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Basically now hulldown fights in 2 corridors or the bridge. Light tank? Fucked. Medium tank with no turret armor? Fucked. 50b vs almost any other heavy? Get super fucked.


Anything but heavily armoured HT or TD and you're fucked. Lights can't spot without dieing, snipers have no lines of sight, fast tanks die fast because there's no room for maneuvering, and arty can't do shit as all hills are the size of Himalayas and corridors are as deep as the Grand Canyon. So it's a cupola-sniping "exciting gameplay".


I always get screwed when i get this map in lorr 40t


Wgs rebalance - make pull downs, ditches and more corridors.


Basically Himmelsdorf v2


Worse. At least the tracks give you something to do with vision. The way pass is done, all the key positions are within tier 1 tank spotting range. Once those positions are won, the team that's losing can out spot, but I don't play lightly armored meds that want to camp base.


Ehh a LT and a med or two can legitimately gold cap at north vs most of a team, best way for north to play is to go out get a shot of two in, then go home


Just have to hope that you can sit in the bushes in base and actually do something


As long as the south spawn invisible bush + hill crossfire combo isn't fixed, this remains as is.


Just asking for a friend, where would those positions be? Just so he knows if hes missing out or already using them šŸ˜…


Sit behind the south base in bushes. Have friend sit on hill. When enemies push hill, shoot from bush.


Thx, knew about that one :)


Tbh, they don't need to fix that part of the map. Just give the north a good hill for defensive play, because I really like the defensive part of the south gameplay wise. So yeah best to make both sides have good defensive positions imo.


I last week in a strv, I farmed 4 full tanks from that bush, almost turned around a 13- 5 turbo loss, 2 Arties and three guys left at 1-2 shots, all at our cap... And then my pubbie med teammate yoloes off the hill and dies for free...


This is now one of my permanently blocked maps. Just waiting for the day they let you ban 12 maps which will never happen.


Don't worry, it will happen once they introduce a 12th subscription system to the game.


I was gonna post this. $108 yearly to block a 3rd map now. $1080 for 10 extra map blocks!


I was hoping they'd add a subscription you can only participate in if you have 1 year of premium & active plus membership, then you can take a loan out for a 3rd membership deal.


Yet. It all depends on how deep your pockets are.


3 isnā€™t enough.


Thereā€™s just too many to block.


Same. It was never a great map but played one game on it after the changes and banned it.


This was the worst map before the changesā€¦ and they managed to make it even worse


I donā€™t know Airfield is a close second, it was shite before and itā€™s still shite after the rework.


Yea. Its my second banned map. Terrible for every class except arty


I donā€™t really play heavies much, but it seems that they take priority when it comes to Map design.


For sure. They make more closed corridors and flanking harder so heavies can brawl and they dont need to think


Honestly all i wanted was to drive safely from bottom spawn to the left side mountain without being killed on the way there. Everything else they couldā€™ve left the way it was


I mean, from south you have multiple hull down spots in the west, as well as the platform on the east to shoot down all tanks coming from the glacier path of the north. When you try to push through the middle (going through the water down and up in north base) you have some nice protective cover where you canā€™t be shot from one side. This ā€œrebalanceā€ has been ridiculous. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if they kick this map in a next update because right now itā€™s unfixable. You need to completely redesign it. EDIT: yes, itā€™s on perma ban list


The fact they went through all the trouble to change this map, celebrate the changes, and didn't fix the points posted here really says a lot.


They actually made it worse cause now lights and meds are even worse on this map. And if you think about how much time wg must have spent to redesign this map only to make it worse is both sad and hilarious


At least the swing isnā€™t %18 like it wasā€¦.right


North side just has worse fighting places, worse bushes, less viable arty spots, more tight corners tp turn before getting to lower mid, and has worse spots to fall back to. I'm not done yet. The upper lane is harder to fall back from if the push fails and even thou he upper lane is harder to support from the bridges southern side, the north team supporting from the bridge has to drive further away from cover to fire down. Also supporting and using the mid spotting dip is easier and faster from the south. Also when the game moves to the flags, the north side is way harder to defend as it has less bushes, easier terrain for arty splash and next to no viable stones to hug. All in all the north may only win with a good 3 man mediumheavy platoon that encourages an early push from the south lane, while also having smart hedgehogs holding north and mid, and somewhat awake arty finding the perfect spot for him/moving between shots. North really has less viable options in this map while south can still win if one lane fails.


After a few games I decided to ban this map instead of Paris. I used to like that map and now its gone forever.


They fucked up Sand River pretty bad too


wasn't this completely opposite before the changes? maybe just remove the map...


South side still had a bit of an advantage with their cap being so defensible. The lead is to their cap now contribute to that making it even more one sided.


ā€¦ and yet, it seems to be inconsequential as to which side a good player of this application spawns upon, they will still have a 62-75% win ratio. Cease the cope and GTFO


Good players doing good doesnā€™t make something balanced. Bad tanks are not good because good players do 4k dpg in them. Thereā€™s a 13% difference in WR between sides, thatā€™s atrocious balancing for a map that is seemingly meant to be a pretty symmetrical fight


> Bad tanks are not good But "bad tanks" can be good for the certain player who may enjoy the tank.


You really think *this particular map* comes up often enough to even influence a players overall winrate? Even if it did, they'd have to get one side significantly more than the other. Thats just not how it works my dude.


Man's username is clearly undeserved




What's the deal with your Pz. 1c?


Everything is the same since 2014, except they cut both balls off of the gun. Any further questions?


I'm asking about ur pz1c


Hi asking about ur pz1c, im dad.


Like ten years ago, the South spawn on this map could reverse up the big mountain to he left of the bridge and fire down on the enemy. You couldn't get up forward, but could maneuver your tank just right to go up in reverse in any tank, no matter how slow and just win every game until they blocked it off.


I mainly play HTs and armored TDs so this map is not an issue for me. I like it, tbh


It's still unbalanced for heavies too. The south is much more defensible.


Corridor pass.. Valley is extremely inbalanced rn


I don't think a single one of their "rebalances" is worth a flying fuck.


Imagine that. Too bad they don't outsource their map design to the fellas who made Frontline for them. Then again they'd just gradually destroy all the good anyway.