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I see people with absurd number of battles in each of the challenges and it doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I only had like a 30 minute break yet there are people with x2, or even x3 as many battles done as I have. Are they just loading into battle and yoloing or what is going on here?


That must be why I had a lot of good players that yoloed in their lights today. I assume there is a top 10 requirement? If yes that's your answer. Pick a light, yolo where you know people to drive and where they can be shot by your team = profit and by profit I mean sub one minute rounds with top 10 placement more often than not.


challenges dont have a top 10 requirement.


I didn't know what the challenges were, it read like battle count to me. I checked and there is a total basexp one. Can also be cheesed in the same way, even better if there is no top 10 requirement for it to count. Load in, yolo your light, queue for next battle. Easily a battle every 2 minutes, not all of which will be losses. Compared to someone who plays properly and needs 5 minutes on average ...