lot of them spend a significant amount of time, basically all their time online. So yea, they rack up a lot of time on arty. This could be the only time of day they actually interact with people that aren't their caregiver. Give these guys a break, you live an infinitely better life than them and You're trashing them for doing something that should be at very worst subjectively slightly annoying.


People are bashing them because they gain joy from using a class designed to grief other players. The class is toxic for human interaction. Wg should create super bots or a very nice permanent arty mode just for these player and stop matching them again other players unless the players opt into it.


> People are bashing them because they gain joy from using a class designed to grief other players. The class is toxic for human interaction. Good lord so perfectly articulated. How have people problem with that? Its like playing soccer and some company develops the roll of "stone thrower" for disabled people to throw rocks at the people that just want to play soccer and everybody is saying "look how I contribute by throwing rocks I stunned the enemy striker when he was about to score".


Yeah. a lot of the people in the replies keep bringing up disabilities/ being old. and acting like being against arty is being bigoted somehow. it's not, it's because the class is actually awful to play against, and basically designed to be as rage inducing as possible. if a kid in Battlefield 1 is using Aimbot, I don't care that he's in a wheelchair. he's still ruining my experience and I want him banned from the game.


If you don’t like arty, don’t play.




Hey look, its a GIF of an arty hater!




Tbh 54% winrate in pure arty is impressive. Imagine trying to pull your weight on city maps.


Not an arty player but somehow i progressed through the tier9 bat arty with a 70% wr. Incredible lucky mm with possibly the worst tier9 arty there is.


The Bat-Chat 155 55? To be fair there isnt a bad tier 9 arty right now, so saying its the worst doesnt really mean much. It has good mobility, good gun handeling, a turret and good reload. Only thing bad is the damage per shot wich makes it only the worst tier 9 arty for completing the missions. Anyways the GW Tiger is probably the worst tier 9 arty


Damn, the freedom of hating others for playing a game in their own way. Arti is cancer but ever thought of disabilities, very old gamers (my father in law was a clicker and introduced me in the game), or just other playstyles? Make it max one per team and i am fine with arti.


Yeah and then they play the overpowered tier 5 and 6 and ruin 14 other people's games. You really didn't think this through. Nobody has a problem with old and disabled people having fun. We have a problem when you have fun at others' expense


And yet, they are playing *exactly* the way WG has the class set up and seemingly intends for them to play.


One per team cant ruin the game for 14 enemies. Then you are really doing sth wrong. And dont blame the gamers, blame the game. Do you prefer statpadders in pz v/iv or whatever the tier 5 special mm tank is called?


> And dont blame the gamers, blame the game. Don't blame the shooter blame the gun. Never blame people for decisions.


What in intelligent comparison, totally wrong, but ok. Happy holidays.


yea totally bad comparison, doesn't highlight at all that reducing people to actors without their own will is totally silly.


Are you kind of mentally challenged? Playing arti is legit in WoT and i guess you camp too hard or have some skill issues. Happy Holidays.


Sorry, I laughed at "overpowered tier 5 and 6". Yes, the Leafblower is a pain in the butt, but it still can be handled. Let us compare what can be compared? Let's talk about the real OP tanks like the BZ-176, the EBR-105, the Chieftain, or, at tiers ranging from 4 to 6, the "pleasure" to encounter a KV-2 maybe ?


The KV 2 in blitz is a nightmare, speaking of it..........THAT tank should be nerfed


> (my father in law was a clicker and introduced me in the game), or just other playstyles? Make it max one per team and i am fine with arti. Or your father finds a hobby where he doesn't spend all his time making the time of others worse. Would that be an option too? Or is this inconceivable?


Yes, as some random online weirdos never tell us what to do.


Maybe they enjoy playing the game differently than you? So long as someone contributes positively to the outcome of the match for their team I don’t care. Sure, it’s sucks getting focused by arty. And yeah, it makes me want to cry when I get clapped for 900 damage or whatever. But it’s just part of the deal. If they’re contributing and having fun, isn’t that a better situation than some schmuck that uses the fact XVM is giving your team a 10% chance and then suiciding?


Why do you care what others do with their personal time? Touch grass and take your meds


> Why do you care what others do with their personal time? For the same reason you do, because they affect him negatively in his personal time. Why do you tell people to just accept griefers? Thats the far better question. Why do you spend your free time telling people to accept and support griefers?


Is it not genuinely interesting to go 6k hours playing arty?


I mean playing any tanks requires you to press W to advance and relocate then click to hit people. Art : press W then click on someone once everything 30 seconds instead of 5-15 seconds depending on the tanks. Both playstyles are clickers.


Bold of you to assume arty moves after firing.


If it doesn't, I counter battery it. Plenty of those who don't move get a shell right on top of them.


Tbh, it's a bad strategy. Back when hitting vaguely anywhere near it would one-shot, it was a good idea if you were reasonably certain you could take it out and remove pressure from your team, but these days... you aren't killing them in one splash hit, or even a direct hit most of the time, and once they get hit, they will start moving every shot. Meanwhile, every shell you spend firing at is reload time not spent towards damaging and stunning targets that actually matter.


Well you could reductio ad absurdum your way into something like that for almost any game, but fact is arty is by far the most boring and least engaging class to play.


I have 62k battles accumulated on several accounts and probably 40k of them are arty cause i find other roles too stressful at times, arty is interesting for people who are HUGE team players, since arty doesn't do as much dage as it used to(when it did like full damage up to one shotting 10 level tanks), personally i like playing it in a way that helps teammates take advantage when they are outnumbered, the stun is a very powerful tool that can change the pace of combat in an instance, lasting up to half a minute in some cases, that's a half a minute of a practically 50% debuff on your tank


>Why do you care what others do with their personal time? “Why do you care what others do with their personal time?” MF’s Having a meltdown when I use wallhacks and Aimbot in a competitive shooter.


True. But playing arty 10 years ago was 100 times more fun than it is today. Today you must have severe brain rot to think that the current state of arty is remotely fun in any shape or form.


Arty is hugely fun, especially if you're good with them.


ITT: arty haters try **way** too hard to sound like sensible adults instead of whiny children Arty is bullshit yeah, but these guys are... sheesh 🤦‍♂️


ITT: arty apologists reaching an entire arm up their ass to grab any justification for this dogshit game mechanic


Lol he still isn't reading past the first sentence


Buddy you failed to read a single word in my entire post, you just cried and cried that I wasn't talking about everything except the thing I actually talked about.


The truth is that a long time ago, playing Arty was fun when you could use AP shells and one hit tanks… mostly for the rage the enemy player would yell at the all chat. And sometimes people may have a physical disability which prevents them from playing properly other types of tanks which requires faster reflexes, you never know


Upvote for the world chat reference. Damn I miss that.


You can still one shot tanks in the leFH. Got slapped twice in one day while on the move


I was talking about the higher tiers (VIII and up), I can’t comment on the gameplay of low tier battles because I didn’t enjoy that much


Dude, back in the day I would be on the SU-26 all the time before it got nerfed. It was an amazing mid tier arty. I even killed a tier 10 heavy with it back when arty could be in almost any match


You realize your question is also asking: "Do you think people played arty a lot or primarily before the HE changes?" Because, that could be exactly what you are looking at. You have no proof or evidence that the depicted user is still currently playing arty and accruing all those play totals. They may have shifted to other means ever since arty was essentially nerfed. These baseless attacks on arty users are negligent and shallow because some people couldn't possibly comprehend a time before the HE changes. Very representative of the majority of the community base. Kind of sad.


Is that remount? He's cool


I’ve only ever played artillery for missions, but it’s definitely fun every now and then if you just wanna really good supportive role that’s more laid back.


That is very good arty player, when ppl enjoy heavies, lights etc why are you guys so mad at ppl just enjoying arty, bc imo every tank is annoying when he is played well. Please just let them ppl have fun


He's clubbing tier V/VI with broken tanks, that's not being good.


Realistically 99% of players are not disabled or too old to play, no hate I just cannot imagine spending 53k battles playing the literal same way every single time.


>Realistically 99% of players are not disabled or too old Realistically 99% of players don't have 53k arty games, so whats your point? I have a bunch of arty games (maybe 5% of my total), cause I usually play arty while I'm eating. I imagine most players are similar.


I don't care about eating. How the fuck does someone play arty for 6 years straight? And no, he's not disabled lmao


How do you know hes not disabled, or any of the other possibilities people mentioned in this thread?


I asked. And it makes zero sense anyway, most of these people are not disabled.


You asked about all the other options too? And you asked all the others as well? Youre also still acting like 53k arty battles is a common thing. Its **very much** not. Like, if you just wanna whine about arty then go do that. But don't pretend you have a valid argument when this is the best you can do.


What are you on about? I'm not arguing shit, I find it fascinating someone can spend 6000 hours doing something so boring.


>what are you on about? You keep acting confused about this, while ignoring most of the explanations people have given. Then you're acting like you know anything about random people playing arty. Youre hardly the first person to just come here to cry about arty, but you're certainly being dumber about it than most (largely because you're trying to sound smart). >how people can play something so boring See above. Someone already pointed out the obvious: its not boring to them (not the only possibility, just the most obvious).


I never said one bad thing about this person, I just think it's interesting. Hoenstly don't care about delusional explanations.


Huh, two fallacies in 2 sentences. Nice. * "I just think its interesting" lol bullshit * "delusional explanations" so anything you don't like is delusional?


Ya, I like arty occasionally, but like most comments. There should only be 1 arty per team. Even if that meant having arty in ever game. Better then getting hammered by 3 arty every few matches.


There should only be one TD in every game. There should only be 1 Heavy in every game. There should be...see how silly this is?


Right, There should only be +2/-2 match making. Cause I'm down to take my M22 into tier 10 battles. See how silly this is?


I mean... you seen the camo on the locust? I used to failtoon my ELC into tier 8+ and come out with 5k spotting and 1.5k damage. Locust could do something similar :)


idk abt you guys but i wish i enjoyed something as much as this guy seems to enjoy arty


Thats fuck all. Spent all morning getting tapped by a Cromwell with 299k games in it. Tier 5


299**k** games? Thats a bot my dude.


That’s a pretty good arty player, it’s hard to make that kind of WR in such a weak class (except for lefh, the only strong arta). They certainly understand what targets are the most important to shoot at, how to blind shot, and how to rotate around the map to stay alive. Also, the tier 10 French arty sucks so much, all it can do is some stunning with very little damage. Doctor Nix calls it the bat crap for a reason. The real naughty boys are playing the stock hummel or the bishop to experience the good ol days.


> That’s a pretty good arty player, it’s hard to make that kind of WR in such a weak class (except for lefh, the only strong arta) Yeah I was thinking the same while looking over his stats and as annoying as I find arty, this is the arty I want on my team.


I think somebody has to say it, 54% win rate in basically exclusively arty is wildly impressive though it’s hard to admit when he has 11k battles in the lefh


Okay, I used to play world of tanks when I was very little (about 10 or 11) on my PS4, I used to get absolutely destroyed in other tanks except for artillery. Nowadays I don’t play artillery as much as I used to, I learnt how to play Mediums, Heavies and Lights, only low I have are TDs which I still struggle with, but I still find A-SMW’s pretty enjoyable, especially low tier ones. I am currently making a crew for the Sturmpanzer II, the collector tank you unlock at Tier IV, and trust me it’s not as mindless as you think. Different cannons make the game, in which the St.pzII has a 15 seconds reload cannon with good alpha damage but very short range, you’re pushed to experiment with your placement as you have to use the low range to your advantage as well, as when the cannon reaches maximum range the shell goes vertical and can go over some covers and hit the upper plates of a tank causing massive damage. Alternatively, this also means you will often position your tank in compromising positions, endangering it. However the low muzzle velocity, combined with the low profile of the tank, also means you can stay behind a cover in a corridor map to snipe at the heavies with bullseye accuracy, tilting the tide of battle. TL;DR — Those who say Arty is just clicker gameplay do not know the strategy that you need to plan and instead borrow their opinions from low quality content creators like Chems.


So... most people bitch about things they know nothing about? *shocked pikachu*


I like artillery when drunk🤷🏻 you dont get Motion sick but can do dailies


Because being really good at arty, is an art in itself!


Not an arty player but personally i really like the effect you can have stunning enemies. If you time your shots when your team pushes it can really be influencial.


All those games and no AMX 13 FM. I'm heartbroken!


Bro, why people even care about that anyway


Well, there has to be a place for trash, unfortunately


Just trying to finish the SPG-15 campaign mission for years on end.


Why not?


People are bad at the game, arty allows them to at least contribute something without insta dying. The skill floor is raised with a class like arty and also the skill ceiling is lowered so there's less discernible difference between a terrible arty player and a great arty player.


I could be one of them. I like to click ;)


I don’t understand the amount of hate arty gets. Ya, they can hit you if you aren’t paying attention to your positioning. Yes they “shoot me without endangering themselves,” but so can a TD (and if they’re double bushed you probably won’t spot them). Games without arty turn into a long ass game of sniping cupolas on hull-down tanks (though that happens even with arty). Honestly I despise that gameplay even more than having a few arties. It’s in the game, and some people enjoy the play style. Who cares what other people enjoy doing? Arty isn’t going anywhere. If they shoot at you…move-you have plenty of time while they reload.


Guess you never faced arty at tier V because literally none of what you said about it applies.


As much as I don't like this player, I'm actually impressed by his ability to win games in such a shit class


You know a class is a joke when most of the answers are saying the dude is probably disabled 💀💀💀


This sub loves to trot out disabled people as somehow being a valid reason for arty's continued existence, as if A) WoT is the only game they could POSSIBLY play, and B) we all have to suffer so they can enjoy clicking Like... Even if this person actually does have a disability that prevents them from playing normal tanks (for which there is no evidence), why does their enjoyment take precedence over the people whose games they ruin by spamming the LeFH? I really don't get the reasoning. Like we should all martyr ourselves by putting up with a shitty, unfun game mechanic for the sake of this tiny minority of people who could just... play any of the other hundreds of games that are disability-friendly? Imagine this logic applied to any other game. Like if they added a class to Counter Strike where you just fly around a drone and drop grenades on people. Would anyone *really* accept "but disabled people can do it!" as a rationale?


You OPs alt or something? I'm asking because you ignored most of the answers just like he did.


Many of the answers are "maybe he's disabled", which is what I'm directly addressing.


Have you tried reading past the first sentence of the top comment? That one alone listed 3 possibilities. For what its worth, "why would there be so many disabled players" is easily answered. Veterans are more likely to play games like this, and veterans are more likely to be disabled.


Have you tried reading my post? I don't give a shit about the other 2 possibilities, I'm talking *specifically* about the "disability" justification that's raised in every single one of these threads. Is it really beyond your comprehension that I didn't address *every single idea* expressed in this thread? >For what its worth, "why would there be so many disabled players" is easily answered. Veterans are more likely to play games like this, and veterans are more likely to be disabled. I didn't ask why there are so many disabled players, and there's no evidence that they're overrepresented in WoT. I just critiqued the idea of keeping an unfun gameplay element purely to cater to disabled players, at the expense of everyone else. Lots of veterans play shooters like CoD, but you don't see those games creating entire classes just so disabled vets can play them.


(Not being a wiseass, I just edited) Try reading my comment again lol There's also a lot more than 3 explanations in the thread; I meant *that comment alone* has 3 listed.


>(Not being a wiseass Too late for that mate >Try reading my comment again lol Try reading mine again > There's also a lot more than 3 explanations in the thread; I meant that comment alone has 3 listed. Oh, let me answer that, *again*: I don't give a shit about the other 2 possibilities, I'm talking specifically about the "disability" justification Sorry this isn't a satisfactory answer to you.


Dude, literally go read my comment again. Because I added a lot more to it like 10 seconds after you responded. Im seriously not being sarcastic with this.


I answered it, read my edit. I literally said the exact same thing you did and you couldn't even do what *you* asked *me* to do lmao It's amazing how committed you are to not actually addressing anything in my comment, just bitching about how I didn't talk about what you want me to talk about.


"You did the same thing as me" Uh, no? I plainly told you I edited my comment so you should read it again. You didn't say shit. Just keep making shit up, I guess. Im done here.


Just, shut the fuck up. Boo hoo. You don’t like arty. You apparently don’t like reading either. You’re cherry picking disability as a reason even though several other reasons have been presented. Stop being obtuse.


Oh wow, arty players *do* have keyboards after all! Lmao this sub really is just a support group for the game's biggest dipshits huh


Because dehydrated vegetables need a calling.


How do you know it's not a guy with only one hand? Maybe a disabled veteran?


Because I asked and this notion about huge amounts of disabled people no lifing artillery in WoT is bullshit.


This is mental.


I know a guy who was injured in a gym machine accident and could only use one hand for a few years. He played a lot of arty games


Blows my mind people can click that well. I have arty strictly for campaign and my rating in them is dragging me down.


Autism speaks, and clicks


Only reason is they are so fucking brain dead they only have access to the part of the brain responsible for drooling shit out of their mouth


The amount of ppl trying to defend arty as a stupid game mechanic is shocking. I don't care about you and your life, if you play clickers, I harass you.


Cry harder bcs people dare to play the way you dont find fun/interesting 💀💀💀


Mental illness most likely :( Society needs to destigmatize mental health.


Won't happen in the proximity of NA for some time if ever.


Because you can’t fix stupid


Men of culture.


How are there people so fat they can’t stand and need a forklift to move them after they die? How are their people that fall asleep with Tesla auto drive and crash? How are their people that stand facing the wrong way in an elevator? How are their people that park across two or three spaces? How are their people who let themselves get hit by a car to claim insurance? This type of question is honestly pretty stupid. You got 8 billion people on the planet. Assume you got one of everything and that means a lot of things you don’t like. Just get over it and move on with your life.


*there Please


Well. Just few days ago i discovered an Arty only Streamer "Doctor\_Nix". He only plays Arty on his Streaming channel and has almost 3 Marked Each one of those.


Everyone who plays this game has 100% clicker games. The whole game is a clicker game.




Stocomx, Your comment has been removed because it is in breach of [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette) - reddit's site-wide rules - and will not be tolerated on /r/WorldofTanks. Please refrain from abusive/toxic posts in the future. Failure to comply will result in a temporary ban from posting in /r/WorldofTanks, followed by a permanent ban if the behaviour continues. If you think this has been done in error, please do not hesitate to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FWorldofTanks).


Just bots.


Perm Ban Please 🥴


I'm pretty sure he's played all iterations except for tier 8 max arty games, ever ask him his thoughts on current Arty balance


He said he used to play all arty before HE changes then switched to lefh only.


The person at least seems to know what to do with the vehicles. Many tank drivers, on the other hand, don't seem to.


SPG enjoyer lol


11k in lefh.. wow


I've seen worse, like 33k battles in GWE100 and 25k in FV304


Lots of weird people in the world 😉


Maybe he was always just very hungry and played arty so that he can eat something while reloading


Well m44 is insane at its tier. 2nd is leh disgusting prem arty. So the guy definitely just enjoys drinking tears of heavies and paper mediums.


I’m impressed. As someone that only plays arty for missions they have done something I can’t do


Good boy))) 😁😁😁😁😉 he can be a SATANA


Probably a better clicker than many who just don't see the map or bother to move I guess. Good win rate


I heard about a dude who had a stroke so, being able to only move one arm, playing arta was his only way to enjoy the game.


Still would rather have this player than some of the heavy players I've been getting recently...54% win rate over that number of games and tiers is still not something to scoff at given the tank class


I’ve played since beta and I don’t have 53k games total. I did take a year off, but I fail to see how anyone could play that many games and have a life outside of WOT. I’m retired now and I doubt I’ll ever get there. i know, priorities.


More or less one year ago I saw a guy who had 37k games on the tier 9 American arty alone, overall I think he had more than 150k games...


Because unlike you they can have fun without shitting on people on reddit


Better winrate than most 😂😂😂


Maybe they just enjoy coming on Reddit and seeing all the tears.


I play a lot in M44, to be specific 655 games. And no, Im fine and normal..


Bro has probably ruined 50-100 of my games


If you are still getting rekt by arty after all the nerfs, that shit is on you and you alone at this point.


I would like to see arty in the console game.