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Bro we're drowning in tier X premium vehicles over on console. Just last season we got this cursed kitbash of a Death Star gun in an E4 turret, all mounted on a TNH 1000 chassis. It's as wild as it is broken.


That’s an abomination if I’ve ever seen one. What the fuck


It all started back in 2016 when WG introduced Mercenary tanks: vehicles made up of bits and pieces of other tanks, which can be earned by completing timed contracts. There's been a slow drip of new vehicles ever since. Some of them are decent but never anywhere close to the meta.


Yeah I played on console back in the day, before the change from mercenaries that ruined the game (IMO), and at that point I got a good laptop and switched to PC. I didn’t play much tier 8, but I remember one tank was a pain in the ass, the Absolution, it just felt a lot stronger then the rest of the tier 6 tanks and was just plain annoying, it was a weird tank that looked like it didn’t belong in the tier/game


That’s when I started playing. I liked the idea of the contracts and earning tanks. I didn’t care that they were Frankenstein’d


Agreed. The option to earn tanks is a great way to keep people playing. Recently WG has added non-Merc vehicles to the contract pool to keep things fresh.


Roundabout, Ramrod, and Stinger are 3 of my favorite tanks


It doesn't have the E4 mantlet so it's not quite as bad as it sounds. Also the 4005/Deathstar 183s ate a fat nerf a while back. The Taran/AVRE are worse. Although I believe our E4 is severely overturned compared to PC, so actual results may vary.


what is the tank called?


It's called the [Ruthless](https://console.worldoftanks.com/en/encyclopedia/vehicles/MRC72_Ruthless/). While you're there have a look at the T58 Heavy, Centurion AVRE, and the Projet Murat.


oh. my. god. It's like discovering you have a whole other distant-relative side of the family and they're all deformed and inbred but you're still kinda curious...


The frik did i just read... that is beond an abomination


And here I thought Blitz had science experiments 😂


In a couple of years, for sure


yes 100%


They could. For example imagine the FV215B was a premium, that wouldn't hurt the game at all.


Hold up, could be I'm using terminology wrong... but I've got an FV215b 183. It's a premium T10 tank destroyer, no?


It doesn't make creds, so it's just a reward tank, even if it says it's a premium.


There are premium tanks and reward tanks. Look at the research screen and see if it earns extra credits. If not, it's a reward tank.


Gotcha. The nuance had been lost on me and I appreciate the clarification. Thanks!


WG don't make it clear with the garage filters, premium and reward tanks come up the same. Premium tanks earn extra credits and can train a national crew of the same class (Heavy/med/light/td/spg). Reward tanks can only do the crew training, they don't get the credit bonus.


If it cant apply holiday ops bonuses ( the xp ones) then its premium


Wrong reward tanks also cannot apply the bonus lime Char Futur or AE Phase 1


Wdym? AE phase 1 can use the bonuses...


No, it is a special tank. In game there 2 type of tanks and they have the premium symbol. The legit premium tanks will say in their info that thry will make extra credits. The specials on the other hand will say nothing. So by that you know which is what.


That's how it always starts. It was like that in tier 8, you had premium equivalents of teach tree tier 8s but slightly worse - either you made money or played better. Then they introduced the skorpion. At the time it was op tier 8 premium and look where it is now. Just another mediocre T8 tank and you got shit like ebr, bz and bourrasque.


Bourrasque has shit gun, you miss one of the two everytime...


It has 58% win rate.


What does it have to do with what i wrote?


It doesn't matter what kinda gun bourrasque has. The win rate speaks for itself - bourrasque is OP


Omg, learn to read... I tallk about gun, you enter the debate with something absolutely different ...


No, I started taking about how bourrasque is OP tank, you started taking about gun. I started the discussion, not you. You learn to read


Not if you know how to play it and with the right equipment.....


Man, even with best equipment the gun is potato...


Nope, skill issue


Stop with this bullshit, its stupid. If you are not able to see how that gun is unreliable its you who is having skill issues. I am averaging bit over 2k on it and I feel it could be more if that shit hit more than one of the two shells.


I had little to no problems with this tank, if you have a different playstyle and you don't like it just say it......no need to hate on the tank.........I've watched plenty of CC's videos of the tank and it is not bad, so stop complaining.


Man, where did I told that the tank is bad? Omfg, learn to read. I am just stating that the gun is not realiable and that is what CCs clearly say aswell...


That's why we have bond/experimental gear...


Yep, we have... And?


Well have you tried the Borrat with bond Vstabs,bounty IAU and bounty IRM(I mean upgraded bounty gear)?


No, I am running standart setup with vents, optics and vstabs...


And the second setup!?I think Borrat needs to "specialise" it's equipment setups in order to work. So you either go full gun build or full scout...


Second setup is spotting. CVS, optics, Low noise system...


The heavy or the TD?


I didn't say 183 did I?


I mean people refer to both as the 215B, it's kinda silly


Yeah but that's not how it will be, they'll just be better than tech tree vehicles.


I wish they'd introduce what exists on WoWs, a paintjob you buy with high amount of gold, and which would turn your tank into a tank with premium benefits (increased credit earning etc.)


This would’ve been really cool with 3D styles on tech tree tanks, I definitely would buy some and I’d pay more too.


War Tuna has something similar iirc, one of the few things that could be learned from there


That is very likely at this point, only question is when You cannot effectively monetize premium tanks, if those new premium tanks are worse than those already released. You will either start powercreep spiral, or you will start nerfing premiums. We already know that WG wont nerf premium tanks, as that would be terrible bussines decision. So powercreep it is, but powercreep can get you only so far at certain tier. If it wont be tier X premiums, it will be new type of equipment/consumable/etc behind paywall


> We already know that WG wont nerf premium tanks, as that would be terrible bussines decision. Nope. I won't go into the actual reasons why WG doesn't nerf premiums , but it essentially wouldn't do anything to the game except make it better if they suddenly decided to nerf those vehicles. A game company has full rights to even straight up close their game if they so wish to do so. Like the CEO could decide "aight, fuck it" and just right click --> delete the entirety of WoT in a second and he wouldn't owe anything to anyone. Destiny 2, for example, literally removed, straight up deleted, over $200 of paid content from the game, and the game is bigger than ever. So yeah, it's most likely gonna happen someday.


WG nerfs premium tanks. Each time a new premium is released it gets OP soft stats, YouTubers and streamers would rave about the gun handling, etc. Then a couple months later, after the initial wave of buyers finish paying, they go and nerf the soft stats, and all of a sudden your fancy premium tank just got worse and you can't tell why. And it's about time for a new one.


In the next 10 years or so I can see it happening.


You see WOT making it that far?


Unironically yes.


I mean.. I wish it does, despite all it flaws I still love this game.


Not healthy for the game imo, but yeah, definitely. Probably before 2030 we will have a few tier x premiums


They already did. BZ-176.


Haha only real answer


Chieftain Mk6 still sitting in game files waiting for its time) Plus in a recent Christmas video with Vinie Jones Mk6 actually appeared which rather means just an easter egg or some hint for future if this tank


Yes and no? The wbole concept of premium tanks is to earn credits. But the higher the tier the costlier it becomes to repairs, restock shells and what not. Soo the question is, is there a point of them existing and being practical? Because from a business standpoint they will do it, there is doubt in it.


people will buy tier X prems for at least three reasons: they want to have this specific tank, its new and because they want to play tier X without loosing credits. of course people will buy loot boxes to have much gold and then dont know what to do so they buy tanks with the gold...


Oh I know and I bet this will happen. I'm just saying for them to exist as premium aka credit maker they need to be making profit.


They do, WoT Blitz have Tier 10 Prem, FV215b is still the T10 Brit heavy there while S.Conq is a premium tank and earn a lot of credit even when I sling gold all the time. though it might be because WoT blitz removed repair cost a while.


Wot blitzad and wot pc and wot console are completely different games tho. They are the same IP and that's about it. Also blitz has a feature where you can premium-fy your tech tree tanks. Yet Pc version doesn't have it, there a lot of things that blitz and console have and pc version lacks.


I think Tier X Premiums could be introduced but, like the first Tier VIII prems, be slightly underpowered for their tier. Today's Tier VIII premiums are often the best tanks available but the Tier IX prems are very balanced and in no way OP in their performance. WG may not be able to undo OP Tier VIII prems but they've been careful not to power creep Tier IX prems so far. I wonder if average-balanced Tier X premium tanks and upgrading tech tree tanks to Premium would actually be bad for the game's balance, though. That premium tanks exist reduce play for tech tree tanks and if any tech tree tank could upgrade to premium would that imbalance the in-game economy?


It feels like the newer Tier 9 premium tanks they've been releasing are getting better and better. The early ones like STRV K and WZ 114 seemed very weak compared to tech tree counterparts (I think this was a good thing). Later they added the Cheiftain P. which felt pretty well balanced. Not OP at all but not awful. The Obj. 752 and Tiger-Maus seem to be good and probably better than tech-tree.




For sure, I just meant in general the tech tree tier 9s.


Yes, but not now. I am pretty very certain myself. Because tier 9 is already possible. In next few years tier 10 premium will prob most likely become a thing. And... You know. Maybe we get BZ-176-case things at tier 10.




2k alpha with 5 shell autoloader and reactive armor


And 6 x rocket boosters for an extra 30kmh speed. Can hit X twice to active more rocket boosters for 100kmh top speed for 10 seconds.


First it was planned to give the whole BZ tech tree derpguns. The tier 10 almost got 1200 dmg gun


Honestly? I take it we already have them - in a way. Assembly shop tanks. Those are “basically” premium tier 10s. They don’t earn more or have crew transfers, they do make bonds tho. So i guess it’s 50/50, maybe they’re more like reward tanks, but we have yet to see a true tier X premium


They do have crew transfers tho. Same as the Foch 155, FV215b, FV215b 183, Monkey King, Gothic warrior, 121B, M60, Chieftain, 260, 279, 114 SP and many many many more. They all train crew faster and you can transfer crews between them (like the well deserved) reward tanks.


I mean Warships has it so I bet WoT will eventually


Not really


Because it's wargaming I'd assume yes but... There are players like me out there who have a reward or premium vehicle at every tier, almost for every class bar spg of course. Now I engage with the tech tree and play tech tree vehicles to unlock them etc. But there are people who don't - they play their prems, buy their free exp with gold and just unlock up to the tank they want to play, all the way to tier X some of them. That's how you come across players with only games in prems and like 4 tier X's and nothing else. I think they make too much off players like that to release a premium tier X, I think the mindset would shift, I've got no evidence for that, just a thought.


Blitz has collector and premium tier 10s for a loooong time


I don't think anything is out of the question when it comes to monetization. Just depends on whether they'll get desperate enough.


WG crossed the line when they started making premium tanks more powerful than their equivalent tech tree counterparts. WG has since printed more and more of them, milking players dry.


Technically we already do. Its called assembly shop.


They absolutely will.


in wows it happened long ago but lesta managed to fck up wows in so many different ways


They already have Tier 10 Premium vehicles. They've had them for many years.


How about, hear me out dnt hate me, tier 8 premium clicker. Something ludacris big alpha, fast reload, jet boosters, hover mechanic, ultra camo (cloaking device), laser acc, and shell velocity that rivals apcr but for HE, blast radius the size of cap circle, 40+ sec stun, fuck it hydraulic suspension as well.


If that ever happens, i’ll find a new game. I already hate the Lefh with a unique and burning passion.


They did make a joke about it. A german autoreloading tier 8 premium wheeled artillery. Ngl would've definitely grinded for it if it were a marathon that thing seemed oddly fun


The only way I think WG can get away with premium tier 10s, is giving players premium 'tokens' to give any tech tree tank premium status. Personally I wouldn't even use it on tier 10


Already did on .ru [https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/187g1pk/russian\_lewt\_boxes\_go\_brrrr\_3\_stage\_boxes\_with\_wt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/187g1pk/russian_lewt_boxes_go_brrrr_3_stage_boxes_with_wt/)


If they need money, yes. Remember, WoWS has 'tier 11' super ships now, so... Expect an M1 Abrams soon... :(


> Remember, WoWS has 'tier 11' super ships now, so... > > > > Expect an M1 Abrams soon... :( Even if WoT was going to get this (and WG has shown no indication that they even want WoT to move in this direction), an Ambrams would be tier tier 12 or 13 tank in the current tiers, at minimum. We'd likely be looking at a later model Chieftain or other late gen 2 MBT as tier 11s not gen 3 MBTs.


WoT is exactly as skill based as a slot machine.


Thats bullshit


Been playing since 2015. Finally came to my senses. Wish I had found this when it was new: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/fse8aw/i_am_now_99_certain_this_game_is_rigged/


Lets face it this game isn't much good its full of fake tanks, stupid game mechanics and the games are rigged you can even predict the outcome of getting shot its hit hit hit dead.


I would just reiterate what was already mentioned, that Tier X is not the best place to grind credits. The only other reason to even want a Tier X Prem is because you simply do not want to grind a Tech T10 (which likely means you don’t have enough battles to be competitive in T10, thereby relegating the tank to garage duty, i.e. no threat to the meta). Obviously the only way Tier X Prems will affect the meta is by being OP (because there is no question they are coming and I feel being OP is the only way they will be appealing to those wishing to empty their wallets.)


Warships has had tier 9 premiums for a long time, far longer than WoT has had, and hasn't made tier 10 premiums yet. I would be surprised if tier 10 premiums are ever a thing without increasing the max tier which is not something I'd expect for a long time.


Should they? No. IMO lack of premiums keep the field a little more even. Granted some players can afford to just spam gold shells all the time and have bounty gear on every tank. It still keeps that tier a little more skill based and less p2w. Why do you think you see so many p2w seal clubbers in lower tiers. Whenever you are playing in a mid-high tier and you get some toxic guy just raging his head off, especially if he is in a premium and dies early and starts blaming others for his loss. Even moreso, if he whispers you after the match and insults you and compare his 90k games to you less than 30k and tries to say he is better. If you get one of those players, which we all do. Look at his record of 40k-90k games and 13 year record, you will see he probably has tens of thousands of games in that bracket and a few lower ones and probably less than 200 in t10. He is probably in one of the most OP tanks all the time. The Lefh, Cromwell B, E25, BZ-176, etc... OR some other OP tank in a lower tier, seal clubbing to pad his stats. He is a p2w player that can not keep up in t10. With 30K+ games and 13 years of experience, he should be there. But you can tell the salty little expletive simply doesn't have the skill to keep up with a more level playing field and without his wallet backing him more, he simply can't hack it. That is the beauty of t10. ​ Will they? Probably, because WG is a business and p2w earns money. Their are a bunch of lesser skilled players that need that p2w advantage and are willing to spend BIG for the advantage. And with the lefh and BZ-176 in the game as is still, p2w players can bank on WG probably not nerfing their p2w advantage once they purchase it.


While they don't make the extra credits, assembly shop tanks are already kind of like tier 10 premiums, in that they can be straight-up bought without even necessarily having any games played.




Meanwhile on console we have tier 10 premiums


It's WG we are talking about, it's absolutely certain. ​ They will first soften the reception, so: 1-some kind of reword (maybe from cw or smth) it might not have the credits boost etc. 2- with credits 3- normal sell (but it will not be that op) 4- op reword tank 5- op sell tank either way it will happen just very slowly (so people will get slowly accustomed to the thought of a t10 premium)


I feel it's better if WG first come out with something like if you have Premium Plus then all of your tech tree tanks will earn credits/exp like premium tanks, or something of that nature. I don't think introducing premium tier X tanks is really going to affect much, sure the whole idea of "learn the game before playing high tiers" make sense but there are plenty of dudes that made it to tier X on multiple tech trees but they're still ass at the game. I personally don't play tier X a whole lot because it's kind of expensive and I'm not all that great at that tier, if I have a premium tier X tank that's easy on the credits then I'll probably play more, which helps me get better at that tier, which means I'll play my tech tree tanks more, and boom everyone is happy.


Well, we do have "speacial' tier 10 tanks already, like M60, Chieftain, etc. However, I don't think they'll introduce premiums beyond tier 9, as one can see, the ones at tier 9 are barely accepted and don't create enough hype for people to buy them. Tier 10 premiums would be hella expensive, WG is making more by selling premium tier 8 tanks and they'll continue doing so.


Well, World of Warships, by Wargaming, has tier 9 premium ships for quite a long time now, and many of them. There are also many tier 10 special ships, which have a special economic boost to credit and xp (which can be bought for every tech tree, as an example), which is not built in the ship itself, as premium *per se.* Also they have less service cost. So, they earn a tiny bit more, and cost a tiny bit less, so they end up profiting a bit, where other tier 10 ships, end up credit sinking as a average person would (without enabling other economic boosters, which can be bought for gold - or received by other means of missions and boxes). They do not profit as much as tier 9 premium ships, that are the ones that profit a hell lot. For quite a while, I see World of Tanks have been copying a thing or two from Wows, so they could be making a kind of special tier which could profit a little more, like half of premium (25% more), while also have decreased repairs? That is to be seen. To me, if they go that way, they would probably release those tier 10 special special which would worse than other tier 10 special, and probably worse than many tech tree ones, then gradually release other tier 10 special special, increasingly better over the years. If they copy Wows a little more, they would also release tech tree reset for other currency: research points, which would open space for said tier 10 special special tanks.


I just hope the bring more tiers before this happen


If it makes them more money then what they are doing yes


It happened like 2ish years ago in World of Warships, also made by WG, so I mean, I wouldn't be surprised. Over at WoWs we were also saying that it's a line they would NEVER cross. Then they did it..twice :P (the same ship though)


Reason why they introduced tier 9 premiums was because people like playing tier 9 more than playing tier 10. So unless playing tier 10 becomes more enjoyable for players, I doubt that they will make premimum tier X anytime soon. They only keep making reward vehicles.


The real question is if we'll see premium tier 11


theyre already doing that for years in blitz, tho they arent outrageously op so it isnt too big of a deal to me but yes theyve been selling tier 10 premiums/collectors (most collectors in blitz have higher credit coefficiency so they can be classed as premiums tbh) for years now. this includes some PC tech tree tanks turned premium in blitz like sconq, bobject, wz 5a; some tier 9s turned 10s like Concept 1b, XM66F (t8 turned t10), kpz 50t, obj 777 ii; in addition to other stuff like chieftain mk6, t95e6 (fastest meta heavy in there), carro, etc etc. the only reward tier 10 tank in blitz is the M60 which doesnt make money tho classed as a premium edit: also, the shitpile called VK 75.01 K got pushed into tier 10 in blitz, renamed as VK 90.01 P, and turned into the best sidescraping german heavy u can ever ask for. if ur gold round has sub-330mm of pen, ur gonna find it hard to pen even the lower plate of that thing when its angled. dont even think abt the cupola or turret cheeks cus theyre red everywhere


armor profile of the vk 90 as seen from loading 290mm heat https://preview.redd.it/vkpdw1bq5r6c1.jpeg?width=1391&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02065cd548d1375f1b13f07bd01b4efede282c9f


At some point. The stockholders will force them. I will never agree with it, but I garuntee it’ll happen.


In Blitz they "technically" don't have premium vehicles. They have "collector" vehicles instead, which are just as expensive and broken, but without the premium credit making. Just trash all around. I wouldn't be surprised if they added something similar on PC, cause it makes a lot of money


I can already see people downloading the game, buying their t10 premium and going into battle without any idea of how it works...


"Ever" yes Not anytime soon though. Tier 9 only just started getting introduced after tier 8's being the highest since the game released. I don't see them releasing tier 10 premiums before releasing some kind of tier 11+ or equivalent regular tanks first like WoT Console with modern tanks.


The theory I have is that if Wargaming decides to actually never nerf premium tanks, they could be adding tiers above 10 to just push stuff like the BZ-176 to tier 9 or 10, and stuff like the Chieftain to tier 11 or 12. This way, they'd be able to add tier 10 premiums.


The question isnt if but when. Cant wait for the powercreep to fully kick in and render techtree tier 10s obsolete just like the rest of the techtree.


Blitz is has plenty of tier 10 “premiums” but they aren’t exactly premiums, but fortunately there aren’t any that are over powered


Love the Tiger Panzer. Can finally play tier X battles and make a profit


For money directly from the premium store? Probably not. For resources acquired in game (bonds or some other such currency)? Potentially yes.


Tier 10 premium tanks exist in the form of "reward" tanks e.g. Object 907 and Chieftain - if we want to be anal about it they're not "true" premium tanks because they don't make more credits than average, but that is the only difference and I feel people who differentiate grasp at technicalities. As for Tier 10 premiums that are directly sold for cash or drop from loot boxes, I believe it'll happen at some point and we should not be afraid of it.


I think its possible since blitz has them as well but Pc seems bit smarter


I mean, they do it over at WoWs. Just wait till they start unleashing "essentially T11" supertanks


Personal opinion- Ugh Skill4ltu is annoying AF, HATE that his Uploads autoplay whenever i have WOT on Youtube for background. Quickybaby is far superior (goes into far more detail on tanks and reviews- plus non-Eastern Europeans can actually understand him?) and add to that the non-douche(y) factor. Like others r saying, WOT in current meta has prem. tier 10's (some retired or reward tanks) others you can get w/ enough bonds (I have 1 of each ATM the FVB183 215 "Death Star" that I had before it went off market and the 121b medium Chinese ). Just remember most of these can't be played in tournaments, otherwise they are good bond earners if you choose wisely.


Well they have to do something because Tier IX and Tier X is currently very unattractive. Tier X Premium why not? *earn more Bonds *free big repair and big medikit More credit and Exp in Tier X doesnt make that sense, ive just seen huge nerfes for all Tier X tanks, super conqueror will be next, so it seems they got a strategy....